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Palma-Silva  C.  Albertoni  E.F.  Esteves  F.A. 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(2):157-164
This investigation of the aquatic macrophyte Eleocharis mutata (L.) Roem. Et Schult. was carried out in Imboassica lagoon, a coastal lagoon in Macaé (22°50S; 44°42W), in the northern part of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The sandbar separating this lagoon from the ocean has been opened several times for flood control and to allow the entrance of marine species of commercial interest. The barrier bar has been breached without appropriate planning, and the consequences of breaching for the lagoon ecosystem are poorly understood. These openings drastically affect the structure and functioning of the lagoon, but there are no data on possible effects on macrophyte communities. In this project, we obtained data on the increase of the distribution, biomass accumulation and production rates of E. mutata in the establishment of a new stand, in an effort to relate effects of sandbar breach events to the expansion of this species. During 22 months of sampling, 4 breachings of the sandbar occurred, and E. mutata increased its area of coverage by about 8104 m2, or 2.5% of the total area of the lagoon. The total aerial biomass reached a maximum of 1515 g DW m–2, and the underground biomass reached 583 g DW m–2. During the establishment and development of the stand, both dead and live aerial biomass and underground biomass tended to accumulate. Aerial net primary production (ANPP) was quite variable, reaching a maximum of 18.9 g DW m–2 d–1. We conclude that the sudden variations in water level caused by breaches in the sandbar were beneficial to the expansion of this species in Imboassica lagoon.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on the clonal growth of Typha domingensis Pers. in the Imboassica lagoon, in the intervals between four drawdowns. Sampling was performed over a period of two years, from permanent quadrats, in the four months after each of the drawdowns. The high mortality of the macrophytes after each drawdown is followed by a period in which the stands recover by producing ramets. The results have shown that the growth areas around the boundary of the stand (boundary band, BB) and one further towards the middle (innermost zone, IZ) show different recovery characteristics. The BB area recovered more quickly after the first drawdown, but both areas had the same accumulated biomass after the third drawdown. At the contact boundary, (CB) with stand of Eleocharis mutata, a decrease in the growth of T. domingensis occurred with a progressive invasion of E. mutata in its stand. After 10 months with no drawdown, T. domingensis produced a large quantity of inflorescences, which indicates recovery. It can therefore be concluded that successive drawdowns may decrease the regeneration ability of T. domingensis, favoring the expansion of E. mutata in the lagoon.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in natural stands of Typha domingensis in Lake Burullus, Egypt, to investigate (1) nutrient dynamics and heavy metals accumulation in its organs, (2) the phytoextractive potential of its organs and (3) the amount of nutrients and heavy metals released back into the water after decomposition of the dead tissues. Nitrogen concentrations were higher in the shoot than in the root and rhizome, while P, Ca, Cu, Fe, Zn and ash concentrations were higher in the root than in the rhizome and shoot. Significant differences in the concentrations of Mg, Cd, Cu and ash were assessed during the growing season of T. domingensis. The content of most nutrients and heavy metals in the shoot increased rapidly during the early growing season in February, reached maximal values in July and then decreased again. The nutrient and heavy metal contents in the below-ground portion of the plant showed an opposite trend compared to the shoot; they decreased sharply during the spring, when they were translocated, supporting the heterotrophic phase of shoot growth. However, they increased slightly from July to September and then decreased again. The transfer factors of all nutrients and heavy metals from the sediment to the below-ground organs were greater than unity. The higher translocation ratio of N in T. domingensis shoots makes it suitable for N phytoextraction from water and sediment, while the lower translocation ratios for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn make it suitable for metal ion phytostabilisation. The dead shoot biomass of the stands at the end of 2010 amounted to 1950 g DM m−2, when the seasonal decomposition process began. With a decay rate of 0.0049 day−1, 1624 g DM m−2 is decomposed in the lake in a year. This is equivalent to releasing the following nutrient and heavy metals into the surrounding water (in g m−2): 23.4 N, 0.8 P, 19.2 Ca, 1.8 Mg, 5.6 Na, 32.8 K, 0.01 Cd, 0.01 Cu, 0.84 Fe, 0.12 Pb and 0.03 Zn.  相似文献   

