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Summary Two distinct populations of endocrine cells in the chicken thymus display neurotensin and somatostatin immunoreactivity, respectively. Both cell types are few in number at hatching but proliferate rapidly during the first week. The neurotensin cells are Grimelius-positive and Hellerström-Hellmannegative. The somatostatin cells are Grimelius-negative and Hellerström-Hellman-positive. Both cell populations are non-argentaffin. The somatostatin-like material extracted from chicken thymus behaves immunochemically and chromatographically similar to synthetovine somatostatin, while the neurotensin-like material, from the thymus as well as from the gut, differs from synthetic bovine neurotensin in that it appears larger in size and more basic.  相似文献   

Intestinal levels of immunoreactive neurotensin (iNT) and neuromedin N (iNMN), as well as mRNA for the NT/NMN precursor, were elevated during the suckling period in rats. While transient expression of NT/NMN was observed at 1–5 days of age in the proximal small intestine and colon, NT/NMN levels in the ileum increased to peak at 10–20 days of age and then decreased to adult levels. The levels of these peptides were not elevated in the central nervous system and pituitary over this time period. Chromatographic analyses of jejunoileal extracts indicated that large molecular forms of iNT and iNMN were present, constituting 1.3% of total iNT and 56% of total iNMN, respectively. Treatment of the large forms with pepsin, which is known to generate the fully immunoreactive peptides, NT(3–13), NT(4–13), and NMN, increased immunoreactivity tenfold (iNT) and 1.2-fold (iNMN). Thus, large forms actually constituted 13% (iNT) and 60% (iNMN). Based upon its physicochemical properties, large molecular iNMN was tentatively identified as a 125 residue peptide with NMN at its C-terminus [i.e., rat prepro-NT/NMN(23–147)]. The properties of large molecular iNT were most similar to those predicted for the entire precursor [i.e., rat prepro-NT/NMN(23–169)]. These results indicate a) that enhanced expression of NT/NMN occurs in a tissue-specific manner in rats during the suckling period; b) that the pattern of precursor processing in intestine yields primarily NT and a large molecular form of NMN.  相似文献   

Using a radioimmunoassay towards bovine neurotensin (NT), chicken NT has been purified to homogeneity from extracts of intestine and its amino acid sequence determined to be: <Glu-Leu-His-Val-Asn-Lys-Ala-Arg-Arg-Pro-Tyr-Ile-Leu-OH. The molecule is identical to the bovine peptide except for the 3 amino acid substitutions located in its NH2-terminal half and italicized above (His/Tyr; Val/Glu; Ala/Pro). The structure for chicken NT is consistent with earlier immunochemical studies which indicated a COOH-terminal homology with bovine NT [1]. The peptide isolated was shown to be near equipotent with bovine NT in its ability to induce hypotension, hyperglycemia, and cyanosis in the anesthesized rat, underscoring the importance of the COOH-terminal residues in NT for biological activity.  相似文献   

Using antisera towards the bioactive peptides, neurotensin and neuromedin N, as well as towards the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of their shared 170-residue precursor, peptides representing various portions of the precursor were isolated from extracts of canine ileum. In total, seven peptides were isolated, two of which had not been previously identified. One was the C-terminal tail of the precursor (Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Tyr) and the other was the tail peptide extended N-terminally to include neurotensin (Glp-Leu-Tyr-Glu-Asn-Lys-Pro-Arg-Arg-Pro-Tyr-Ile-Leu-Lys-Arg-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Tyr). By comparing the measured concentrations for each of the identified peptides, it was established that processing at the three Lys-Arg cleavage sites within the precursor did not occur to the same extent. Cleavage at the N-terminus of neuromedin N was 10% complete, that between neurotensin and the tail was 90% complete, and that between neuromedin N and neurotensin was 95% complete. Three immunoreactive proteins were also identified by immunochemical and chromatographic analyses: N-terminally extended neuromedin N (125 residues), N-terminally extended neurotensin (140 residues), and the entire 147-residue precursor. It was concluded that neurotensin, tail and large molecular neuromedin N were the primary products of processing for this precursor in canine ileum, while minor products included neuromedin N, neurotensin tail, and large molecular neurotensin.  相似文献   

