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Infection status of pigs with Cryptosporidium parvum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the infection status of pigs with Cryptosporidium parvum, 589 fecal samples were collected from pigs raised at farm in Chungcheongbuk-do and Chungcheongnam-do. Of the 589 pig fecal samples, 62 (10.5%) were positive for C. parvum. The area showing the highest positive rate was Dangjin-gun, Chungcheongnam-do (14.0%), and the lowest (0%) Salmi-myon, Chungcheongbuk-do. The positive rate of C. parvum in Judok-eup increased from 12.7% in the winter to 22.1% in the summer. The results of this study suggest that the pigs may be a source of human C. parvum infection.  相似文献   

A quantitative TaqMan PCR method was developed for assessing the Cryptosporidium parvum infection of in vitro cultivated human ileocecal adenocarcinoma (HCT-8) cell cultures. This method, termed cell culture quantitative sequence detection (CC-QSD), has numerous applications, several of which are presented. CC-QSD was used to investigate parasite infection in cell culture over time, the effects of oocyst treatment on infectivity and infectivity assessment of different C. parvum isolates. CC-QSD revealed that cell culture infection at 24 and 48 h postinoculation was approximately 20 and 60%, respectively, of the endpoint 72-h postinoculation infection. Evaluation of three different lots of C. parvum Iowa isolate oocysts revealed that the mean infection of 0.1 N HCl-treated oocysts was only 36% of the infection obtained with oocysts treated with acidified Hanks' balanced salt solution containing 1% trypsin. CC-QSD comparison of the C. parvum Iowa and TAMU isolates revealed significantly higher levels of infection for the TAMU isolate, which agrees with and supports previous human, animal, and cell culture studies. CC-QSD has the potential to aid in the optimization of Cryptosporidium cell culture methods and facilitate quantitative evaluation of cell culture infectivity experiments.  相似文献   

Cell culture assays in various formats have been used to study the infectivity of Cryptosporidium spp. as well as to determine the infectivity of naturally occurring oocysts in water. Currently, cell culture assays for infectious Cryptosporidium spp. in water have largely been limited to practice in research laboratories. One obstacle to the routine use of Cryptosporidium cell culture assays for the analysis of water samples is the coordination of water sample collection and processing with readiness of cell culture monolayers. For most Cryptosporidium cell culture assays, monolayers are allowed to develop for 24 to 48 h to reach 80 to 100% confluence prior to inoculation. In this study, we used immunofluorescent assay microscopy to evaluate freshly confluent (2-day-old) and aged (8- to 67-day-old) HCT-8 cell monolayers for their ability to support Cryptosporidium parvum infection. HCT-8 monolayers as old as 67 days were clearly shown to support infection. In two of three experiments, aged monolayers (8- to 11-day-old and 11- to 22-day-old, respectively) developed the same number of C. parvum clusters of infection as freshly confluent monolayers. Results suggest that it may be possible to use cell monolayers from freshly confluent to 3 weeks old on hand for infectivity assays without having to schedule sample processing to coincide with development of freshly confluent monolayers. This would make Cryptosporidium cell culture assays much more feasible for water quality and utility laboratories.  相似文献   



Susceptibility or resistance to infection with Cryptosporidium parvum (C.parvum) correlates with Selenium (Se) deficiency in response to infection. Both adult Se-adequate and Se-deficient mouse models of cryptosporidiosis were used to study the cell-mediated immune response during the course of C. parvum infection.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Blood samples from mouse models were used for Se status. The concentration of MDA, SOD, GPx and CAT in blood has revealed that lower Se level exist in Se-deficient mice. Mesenteric lymph node (MLN) lymphocytes from both mouse models were proliferated after ex vivo re-stimulation with C. parvum sporozoite antigen. The study of the cytokine profiles from the supernatant of proliferated MLN cells revealed that Se-adequate mice produced higher levels of Th1 (IFN-γ and IL-2) and moderate amounts of Th2 (IL-4) cytokines throughout the course of infection. Whereas, MLN cells from Se-deficient mice produced lower levels of IFN-γ, IL-2 and IL-4 cytokines. The counts of total white cell and CD3, CD4, CD8 cell in Se-adequate were higher than that in Se-deficient mice.


