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There are at least nine, and probably ten, ribosomal RNA gene sets in the genome of Bacillus subtilis. Each gene set contains sequences complementary to 16S, 23S and 5S rRNAs. We have determined the nucleotide sequences of two DNA fragments which each contain 165 base pairs of the 16S rRNA gene, 191 base pairs of the 23S rRNA gene, and the spacer region between them. The smaller space region is 164 base pairs in length and the larger one includes an additional 180 base pairs. The extra nucleotides could be transcribed in tRNAIIe and tRNA Ala sequences. Evidence is also presented for the existence of a second spacer region which also contains tRNAIIe and tRNA Ala sequences. No other tRNAs appear to be encoded in the spacer regions between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes. Whereas the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the 16S rRNA, 23S rRNA and the spacer tRNAs are very similar to those of E. coli, the sequences between these structural genes are very different.  相似文献   

The 16S and 23S rRNA higher-order structures inferred from comparative analysis are now quite refined. The models presented here differ from their immediate predecessors only in minor detail. Thus, it is safe to assert that all of the standard secondary-structure elements in (prokaryotic) rRNAs have been identified, with approximately 90% of the individual base pairs in each molecule having independent comparative support, and that at least some of the tertiary interactions have been revealed. It is interesting to compare the rRNAs in this respect with tRNA, whose higher-order structure is known in detail from its crystal structure (36) (Table 2). It can be seen that rRNAs have as great a fraction of their sequence in established secondary-structure elements as does tRNA. However, the fact that the former show a much lower fraction of identified tertiary interactions and a greater fraction of unpaired nucleotides than the latter implies that many of the rRNA tertiary interactions remain to be located. (Alternatively, the ribosome might involve protein-rRNA rather than intramolecular rRNA interactions to stabilize three-dimensional structure.) Experimental studies on rRNA are consistent to a first approximation with the structures proposed here, confirming the basic assumption of comparative analysis, i.e., that bases whose compositions strictly covary are physically interacting. In the exhaustive study of Moazed et al. (45) on protection of the bases in the small-subunit rRNA against chemical modification, the vast majority of bases inferred to pair by covariation are found to be protected from chemical modification, both in isolated small-subunit rRNA and in the 30S subunit. The majority of the tertiary interactions are reflected in the chemical protection data as well (45). On the other hand, many of the bases not shown as paired in Fig. 1 are accessible to chemical attack (45). However, in this case a sizeable fraction of them are also protected against chemical modification (in the isolated rRNA), which suggests that considerable higher-order structure remains to be found (although all of it may not involve base-base interactions and so may not be detectable by comparative analysis). The agreement between the higher-order structure of the small-subunit rRNA and protection against chemical modification is not perfect, however; some bases shown to covary canonically are accessible to chemical modification (45).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Comparative 16S rRNA (rDNA) sequence analyses performed on the thermophilic Bacillus species Bacillus acidocaldarius, Bacillus acidoterrestris, and Bacillus cycloheptanicus revealed that these organisms are sufficiently different from the traditional Bacillus species to warrant reclassification in a new genus, Alicyclobacillus gen. nov. An analysis of 16S rRNA sequences established that these three thermoacidophiles cluster in a group that differs markedly from both the obligately thermophilic organisms Bacillus stearothermophilus and the facultatively thermophilic organism Bacillus coagulans, as well as many other common mesophilic and thermophilic Bacillus species. The thermoacidophilic Bacillus species B. acidocaldarius, B. acidoterrestris, and B. cycloheptanicus also are unique in that they possess omega-alicylic fatty acid as the major natural membranous lipid component, which is a rare phenotype that has not been found in any other Bacillus species characterized to date. This phenotype, along with the 16S rRNA sequence data, suggests that these thermoacidophiles are biochemically and genetically unique and supports the proposal that they should be reclassified in the new genus Alicyclobacillus.  相似文献   

