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A quantitative technique is presented for differentiating live and dead yeast cells grown in culture through the use of the fluorescent dye acridine orange. the method gives results that correlate well with those of other commonly used vital staining techniques and is free of certain interpretative errors inherent in them. Vital staining of yeasts with acridine orange also allows for more precise assessment of the physiological state of individual cells and the culture as a whole. the progressive senescence of yeast cells in culture can be monitored by the changing staining characteristics of several subcellular organelles. the method is simple and reliable.  相似文献   

The influence of the following factors on the methylene blue adsorption by dead yeast cells was studied: temperature and time of heating used to kill the cell, storage of the suspensions of dead yeast, pH of the suspension during dyeing, buffer composition, and age of the yeast culture. Great variations of the adsorption law coefficients, caused by small experimental variations of the cell concentration or the dye concentration, were found. It was also observed that a linear relationship exists between these coefficients.  相似文献   

The addition of buffer mixtures to toluidine blue O, thionin and new methylene blue N improves their use in the staining of mucus after formaldehyde fixation. Overstaining is minimi The buffer mixtures used consisted of variable proportions of M/10 citric acid and M/5 anhydrous Na2HPO4 in 25% methanol. Connective tissue mucus stained satisfactorily with these dyes at a buffer pH range of 3.4 and 3.95 and epithelial mucus at a range of 2.2 to 3.95. The corresponding ratios of M/10 citric acid: M/5 Na2HPO4 are 16:4 to 14:6 and 20 A to 14:6 respectively.  相似文献   

Several factors influencing the staining of nerve fibers with methylene blue, especially the influence of chloralhydrate and carbamylcholine chloride (as parasympathicotonics), and of some anesthetics were studied. The intestines of mouse, rat, and guinea pig were used. The following immersion technic is suggested: Tissue from animals anesthetised by chloralhydrate is immersed in: zinc free methylene blue, 0.03%; sodium tartrate, 0.5%; sodium pyruvate, 0.05% carbamylcholine, 0.00005%; 0.2 M Na2HPO4, 0.77%; 0.1 M citric acid, 0.18%; NACl, 0.79%; also an anesthetic which varies with the animal selected. Air is kept bubbling through the staining solution and microscopic examination is made at 6 min. intervals. After 0.5-1 hr. the tissue is fixed in: ammonium molyb-date, 10 g.; sucrose, 35 g.; distilled water, 100 ml.; to which is added just before use, 1% platinum chloride, 3 ml.; 2% osmic acid, 3 drops. Washing is in ice cold water and dehydration at 0°C. in Lang's fluids (varying mixtures of ethanol and n-butanol). The tissues thus prepared are stored in liquid paraffin.  相似文献   

Borax methylene blue is quite stable at room temperatures of 22-25 C. At 30 C polychroming is slow; during 50 days in a water bath at this temperature the absorption peak moves from 665 to 656 nm. At 35 C, the absorption peak reaches 660 nm in 7 days, 654 nm in 14. At 60 C polychroming is rapid, the absorption peak reaching 640-620 nm in 3 days. When the pH of the borax methylene blue solutions, normally about 9.0, is adjusted to pH 6.5, the absorption peak remains at 665 nm even when incubated at 60 C for extended periods.

When used as a blood stain 0.4 ml borax methylene blue (1% methylene blue in 1% borax), 4 ml acetone, 2 ml borax-acid phosphate buffer to bring the solution to pH 6.5, and distilled water to make 40 ml, with 0.2 ml 1% eosin added just before using, an excellent Nocht-Giemsa type stain is achieved after 30 minutes staining. The material plasmodia P. falciparum, P. vivax, and P. berghei stain moderate blue with dark red chromatin and green to black pigment granules.

The study confirms Malacnowski's 1891 results and explains Gautier's 1896-98 failure to duplicate it.  相似文献   

Full term rat foetuses were skinned and eviscerated prior to fixation in 10% formol-saline. The bodies were then stained with 0.05% methylene blue in 17.5% aqueous ethanol. After preliminary immersion in 1% HC1 in 70% ethanol, differentiation was completed in 70% ethanol. Specimens were dehydrated in absolute ethanol, cleared in xylene and were preserved in a mixture of tri-N-butyl phosphate 17% and tricresyl phosphate 83%. Cartilage stained almost blue-black while other tissues were a very pale blue or were almost colourless.  相似文献   

The author describes a modification of the methylene blue technique that stains neurons dark blue against a clear background. The resolution of the dendritic tree attains Golgi-like quality. The procedure offers a rapid, easily adaptable alternative to the reduced silver procedures in holometabolous insects.  相似文献   