肠Remak神经(Intestinal nerve of Remak,INR)是禽类特有的一根自主神经节链,但INR中肽类递质的分布至今仍然存在许多疑问。本文应用RT-PCR方法从鸡脑组织提取的RNA中扩增生长抑素前体蛋白1(Somatostatin precursor1,PSS1)和前脑啡肽原(Preproenkephalin,PPE)基因片段,将其连接于pGM-Teasy质粒,经过转化大肠杆菌、挑取阳性克隆和测序鉴定,确定为目的片段。分别以线性化的SS1/pGM-Teasy和PPE/pGM-Teasy质粒为模板,用体外转录的方法合成正反义地高辛标记RNA探针。通过原位杂交方法将合成的探针用于探查PPE和PSS1 mRNA在鸡空回肠段和直肠段INR中的分布情况。结果表明:INR中大部分神经细胞中有PPE和PSS1的mRNA的转录,其中PPE探针杂交阳性细胞在空回肠段和直肠段INR分别占83.79%±7.96%和96.04%±4.53%,而PSS1探针在空回肠段和直肠段INR中的杂交阳性细胞分别占86.98%±7.93%和86.07%±6.11%;在整个INR中都可能有PPE和PSS1 mRNA共存于同一神经细胞的现象;原位杂交阳性神经细胞胞体呈有突起的梭形或椭圆形,其纵轴与INR延伸的方向平行;阳性神经细胞胞体在INR神经节中呈层状或成群分布,在节间束也有少量的阳性细胞分布。本文从基因水平证明INR中大量神经细胞进行PPE或PSS1的mRNA的转录,并可能作为外源性生长抑素1和脑啡肽能神经纤维支配到肠壁和输卵管  相似文献   

G E Hoffman 《Peptides》1985,6(3):439-461
A wealth of evidence suggests that catecholamines (particularly norepinephrine) influence gonadotropin secretion via a direct interaction with the LHRH neurons. Neuropeptides such as neurotensin (NT) and substance P (SP) are likewise implicated in the control of LHRH secretion, based on pharmacological and preliminary anatomical studies. Since sub-populations of LHRH neurons project to areas of the brain other than the median eminence, a detailed analysis of the topography of axonal interactions of catecholamines (CA), substance P and neurotensin with LHRH cells was conducted in adult male mice using dual immunocytochemical techniques. An analysis of the patterns of apparent contact of NT or SP axons on LHRH cells as determined by close apposition of immunoreactive axons to LHRH cells when viewed under a light microscope at high magnification revealed that the density of NT or SP axons was not a reliable index of the degree of contact; in many locations, NT and SP had similar densities yet a greater portion of the LHRH cells appeared contacted by SP than NT. NT axons were in close contact with up to one-third of the LHRH cells. Analysis of the location of these "contacted" cells did not reveal a discrete subnucleus controlled by NT. Rather, the NT-contacted cells were scattered throughout the LHRH cell field. Interactions of LHRH cells with SP axons were likewise uniform throughout most of the LHRH cell field, with the exception of the most anterior portion of the field. In the anterior septum, few SP axons appeared to contact LHRH cells. Elsewhere, most of the LHRH cells were in contact with SP axons. For the CAs, the fiber density in the regions of the LHRH cells was uniformly moderate, yet the pattern of cells contacted showed variation across the LHRH cell field, with most of the "contacted" cells located near the OVLT and medial preoptic area. These data suggest that LHRH cells may be differentially regulated by NT, SP and the CAs.  相似文献   