These results suggest that Cell immunity is affected by Se status after infection with C.parvum from kinetic changes of different white cells and cytokine. In conclusion, induced susceptibility of host is associated with an impaired antioxidant system following infection with C.parvum in C57BL/6 Selenium deficient mice.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is a parasitic protist and a causative agent of mild‐to‐severe diarrheal diseases in humans and animals. Despite its globally recognized importance, knowledge on the mechanism of parasite invasion and molecular interactions between host cells and the parasite is limited. Here, we report the establishment of 43 mutant cell lines derived from HCT‐8 cells by UV‐induced mutagenesis and the characterization of three mutants with significantly reduced susceptibility to cryptosporidial infection. Based on qRT‐PCR assay performed at 18 h postinfection time, the parasite loads could be reduced by ~45%, ~35%, and ~20% in mutants A05, B08, and B12, respectively (< 0.001 in all three mutants vs. HCT‐8 cells). The mutagenesis mainly affected the attachment of parasite in A05 (i.e. ~30% reduction, < 0.001 vs. HCT‐8), and intracellular development in B08 and B12. The three cell mutants may serve as valuable reagents to further investigate the mechanism of parasite invasion and intracellular development by identifying the gene mutations associated with the parasite attachment (A05) and intracellular development (B08 and B12).  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is a zoonotic protozoan parasite found worldwide, that develops only in the gastrointestinal epithelium and causes profuse diarrhea. Using a mouse model of C. parvum infection, we demonstrated by conditional depletion of CD11c+ cells that these cells are essential for the control of the infection both in neonates and adults. Neonates are highly susceptible to C. parvum but the infection is self-limited, whereas adults are resistant unless immunocompromised. We investigated the contribution of DC to the age-dependent susceptibility to infection. We found that neonates presented a marked deficit in intestinal CD103+ DC during the first weeks of life, before weaning, due to weak production of chemokines by neonatal intestinal epithelial cells (IEC). Increasing the number of intestinal CD103+ DC in neonates by administering FLT3-L significantly reduced susceptibility to the infection. During infections in neonates, the clearance of the parasite was preceded by a rapid recruitment of CD103+ DC mediated by CXCR3-binding chemokines produced by IEC in response to IFNγ. In addition to this key role in CD103+ DC recruitment, IFNγ is known to inhibit intracellular parasite development. We demonstrated that during neonatal infection CD103+ DC produce IL-12 and IFNγ in the lamina propria and the draining lymph nodes. Thus, CD103+DC are key players in the innate immune control of C. parvum infection in the intestinal epithelium. The relative paucity of CD103+ DC in the neonatal intestine contributes to the high susceptibility to intestinal infection.