The copper phthalocyanin dye astra blue has been used to stain differentially mast cells of the intestine; however, the procedure has not been used widely because of the difficulty in preparing and using the dye solution. Described here is a simple, reliable, and consistent method for selectively staining mast cells using a dye solution that may be prepared in any laboratory without the aid of sophisticated pH metering equipment. Astra blue is mixed with an alcoholic solution containing MgCl2 · 6H2O and the pH indicator pararosaniline hydrochloride. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is added dropwise, changing the dye mixture from purple to violet and then to blue. In this low range the weakly ionizing ethanol provides a more stable hydrogen ion concentration than the corresponding aqueous solutions used previously. Alcoholic acid fuchsin is a convenient counterstain, and this simple procedure then provides good contrast between the blue staining mast cell granules and the red tissue background.  相似文献   

Axons and some nerve cell bodies in the abdominal nerve cords of 5 species of insects were stained within 0.5-2 hr after intraabdominal or intrathoracic injection of a rongalit-reduced 0.4% methylene blue solution at pH 5. Leuco methylene blue solutions produced by Na2S2O4, or by rongalit at a lower pH, were not as effective. Injection of the stain into an intact animal produced much better results than application to a dissected preparation. The stain was fixed with a cold, about 1.5% ammonium picrate solution followed by cold 8-15% ammonium molybdate. The nerve cord was removed, placed on a slide, dehydrated with t-butanol, cleared with xylene, and covered.  相似文献   

In 25-day-old rats, injected intraperitoneally with 0.2 ml aliquots of 6% methylene blue in saline over 1 hr followed by a single 4-6 ml intra-arterial injection; O2 pressurized to 45 lb/in2 was used to improve reblueing of 1.5-2 mm slices of cerebellum, thus increasing staining selectivity. Factors believed to influence this selectivity for axonal elements and fine dendrites are the rapidity and pressure (about 300 mm Hg) of the terminal intra-arterial injection, the hyperbaric O2 treatment of tissue slabs for 1 hr as a substiute for room air, and immersion in 6% ammonium molybdate for 1 hr before return to atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Vasoplegia is a severe complication after cardiac surgery. Within the last years the administration of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor methylene blue (MB) became a new therapeutic strategy. Our aim was to investigate the role of MB on transendothelial migration of circulating blood cells, the potential role of cyclic cGMP, eNOS and iNOS in this process, and the influence of MB on endothelial cell apoptosis. Human vascular endothelial cells (HuMEC-1) were treated for 30 minutes or 2 hours with different concentrations of MB. Inflammation was mimicked by LPS stimulation prior and after MB. Transmigration of PBMCs and T-Lymphocytes through the treated endothelial cells was investigated. The influence of MB upon the different subsets of PBMCs (Granulocytes, T- and B-Lymphocytes, and Monocytes) was assessed after transmigration by means of flow-cytometry. The effect of MB on cell apoptosis was evaluated using Annexin-V and Propidium Iodide stainings. Analyses of the expression of cyclic cGMP, eNOS and iNOS were performed by means of RT-PCR and Western Blot. Results were analyzed using unpaired Students T-test. Analysis of endothelial cell apoptosis by MB indicated a dose-dependent increase of apoptotic cells. We observed time- and dose-dependent effects of MB on transendothelial migration of PBMCs. The prophylactic administration of MB led to an increase of transendothelial migration of PBMCs but not Jurkat cells. Furthermore, HuMEC-1 secretion of cGMP correlated with iNOS expression after MB administration but not with eNOS expression. Expression of these molecules was reduced after MB administration at protein level. This study clearly reveals that endothelial response to MB is dose- and especially time-dependent. MB shows different effects on circulating blood cell-subtypes, and modifies the release patterns of eNOS, iNOS, and cGMP. The transendothelial migration is modulated after treatment with MB. Furthermore, MB provokes apoptosis of endothelial cells in a dose/time-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Cultured animal cells infected with various species of Eimeria (coccidia) from chickens are washed in Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS) and fixed in 5% formalin in HBSS. The fixed cultures are washed briefly in distilled water to remove HBSS salts and then dehydrated in a series of mixtures of 40 to 50% ethanol with increasing concentrations of tertiary butanol (TB) and decreasing concentrations of distilled water. Cultures are placed for 1 min in a mixture of 2 parts ethanol :TB (25:75) and 1 part 0.05% toluidine blue O in McIlvaine buffer (pH 6.0), followed by 1 min in 0.05% toluidine blue O in McIlvaine buffer (pH 6.0). The stained cultures are dipped for 1-2 sec in TB, allowed to dry and mounted permanently on slides. Cover-slip cultures fixed and stained by this procedure 8 years ago have not faded or discolored. The alcohol mixtures, formalin in HBSS, stain and buffer can be prepared in large volumes and stored indefinitely. The staining procedure has proven to be rapid and dependable with a variety of cell types in monolayer cultures in research and teaching applications.  相似文献   