The clearance and metabolism of synthetic and tritiated (3H) neurotensin (NT) were studied following its intravenous injection in a pharmacologic dose (500 pmol/kg) into anesthesized rats. Immunoreactive NT (iNT), measured in a radioimmunoassay (RIA) with use of a carboxyl-(C)-terminal directed antiserum, displayed an apparent half-life (t12) of 0.55 min, while that measured by an amino-(N)-terminal directed antiserum had a t12 of 5 min. The radiolabel from injected 3H-NT (3H on Tyr3,11) had a t12 of 6.5 min. High-pressure liquid chromatography of extracts of plasma obtained from the circulation 0.5–3 min after injection of NT and 3H-NT showed the presence of NT and the generation mainly of the fragments NT1–8, NT1–11, and NT9–13, as well as free 3H-labeled tyrosine. The apparent half-lives of intravenously injected synthetic NT1–8, NT1–11 and NT1–12 measured with the N-terminal RIA were 9, 5 and 5 min, respectively, while that for NT9–13 was less than 0.5 min. These results indicate that exogenously injected NT is rapidly metabolized to form N-terminal fragments which are cleared more slowly than NT. These findings suggest that use of N-terminal antisera to detect the release of endogenous NT into the circulation is likely to yield measurements of the fragments NT1–8 and NT1–11 which thus far have been found to be biologically inactive.  相似文献   

Summary The interstitium between smooth muscle cells in the media of the abdominal aorta of the chicken contains basement membranes, glycosaminoglycan, stout elastic fibers, extensive bundles of collagenous fibers, and a unique striated structure. In cross section, this striated, hexagonal structure resembles a honeycomb, each hexagon consisting of 6 isosceles triangles. Microtubule-like structures are present at each corner and center of a hexagon, and 3 delicate filaments are located equidistantly between putative microtubules. The periodicity evident in longitudinal section is the result of a constant repetition of microtubule-like elements. From staining with phosphotungstic acid it appears that the striated connective tissue structures are proteinacous and might serve as a reinforcing structure where smooth muscle cells are separated by dilated extracellular spaces.  相似文献   

Chicken -natriuretic peptide (-chNP) has been identified in chicken heart, which showed higher homology to brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) than to atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) [1]. Complementary DNA (cDNA) clone encoding a chNP precursor (pre-chNP) precursor (pre-chNP) was isolated from cardiac cDNA library and sequenced. Pre-chNP was 140-residue signal peptide at the N-terminus and -chNP at the C-terminus, and did not exhibit high homology to poreine BNP except for the C-terminal region. However, a characteristic AT-rich nucleotide sequence commonly found in mammalian BNPs was also present in the 3′-untranslated region. Thus, chNP is concluded to be classified into the BNP-type  相似文献   

The amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) is linked to Alzheimer's disease through its pathological proteolytic processing in the secretory pathway. Nevertheless, surprisingly little is known about the biosynthesis of endogenous APP. We therefore decided to investigate the intracellular fate of newly synthesized APP in a physiologically inducible neuroendocrine cell, the Xenopus intermediate pituitary melanotrope cell. We found that the level of both APP mRNA and protein was about threefold induced in the activated cells of black-adapted animals. Intriguingly, two pools of APP were found, only one of which was up-regulated. This induced pool became readily N- and subsequently O-glycosylated and was eventually proteolytically processed by an alpha-secretase-like cleavage event resulting in a secreted N-terminal and a cell-associated C-terminal APP fragment. Conversely, only the other (non-induced, non-glycosylated and uncleaved) pool became phosphorylated. Thus, we report on the biosynthesis of APP in a physiological context and illuminate the occurrence of two pools of APP, one of which is linked to neuroendocrine cell activation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the bioaccumulation and biotransformation of arsenic species in chicken heart and meat tissues. The experimental study was carried out using two sets of samples. In the first one, 10-d-old chickens were exposed to sodium arsenate, using spiked drinking water. These chickens grew normally and were killed after 50 d of arsenic exposure. The second set were edible chickens used as blanks for a parallel study. The total arsenic and arsenic species content in the exposed samples were at least twice those in the normal edible chicken. It has been demonstrated that sodium arsenate is biotransformed to arsenite and an unknown species and its distribution varies among the different cardiac and meat tissues. One important aspect is the capability of the auricle to preconcentrate the most toxic species, arsenite, in the exposed chicken. A nonidentified arsenic species from the edible chicken was detected. Arsenobetaine was also detected in several tissues. This article shows that chicken can be used as a representative animal when considering inorganic arsenic exposure in humans.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) is a highly conserved neuropeptide in mammals. Recent studies suggest that altered NT neurotransmission in postpartum females could promote the emergence of some maternal behaviors, including offspring protection. Here we evaluated how virgin and postpartum brains from mice selected for high maternal defense differ in response to NT. Virgin and postpartum mice were injected with either vehicle or 0.1 μg NT icv and brains were evaluated for c-Fos immunoreactivity, an indirect marker of neuronal activity. Using ANOVA analysis, common significant responses to NT were found in both female groups in four brain regions, including supraoptic nucleus, ventromedial nucleus, bed nucleus of stria terminalis dorsal, and a subregion of lateral septum (LS). For postpartum mice, only one additional region showed a significant response to NT relative to vehicle, whereas for virgin mice seven unique brain regions showed a significant c-Fos response: nucleus accumbens shell, paraventricular nucleus, central amygdala, and substantia nigra. Using a principal components analysis of c-Fos, we identified regions within each group with highly correlated activity. As expected, virgin and postpartum mice (vehicle conditions) showed different activity hubs and in the postpartum group the hubs matched regions linked to maternal care. The response to injected NT was different in the maternal and virgin groups with maternal mice showing a stronger coordinated activity in periaqueductal gray whereas virgin mice showed a stronger septal and amygdala linking of activity. Together, these results indicate neuronal responses of virgin and postpartum mice to NT and highlight pathways by which NT can alter maternal responses.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to relate receptor binding to biologic activity for the contractile effect of neurotensin (NT) in guinea pig ileum. The contractile response was examined on pieces of ileum under 1 g tension in a 5 ml bath of oxygenated Tyrode's at 38°C. NT contracted the longitudinal muscle (ED50, 0.3 nM), the 2–3 g response peaking at 1 min and fading rapidly. In the presence of atropine (1 μM), ≥50% of the response was blocked and the residual effect gave an ED50 of 1.4 nM. In the presence of atropine and CP-96,345, a substance P receptor antagonist (0.2 μM), no contraction was observed at 20 nM NT. Thus, there were two components to the response, one involving acetylcholine (ED50, 0.3 nM) and one substance P (ED50, 1.4 nM). Using membrane preparations and 125I-labeled NT, specific, high affinty receptors for NT were demonstrated in the muscle and myenteric plexus. Scatchard analyses indicated the presence of two binding sites (Kds: 0.1 nM and 2 nM). Sodiu ion and GTP analogs inhibited binding. Binding and biologic activity were similar in regard to dependence on specific groups within NT and sensitivity to metal ions. The high potency of Hg++ was consistent with an involvement of free sulfhydryl group(s) in the binding reaction; this was supported by work with SH-directed agents. The results suggest that two receptor types or configurations may mediate the two components of the contractile effect of NT on guinea pig ileum.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural distribution of fibronectin immunoreactivity was investigated in the chicken embryo during late gastrulation. Sites of binding of anti-fibronectin antibodies were ascribed to the basal lamina and associated structures, and to the cell surface. The fibronectin-rich basal lamina was resolved into (1) a lamina densa, which appears as a continuous, dense sheet, (2) a lamina lucida, consisting of anchoring cords between lamina densa and epithelial cells, and (3) a lamina intima, closely juxtaposed to the cell surface. Cell-surface labelling was also observed in mesoblast cells, and along the dorsal side of the deep-layer cells. The ventral side of the latter cells was poorly stained in the endophyllic crescent, except in coated pits, and more regularly stained at the level of definitive endoblast. Some structures associated with the basal lamina reacted intensely with anti-fibronectin antibodies. These are (1) the interstitial bodies, which are aggregates of extracellular material, and (2) a kind of fibril or tubule, embedded in a fibronectin matrix and mainly found in the endophyllic crescent. Some intracellular labelling was found in most deep-layer cells, in few epiblast cells, never in mesoblast cells. These results extend previous studies on the localization of fibronectin, and correlate its presence and surface topology with its postulated role in migration of mesoblast cells on the basal lamina which, chemically, constitutes an appropriate substrate.  相似文献   