Authors Summary

Dendritic cells are central to the defense against mucosal pathogens. They are numerous and form a uniform network in the intestinal mucosa of adults, but are poorly characterized in the intestine of neonates. Young animals are more susceptible than adults to intestinal pathogens, such as Cryptosporidium parvum, a zoonotic agent distributed worldwide that develops in the epithelium of the small intestine causing profuse diarrhea. We show that dendritic cells are scarce in the small intestine of neonates until weaning and that increasing their numbers in vivo results in increased resistance to infection. Using a conditional depletion model we demonstrate that the presence of dendritic cells is necessary for the control of the infection in both neonates and adults. During infection in neonates, dendritic cells are rapidly recruited into the intestine by chemokines produced by the epithelium and produce interferon gamma, a cytokine that inhibits parasite development in epithelial cells. Thus, the low number of dendritic cells in the intestinal mucosa of neonates is responsible for their sensitivity to cryptosporidiosis, and probably contributes to the general susceptibility of neonates to intestinal diseases.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis is a gastrointestinal disease in humans and animals caused by infection with the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium. In healthy individuals, the disease manifests mainly as acute self-limiting diarrhoea, but may be chronic and life threatening for those with compromised immune systems. Control and treatment of the disease is challenged by the lack of sensitive diagnostic tools and broad-spectrum chemotherapy. Metabolomics, or metabolite profiling, is an emerging field of study, which enables characterisation of the end products of regulatory processes in a biological system. Analysis of changes in metabolite patterns reflects changes in biochemical regulation, production and control, and may contribute to understanding the effects of Cryptosporidium infection in the host environment. In the present study, metabolomic analysis of faecal samples from experimentally infected mice was carried out to assess metabolite profiles pertaining to the infection. Gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) carried out on faecal samples from a group of C. parvum infected mice and a group of uninfected control mice detected a mean total of 220 compounds. Multivariate analyses showed distinct differences between the profiles of C. parvum infected mice and uninfected control mice,identifying a total of 40 compounds, or metabolites that contributed most to the variance between the two groups. These metabolites consisted of amino acids (n = 17), carbohydrates (n = 8), lipids (n = 7), organic acids (n = 3) and other various metabolites (n = 5), which showed significant differences in levels of metabolite abundance between the infected and uninfected mice groups (p < 0.05). The metabolites detected in this study as well as the differences in abundance between the C. parvum infected and the uninfected control mice, highlights the effects of the infection on intestinal permeability and the fate of the metabolites as a result of nutrient scavenging by the parasite to supplement its streamlined metabolism.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium, an enteric parasite of humans and a wide range of other mammals, presents numerous challenges to the supply of safe drinking water. We performed a wildlife survey, focusing on white-tailed deer and small mammals, to assess whether they may serve as environmental sources of Cryptosporidium. A PCR-based approach that permitted genetic characterization via sequence analysis was applied to wildlife fecal samples (n = 111) collected from September 1996 to July 1998 from three areas in lower New York State. Southern analysis revealed 22 fecal samples containing Cryptosporidium small-subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA; these included 10 of 91 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) samples, 3 of 5 chipmunk (Tamias striatus) samples, 1 of 2 white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) samples, 1 of 2 striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) samples, 1 of 5 racoon (Procyon lotor) samples, and 6 of 6 muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) samples. All of the 15 SSU PCR products sequenced were characterized as Cryptosporidium parvum; two were identical to genotype 2 (bovine), whereas the remainder belonged to two novel SSU sequence groups, designated genotypes 3 and 4. Genotype 3 comprised four deer-derived sequences, whereas genotype 4 included nine sequences from deer, mouse, chipmunk, and muskrat samples. PCR analysis was performed on the SSU-positive fecal samples for three other Cryptosporidium loci (dihydrofolate reductase, polythreonine-rich protein, and beta-tubulin), and 8 of 10 cloned PCR products were consistent with C. parvum genotype 2. These data provide evidence that there is sylvatic transmission of C. parvum involving deer and other small mammals. This study affirmed the importance of wildlife as potential sources of Cryptosporidium in the catchments of public water supplies.  相似文献   

With the emergence of Cryptosporidium parvum as a major pathogen encountered in human and veterinary clinical practice, a need for increased knowledge of the cellular- and immuno-biology of this Apicomplexan parasite has developed. Initial work has used paradigms taken from other Apicomplexans, especially Plasmodium, Toxoplasma and Eimeria, as a starting point. In this article, Carolyn Petersen discusses the observation that in these organisms, molecular targets of antibodies (which have protective value, in vivo, against disease) have frequently been located in the apical complex or on the surface of the invasive stages of the parasite and appear to mediate biologically crucial processes including motility, attachment to the host cell, modification of the host membrane, and entry into the host cell. Molecular-biology approaches to the study of enzymes and of structural proteins which mediate motility are also considered. Invasion mechanisms, biochemical pathways and motility may involve molecules that will prove susceptible to immunotherapeutic or chemotherapeutic interruption of cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of Cryptosporidium parvum infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cryptosporidium parvum can be regarded as a minimally invasive mucosal pathogen, since it invades surface epithelial cells that line the intestinal tract but does not invade deeper layers of the intestinal mucosa. Nonetheless, infection can be associated with diarrhea and marked mucosal inflammation. This article briefly reviews in vitro and in vivo models useful for studying the pathogenesis of C. parvum infection and explores the role of innate and acquired immune responses in host defense against this protozoan parasite.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is an important zoonotic parasite that causes significant economic loss in the animal husbandry industry,especially the cattle industry.As there is no specific vaccine or drug against Cryptosporidium,a rapid and accurate method for the detection of C.parvum is of great significance.In this study,colloidal gold strips were developed based on Cryptosporidium parvum virus 1 (CSpV1) for the detection of C.parvum infection in cattle fecal samples.The colloidal gold solution was prepared by reducing trisodium citrate and the CSpV1 #5 monoclonal antibody was labeled with colloidal gold.A polyclonal antibody against the CSpV1 capsid protein and an anti-mouse IgG antibody were coated on the colloidal gold strips for use in the test and control lines,respectively.Our results showed that the detection sensitivity in fecal samples was up to a 1:64 dilution.There was no cross-reaction with Cryptosporidium andersoni or Giardia in the fecal samples.The different preservation conditions (room temperature,4℃,and 37℃) and preservation time (7,30,60,and 90 days) were analyzed.The data showed that the strips could be preserved for 90 days at 4℃ and for 60 days at room temperature or 37℃.The colloidal gold strips were used to detect the samples of 120 clinical fecal in Changchun,China.The results indicated that the rate of a positive test was 5%(6/120).This study provides a rapid and accurate method for detecting C.parvum infection in cattle and humans.  相似文献   

