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The purpose of the present investigation was to establish an in vitro mammalian skeletal muscle model to study acute alterations in resting skeletal muscle cell volume. Isolated, whole muscles [soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] were dissected from Long-Evans rats and incubated for 60 min in Sigma medium 199 (1 g of resting tension, bubbled with 95% O(2)-5% O(2), 30 +/- 2 degrees C, and pH 7.4). Medium osmolality was altered to simulate hyposmotic (190 +/- 10 mmol/kg) or hyperosmotic conditions (400 +/- 10 mmol/kg), whereas an isosmotic condition (290 +/- 10 mmol/kg) served as a control. After incubation, relative water content of the muscle decreased with hyperosmotic and increased with hyposmotic condition in both muscle types (P < 0.05). The cross-sectional area of soleus type I and type II fibers increased (P < 0.05) in hyposmotic, whereas hyperosmotic exposure led to no detectable changes. The EDL type II fiber area decreased in the hyperosmotic condition and increased after hyposmotic exposure, whereas no change was observed in EDL type I fibers. Furthermore, exposure to the hyperosmotic condition in both muscle types resulted in decreased muscle ATP and phosphocreatine (P < 0.05) contents and increased creatine and lactate contents (P < 0.05) compared with control and hyposmotic conditions. This isolated skeletal muscle model proved viable and demonstrated that altering extracellular osmolality could cause acute alterations in muscle water content and resting muscle metabolism.  相似文献   

In numerous animal cells, experimental manipulations that increase the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration induce cell volume reduction. This may occur under isosmotic conditions, e.g. when external Ca2+ (Ca(o)) is replaced by Mg2+ (42) or during exposure to hypoosmotic conditions (i.e. regulatory volume decrease, RVD) in the presence of Ca(o). We determined the osmolytes responsible for volume reduction under isosmotic and hypoosmotic conditions in barnacle muscle cells. Organic osmolytes (i.e. free amino acids and methylamines) and inorganic ions accounted for approximately 78% and 22% of the intracellular isosmotic activity, respectively. Isosmotic Ca(o) removal induced a net loss of KCI (with a ratio of 1K:1Cl) and free amino acids (FAA, mainly glycine and taurine). During RVD. the same ions (but in a proportion of 2K:1Cl) and FAA were lost. Since RVD was accompanied by extracellular alkalinization, the 2K:1Cl loss may be explained by the presence of a K+/H+ exchanger (or K+-OH- co-transporter) or Cl-/OH- exchanger. The lack of RVD in the absence of Ca(o) cannot be attributed to the loss of intracellular osmolytes during isosmotic Ca(o) removal because addition of Ca(o) during cell swelling promoted RVD.  相似文献   

Recently we introduced a fluorescent probe technique that makes possible to convert changes of equilibrium fluorescence spectra of 3,3’-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine, diS-C3(3), measured in yeast cell suspensions under defined conditions into underlying membrane potential differences, scaled in millivolts (Plasek et al. in J Bioenerg Biomembr 44: 559–569, 2012). The results presented in this paper disclose measurements of real early changes of plasma membrane potential induced by the increase of extracellular K+, Na+ and H+ concentration in S. cerevisiae with and without added glucose as energy source. Whereas the wild type and the ?tok1 mutant cells exhibited similar depolarization curves, mutant cells lacking the two Trk1,2 potassium transporters revealed a significantly decreased membrane depolarization by K+, particularly at lower extracellular potassium concentration [K+]out. In the absence of external energy source plasma membrane depolarization by K+ was almost linear. In the presence of glucose the depolarization curves exhibited an exponential character with increasing [K+]out. The plasma membrane depolarization by Na+ was independent from the presence of Trk1,2 transporters. Contrary to K+, Na+ depolarized the plasma membrane stronger in the presence of glucose than in its absence. The pH induced depolarization exhibited a fairly linear relationship between the membrane potential and the pHo of cell suspensions, both in the wild type and the Δtrk1,2 mutant strains, when cells were energized by glucose. In the absence of glucose the depolarization curves showed a biphasic character with enhanced depolarization at lower pHo values.  相似文献   