Calnuc, a Golgi calcium binding protein, plays a key role in the constitution of calcium storage. Abnormal calcium homeostasis has been linked to Alzheimer's disease (AD). Excessive production and/or accumulation of beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptides that are proteolytically derived from the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) have been linked to the pathogenesis of AD. APP has also been indicated to play multiple physiological functions. In this study, we demonstrate that calnuc interacts with APP through direct binding to the carboxyl-terminal region of APP, possibly in a calcium-sensitive manner. Immunofluorescence study revealed that the two proteins co-localize in the Golgi in both cultured cells and mouse brains. Over-expression of calnuc in neuroblastoma cells significantly reduces the level of endogenous APP. Conversely, down-regulation of calnuc by siRNA increases cellular levels of APP. Additionally, we show that over-expression of calnuc down-regulates the APP mRNA level and inhibits APP biosynthesis, which in turn results in a parallel reduction of APP proteolytic metabolites, sAPP, CTFs and Abeta. Furthermore, we found that the level of calnuc was significantly decreased in the brain of AD patients as compared with that of age-matched non-AD controls. Our results suggest a novel function of calnuc in modulating the levels of APP and its proteolytic metabolites, which may further affect the patho/physiological functions of APP including AD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Neurotensin and xenin possess antidiabetic potential, mediated in part through augmentation of incretin hormone, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), action. In the present study, fragment peptides of neurotensin and xenin, acetyl-neurotensin and xenin-8-Gln, were fused together to create Ac-NT/XN-8-Gln. Following assessment of enzymatic stability, effects of Ac-NT/XN-8-Gln on in vitro β-cell function were studied. Subchronic antidiabetic efficacy of Ac-NT/XN-8-Gln alone, and in combination with the clinically approved GLP-1 receptor agonist exendin-4, was assessed in high-fat fed (HFF) mice. Ac-NT/XN-8-Gln was highly resistant to plasma enzyme degradation and induced dose-dependent insulin-releasing actions (P<0.05 to P<0.01) in BRIN-BD11 β-cells and isolated mouse islets. Ac-NT/XN-8-Gln augmented (P<0.001) the insulinotropic actions of GIP, while possessing independent β-cell proliferative (P<0.001) and anti-apoptotic (P<0.01) actions. Twice daily treatment of HFF mice with Ac-NT/XN-8-Gln for 32 days improved glycaemic control and circulating insulin, with benefits significantly enhanced by combined exendin-4 treatment. This was reflected by reduced body fat mass (P<0.001), improved circulating lipid profile (P<0.01) and reduced HbA1c concentrations (P<0.01) in the combined treatment group. Following an oral glucose challenge, glucose levels were markedly decreased (P<0.05) only in combination treatment group and superior to exendin-4 alone, with similar observations made in response to glucose plus GIP injection. The combined treatment group also presented with improved insulin sensitivity, decreased pancreatic insulin content as well as increased islet and β-cell areas. These data reveal that Ac-NT/XN-8-Gln is a biologically active neurotensin/xenin fusion peptide that displays prominent antidiabetic efficacy when administered together with exendin-4.  相似文献   