16S rRNA from seven different Vibrio anguillarum strains was partially sequenced and compared. From this sequence information we could design a 25-base-long oligonucleotide and use it as a specific probe for identification of V. anguillarum. This was determined by RNA-DNA colony hybridization and slot-blot hybridization. Strong, specific hybridization to the probe was observed for all V. anguillarum strains tested. Furthermore, no cross-hybridization could be seen against five other bacterial species. The detection limit was 5 x 10(3) bacteria per ml. It was even possible to detect V. anguillarum, by slot-blot hybridization, directly in a homogenized kidney from a fish that had died of vibriosis. The partial sequence information revealed small but significant differences between strains of the same species. These sequence differences are sufficiently significant to allow serotyping on the RNA level. Comparing strains of different serotypes revealed a 10-base and an 11-base difference in V. anguillarum serotypes O8 and O9, respectively, in a 122-base partial sequence.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of 16S rDNA from Euglena gracilis chloroplasts has been determined representing the first complete sequence of an algal chloroplast rRNA gene. The structural part of the 16S rRNA gene has 1491 nucleotides according to a comparative analysis of our sequencing results with the published 5'- and 3'-terminal "T1-oligonucleotides" from 16S rRNA from E. gracilis. Alignment with 16S rDNA from Zea mays chloroplasts and E. coli reveals 80 to 72% sequence homology, respectively. Two deletions of 9 and 23 nucleotides are found which are identical in size and position with deletions observed in 16S rDNA of maize and tobacco chloroplasts and which seem to be characteristic for all chloroplast rRNA species. We also find insertions and deletions in E. gracilis not seen in 16S rDNA of higher plant chloroplasts. The 16S rRNA sequence of E. gracilis chloroplasts can be folded by base pairing according to the general 16S rRNA secondary structure model.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the species belonging to the genus Myxococcus were elucidated based on the sequences of 16S rRNA genes and 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. The Myxococcus species were consequently classified into four distinct groups. The type strain of Myxococcus coralloides occupied an independent position (Group 1); it has been recently reclassified as Corallococcus coralloides. Group 2 comprised the type strains of both Myxococcus virescens and Myxococcus xanthus, and some strains assigned to Myxococcus flavescens. The type strain of M. flavescens was contained in Group 3 along with the strains of Myxococcus fulvus. Group 4 included the strains belonging to C. coralloides, M. fulvus, and M. stipitatus. The type strain of M. fulvus that was allocated outside Group 4 in the 16S rRNA gene tree belonged to Group 3 in the ITS tree. These results strongly suggest that the morphological characteristics of Myxococcus species are not consistent with the phylogenetic relationships. The Myxococcus species must therefore be redefined according to the phylogenetic relationships revealed in this study.  相似文献   

Comparative sequence analysis of 16S ribosomal (r)RNAs or DNAs of Bacillus alvei, B. laterosporus, B. macerans, B. macquariensis, B. polymyxa and B. stearothermophilus revealed the phylogenetic diversity of the genus Bacillus. Based on the presently available data set of 16S rRNA sequences from bacilli and relatives at least four major "Bacillus clusters" can be defined: a "Bacillus subtilis cluster" including B. stearothermophilus, a "B. brevis cluster" including B. laterosporus, a "B. alvei cluster" including B. macerans, B. maquariensis and B. polymyxa and a "B. cycloheptanicus branch".  相似文献   

Towards a phylogeny of the genus Vibrio based on 16S rRNA sequences.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The inter- and intrageneric relationships of the genus Vibrio were investigated by performing a comparative analysis of the 16S rRNAs of 10 species, including four pathogenic representatives. The results of immunological and 5S rRNA studies were confirmed in that the genus is a neighboring taxon of the family Enterobacteriaceae. With regard to the intrageneric structure, Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio campbellii, Vibrio natriegens, Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio proteolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus form the core of the genus, while Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum, Vibrio diazotrophicus, and Vibrio hollisae are placed on the outskirts of the genus. Variable regions around positions 80, 180, and 450 could be used as target sites for genus- and species-specific oligonucleotide probes and polymerase chain reaction primers to be used in molecular identification.  相似文献   

The relation between the number of some trinucleotides in the sequence of 16S rRNA gene and pathogenicity of bacterial species from the genera of Bacillus and Clostridium was revealed. The species of genus Bacillus, which are pathogenic for humans, mammals and insects, have an increased number of AAA and TAT triplets in 16S rRNA gene. Theoretically, these species, B. anthracis and B. cereus for example, may be detected in the specimen by the higher ratio of AAA plus TAT triplets to the number of GGG triplet. Species of genus Clostridium, which are pathogenic for humans and mammals, have a maximum ratio of AAA and TAT triplet numbers. This ratio was higher than 2.6 for pathogenic species and lower than 2.2 for saprophytic ones. These theoretical data may open a new way for detecting pathogenic bacteria through the determination of triplet numbers in the sequences of 16S rRNA or rRNA. However, the mechanism of evolutionary relation between the number of AAA and TAT triplets in the sequence of 16S rRNA gene and the pathogenicity of bacterial species is not known.  相似文献   

