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Four independent genes encoding various variants of the hRPB11 subunit of Homo sapiens RNA polymerase II were revealed in human chromosome 7. Three genes (POLR2 J1, POLR2 J2, and POLR2 J3) form a cluster of total length of 214 530 bp in the genetic locus 7q22.1 on the long arm of chromosome 7 (contig NT_007933). The fourth gene (POLR2 J4, 31 040 bp) was localized in the cytogenetic locus 7p13 of the short arm of chromosome 7 (contig NT_007819). An analysis enabled us to refine dissimilar experimental data on the mapping of the hRPB11 subunit gene on chromosome 7. In particular, the presence of three sites of its localization according to data on hybridization with fluorescent-labeled probes (the FISH method) was explained. It was established that, upon the expression of the four human POLR2 J genes, at least 14 types of mature mRNAs encoding somewhat differing hRPB11 isoforms can be synthesized. Eleven of these mRNAs were revealed (as full-length copies or clearly identifiable fragments) in the available databases of expressed sequence tags and cDNAs. The most probable scheme of origination of the multiple genes of the POLR2 J family as a result of three consecutive segmented duplications increasing in size was proposed and substantiated. On the basis of the scheme, some assumptions on the pathways of evolution of separate human genes and the mechanisms of generation of protein diversity in higher eukaryotes were made.  相似文献   

Olivier M  Wang X  Cole R  Gau B  Kim J  Rubin EM  Pennacchio LA 《Genomics》2004,83(5):912-923
Members of the apolipoprotein gene cluster (APOA1/C3/A4/A5) on human chromosome 11q23 play an important role in lipid metabolism. Polymorphisms in both APOA5 and APOC3 are strongly associated with plasma triglyceride concentrations. The close genomic locations of these two genes as well as their functional similarity have hindered efforts to define whether each gene independently influences human triglyceride concentrations. In this study, we examined the linkage disequilibrium and haplotype structure of 49 SNPs in a 150-kb region spanning the gene cluster. We identified a total of five common APOA5 haplotypes with a frequency of greater than 8% in samples of northern European origin. The APOA5 haplotype block did not extend past the 7 SNPs in the gene and was separated from the other apolipoprotein gene in the cluster by a region of significantly increased recombination. Furthermore, one previously identified triglyceride risk haplotype of APOA5 (APOA5*3) showed no association with three APOC3 SNPs previously associated with triglyceride concentrations, in contrast to the other risk haplotype (APOA5*2), which was associated with all three minor APOC3 SNP alleles. These results highlight the complex genetic relationship between APOA5 and APOC3 and support the notion that APOA5 represents an independent risk gene affecting plasma triglyceride concentrations in humans.  相似文献   

An earlier study of human globin gene polymorphism in two Adriatic islands of Olib and Silba showed an abnormal arrangement of alpha-globin genes in two different individuals. The next step was to determine the degree of the kinship relationship between the two probands, one with a deleted and another with triplicated alpha-globin gene on the island Silba, and to determine the stability of this disorder through generations. We reviewed the parish registers (Status Animarum) of the island of Silba, dating from the year 1527, and constructed family trees for the two probands. Restriction endonuclease mapping was performed to study the arrangement of the alpha-globin genes in the offspring of our probands. A total of 183 ancestors completed the two family trees. The kinship relationship between them was established in the 5th, 6th, and 7th generation. The analysis of alpha-globin genes in the offspring of our probands showed the triplicated alpha-globin genes in two persons. We also found alpha-globin gene triplication in other three relatives. We did not find any deleted alpha-globin genes. We determined the kinship relationship between the two probands, one with deleted and the other with triplicated alpha-globin genes. This finding enabled us to determine the stability of this gene disarrangement through generations. It also showed new possibilities in anthropogenetic research, by combining the analyses of parish registers with those of modern genetic methods, such as restriction endonuclease mapping.  相似文献   

