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短串联重复序列D7S2201基因座的群体遗传学研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
黄代新  张林  吴梅筠  陈国弟  陈于波 《遗传》2001,23(2):107-110
用扩增片段长度多态性技术分析短串联重复序列D7S2201基因座的遗传多态性,在262个中国成都地区汉族无关个体及119个泰国曼谷地区泰人无关个体中分别发现7个和5个等位基因,首次获得该基因座在两群体中的频率分布,其等位基因片段大小范围为100~124bp。两群体的基因型频率分布均符合Hardy Weinberg平衡。该基因座在两群体中的个人识别能力(PD)、杂合度(H)、多态性信息含量(CPI)及非父排除率(PE)分别为0.7038、0.5992、0.4789、0.2900和0.7351、0.5882、0.5012、0.2770。家系调查证实了等位基因的传递遵循孟德尔遗传规律。χ2检验表明两群体间等位基因频率分布无显著性差异。 Abstract:The polymorphism of a new short tandem repeat (STR) locus D7S2201 was analyzed by using AmpFLP. Seven alleles were observed in 262 unrelated Chinese individuals living in Chengdu and five alleles in 119 unrelated Thai individuals living in Bangkok, the ranges of fragment size were 100~124bp. The genotypes distributions of D7S2201 locus in the two populations were in accordance with Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The discriminating power (PD), observed heterozygosity (H), polymorphism information content (CPI) and power of exclusion (PE) were 0.7038, 05992, 04789, 02900 in Chinese population and 0.7351, 0.5882, 0.5012, 0.2770 in Thai population respectively. Family studies confirmed Mendelian inheritance of alleles. No significant difference was observed between the two populations.  相似文献   

To understand the role of genetic factors involved in the development of spontaneous arthritis in mice deficient in IL-1 receptor antagonist protein (IL_1RA), we have identified a genomic region containing a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for this disease. The QTL is on chromosome 1 and appears to be the strongest genetic region regulating arthritis. To confirm the importance of the QTL and to identify potential candidate genes within it, we conducted speed congenic breeding to transfer the QTL region from DBA/1 mice that are resistant to spontaneous arthritis into BALB/c−/− which are susceptible. Genetic markers along every chromosome were used to assist in the selection of progeny in each generation to backcross to BALB/c−/−. By the 6th generation we determined that all of the chromosomes in the progeny were of BALB/c origin with the exception of portions of chromosome 1. At this stage we intercrossed selected mice to produce homozygous strains containing the genomic background of BALB/c−/− except for the QTL region on chromosome 1, which was from DBA/1. We were able to establish two congenic strains with overlapping DBA/1 DNA segments. These strains were observed for the development of spontaneous arthritis. Both congenic strains were relatively resistant to spontaneous arthritis and had delayed onset and reduced severity of disease. The gene/s that regulates this major QTL would appear to be located in the region of the QTL that is shared by both strains. The common transferred region is between D1Mit110 and D1Mit209 on chromosome 1. We evaluated this region for candidate genes and have identified a limited number of candidates. Confirmation of the identity and precise role of the candidates will require additional study.  相似文献   

Mice of the DBA/2 (D2) strain are highly susceptible to sound-induced seizures at 21 days of age; whereas, mice of the C57BL/6 (B6) strain are resistant to these seizures. Although the difference in susceptibility to audiogenic seizures (ASs) between these two strains is inherited as a multiple-factor trait, an association was observed between susceptibility to ASs and the Ah locus. The Ah locus controls the inducibility of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity by a number of aromatic hydrocarbons. B6 mice carry the Ahb allele and have inducible AHH activity; whereas, D2 mice carry the Ahd allele and have noninducible activity. Inducibility is inherited as a Mendelian dominant trait in crosses between these strains. Mice carrying the Ahb allele are generally less susceptible to ASs at 21 days of age than are mice carrying the Ahd allele. The combined results from B6 x D2 recombinant inbred strains, congenic strains (where the Ahb allele was placed into the D2 genome and the Ahd allele placed into the B6 genome), the B6D2F1 x D2 backcross generation, and a random survey of various inbred strains, suggest that the association between these two traits is due to genetic linkage, rather than to pleiotrophy or to chance. A major gene that inhibits susceptibility to ASs appears to be closely linked to the Ah locus. This gene has been designated Ias, for inhibition of ASs. A large portion of the genetic variability of AS susceptibility may be due to the segregation of Ias.  相似文献   