Passive (ouabain-insensitive) Na+ and K+ effluxes from human red blood cells were measured over the range pHo 6.2-8.5. On raising pHo, Na+ efflux increased and this was mainly attributable to the piretanide-sensitive component: K+ efflux likewise but attributable to both piretanide-sensitive and piretanide-insensitive components. On replacing Cl- with non-penetrating anions (mainly gluconate), Na+ and K+ effluxes increased, mostly attributable to the piretanide-insensitive components. On restoring pHi either by reducing pHo or by applying DIDS, the influence of pHo on Na+ and K+ effluxes was diminished. These results suggest that pHi rather than Em is the dominant influence. Passive Na+ and K+ effluxes and influxes in the presence of bumetanide were tested fro conformity to the Ussing independence relationship. For K+, the calculated and observed ratios agreed, indicating that the sodium pump, 'cotransport' and leak wholly account for K+ fluxes in human red blood cells. For Na+, the ratios did not agree and a 1:1 Na+/Na+ exchange did not account for the discrepancy. Pathways for Na+ appear to be more numerous than for K+.  相似文献   

The effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on Na+ kinetics was examined in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and rat renal papillary collecting tubule cells (RPCT) by the direct measurement of intracellular sodium concentration [(Na+]i) using fluorescence dye; SBFI. AVP increased [Na+]i in a dose-dependent manner at a concentration of 10(-9) M or higher in rat VSMC but did not affect [Na+]i in rat RPCT. The calcium (Ca2+)-free solution completely blocked the increasing effect of AVP on [Na+]i in rat VSMC. A Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin (1-2 x 10(-6) M) increased [Na+]i both in rat VSMC and RPCT. The Ca2(+)-free solution abolished the ionomycin-increased [Na+]i both in rat VSMC and RPCT. These results therefore indicate that after binding the V1 receptor AVP increases [Na+]i mediated through an increase in cellular Ca2+ uptake in VSMC.  相似文献   

Comparison of the transport properties of the melibiose permease of E. coli acting as a H+-symport or a Na+-symport has been performed by measuring initial rates of [3H]-melibiose transport or its accumulation in isolated membrane vesicles. The results show strikingly that although the membrane potential primarily drives melibiose accumulation by both types of symport, it selectively affects the apparent affinity constant Kt of the H+-melibiose symport while it specifically changes the maximal rate of transport (Vmax) of the Na+-melibiose symport. It is suggested that modification(s) of some partial reaction constants of a given transport cycle might lead to important changes in the kinetic properties of this transport system.  相似文献   

In liver cells, the influx of Na+ mediated by nonselective cation (NSC) channels in the plasma membrane contributes importantly to regulation of cell volume. Under basal conditions, channels are closed; but both physiologic (e.g. insulin) and pathologic (e.g. oxidative stress) stimuli that are known to stimulate tyrosine kinases are associated with large increases in membrane Na+ permeability to approximately 80 pA/pF or more. Consequently, the purpose of these studies was to evaluate whether volume-sensitive tyrosine kinases mediate cell volume increases through effects on the activity or distribution of NSC channel proteins. In HTC hepatoma cells, decreases in cell volume evoked by hypertonic exposure increased total cellular tyrosine kinase activity approximately 20-fold. Moreover, hypertonic exposure (320-400 mosM) was followed after a delay by NSC channel activation and partial recovery of cell volume toward basal values (regulatory volume increase (RVI)). The tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein and erbstatin prevented both NSC channel activation and RVI. Similarly, hypertonic exposure resulted in an increase in p60(c-src) activity, and intracellular dialysis with recombinant p60(c-src) led to activation of NSC currents in the absence of an osmolar gradient. Utilizing FM1-43 fluorescence, exposure to hypertonic media caused a rapid increase in the rate of exocytosis of approximately 40% (p < 0.01), and genistein inhibited both exocytosis and channel activation. These findings indicate that volume-sensitive increases in p60(c-src) and/or related tyrosine kinases play a key role in the regulation of membrane Na+ permeability, suggesting that increases in the NSC conductance may be mediated in part through rapid recruitment of a distinct pool of channel-containing vesicles.  相似文献   

Summary A theory for Na+, K+ and Ca2+ competitive adsorption to a charged membrane is used to explain a number of experimental observations in smooth muscle. Adsorption is described by Langmuir isotherms for mono- and divalent cations which in turn are coupled in a self-consistent way to the bulk solution through the diffuse double layer theory and the Boltzman equations. We found that the dissociation constants for binding of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ in guinea pig taenia coli areca. 0.009, 1.0, and 4×10–8 m, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of a Ca2+ pump that maintains free surface Ca2+ concentration constant is investigated. A decrease in intracellular Na+ content results in an increased Ca2+ uptake; part of this uptake is due to an increase in surface-bound Ca2+ in an intracellular compartment which is in contact with the myofilaments. Variations in the amount of charge available to bind Ca2+ and the surface charge density are studied and their effect interpreted in terms of different pharmacological agents.  相似文献   