Eosinophil peroxidase (EPX) is one of a family of mammalian peroxidases that includes myeloperoxidase (MPO), lactoperoxidase (LPO), and thyroid peroxidase (TPO). Here we show that the human EPX gene maps to chromosome 17q23.1, which localizes 34 kb from the LPO and MPO genes. Our results demonstrate that the EPX, LPO, and MPO genes form a cluster on human chromosome 17.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized the gene encoding human transglutaminase (TG)(X) (TGM5) and mapped it to the 15q15.2 region of chromosome 15 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The gene consists of 13 exons separated by 12 introns and spans about 35 kilobases. Further sequence analysis and mapping showed that this locus contained three transglutaminase genes arranged in tandem: EPB42 (band 4.2 protein), TGM5, and a novel gene (TGM7). A full-length cDNA for the novel transglutaminase (TG(Z)) was obtained by anchored polymerase chain reaction. The deduced amino acid sequence encoded a protein with 710 amino acids and a molecular mass of 80 kDa. Northern blotting showed that the three genes are differentially expressed in human tissues. Band 4.2 protein expression was associated with hematopoiesis, whereas TG(X) and TG(Z) showed widespread expression in different tissues. Interestingly, the chromosomal segment containing the human TGM5, TGM7, and EPB42 genes and the segment containing the genes encoding TG(C),TG(E), and another novel gene (TGM6) on chromosome 20q11 are in mouse all found on distal chromosome 2 as determined by radiation hybrid mapping. This finding suggests that in evolution these six genes arose from local duplication of a single gene and subsequent redistribution to two distinct chromosomes in the human genome.  相似文献   

Glucuronidation is a major pathway of androgen metabolism and is catalyzed by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzymes. UGT2B15 and UGT2B17 are 95% identical in primary structure, and are expressed in steroid target tissues where they conjugate C19 steroids. Despite the similarities, their regulation of expression are different; however, the promoter region and genomic structure of only the UGT2B17 gene have been characterizedX to date. To isolate the UGT2B15 gene and other novel steroid-conjugating UGT2B genes, eight P-1-derived artificial chromosomes (PAC) clones varying in length from 30 kb to 165 kb were isolated. The entire UGT2B15 gene was isolated and characterized from the PAC clone 21598 of 165 kb. The UGT2B15 and UGT2B17 genes are highly conserved, are both composed of six exons spanning approximately 25 kb, have identical exon sizes and have identical exon-intron boundaries. The homology between the two genes extend into the 5'-flanking region, and contain several conserved putative cis-acting elements including Pbx-1, C/EBP, AP-1, Oct-1 and NF/kappaB. However, transfection studies revealed differences in basal promoter activity between the two genes, which correspond to regions containing non-conserved potential elements. The high degree of homology in the 5'-flanking region between the two genes is lost upstream of -1662 in UGT2B15, and suggests a site of genetic recombination involved in duplication of UGT2B genes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization mapped the UGT2B15 gene to chromosome 4q13.3-21.1. The other PAC clones isolated contain exons from the UGT2B4, UGT2B11 and UGT2B17 genes. Five novel exons, which are highly homologous to the exon 1 of known UGT2B genes, were also identified; however, these exons contain premature stop codons and represent the first recognized pseudogenes of the UGT2B family. The localization of highly homologous UGT2B genes and pseudogenes as a cluster on chromosome 4q13 reveals the complex nature of this gene locus, and other novel homologous UGT2B genes encoding steroid conjugating enzymes are likely to be found in this region of the genome.  相似文献   

We have analysed seven polymorphic restriction sites of the human beta-globin gene cluster of six members of a Chinese family with a beta +-thalassemic sibling. The seven polymorphic sites analysed are the HincII site at the 5'-end of the epsilon-globin gene, the HindIII sites in the two gamma-globin genes, two HincII sites within and at the 3'-end of the psi beta 1 pseudogene, the AvaII site in the beta-globin gene and the BamHI site located at the 3' side of the beta-globin gene. The beta thal chromosome has been identified to have a haplotype of +----++ with respect to these seven polymorphic sites. This is also the most predominant haplotype associated with beta +-thalassemia in Mediterranean and Chinese populations (Chen et al., 1984; Orkin et al., 1982). Of the seven sites analysed in this family, four will be useful in prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia in subsequent pregnancies in the family.  相似文献   