Snow R 《Genetics》1980,94(2):327-339
The HIS1 and THR4 loci are the structural genes for phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphorylase and threonine synthetase, respectively. The allele his1–1S has no enzyme activity at 30°, but does have activity at 15° provided the cell contains the wild-type THR4 allele or a suppressing allele at another locus, designated SUP(his1–1S). Under these conditions, cells with the his1–1S mutation are capable of growth on minimal medium at 15°. Three kinds of reversions of a his1–1S thr4 sup(his1–1S) strain to histidine prototrophy have been obtained: (1) his1–1S locus reversions to HIS1 that restore growth without added histidine at 30°, (2) thr4 reversions to THR4 that simultaneously eliminate the requirement for threonine and restore the low-temperature effect on the his1-1S allele, and (3) mutations from sup to SUP. The SUP allele is not an ochre suppressor, and it is not linked to either HIS1, THR4 or a centromere. It may represent a missense suppressor. It is proposed that the effect of THR4 is caused by aggregation of the wild-type threonine synthetase with defective his1–1S monomers, causing a favorable conformational change in the histidine protein that restores limited enzymatic activity. This can be regarded as a case of complementation between nonhomologous proteins.  相似文献   

运用复合PCR扩增,6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结合银染技术对我国新疆102位无关的哈萨克族个体进行D16S539,D7S820,D13S317的STR位点的调查,为建立新疆哈萨克族群体数据库提供资料。经统计学检验,3个位点的基因型频率分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律,结果显示3个位点的期望杂合度为:0.9439、0.9356、0.9304,累积PIC=0.9905,DP=0.9998,PE=9572。紫外,比较新疆哈萨克族与其他4个人群的等位片段频率,发现除与北京汉族在D7S820位点上无统计学意义外(P>0.05),其他均可见显著性差异(P<0.05)。同时,在8个家系42人的调查中无一突变发现且均按孟德尔遗传规律传递。3个STR位点的联合分析在法医学应用及群体遗传学中显示了较高的价值。  相似文献   

中国畲族群体D17S30位点遗传多态性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)技术对中国畲族群体270名无关个体D17S30位点的VNTR进行了研究,共检出12个等位基因,片段大小为168bp-1008bp,基因频率为0.0056-0.3259,杂合度为79.10%,父权排除率为0.4358。家系分析表明,扩增片段按孟德尔方式遗传。统计学分析证明,本资料符合Hardy-W einberg平衡定律(x2=79.97,v=66,P=0.1158>0.05)。 Abstract:The variable number of tandem repeat(VNTR)of D17S30 locus in 270 unrelated individuals of She ethnic group was studied by polymerase chain reaction(PCR).The results showed that 12 alleles were detected and their sizes ranged from 168bp to 1 008bp.The allele frequencies were 0.0056~0.3259,the heterozygosity of this locus was 79.10% and the paternity exclusion probability was 0.4358.The number of D17S30 VNTR allele and allele frequency of She were different from those of Han ethnic group in Mendelian Law.Statistical analysis demonstrated that their geneotypes were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(x2=79.97,v=66,P=0.1158>0.05).  相似文献   

应用聚合酶链反应(PCR) 法对中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族apoB和D17S30 VNTR研究发现,中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族等位基因频率总体分布具有显著性差异( P < 0105);apoB和D17S30 位点 VNTR 在中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族中的观察杂合性、多态信息含量、个体鉴别力均大于017;中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族中 D17S30 VNTR位点分别以 A3 和 A1 的频率为最高。结果表明,apoB和D17S30 VNTR 位点在中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族中的等位基因频率分布具有很强的多态性,在研究中国延边朝鲜族起源、变迁以及与其他各民族间亲缘关系等方面具有广泛的应用价值,适用于中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族的个体识别和亲子鉴定。  相似文献   