The response of the aquatic plant Sparganium emersum to different sediment nutrient levels was studied in three mesocosm experiments. The aim was to assess plant growth parameters and nutrient accumulation in the plant tissue under conditions relevant for habitats with sediments affected by anthropogenic nutrient enrichment. The experimental treatments were produced by fertilisation of the rooting medium (washed river sand) with differing doses of either NPK mineral fertiliser or digested sludge from solid pig slurry waste. Growth inhibition by high nutrient levels was not observed in any treatment (highest nutrient concentrations in the sediment with mineral fertiliser: N 250 mg kg−1, P 50 mg kg−1; organic fertiliser: N 6300 mg kg−1, P 1800 mg kg−1), which confirms the tolerance of S. emersum to high nutrient loads. The sediment nutrient concentration was best reflected in shoot dry mass. Nutrient contents in plant tissues were similar for most nutrient concentrations in the rooting media; only N increased significantly with N levels in the sediment in belowground parts. Nutrient standing stocks in plants, however, generally corresponded to the nutrient supply, and reached highest values (max. N 3.7 g m−2, P 1.2 g m−2) in the richest treatments with organic fertiliser. The capability of S. emersum to use nutrients from high sediment concentrations and in organically polluted environments recommends this species for use in water quality management including tertiary wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the spatio-temporal variability of water quality parameters (transparency, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients viz. NH3-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, PO43-P, total nitrogen, total phosphorous and chlorophyll-a) in Chilika lagoon during 2001–2003 in order to better understand its ecological characteristics. Marked spatial and seasonal variations were detected with respect to almost all parameters studied. Northern sector of the lagoon is more affected by the anthropogenic stress from the catchments than the southern sector. Addition of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds to the lagoon mainly occurred through the drainage from agricultural lands and river run off during the early months of paddy cultivating seasons. Phytoplankton productivity of the lagoon was nitrogen limited, as suggested by nitrogen to phosphorous ratio. Processes affecting the water quality of the lagoon system included agricultural drainage, sewage intrusion, macrophyte litter fall and exchange of water between lagoon and the sea (Bay of Bengal). Further in depth study pertaining to quantification of exogenous material input and their disposal is recommended to ensure proper management of the lagoon and its resources.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an examination of the phycical-chemical parameters of water together with an analysis of the chlorophyll a concentration of 12 small water bodies situated within urban and suburban areas of the city of Poznań (mid-west Poland)—typical mid-forest, strongly anthropogenically modified in the urban landscape, strongly antropogenically modified in an agricultural area and clay-pits. There were zones of open water (Unvegetated Zone) as well as zones of rush and aquatic vegetation (Vegetated Zone) distinguished in the examined ponds. The influence of the rush vegetation, nymphaeids and elodeids on the abiotic parameters of an aquatic environment was examined. Water samples were taken during the summer of 2004 from 12 stations within the open water and 24 within macrophytes. The plant matter was randomly collected in triplicate from the central part of the vegetated stand. The influence of macrophytes on the abiotic features of water was estimated using the parameter of the plant length (cm l−1) and the plant biomass (g l−1). In the studied ponds 12 aquatic macrophyte communities were distinguished. A salient feature of submerged macrophytes was a great density of plant stems along with considerebly low biomass, however, the rush vegetation (Phragmitetum communis, Typhetum latifoliae) when compared to nymphaeids (Polygonetum natantis, Potametum natantis) and elodeids (Potametum lucentis) was characterised by lower stem densities and higher biomass. The water bodies were alkaline and of pronounced hardness. In most of them high trophy conditions were found with especially high concentrations of phosphorus (96 μg l−1 on average). There was significant differentiation in the water chemistry (mainly in respect to mineral compounds) between the Vegetated and Unvegetated Zones as well as between particular aquatic macrophyte communities.  相似文献   