We report here the characterization of an asymmetric ataxia syndrome (head tilt and circling, with death in the most severe cases) demonstrated by profoundly immunodeficient mice housed at the Institut Curie SPF facility. The immune system of the affected mice had been genetically modified so that they were deficient in both B and T cells. Extensive bacteriologic, parasitic, serologic, and histopathologic analysis of the affected animals and their healthy controls led us to identify Ralstonia pickettii as the causative agent of the ataxic syndrome. The outbreak was managed through a test-and-cull process. Even though they also carried Ralstonia pickettii, immunocompetent mice that were kept in the same facility, did not show any of the signs that were expressed by their immunodeficient counterparts. This case highlights the difficulty of maintaining immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice in the same microbiologic unit and the importance of enlarging the spectrum of health monitoring to opportunistic agents when investigating clinical cases in populations of immunocompromised rodents.Ataxic mice occur occasionally in laboratory rodent colonies, and this clinical presentation is often due to otitis media. Numerous pathogens have been implicated in otitis media cases, including common pathogenic, opportunistic, and even commensal bacteria, such as Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Pasteurella pneumotropica, Corynebacterium spp., Mycoplasma pulmonis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.7,17 Although the syndrome has been reported to occur in immunocompetent rodent models, immunodeficient animals are more susceptible to bacterially induced otitis media.2,9,14 For example, a deficiency in innate immunity due to a single amino-acid substitution in Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) makes the C3H/HeJ mouse a spontaneous model of chronic otitis media.12,13 When ataxia is caused by bacterial otitis-induced peripheral vestibular syndrome, the etiologic agent should be identified so that the most appropriate management scheme can be adopted.  相似文献   

Epifluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry were used in different combinations with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled immunoglobulins M and G3 to estimate the numbers of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in soil extracts containing 10 to 10,017 oocysts/ml. No combination had a systematic effect on accuracy or precision. Background debris may have produced overestimates at low oocyst concentrations when flow cytometry was used.  相似文献   

Epifluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry were used in different combinations with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled immunoglobulins M and G3 to estimate the numbers of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in soil extracts containing 10 to 10,017 oocysts/ml. No combination had a systematic effect on accuracy or precision. Background debris may have produced overestimates at low oocyst concentrations when flow cytometry was used.  相似文献   

Established methods for quantifying experimental Cryptosporidium infection are highly variable and subjective. We describe a new technique using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) that can be used to measure in vitro and in vivo laboratory infections with Cryptosporidium. We show for the first time that qPCR permits absolute quantification of the parasite while simultaneously controlling for the amount of host tissue and correlates significantly with established methods of quantification in in vitro and in vivo laboratory models of infection.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Cryptosporidium parvum Genotyping Techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We evaluated the specificity and sensitivity of 11 previously described species differentiation and genotyping PCR protocols for detection of Cryptosporidium parasites. Genomic DNA from three species of Cryptosporidium parasites (genotype 1 and genotype 2 of C. parvum, C. muris, and C. serpentis), two Eimeria species (E. neischulzi and E. papillata), and Giardia duodenalis were used to evaluate the specificity of primers. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the genotyping primers was tested by using genomic DNA isolated from known numbers of oocysts obtained from a genotype 2 C. parvum isolate. PCR amplification was repeated at least three times with all of the primer pairs. Of the 11 protocols studied, 10 amplified C. parvum genotypes 1 and 2, and the expected fragment sizes were obtained. Our results indicate that two species-differentiating protocols are not Cryptosporidium specific, as the primers used in these protocols also amplified the DNA of Eimeria species. The sensitivity studies revealed that two nested PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) protocols based on the small-subunit rRNA and dihydrofolate reductase genes are more sensitive than single-round PCR or PCR-RFLP protocols.  相似文献   

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