Intact yeast cells are Gram positive but broken or disrupted cells are Gram negative. A counterstain with methyl green provides differential staining between cell wall and cytoplasm. The cells and cell fragments are dried on a slide and stained by a standard Gram stain. The preparation is then treated for 5 min with 1% phosphomolybdic acid, washed, and stained 0.5 min with 1% aqueous methyl green (unpurified by CHCl3 extraction). Under these conditions whole, intact cells are dark purple or black, walls of broken cells and purified walls are light green, and the exposed cytoplasm stains light purple. All fractions can be easily differentiated.  相似文献   

The absorption spectra of eosinates of thiazin dyes in water exhibit absorption maxima at the same spectral locations as do the individual component dyes in aqueous solution.

Commercial samples of Wright's stain showing thiazin absorption maxima between 620 and 660 mμ generally give satisfactory blood stains. Nuclear staining is redder and cytoplasm grayer blue in 620-640 range, and consequently staining of malaria parasites is less satisfactory in that range. The best malaria stains show their thiazin absorption maxima usually between 650 and 660 mμ.

Successive batches of Wright's stain made by the same manufacturer, as well as experimental laboratory lots, may show wide variations in their thiazin absorption maxima and in their staining characteristics.  相似文献   

Night blue will stain the mast cells of rat, mouse and hamster selectively if alcohol differentiation is controlled. The technical steps are: Dewax paraffin sections with xylene, 2 changes; air dry; 2% Na2SO4, 3-5 sec; 0.5% night blue in 10% ethanol, 1 hr at 60°C; rinse in water; 9% HNO3, 15 sec; water 1-5 min; 70% ethanol, 2 changes, 30 sec each; wash; 0.01% safranin, 3-5 sec; rinse, blot, air dry, mount in synthetic resin. A clear orthochromatic stain of the mast-cell granules occurs. Acid fixation prevents the staining reaction.  相似文献   

Basic redox dyes, such as methylene blue, induce a loss of K+ from yeast cells. The maximal loss, rather than the rate of loss, is related to the dye concentration, the response following a normal distribution on a plot of log-dose, versus percentage loss of K+. This fact taken together with the observed correlation between K+ loss and frequency of staining (as measured by microscopic observation), indicates that the response is all-or-none for individual cells. The response is produced by all the basic redox dyes tested (9), but by none of the acidic dyes (4). However, only the oxidized form of the dye is effective. Cations protect the cells from the basic dyes in a competitive manner, the bivalent cations (especially UO2++) being more effective than monovalent cations. It is suggested that the action of the dyes involves two steps, the first a binding to ribonucleic acid in the cell membrane (with competition from cations) and the second, an oxidation of neighboring sulfhydryl groups to the disulfide form. At a threshold level, unique for each cell, a generalized membrane breakdown occurs, resulting in the release of potassium and of other cytoplasmic constituents.  相似文献   

Light microscopic observations employing supravital methylene blue staining are presented for piloneural complexes of common fur hairs in the mystacial pad of the rat snout. The investigation revealed anatomical details of piloneural complexes belonging to follicles of both vellus and guard hairs. In the methylene blue stained preparations, different types of palisade-like lanceolate nerve fiber endings could be discriminated. The thicker vellus and thinner guard hairs (hair diameter: 15-25 μm) exhibited a different innervation pattern compared to the thicker guard hairs, and two subtypes of piloneural complexes could be distinguished. Both subtypes were characterized by slightly stained lanceolate endings and the absence of a circular nerve fiber plexus. One subtype, however, showed strongly stained spines originating from the lanceolate endings. A few spines of adjacent lanceolate endings appeared in contact with each other. In the second subtype, these spines were replaced by anastomoses suggesting a delicate terminal nerve fiber network. The moderately stained lanceolate endings located primarily at the follicles of thicker guard hairs (hair diameter: 30-40 μm) showed smooth outlines, but were characterized by the occurrence of an intensely stained additional circular nerve fiber plexus. The differences in the morphology of piloneural complexes associated with the follicles of common fur hairs suggest differences regarding their mechanoreceptive tasks.  相似文献   

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