Hydrology is often the main determinant of water chemistry and structure of the aquatic communities in coastal lagoons, driven by the interaction of freshwater load from the catchment and marine intrusions. However, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) can have important local effects on both features, even during sporadically and short proliferations. A SAV summer proliferation was observed during 2003 in a coastal lagoon in Uruguay (Laguna de Rocha), increasing macrophyte cover and biomass in the less saline zones. SAV summer proliferations were first observed in summer 2001, with no records prior. The aim of this paper is to describe the ephemeral proliferation of SAV in this shallow brackish lagoon and to analyze its effects on the abiotic environment and on the zoobenthic community. Vegetated and unvegetated zones were sampled in the northern more limnic area (9.1 mS cm−1 ± 4.8) and the southern brackish area (20.9 mS cm−1 ± 5.2). Water and sediment chemistry were analyzed by standard methods and benthos and plants were collected with an Ekman grab. During SAV proliferation, suspended solids were five times lower inside macrophyte patches and water column total phosphorus and nitrogen were three and two times lower, respectively. Zoobenthos abundance and richness were higher in vegetated patches. However, no differences were found between sampling sites in the more brackish southern area and in the North after the SAV proliferation ended. This indicates that SAV can influence water chemistry and benthos structure above a biomass threshold of 100 g DW m−2. Although hydrology is the driving force regulating communities and water chemistry in these coastal lagoons, our results showed that SAV can also be an important local factor above a certain biomass threshold.  相似文献   

In the subtropical Everglades, greater than 85% of water input through atmospheric precipitation, the primary source of water to the ecosystem, is lost through evapotranspiration (ET). Two dominant macrophytes that could influence ET rates through transpiration and stomatal control were investigated in a field study: Cladium jamaicense, presently the species with the greatest distribution (65%–70%); and Typha domingensis, a species increasing in distribution due to eutrophication and hydrological modifications to the ecosystem. Transpiration rates and stomatal conductance of the two species were compared at eutrophic, mesotrophic, and oligotrophic sites throughout an annual wet and dry season of subtropical Florida. Typha domingensis possessed higher transpiration and conductance rates (>; 11 mmol m-2 sec-1) than C. jamaicense (<;7 mmol m-2 sec-1; P <; 0.01), during the winter and spring months when ambient temperatures and vapor pressure were at a minimum. However, rates for the two species converged and were not significantly different during the summer and fall months. Stomatal conductance of C. jamaicense remained constant over the range of ambient vapor pressures, but significantly increased in T. domingensis with decreasing vapor pressure. Vapor pressure and light were the best predictors of seasonal and diurnal transpiration rates of T. domingensis, whereas temperature explained the most variability in C. jamaicense. Annual transpiration rates for both species were 1 to 2 mmol m-2 sec-1 greater at the eutrophic site than at the transitional and oligotrophic sites. Leaf area increased six times in C. jamaicense and twofold in T. domingensis from the control to nutrient-enriched sites. Results at the leaf scale suggest vegetation shifts and nutrient enrichment have the potential to alter water balances in the Everglades. However, canopy level studies may be necessary to support these conclusions when applied to the larger ecosystem or regional scale.  相似文献   

The present study aims to determine biological fish production of a lagoon and relate this to the commercial fisheries yield. The fish community of an estuarine lagoon in the west coast of Portugal was sampled between November 1998 and November 2000 to estimate the production ecology of the community, including somatic production, population size, species richness, species diversity, and biomass. Using the Allen curve method of determination, the total annual fish production of all fish species in the lagoon was calculated at 90.3 tonnes or 2.1 g m−2 year−1 in the first year and 106.7 tonnes or 2.5 g m−2 year−1 in the second year. The marine seasonal migrant species, sardine, Sardina pilchardus, which colonises the lagoon during the juvenile period of its life stages, produced more than 35 tonnes in each year and accounted for >39 and >33%, in the first and second year respectively, of the total fish production in this lagoon. Sardine was numerically more abundant (18,217 specimens) but due to their small size contributed only 13% to the total biomass. Sardine was thus the most important fish species in terms of the consumption and production processes of the whole fish community in this system. Commercial fisheries’ records indicate that approximately 300 tonnes per annum of fish are taken from the lagoon, which corresponds to three times more than the estimated production in the lagoon. Thus, if it exists, the sustainability of the fishery appears to depend on the immigration of fish from the adjacent coastal area and it is questioned whether the fishery is sustainable in the long-term. The findings indicate that careful and effective management of the lagoon is required to ensure a long-term healthy aquatic environment and sustainable catches in the future.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of altered tidal circulation on southern California salt marshes are investigated by comparing a well-flushed wetland and two modified wetlands which have reduced tidal flow. The Tijuana Estuary had continuous exchange of seawater but relatively low net aerial primary productivity (0.4–1.0 kg m-2yr-1) of vascular plants. Low productivity (0.6 kg m-2yr-1) was also found in the Flood Control Channel of the San Diego River, where tidal exchange was restricted to flow through a riprap dike. High productivity (1.2–2.9 kg m-2yr-1) in Los Penasquitos Lagoon was attributed to the influences of freshwater impounded behind a sand bar which blocked the mouth of the lagoon during much of the study period.It is hypothesized that elimination of tidal flow during the growing season increased primary productivity of vascular plants because freshwater runoff decreased soil salinity and because nutrients were retained within the marsh. However, we predict that sand bar obstruction can decrease productivity if below-average rainfall leads to hypersalinity of closed lagoons. Comprehensive evaluation of the effects of altered tidal circulation requires longterm study and examination of the total ecosystem.  相似文献   

