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Young mammals come to approach the odor of their mother, a response that facilitates their survival during early life. Young rats induce a cascade of events in their mother to induce the emission of her odor. The pups increase circulating prolactin levels, which increases food intake and the emission of large quantities of cecotrophe containing the maternal odor. This odor is synthesized by the action of cecal microorganisms and changes with maternal diet. The diet-dependence of the odor requires the pups to acquire their attraction to the odor postnatally. The acquisition of this preference occurs when an odor is paired with the tactile stimulation that pups receive during maternal care. The action of the tactile stimulation appears to be mediated by noradrenaline. The development of this type of olfactory attraction is accompanied by changes in the regions of the olfactory bulb that are responsive to the attractive odor. Metabolic, anatomical, and neurophysiological changes in response to the attractive odor emerge in such regions of the bulb after early olfactory preference training. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Vegetated habitats provide numerous benefits to nekton, including structural refuge from predators and food sources. However, the sensory mechanisms by which fishes locate these habitats remain unclear for many species, especially when environmental conditions (such as increased turbidity) are unfavorable for visual identification of habitats. Here, a series of laboratory experiments test whether three species of adult fish (golden topminnow Fundulus chrysotus Günther 1866, sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna Lesueur 1821, and western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis Baird and Girard 1853) use plant chemical cues to orient to one of two habitats [hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle or water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms]. First, experiments in aquaria were conducted offering fish a choice of the two habitats to determine preference patterns. Next, a two-channel flume, with each side containing flow originating in one of the two habitats, was used to determine whether preferences were still exhibited when fish could only detect habitats through olfactory means. While patterns among the three fish species tested here were variable, results did indicate consistent habitat preferences despite the lack of cues other than olfactory, suggesting that these organisms are capable of discriminating habitats via chemical exudates from plants. As such, olfactory mechanisms likely provide vital information about the surrounding environment and future work should be directed at determining how anthropogenic inputs such as eutrophication and sediment runoff affect the physiology of these sensory capabilities.  相似文献   

Two of the many agendas of neuroethology are illustrated with examples. The first issue is what cells or assemblies of cells and what patterns of activity are sufficient to accomplish recognition of ethologically important stimulus configurations and initiation of behavioral action. The theme is the opportunities available in relatively neglected approaches to these objectives. As an example, the approach is developed of gentle microstimulation of loci in the brain where cells have been found to be responsive to complex, natural stimuli, under conditions conducive to the performance of tell-tale behavior. Other approaches include: (a) microinjection of modulatory substances into regions with such complex recognition cells, and (b) recording in efficient and informative ways, by using multiple electrode arrays, registering wideband activity, in behaving animals. The second issue is what brain and behavior differences has evolution produced between major taxa at distinct grades of complexity. Emphasized are our relative ignorance of basic aspects of connectivity, physiology and cognitive capacities in the major grades and the probability of surprises from new studies that employ comparison. Accepted: 29 January 1999  相似文献   

Ethology, the evolutionary science of behaviour, assumes that natural selection shapes behaviour and its neural substrates in humans and other animals. In this view, the nervous system of any animal comprises a suite of morphological and behavioural adaptations for solving specific information processing problems posed by the physical or social environment. Since the allocation of behaviour often reflects economic optimization of evolutionary fitness subject to physical and cognitive constraints, neurobiological studies of reward, punishment, motivation and decision making will profit from an appreciation of the information processing problems confronted by animals in their natural physical and social environments.  相似文献   

The electric sense of elasmobranch fishes (sharks and rays) is an important sensory modality known to mediate the detection of bioelectric stimuli. Although the best known function for the use of the elasmobranch electric sense is prey detection, relatively few studies have investigated other possible biological functions. Here, we review recent studies that demonstrate the elasmobranch electrosensory system functions in a wide number of behavioral contexts including social, reproductive and anti-predator behaviors. Recent work on non-electrogenic stingrays demonstrates that the electric sense is used during reproduction and courtship for conspecific detection and localization. Electrogenic skates may use their electrosensory encoding capabilities and electric organ discharges for communication during social and reproductive interactions. The electric sense may also be used to detect and avoid predators during early life history stages in many elasmobranch species. Embryonic clearnose skates demonstrate a ventilatory freeze response when a weak low-frequency electric field is imposed upon the egg capsule. Peak frequency sensitivity of the peripheral electrosensory system in embryonic skates matches the low frequencies of phasic electric stimuli produced by natural fish egg-predators. Neurophysiology experiments reveal that electrosensory tuning changes across the life history of a species and also seasonally due to steroid hormone changes during the reproductive season. We argue that the ontogenetic and seasonal variation in electrosensory tuning represent an adaptive electrosensory plasticity that may be common to many elasmobranchs to enhance an individual's fitness throughout its life history.  相似文献   

