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The growth rate of Pelvetia canaliculata (L.) Dec. et Thur., Fucus spiralis L., F. vesiculosus L., F. serratus L., and Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis was measured in six different concentrations of zinc (0.025–14 mg/l) during a period of ten days. No significant growth response was observed at 0.1 mg/l of zinc. A significant reduction of growth during the first two to three days of exposure to 1.4 mg/l or more was followed by no or small further decline. Apices of A. nodosum from localities with different background load of zinc (0.1–0.5 mg/l and <0.01 mg/l) showed no difference in response to 2.6 mg/l of zinc.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of temperature enhancement on alpine calcareous grassland species, a warming experiment was carried out in the Berchtesgaden National Park (Southeast Germany, Northern Calcareous Alps) between 2002 and 2004. The study was conducted in stands of the Carex sempervirens and the Carex firma communities; the two most widespread grassland types in the alpine zone of the Northern Calcareous Alps. The temperature of the vegetation stand and the upper soil was passively enhanced using open top chambers (OTCs). The construction of the OTCs was appropriate since temperature was clearly increased while water conditions (humidity, soil water content) were not changed.

By comparing manipulated (temperature enhancement) with non-manipulated plots, the effects of warming on growth and reproduction of selected key species were studied. To test if vegetation response to temperature enhancement is at least partly due to increases in nutrient availability, soil solution concentrations of nitrate and ammonium were analysed.

We found that most of the studied plant species are sensitive to temperature enhancement. Growth and/or reproduction of 12 of the 14 studied species were significantly stimulated by warming. Only two species showed no response; none of the species experienced decreases in growth or reproduction. Dwarf shrubs and graminoids showed a stronger response than herbaceous perennials. A significant effect of warming on nutrient availability could not be detected. The observed response of vegetation is therefore mainly caused by direct and not by indirect temperature effects.  相似文献   

The increase in length of Pelvetia canaliculata (L.) Dec. et Thur., Fucus spiralis L., F. vesiculosus L., F. serratus L., and Ascophyllym nodosum (L.) Le Jolis was measured in various concentrations of lead, cadmium, and mercury during a period of 9–10 days. Concentration ranges of the three metals were 45 2600 μg 1, 1.5 1040 μg 1 and 0.9 1250 μg 1, respectively.Significant reductions of growth rate compared with the controls were observed at ? 810 μg 1 of lead, ? 450 μg/l of cadmium, and ? 10 μg/l of mercury, and regressions of growth reduction on log concentration were indicated.Growth was significantly enhanced in Pelvetia canaliculata and Ascophyllum nodosum when exposed to cadmium, and in this case there was a significant regression of growth iincrease on log concentration. The growth of Pelvetia canaliculata was also enhanced at all concentrations of lead.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the impact of short-term growth measurements on predicting the individual growth response to GH treatment, and to elucidate the possible reasons for the limited accuracy of current growth prediction models for GH-treated children. METHODS: Short-term growth measurements by knemometry and stadiometer in 99 short, GH-treated children (27 girls, 72 boys), aged 10.3 +/- 2.3 years, from the Children's University Hospital, Leipzig, Germany. RESULTS: GH treatment significantly accelerated the mean height velocity (HV) from 4.3 +/- 1.0 to 8.1 +/- 1.8 cm/year during the first year of treatment, the average height standard deviation score (SDS) shifted by +0.52 SD. The variation in HV also increased, from S(2) = 1.0 before to S(2) = 3.4 cm(2)/year(2) during treatment. Lower leg length (LLL) velocity accelerated from 1.6 +/- 0.7 before treatment to 3.4 +/- 1.0 cm/year during the first 8 weeks of treatment. Four coefficients of correlation appeared clinically meaningful: (1) LLL velocity vs. body HV during the first year of GH treatment (r = 0.87), indicating that GH acts simultaneously on leg and rump growth; (2) early (first 8 weeks) LLL velocity vs. 1-year body HV during treatment, with r = 0.61 (R(2) = 0.38), indicating that 38% of the variation in HV during the first year of treatment is already predictable by an initial 8-week period of knemometry; (3) early (first 8 weeks) LLL velocity vs. 1-year LLL velocity during treatment, with r = 0.63 (R(2) = 0.39), and (4) early (first 8 weeks) LLL velocity vs. later LLL velocity, up to the end of the first year, with r = 0.53 (R(2) = 0.28) indicating that the early response on lower leg growth persists for at least 1 year of GH treatment. CONCLUSIONS: (1) Thirty-eight percent of the variation in HV during the first year of GH treatment is predictable by an initial 8-week period of knemometry. This parallels early changes in biochemical markers of bone turnover after GH treatment. (2) There is evidence for a baseline variability in HV both in healthy children and in children with growth disorders that make growth prediction difficult.  相似文献   