Salix gracilistyla is one of the dominant plants in the riparian vegetation of the upper-middle reaches of rivers in western Japan. This species colonizes mainly sandy habitats, where soil nutrient levels are low, but shows high potential for production. We hypothesized that S.␣gracilistyla uses nutrients conservatively within stands, showing a high resorption efficiency during leaf senescence. To test this hypothesis, we examined seasonal changes in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in aboveground organs of S. gracilistyla stands on a fluvial bar in the Ohtagawa River, western Japan. The concentrations in leaves decreased from April to May as leaves expanded. Thereafter, the concentrations showed little fluctuation until September. They declined considerably in autumn, possibly owing to nutrient resorption. We converted the nutrient concentrations in each organ to nutrient amounts per stand area on the basis of the biomass of each organ. The resorption efficiency of N and P in leaves during senescence were estimated to be 44 and 46%, respectively. Annual net increments of N and P in aboveground organs, calculated by adding the amounts in inflorescences and leaf litter to the annual increments in perennial organs, were estimated to be 9.9 g and 0.83 g m−2 year−1, respectively. The amounts released in leaf litter were 6.7 g N and 0.44 g P m−2. These values are comparable to or larger than those of other deciduous trees. We conclude that S. gracilistyla stands acquire large amounts of nutrients and release a large proportion in leaf litter.  相似文献   

The population and production ecology of aZizania latifolia stand at a sheltered shore of the Hitachi-Tone River were investigated. Shoot emergence was observed twice a year; the fist was a synchronized shoot emergence in April and the second was from August to October. Aboveground biomass was mostly occupied by leaves and peaked at 1500 g dry weight m−2 in August. The belowground biomass also reached its peak, 750 g dry weight m−2, in August. The secondary shoots were small in spite of their high density. Leaves were produced continuously throughout the season. The leaf life span was as short as 55.6 days for cohorts that emerged from May through to September. Total annual net production ofZ. latifolia could be more than 3400 g dry weight m−2. Shoot clusters of several centimeters were observed in April. The following self-thinning caused a regular distribution of the remaining shoots in August. Most shoots produced in August to October were found near a shoot persisting since April. They showed more concentrated distribution than shoots in April. A large biomass allocation to leaves and the ability to produce many clump shoots during the late growing period may facilitate dominance ofZ. latifolia in relatively sheltered sites.  相似文献   

Human and livestock sewage is one of the major causes of excess nutrients, leading to the eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems and potentially to the emergence or spread of pathogenic viruses. This study aimed to investigate the composition and diversity of aquatic viromes in a highly anthropized lagoon, to identify the presence of pathogenic taxa and to explore their use as possible viral indicators of faecal contamination. For this, water and sediment samples were collected in the Ebrié Lagoon (Ivory Coast) at seven stations with contrasting levels of eutrophication. The DNA viromes of the planktonic and the benthic compartments were highly divergent, but were not influenced by the level of eutrophication. Conversely, the RNA viromes in the water column were comparable to those found in sediment, but showed significant differences between the stations. We detected the presence of viral DNA and RNA sequences we had assigned as indicators of faecal contamination (smacovirus, pecovirus and pepper mild mottle virus) as well as human pathogens (human cyclovirus, coxsackie B virus and picobirnavirus), which were all enriched in the most eutrophicated sites. These findings suggest that the examination of viromes represents a promising tool for assessing the state of human-induced contamination of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at elucidating the general effects of harvesting on the growth of reed sweetgrass, Glyceria maximaPoaceae, an emergent aquatic macrophyte potentially suitable for recovery of nutrients from wastewater. In a natural stand significantly lower amounts of young rhizomes and a lower concentration of nonstructural carbohydrates were observed after the first harvest. This indicated a reduced translocation of carbohydrates to the rhizomes and a depressed rhizome growth. The concentration of carbohydrates increased to the same level as in an unharvested plot within 7 wk. Rhizome biomass at the end of that growing season was 380 g/m2 in the plot harvested two times and 725 g/m2 in the unharvested plot. More N was removed with two harvests (12.1 g/m2) than with one (8.0 g/m2). In the following spring the shoots harvested two times had the lowest N content, which suggests that in harvested stands a high input of external nutrients may be needed to maintain optimal growth.  相似文献   