Interactions between neurotensin and dopamine in the brain: an overview   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R Quirion 《Peptides》1983,4(5):609-615
Neurotensin (NT)-like immunoreactivity is found in high concentrations in many brain areas under important dopaminergic control, such as the nucleus accumbens and the substantia nigra and its receptors are also highly concentrated in the A-9 and A-10 regions. Neurotensin-induced behavioral actions after intracerebral injections bear many similarities with neuroleptics. Moreover, NT is able to modify dopamine metabolism in various brain regions. Finally, 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions of A-9 and A-10 regions markedly decrease NT receptors in these areas and in the caudate-putamen. All together, these data strongly suggest that NT interacts with mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways in the brain.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) for Lys8, Asn9, neurotensin 8–13 (LANT-6) has been developed which utilizes 125I-labeled LANT-6 and rabbit antisera raised towards conjugates of synthetic LANT-6 and bovine thyroglobulin. The antiserum described (TG-22) allows the detection of ca 100 fmol of LANT-6 and crossreacts <0.01% with chicken or bovine NT. Dose-response relationships for the native (chicken) and synthetic peptides were indistinguishable. Using this assay the distribution of immunoreactive LANT-6 (iLANT-6) through various tissues of the chicken was studied and compared with that of chicken NT (iNT) determined by RIA. Both iNT and iLANT-6 were found primarily in the brain and gastrointestinal tract, however, their regional distributions were found to differ. Subcellular distribution studies in homogenates of chicken brain indicated that obth iNT and iLANT-6 were associated with synaptosome-like and vesicle-like particles. In homogenates of small intestine, pancreas and colon iNT and iLANT-6 appeared to be within osmotically sensitive, sedimentable particles. Analyses using high pressure liquid chromatography established that chicken iLANT-6 co-eluted with the synthetic peptide and that similar substances were present in extracts of rat brain and intestine. These results are consistent with “messenger” roles for these peptides.  相似文献   

Dupouy S  Mourra N  Doan VK  Gompel A  Alifano M  Forgez P 《Biochimie》2011,93(9):1369-1378
A growing challenge in medicine today, is the need to improve the suitability of drug treatments for cancer patients. In this field, biomarkers have become the “flags” to provide additional information in tumor biology. They are a relay between the patient and practitioner and consequently, aid in the diagnosis, providing information for prognosis, or in some cases predicting the response to specific therapies. In addition to being markers, these tumor “flags” can also be major participants in the process of carcinogenesis.Neurotensin receptor 1 (NTSR1) was recently identified as a prognosis marker in breast, lung, and head and neck squamous carcinomas. Neurotensin (NTS) was also shown to exert numerous oncogenic effects involved in tumor growth and metastatic spread. These effects were mostly mediated by NTSR1, making the NTS/NTSR1 complex an actor in cancer progression. In this review, we gather information on the oncogenic effects of the NTS/NTSR1 complex and its associated signaling pathways in order to illuminate its significant role in tumor progression and its potential as a biomarker and a therapeutic target in some tumors.  相似文献   

By using a radioimmunoassay for neuromedin N (NMN), a hexapeptide in the neurotensin (NT) family, extracts of canine small intestine were found to contain primarily (greater than 75%) large molecular form(s) of NMN, whereas the predominant species in brain was NMN itself. Large NMN was highly basic (pI greater than 9) and during sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis gave two components of approximately 17 kDa (75%) and approximately 8 kDa (25%). Large NMN, like NT, was localized primarily to the mucosal layer of the jejunoileum. It was also present in highly purified (25% pure) mucosal N-cells, where it appeared to be concentrated within dense secretory vesicles. The amino acid sequence of a 21-amino acid fragment cleaved from the C-terminal region of large NMN was identical to residues 128-148 of the canine NT/NMN precursor predicted from cDNA work. These results suggest that tissue-specific processing of the NT/NMN precursor occurs in the dog, giving rise to NMN in brain and large NMN in small intestine.  相似文献   

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