Mimura  T.  Tazawa  M. 《Protoplasma》1983,118(1):49-55
Protoplasma - Internodal cells ofNitellopsis obtusa were made tonoplast-free by intracellular perfusion of the vacuole with medium containing 5 mM EGTA. Next, the cells were perfused with media of...  相似文献   

Summary Voltage-clamp currents and resting membrane potential of squid giant axons have been studied at extracellular pH varying between 4 and 10. The membrane currents, analyzed according to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations, showed that sodium permeability,P Na (E), and potassium conductance,g K (E), curves were shifted toward positive voltages by different amounts and slightly depressed as the external pH was lowered. Under the same conditions, m(E) and n(E) were found to be enhanced and shifted to a larger extent in the same direction. The rate constants m and n were shifted substantially toward positive voltages, but m and n changed hardly at all. The shift of the m(E) curve was analyzed in terms of a fixed surface charge model; it indicates that unspecific negative groups with an approximate pKa of 4.5 are located in the vicinity of sodium active sites with an average charge separation of 8 Å. A similar figure is obtained for the potassium system from the shift of the n(E) curve.  相似文献   

The effect of Ca+2 on the transport and intracellular distribution of Na+ and K+ in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was investigated in an effort to establish the mechanism of Ca+2-induced hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. Inclusion of Ca+2 (2 mM) in the incubation medium leads to reduced cytoplasmic concentrations of Na+, K+ and Cl- in steady cells. In cells inhibited by ouabain, Ca+2 causes a 41% decrease in the rate of net K+ loss, but is without effect on the rate of net Na+ accumulation. Net K+ flux is reduced by 50%, while net Na+ flux is unchanged in the transport-inhibited cells. The membrane potential of cells in Ca+2-free medium (-13.9 +/- 0.8 mV) is unaffected by the addition of ouabain. However, the potential of cells in Ca+2-containing medium (-23.3 +/- 1.2 mV) declines in one hour after the addition of ouabain to values comparable to those of control cells (-15.2 +/- 0.7 mV). The results of these experiments are consistent with the postulation that Ca+2 exerts two effects on Na+ and K+ transport. First, Ca+2 reduces the membrane permeability to K+ by 25%. Second, Ca+2 alters the coupling of the Na/K active transport mechanism leading to an electrogenic hyperpolarization of the membrane.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of membrane potential (Em) on the activity of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Inside-negative K+ diffusion potential higher or lower than the resting Em (-46 mV) was artificially imposed on VSMCs with various concentrations of extracellular K+ (K+o) and 1 microM valinomycin. We found that the recovery phase of the intracellular Ca2+ transient elicited with 1 microM ionomycin was accelerated by depolarizing Em, whereas it was retarded by hyperpolarizing Em. The rate of extracellular Na+ (Na+o)-independent 45Ca2+ efflux from VSMCs stimulated with 1 microM ionomycin increased almost linearly with a change in Em from -98 to -3 mV. This effect of Em was abolished by extracellularly added LaCl3 or a combination of high pH (pH 8.8) and high Mg2+ (20 mM), conditions that presumably inhibit the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump (Furukawa, K.-I., Tawada, Y., & Shigekawa, M. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8058-8065). Intracellular contents of Na+ and K+ and intracellular pH, on the other hand, were not influenced by the change in Em under the conditions used. These results indicate that alteration in Em can modulate the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in intact VSMCs by changing the rate of Ca2+ extrusion by the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. The data strongly suggest that the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in VSMCs is electrogenic.  相似文献   

Vanadate in the range 0-5 mM has positive inotropic effects on myocardial strips of frog and to a lesser extent on those of rat. Inhibiting the sarcolemmal Na+, Ca2+ exchange by a solution free of Ca2+ and Na+ caused a drop in 45Ca efflux and a transient increase in resting tension. These effects were more expressed for the frog than for the rat myocardium, which suggests that the Na+ for Ca2+ exchange across the cell membrane is more important in the frog than in the rat myocardium. A subsequent addition of vanadate at 2 or 5 mM had no effect on 45Ca efflux, while it increased the resting tension. This increase was higher for the frog than for the rat myocardium. These results suggest that the inotropic effects of vanadate may be due to an effect on membrane-bound Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

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