Yermakov Z  Rothstein DE 《Oecologia》2006,149(4):690-700
We investigated the changes in soil processes following wildfire in Michigan jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests using a chronosequence of 11 wildfire-regenerated stands spanning 72 years. The objective of this study was to characterize patterns of soil nutrients, soil respiration and N mineralization with stand development, as well as to determine the mechanisms driving those patterns. We measured in situ N mineralization and soil respiration monthly during the 2002 growing season and used multiple regression analysis to determine the important factors controlling these processes. Growing-season soil respiration rates ranged from a low of 156 g C/m2 in the 7-year-old stand to a high of 254 g C/m2 in the 22-year-old stand, but exhibited no clear pattern with stand age. In general, soil respiration rates peaked during the months of July and August when soil temperatures were highest. We used a modified gamma function to model a temporal trend in total N mineralization (total N mineralization = 1.853−0.276 × age × e −0.814 × age; R 2 = 0.381; P = 0.002). Total N mineralization decreased from 2.8 g N/m2 in the 1-year-old stand to a minimum value of 0.5 g N/m2 in the 14-year-old stand, and then increased to about 1.5 g N/m2 in mature stands. Changes in total N mineralization were driven by a transient spike in N turnover in the mineral soil immediately after wildfire, followed by a gradual accrual of a slow-cycling pool of N in surface organic horizons as stands matured. Thus, in Michigan jack pine forests, the accumulation of surface organic matter appears to regulate N availability following stand-replacing wildfire.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) derived from aquatic and terrestrial vascular plants provide a major energy and nutrient source for freshwater and coastal marine biota. The bioavailability of this material may to a large extent depend on plant species. In this study, we have compared the bioavailability of DOC and DON sampled in two distinct stands of Typha domingensisand Eleocharis mutatain a coastal tropical lake and in the adjacent ocean in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Bioavailability of organic matter was assessed by regrowth bioassays using natural bacterial inocula. Nutrients were added to achieve carbon or nitrogen limitation. At all sampling sites, DON comprised over 95% of the total bioavailable nitrogen, suggesting its dominant role as a nitrogen source. The bioavailability of lacustrine DON (22% in the Typhastand and 34% in the Eleocharisstand) exceeded the bioavailability of DOC (8 and 10%, respectively) and exhibited a larger difference between the stands. 3H-leucine incorporation studies showed that lake bacterioplankton had a well balanced supply of C, N and P. Therefore, an accumulation of labile DON due to an excess nitrogen supply is not probable. We propose that a substantial part of the lake DON was newly formed within the macrophyte stands, while DOC was predominantly of terrestrial origin and more diagenetically changed.  相似文献   

The density, biomass and shoot morphology of two populations of Zostera noltii were monitored from January 1998 to July 1999 at two shallow Mediterranean lagoons of Biguglia and Urbino, which differ in hydro-morphological conditions and nutrient loading. Monitoring included the principal biological and foliar parameters (shoot density, aboveground and belowground biomass, length, width and number of leaves, LAI and coefficient A: percentage of leaves having lost their apex), the organic matter contents of the sediment and the environmental conditions (salinity, turbidity, temperature, nutrient concentrations and dissolved oxygen levels). The two populations of Z. noltii displayed seasonal changes in density (1600–19600 m2), aboveground biomass (11–153 g. DW. m−2), leaf length (33–255 mm), and leaf width (0.9–1.8 mm). Temperature and turbidity were significant environmental factors influencing the temporal changes observed in the Z. noltii meadows studied. Conversely, the belowground biomass, the number of leaves per shoot and the LAI did not undergo any seasonal changes. In the Biguglia lagoon, the functioning dynamics of the Z. noltii seagrass beds are determined by the catchment area and the inputs of nutrients derived from it, whereas in the Urbino lagoon the dynamics of the Z. noltiibeds depend on low levels of water turbidity.  相似文献   