We investigated the genomic organization of pancreatic zymogen granule membrane-associated protein GP2, a GPI-anchored protein exhibiting self-aggregation at acidic pH, in order to construct a gene-knockout mouse. Cloning and analysis of lambda clones encoding GP2 from 129 Svj mouse genomic DNA libraries showed that the GP2 gene spans about 16.8 kb and includes 11 exons. Identifiable functional domains including a signal sequence, an EGF-like motif, a putative condensing ZP domain, a GPI-anchor attachment site, and a transmembrane sequence for GPI anchoring are encoded in separate exons. Using FISH, the GP2 gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 7F1 near the gene for THP, a GP2 homolog expressed in the cells of thick ascending loop of Henle (TALH) in the kidney. Further analysis of the mouse genome revealed that the THP and GP2 genes are adjacent to one another and are separated by only 3.5 kb in the 7F1 locus. Additionally, the overall structure of the THP gene, 16.2kb with 11 exons, was strikingly similar to that of GP2. This finding suggests that the GP2 and THP genes were generated by gene duplication and evolved separately to acquire regulatory elements leading to tissue-specific expression. Comparative analysis revealed that the 5' flanking region of the THP gene is similar to the first intron of NKCC2, a TALH cell-specific ion-transporter gene. The promoter region of the GP2 gene shares cis-elements found in other pancreas-specific genes. Using this genetic information, a GP2 null mutation was successfully introduced into an ES cell line, and an animal model was established without disruption of THP expression.  相似文献   

PPR(Pentatricopeptide repeats)基因家族在植物中广泛存在, 其在植物生长发育过程中至关重要。文章采用生物信息学方法, 利用Pfam已鉴定的PPR保守结构域序列检索番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)基因组计划注释的蛋白序列, 最终确定了番茄中可能存在的471个PPR编码基因; 根据拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana L.)中鉴定的各个结构域的特点对其进行了蛋白结构分析、分类和保守序列分析, 并对番茄PPR基因家族进行了系统进化树构建、染色体定位、亚细胞定位预测、表达和GO分析等。结果表明:番茄PPR基因家族分为P和PLS两个亚家族, 各占序列数目的一半, PLS亚家族又分为PLS、E、E+和DYW四类, 且在进化树中形成不同的分支; 各个结构域在植物中非常保守; PPR基因家族分布在番茄12条染色体上, 且多数无内含子结构; 大部分PPR蛋白具有线粒体或叶绿体定位序列, GO分析表明PPR蛋白参与RNA相关的生物学过程  相似文献   

A cluster of genes encoding the three cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrase isozymes CAI, CAII, and CAIII lie on the long arm of chromosome 8 (8q22) in humans. These genes have been mapped using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The genes lie in the order CA2, CA3, CA1. CA2 and CA3 are separated by 20 kb and are transcribed in the same direction, away from CA1. CA1 is separated from CA3 by over 80 kb and is transcribed in the direction opposite to CA2 and CA3. The arrangement of the genes is consistent with proposals that the duplication event which gave rise to CA1 predated the duplication which gave rise to CA2 and CA3. The order of these three genes differs from that suggested for the mouse based on recombination frequency.  相似文献   

Summary We have generated a restriction map around the cloned genes for human apolipoproteins CI, CII, and E by pulsed-field gel analysis. We show that the genes are clustered within an area of about 50 kb on chromosome 19. The genes are all oriented in the same direction, head to tail.  相似文献   



Vertebrate genes often appear to cluster within the background of nontranscribed genomic DNA. Here an analysis of the physical distribution of gene structures on human chromosome 7 was performed to confirm the presence of clustering, and to elucidate possible underlying statistical and biological mechanisms.  相似文献   

The CACNG1 gene on chromosome 17q24 encodes an integral membrane protein that was originally isolated as the regulatory gamma subunit of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels from skeletal muscle. The existence of an extended family of gamma subunits was subsequently demonstrated upon identification of CACNG2 (22q13), CACNG3 (16p12-p13), and CACNG4 and CACNG5 (17q24). In this study, we describe a cluster of three novel gamma subunit genes, CACNG6, CACNG7, and CACNG8, located in a tandem array on 19q13.4. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that this array is paralogous to the cluster containing CACNG1, CACNG5, and CACNG4, respectively, on chromosome 17q24. We developed sensitive RT-PCR assays and examined the expression profile of each member of the gamma subunit gene family, CACNG1-CACNG8. Analysis of 24 human tissues plus 3 dissected brain regions revealed that CACNG1 through CACNG8 are all coexpressed in fetal and adult brain and differentially transcribed among a wide variety of other tissues. The expression of distinct complements of gamma subunit isoforms in different cell types may be an important mechanism for regulating Ca2+ channel function.  相似文献   

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