Floral to green: mating switches moth olfactory coding and preference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mating induces profound physiological changes in a wide range of insects, leading to behavioural adjustments to match the internal state of the animal. Here, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that a noctuid moth switches its olfactory response from food to egg-laying cues following mating. Unmated females of the cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) are strongly attracted to lilac flowers (Syringa vulgaris). After mating, attraction to floral odour is abolished and the females fly instead to green-leaf odour of the larval host plant cotton, Gossypium hirsutum. This behavioural switch is owing to a marked change in the olfactory representation of floral and green odours in the primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe (AL). Calcium imaging, using authentic and synthetic odours, shows that the ensemble of AL glomeruli dedicated to either lilac or cotton odour is selectively up- and downregulated in response to mating. A clear-cut behavioural modulation as a function of mating is a useful substrate for studies of the neural mechanisms underlying behavioural decisions. Modulation of odour-driven behaviour through concerted regulation of odour maps contributes to our understanding of state-dependent choice and host shifts in insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Animals often use different sensory systems to assess different sexually selected signals from potential mates. However, the relative importance of different signals on mate choice is not well understood in many animal species. In this study, we examined the relative importance of male olfactory and visual cues on female preference in the guppy Poecilia reticulata. We used digitally modified male images to standardize visual stimuli. We found that, regardless of whether females were presented without male visual stimuli or with identical male visual stimuli, they preferred stimuli with the odor of males to those without. However, when females were allowed to choose between dull male visual stimuli with male odor, and brightly colored male visual stimuli without male odor, there was no clear preference for either. Some females preferred the dull male visual stimuli with male odor, whereas some other females preferred the brightly colored male visual stimuli without male odor. These results indicate that the relative importance of olfactory and visual cues in female mate preference varied between individuals.  相似文献   

The nudibranch Melibe leonina swims by rhythmically flexingits body from side to side at a frequency of 1 cycle every 2–5sec. Melibe swim spontaneously, when they are dislodged fromthe substrate, or when they come in contact with predatory seastars,such as Pycnopodia helianthoides. Intracellular recordings obtainedfrom semi-intact swimming Melibe reveal a population of 15 swimmotoneurons (SMNs) in each pedal ganglion. In general, SMNsin one pedal ganglion fire out-of-phase with SMNs in the oppositepedal ganglion, resulting in rhythmic side-to-side bending movements.In isolated brains, recordings from SMNs yield similar results,indicating the existence of a swim central pattern generator(CPG). There is no evidence for synaptic interactions betweenSMNs and either inhibiting or exciting SMNs has no impact onthe swim pattern. The SMNs are driven by a CPG consisting of4 interneurons; 2 in the cerebropleural ganglia and 1 in eachpedal ganglion. Appropriate bursting activity in the swim interneuronsis necessary for swimming to occur. Either hyperpolarizationor depolarization of any of the 4 CPG interneurons disruptsthe normal swim pattern. Swimming behavior, and the fictiveswim motor program expressed by the isolated brain, are inhibitedby light and nitric oxide donors. NADPH-diaphorase stainingand nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunocytochemistry of Melibebrains suggests the source of nitric oxide might be a pair ofbilaterally symmetrical cells located in the cerebropleuralganglia.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that flies from sympatric populationsof Rhagoletis pomonella infesting hawthorn, apple, and floweringdogwood fruit can distinguish among unique volatile blends identifiedfrom each host. Analysis of peripheral chemoreception in Rhagoletisflies suggests that changes in receptor specificity and/or receptorneuron sensitivity could impact olfactory preference among thehost populations and their hybrids. In an attempt to validatethese claims, we have combined flight tunnel analyses and singlesensillum electrophysiology in F2 and backcross hybrids displayinga variety of behavioral phenotypes. Results show that differencesin peripheral chemoreception among second-generation adultsdo not provide a direct correlation between peripheral codingand olfactory behavior. We conclude that either the plasticityof the central nervous system in Rhagoletis can compensate forsignificant alterations in peripheral coding or that peripheralchanges present subtle effects on behavior not easily detectablewith current techniques. The results of this study imply thatthe basis for olfactory behavior in Rhagoletis has a complicatedgenetic and neuronal basis, even for populations with a recentdivergence in preference.  相似文献   

Progress and directions in olfactory development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brunjes PC  Greer CA 《Neuron》2003,38(3):371-374

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