Genetic variation at four minisatellite loci D1S7, D4S139, D5S110 and D17S79 in three predominant population groups of eastern India, namely Brahmin, Kayastha and Garo, are reported in this study. The Brahmin and Kayastha are of Indo-Caucasoid origin while the Garo community represents the Indo-Mongoloid ethnic group. The methodology employed comprised generation of HaeIII-restricted fragments of isolated DNA, Southern blotting, and hybridization using chemiluminescent probes MS1, pH30, LH1 and V1 for the four loci. All four loci were highly polymorphic in the population groups. Heterozygosity values for the four loci ranged between 0.68 and 0.95. Neither departure from Hardy-Weinberg expectations nor evidence of any association across alleles among the selected loci was observed. The gene differentiation value among the loci is moderate (GST = 0.027). A neighbour-joining tree constructed on the basis of the generated data shows very low genetic distance between the Brahmin and Kayastha communities in relation to the Garo. Our results based on genetic distance analysis are consistent with results of earlier studies based on serological markers and linguistic as well as morphological affiliations of these populations and their Indo-Caucasoid and Indo-Mongoloid origin. The minisatellite loci studied here were found to be not only useful in showing significant genetic variation between the populations but also to be suitable for human identity testing among eastern Indian populations.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the binding of the Rap1 protein to a site located between the 5' end of the HIS4 gene and the 3' end of BIK1 stimulates meiotic recombination at both flanking loci. By using strains that contain mutations located in HIS4 and BIK1, we found that most recombination events stimulated by the binding of Rap1 involve HIS4 or BIK1, rather than bidirectional events including both loci. The patterns of aberrant segregation indicate that most of the Rap1-stimulated recombination events do not represent the symmetric processing of a double-strand DNA break located at the Rap1-binding site.  相似文献   

A sample of the Ewondo population (a Bantu-speaking group of Southern Cameroon) was analyzed for the polymorphism at three tandem repeated DNA loci (ApoB 3' HVR, D2S44, and D7S21). We observed a greater number of ApoB 3' HVR alleles (17) and a significantly higher estimated heterozygosity (.879 +/- .011) than in previously surveyed populations, with the exception of U.S. Blacks. The higher genetic variability of Ewondo and U.S. Blacks was also shown by the ApoB 3' HVR allele-frequency spectra. A method for measuring population distances, based on cumulative fragment-size distribution, is described. Interpopulation comparisons for ApoB 3' HVR were carried out by this method and were compared with those obtained by a genetic distance measurement. The two sets of results showed a consistent pattern of population differentiation: the Ewondos and the U.S. Blacks clustered together and were well apart from both a Caucasian cluster (Swedes, U.S. Whites, Italians, and Germans) and other well-defined populations (Sikhs of India and Pehuence Indians of Chile). Profile distances were then computed from D2S44 and D7S21 bined data. This analysis indicated a genetic affinity between Ewondos, U.S. Blacks, and Afro-Caribbean Blacks and outlined the genetic diversity between Ewondos, Caucasians, and Asian Indians.  相似文献   

Drosophila mojavensis and other species of the mulleri subgroup contain a duplicate gene encoding the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). Studies on the genetic relationship of the two genes using electrophoretic variants show them to be closely linked. We have cloned a 13.5-kb fragment of D. mojavensis DNA into the lambda vector, Charon 30. This fragment contains both Adh genes separated by approximately 2 kb of DNA. The clone hybridized to a single position on chromosome 3 in D. mojavensis following in situ hybridization. It is likely that the genes are tandemly arranged in the genome. One of the two genes shows a complexity in its structure that suggests the close linkage of a pseudogene or part of a gene. The structure of the Adh locus in five species of the mulleri subgroup have been compared by constructing restriction maps of genomic DNA. Two of these species D. arizonensis and D. mojavensis express Adh-1 in the ovaries; the others do not. In comparing these species it is evident that there has been one or two insertions into the region between the Adh genes. It is possible that one of these structural changes is related to the change in Adh tissue-specific expression that has occurred during the evolution of these species.  相似文献   