The Florida Everglades is a naturally oligotrophic hydroscape that has experienced large changes in ecosystem structure and function as the result of increased anthropogenic phosphorus (P) loading and hydrologic changes. We present whole-ecosystem models of P cycling for Everglades wetlands with differing hydrology and P enrichment with the goal of synthesizing existing information into ecosystem P budgets. Budgets were developed for deeper water oligotrophic wet prairie/slough (‘Slough’), shallower water oligotrophic Cladium jamaicense (‘Cladium’), partially enriched C. jamaicense/Typha spp. mixture (‘Cladium/Typha’), and enriched Typha spp. (‘Typha’) marshes. The majority of ecosystem P was stored in the soil in all four ecosystem types, with the flocculent detrital organic matter (floc) layer at the bottom of the water column storing the next largest proportion of ecosystem P pools. However, most P cycling involved ecosystem components in the water column (periphyton, floc, and consumers) in deeper water, oligotrophic Slough marsh. Fluxes of P associated with macrophytes were more important in the shallower water, oligotrophic Cladium marsh. The two oligotrophic ecosystem types had similar total ecosystem P stocks and cycling rates, and low rates of P cycling associated with soils. Phosphorus flux rates cannot be estimated for ecosystem components residing in the water column in Cladium/Typha or Typha marshes due to insufficient data. Enrichment caused a large increase in the importance of macrophytes to P cycling in Everglades wetlands. The flux of P from soil to the water column, via roots to live aboveground tissues to macrophyte detritus, increased from 0.03 and 0.2 g P m−2 yr−1 in oligotrophic Slough and Cladium marsh, respectively, to 1.1 g P m−2 yr−1 in partially enriched Cladium/Typha, and 1.6 g P m−2 yr−1 in enriched Typha marsh. This macrophyte translocation P flux represents a large source of internal eutrophication to surface waters in P-enriched areas of the Everglades.  相似文献   

Jiří Dušek  Jan Květ 《Biologia》2006,61(4):441-447
Willows (e.g. Salix caprea L.) are deciduous and richly branched shrubs or small trees. Salix caprea shows a high adaptability to different habitat conditions. One way of evaluating this adaptability is to measure willow biomass and production. Young plants of S. caprea were sampled from the bottom of an artificial lagoon in which sediments removed from the local Vajgar fishpond were deposited. The bottom of the lagoon was overgrown by vegetation dominated by seedlings of the willows S. caprea and S. aurita. Willows grew in the lagoon at average density of 58 plants per m2. The biomass production and growth of S. caprea were determined for 15 samples (collected from 315 individuals) during the growing season. Annual net dry matter production in the whole community was estimated for 2.7 kg m−2. Willows are generally considered to be fast-growing plants. The highest RGR of willows recorded by us was 0.03 to 0.04 g g−1 d−1 both in the stems and roots. This value was often recorded from July to August.  相似文献   

Investigations were made of the growth ofNelumbo nucifera, an aquatic higher plant, in a natural stand in Lake Kasumigaura. A rise of 1.0 m in the water level after a typhoon in August 1986 caused a subsequent decrease in biomass ofN. nucifera from the maximum of 291 g d.w. m−2 in July to a minimum of 75 g d.w. m−2. The biomass recovered thereafter in shallower regions. The underground biomass in October tended to increase toward the shore. The total leaf area index (LAI) is the sum of LAI of floating leaves and emergent leaves. The maximum total LAI was 1.3 and 2.8 m2 m−2 in 1986 and 1987, respectively. LAI of floating leaves did not exceed 1 m2 m−2. The elongation rates of the petiole of floating and emergent leaves just after unrolling were 2.6 and 3.4 cm day−1, respectively. The sudden rise in water level (25 cm day−1) after the typhoon in August 1986 caused drowning and subsequent decomposition of the mature leaves. Only the young leaves were able to elongate, allowing their laminae to reach the water surface. The fluctuation in water level, characterized by the amplitude and duration of flooding and the time of flooding in the life cycle, is an important factor determining the growth and survival ofN. nucifera in Lake Kasumigaura.  相似文献   

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