A multiple regression analysis has been used to relate oxygen consumption, body weight, and temperature, for 8 species of gill-bearing intertidal gastropods. Using a standard sized animal, the oxygen consumption of the snails in sea water at each temperature is very similar and the analysis gives a Q10 of 2.1. In air the mid and high shore species have similar rates of oxygen consumption to those in water and a Q10 of 2.2. The low shore species show lower values for both aerial oxygen consumption and Q10. Similar patterns have been found in a further 20 species.  相似文献   

Short-term changes of meiofaunal abundance in intertidal sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some species of various meiofaunal taxa may actively emerge from the sediment and swim in the water column, preferably at night. In the water column they get dispersed by tital currents. The hypothesis that this drift may cause significant short-term changes in the abundance of these species was tested. Such changes were verified for harpacticoid copepods and plathelminths. Depending on the hydrographic conditions, abundance changes may be unpredictable or show regularly alternating patterns. In the light of these results, small-scale spatial estimates of abundance become generally very difficult to make in the taxa containing emergent species. It is suggested that reliable averages can only be obtained by repeated or large-scale spatial sampling.  相似文献   

Proliferation of glycogen accumulating organisms (GAO) has been identified as a potential cause of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) failure in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). GAO compete for substrate with polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) that are the microorganisms responsible for the phosphorus removal process. In the present article, the effects of temperature on the anaerobic metabolism of GAO were studied in a broad temperature range (from 10 to 40 degrees C). Additionally, maximum acetate uptake rate of PAO, between 20 and 40 degrees C, was also evaluated. It was found that GAO had clear advantages over PAO for substrate uptake at temperatures higher than 20 degrees C. Below 20 degrees C, maximum acetate uptake rates of both microorganisms were similar. However, lower maintenance requirements at temperature lower than 30 degrees C give PAO metabolic advantages in the PAO-GAO competition. Consequently, PAO could be considered to be psychrophilic microorganisms while GAO appear to be mesophilic. These findings contribute to understand the observed stability of the EBPR process in WWTP operated under cold weather conditions. They may also explain the proliferation of GAO in WWTP and thus, EBPR instability, observed in hot climate regions or when treating warm industrial effluents. It is suggested to take into account the observed temperature dependencies of PAO and GAO in order to extend the applicability of current activated sludge models to a wider temperature range.  相似文献   

Summary Phytotoxins developed during heat-sterilization of soil were removed by 40 per cent of the fungi and ten per cent of the bacteria isolated from inoculated heat-sterilized soil. Detoxication by the fungi was not necessarily associated with marked proliferation in sterile soil,Trichoderma viride was an active colonizer of sterile soil but quite ineffective as a detoxicating agent.The phytotoxins could be readily leached out and their effects transmitted to sterile sand and irradiated soil. Results indicate that the toxicity is not due to changes in pH, soluble manganese or ammonia but is probably due to the formation of toxic organic materials.Primary root growth of subterranean clover is markedly stunted by toxins formed during heat-sterilization of soil and could provide an extremely sensitive bioassay for toxicity.Detoxication by micro-organisms may have been misinterpreted in the past as a direct stimulation of plant growth and caution is required in studies of the effects of micro-organisms upon plant growth.  相似文献   

The resistance of exponentially growing yeast cells to killing by exposure to 52°C increased markedly as the growth temperature was increased. Identical killing curves were obtained for cells suspended in growth medium or in 0.9% saline. Cells resistant to killing at 52°C were quite sensitive to killing at slightly higher temperatures. These results suggest a primary role for membrane damage in the mechanism of heat killing.  相似文献   