GM 126 diploid fibroblasts were fused with a heat-sensitive mouse cell mutant defective in DNA synthesis, and primary hybrids were selected at permissive and nonpermissive temperatures in HAT medium. Primary hybrids, primary hybrid clones back-selected in 8-azaguanine at the permissive temperature, and subclones of heat-resistant primary hybrids isolated under nonselective conditions or after 8-azaguanine treatment were tested for heat sensitivity, the expression of 26 human enzymes assigned to 19 different human chromosomes, and the presence of human chromosomes. Only the human X chromosome and X-linked marker enzymes exhibited a clear pattern of concordant segregation with the heat-resistant phenotype. On the basis of these observations, we have defined the human genetic locus that corrects the heat-sensitive lesion in tsC1AGOH as hrC1AGOH and have assigned this locus to the X chromosome. This observation provides the first instance where two selectable markers (heat resistance and 8-azaguanine sensitivity) are found on a single human chromosome and suggests that these markers may prove to be a valuable push-pull selective system of use in determining the linear arrangement of genes on human chromosomes by somatic cell genetics.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility in Brassica oleracea is controlled by the highly polymorphic S locus. Isolation and subsequent characterization of the S-locus-glycoprotein (SLG) gene, which encodes the S-locus-specific glycoprotein (SLSG), has revealed the presence of a self-incompatibility multigene family. One of these S-locus-related genes, SLR1, has been shown to be expressed. In this study we present the isolation and preliminary characterization of a second expressed S-locus-related sequence, SLR2. Through restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage analysis we demonstrate that the SLR1 and SLR2 loci reside approximately 18.5 map units apart in one linkage group that segregates independently of the S-locus. The identification of a second SLR gene expressed in stigmas suggests that loci unlinked to the S-locus may play a role in the self-incompatibility response, or in pollination in general.  相似文献   

Genetic and developmental analysis of an X-linked vital locus vnd was undertaken. Embryos hemizygous for the original allele vnd did not hatch and exhibited a disorganized ventral nervous system (VNS). The mutation maps in the region 1B6-7 to 1B9-10, a subregion of an area previously shown to be essential to normal neural development. In this paper, we report isolation of five new alleles at the locus vnd. Genetic complementation analysis of all mutations at the vnd locus, with lethal alleles at adjacent loci, indicates that all lesions at the locus vnd affect only one vital gene function in the region. Four of the five alleles are embryonic lethal; one allele is subvital and behaves like an hypomorphic mutation. Hemizygous embryos for three of the four embryonic lethal alleles were inspected in histological sections; all exhibited disorganized VNS similar to the original allele. The developmental analysis in gynandromorphic genetic mosaics shows that (1) vnd+ gene function is not essential in most imaginal-disc cell derivatives, (2) only about 30% of the mosaic zygotes survive as adults, (3) mosaic zygotes with mutant tissue close to the head cuticle are least likely to survive, and (4) mutant tissue in the thoracic ganglion in the adult is not necessarily lethal. The mosaic data are consistent with the vnd+ gene function being necessary in neural cells derived from the anterioventral region of the blastoderm.  相似文献   

尾分析法检测北极狐自咬症关联的RAPD标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以健康北极狐(Alopex lagopus)和患自咬症北极狐个体为研究对象,运用尾分析法,采用RAPD技术在分子水平上分析北极狐自咬症病因,并初步找到与自咬症相关联的RAPD标记,将该标记片段克隆测序,得到了北极狐自咬症特异序列,序列长658bp。  相似文献   

The autosomal tetranucleotide short tandem repeat loci D21S1435, D21S1411 and D21S1412 were analyzed in samples of unrelated 200 Korean individuals. The loci showed no significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Alleles were assigned according to the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (ISFH) recommendations. The power of discrimination of the analyzed markers was found to be high for the populations, thereby facilitating the validation and efficiency of these STR markers in forensic human identification and paternity testing. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the nomenclature and the allele frequency data for these three STR loci in Korean population.  相似文献   

B. Mir  S. Iyer  M. Ramaswami    K. S. Krishnan 《Genetics》1997,147(2):701-712
We describe a genetic and behavioral analysis of several alleles of har38, a mutant with altered sensitivity to the general anesthetic halothane. We obtained a P-element-induced allele of har38 and generated several excision alleles by remobilizing the P element. The mutants narrow abdomen (na) and har85 are confirmed to be allelic to har38. Besides a decreased sensitivity to halothane, all mutant alleles of this locus cause a characteristic walking behavior in the absence of anesthetics. We have quantified this behavior using a geotaxis apparatus. Responses of the mutant alleles to different inhalational anesthetics were tested. The results strongly favor a multipathway model for the onset of anesthesia. Mosaic flies were tested for their response to halothane and checked for their abnormal walking behavior. The analysis suggests that both the behaviors are exhibited only by such mosaics as have the entire head of mutant origin. It is likely that this focus represents an element of a common pathway in the anesthetic response to several inhalational anesthetics but not all. This result is the first demonstration of regional specificity in the CNS of any animal for general anesthetic action.  相似文献   

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