We formulate a deterministic mathematical model to describe the dynamics of the microphytobenthos of intertidal mudflats. It is 'minimal' because it only takes into account the essential processes governing the functioning of the system: the autotrophic production, the active upward and downward migrations of epipelic microalgae, the saturation of the mud surface by a biofilm of diatoms and the global net loss rates of biomass. According to the photic environment of the benthic diatoms inhabiting intertidal mudflats, and to their migration rhythm, the model is composed of two sub-systems of ordinary differential equations; they describe the simultaneous evolution of the biomass 'S' concentrated in the mud surface biofilm--the photic layer--and of the biomass 'F' diluted in the topmost centimetre of the mud--the aphotic layer. Qualitatively, the model solutions agree fairly well with the in situ observed dynamics of the S + F biomass. The study of the mathematical properties of the model, under some simplifying assumptions, shows the convergence of solutions to a stable cyclic equilibrium, whatever the frequencies of the physical synchronizers of the production. The sensitivity analysis reveals the necessity of a better knowledge of the processes of biomass losses, which so far are uncertain, and may further vary in space and time.  相似文献   

Although rather extensive bibliographies give the impression that there is a vast amount of literature on the effects of temperature on aquatic organisms, when one tries to apply this information to specific interactions, such as the effects of temperature changes on chemical toxicity to aquatic organisms, often very little of the evidence is applicable. Although the most useful information on this relationship has been acquired in laboratory situations even this body of literature (which forms the bulk of this paper) is not adequate to make any scientifically justifiable generalizations. Field data on this relationship is almost non-existent and it is unlikely that much will become available unless specific studies are initiated which are directed toward this end. This is equally true of the laboratory information although it seems more likely that this will be generated as a spinoff from other research activities. In order to develop water quality management programs for steam-electric power plants one should understand the relationship between temperature and the response of aquatic organisms to toxic chemicals. Not only do some power plants discharge chlorine and other similar materials as well as heated waste water but those that discharge the latter only may be located near discharges of toxic chemicals. Since temperature and chemical stress to aquatic organisms are most commonly discussed independently we felt a paper covering this relationship would be useful.  相似文献   

Cells of Tetrahymena pyriformis--NT1 were cultured at 38 degrees C (Tg 38 degrees C) and 20 degrees C (Tg 20 degrees C) and their properties investigated over the range 0-40 degrees C. Tg 20 degrees C cells were viable in the range 3-33 degrees C and changes in their properties were readily reversible between 10 degrees C and 30 degrees C. Tg 38 degrees cells were viable in the range 40-10 degrees C and their property changes were immediately reversible in the range 40-23 degrees C. The I-V relations of Tg 38 degrees C cells showed increased excitability as the cells were cooled from 40 degrees C. At 10 degrees C there was a considerable loss of excitability and slope resistance. Cooling Tg 20 degrees C cells from 20 degrees C gave a similar pattern, although over a narrower temperature range. Warming Tg 20 degrees C Tetrahymena above 20 degrees C led to a progressive loss of excitability and the cells were markedly less viable above 35 degrees C. Within physiological limits the regenerative spike magnitude, repolarization time, time to peak and input resistance increased as temperature was lowered, whereas resting potential was diminished. When compared at their growth temperatures and most intermediate temperatures, the value of the various parameters monitored were generally different for the two cultures. The Q10 value for resting potential changes of Tg 20 degrees C cells about 20 degrees C was 1.20. As in T. vorax this was significantly (P less than 0.01) greater than that predicted for a diffusion potential and suggested that T. pyriformis--NT1 may have an electrogenic pump component in its membrane potential.  相似文献   

Ecologists and physiologists working on rocky shores have emphasizedthe effects of environmental stress on the distribution of intertidalorganisms. Although consumer stress models suggest that physicalextremes may often reduce predation and herbivory through negativeimpacts on the physiological performance of consumers, few fieldstudies have rigorously tested how environmental variation affectsfeeding rates. I review and analyze field experiments that quantifiedper capita feeding rates of a keystone predator, the sea starPisaster ochraceus, in relation to aerial heat stress, waveforces, and water temperature at three rocky intertidal siteson the Oregon coast. Predation rates during 14-day periods wereunrelated to aerial temperature, but decreased significantlywith decreasing water temperature. There was suggestive butinconclusive evidence that predation rates also declined withincreasing wave forces. Data-logger records suggested that thermalstress was rare in the wave-exposed habitats that I studied;sea star body temperatures likely reached warm levels (>24°C)on only 9 dates in 3 yr. In contrast, wind-driven upwellingregularly generated 3 to 5°C fluctuations in water temperature,and field and laboratory results suggest that such changes significantlyalter feeding rates of Pisaster. These physiological rate effects,near the center of an organism's thermal range, may not reducegrowth or fitness, and thus are distinct from the effects ofenvironmental stress. This study underscores the need to considerorganismal responses both under "normal" conditions, as wellas under extreme conditions. Examining both kinds of responsesis necessary to understand how different components of environmentalvariation regulate physiological performance and the strengthof species interactions in intertidal communities.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the influence of temperature on the growth and sporulation of two species ofPhytophthora, viz.,P. palmivora Butl. andP. parasitica Dast. var.macrospora Ashby, the causal agents of fruit rots ofAchras sapota L. andAnona squamosa L. respectively. Germination of sporangia at different temperatures were also undertaken. There was marked variation in growth and sporulation of these two organisms. Isolate C (Phytophthora palmivora) showed no growth at 5° and 35°C, scanty growth at 10° and 32.5° with an optimum temperature between 26–28°C. On the other hand, Isolate S (Phytophthora parasitica var.macroscora) showed no growth at 10°C, but slight growth even at 37°C. Eight days exposure at 37°C completely stopped the growth of this Isolate. It showed best growth at 30°C and hence this was its optimum temperature. In general, Isolate C sporulated abundantly at all temperatures tested but reached its maximum at 25°C. On the other hand Isolate S showed best growth but failed to sporulate at any of the temperatures in 98 hours growth, although it sporulated freely when the incubation period extended up to two weeks. On the basis of temperature toleration the twoPhytophthora isolates are distinguished from each other as two different species. This confirms the earlier observations and nomenclature criterion as emphasized and formulated byTucker (1931). In the germination studies, it was observed that the indirect germination with the formation of abundant zoospores started from 5° and continued even up to 35°C, reaching maximum at 20°C. High temperature was not favourable for indirect germination. As the temperature proceeded increasing, the percentage of direct germination by formation of germ tubes also increased. Direct germination was observed from 10° which continued up to 37°C, with a maximum reach at 30°C. This confirms the epidemic of fruit rots in nature during monsoon season which is prevalent with the persistence of high humidity and rainfall.Taken from a thesis submitted by the author for the degree of Master of Science in the Faculty of Agriculture, Poona University, India.  相似文献   

Cardiac muscle is characterized by insulin resistance in specific heart diseases such as coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure, but not in generalized disorders like diabetes mellitus and essential hypertension when cardiac manifestations are absent. To examine whether the insulin antagonistic effect of growth hormone (GH) acts upon the heart, we compared insulin-stimulated whole body and myocardial glucose uptake with and without GH administration during a 3.5-h euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp in eight healthy males. Myocardial 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose uptake was measured with positron emission tomography. The data were converted to myocardial glucose uptake by tracer kinetic analysis. GH did not change the rate-pressure product. GH decreased whole body insulin-stimulated glucose disposal by 26% (48.0 +/- 12.1 vs. control 62.8 +/- 6.1 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1), P < 0.02). Free fatty acids were suppressed to a similar extent with and without GH during the insulin clamp. Insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose uptake was similar in the presence and in the absence of GH (0.34 +/- 0.05 and 0.31 +/- 0.03 micromol. g(-1). min(-1), P = 0.18). In conclusion, GH does not impair insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose uptake despite a considerable whole body insulin antagonistic effect. Myocardial insulin resistance is not an inherent consequence of whole body insulin resistance.  相似文献   

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