16S rRNA from seven different Vibrio anguillarum strains was partially sequenced and compared. From this sequence information we could design a 25-base-long oligonucleotide and use it as a specific probe for identification of V. anguillarum. This was determined by RNA-DNA colony hybridization and slot-blot hybridization. Strong, specific hybridization to the probe was observed for all V. anguillarum strains tested. Furthermore, no cross-hybridization could be seen against five other bacterial species. The detection limit was 5 x 10(3) bacteria per ml. It was even possible to detect V. anguillarum, by slot-blot hybridization, directly in a homogenized kidney from a fish that had died of vibriosis. The partial sequence information revealed small but significant differences between strains of the same species. These sequence differences are sufficiently significant to allow serotyping on the RNA level. Comparing strains of different serotypes revealed a 10-base and an 11-base difference in V. anguillarum serotypes O8 and O9, respectively, in a 122-base partial sequence.  相似文献   

Towards a phylogeny of the clostridia based on 16S rRNA sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The genes hbl3, cpl1 and cpl7 coding for the pneumococcal phage lytic enzymes HBL3, CPL1 and CPL7, respectively, have been cloned into shuttle plasmids that can replicate in Streptococcus pneumoniae and Escherichia coli . All these genes were expressed in E. coli under the control of either the lytP promoter of the lytA gene, which codes for the major pneumococcal autolysin, or the promoter of the tetracycline-resistance gene (tetP). In contrast, cpl1 and cpl7 genes that code for lysozymes were expressed in pneumococcus only under the control of tetP, whereas the hbl3 gene that codes for an amidase can be expressed using either promoter. The phage lysozymes or amidase expressed in S. pneumoniae M31, a mutant deleted in the lyA gene coding for short chains, were placed under physiological control since these transformed bacteria grew as normal 'diplo' cells during the exponential phase and underwent autolysis only after long incubation at 37°C. The lysis genes appear to be expressed constitutively in the transformed pneumococci, since sharply defined lysis of these cultures could be induced prematurely during the exponential phase of growth by addition of sodium deoxycholate.  相似文献   

K.-B. JOUNG AND J.-C. CÔTÉ. 2001 .
Aims: To determine the 16S rRNA gene fingerprints of Bacillus thuringiensis strains to reveal phylogenetic relationships among them.
Methods and Results: Using 16S rRNA gene restriction fragment length polymorphisms generated by Hin dIII and Eco RI, 86 Bacillus thuringiensis strains were classified. This includes 80 B. thuringiensi s serovars and five more strains, kurstaki HD-1, subtoxicus , dendrolimus , tenebrionis and sandiego , to assess not only interserovar DNA relatedness but also intraserovar DNA relatedness, and the non-motile strain, hence non-serotypeable, B. thuringiensis var. wuhanensis . All 86 B. thuringiensis strains tested showed distinct ribotypes. The dendrogram resulting from the numerical analysis of the distance matrix shows four distinct phylogenetic groups and two ungrouped serovars, finitimus and bolivia , at the 92·5% DNA relatedness rate.
Conclusions: 16S rRNA gene fingerprinting cannot only be used for the classification of B. thuringiensis strains amenable or not to serotyping, but can also reveal phylogenetic relationships between strains.
Significance and Impact of the Study: In future screening programmes, 16S rRNA gene restriction pattern analysis could be determined for novel B. thuringiensis strains, allowing them not only to be grouped but also to be positioned on the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the 16S rRNA gene fingerprints of Bacillus thuringiensis strains to reveal phylogenetic relationships among them. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using 16S rRNA gene restriction fragment length polymorphisms generated by HindIII and EcoRI, 86 Bacillus thuringiensis strains were classified. This includes 80 B. thuringiensis serovars and five more strains, kurstaki HD-1, subtoxicus, dendrolimus, tenebrionis and sandiego, to assess not only interserovar DNA relatedness but also intraserovar DNA relatedness, and the non-motile strain, hence non-serotypeable, B. thuringiensis var. wuhanensis. All 86 B. thuringiensis strains tested showed distinct ribotypes. The dendrogram resulting from the numerical analysis of the distance matrix shows four distinct phylogenetic groups and two ungrouped serovars, finitimus and bolivia, at the 92.5% DNA relatedness rate. CONCLUSION: 16S rRNA gene fingerprinting cannot only be used for the classification of B. thuringiensis strains amenable or not to serotyping, but can also reveal phylogenetic relationships between strains. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: In future screening programmes, 16S rRNA gene restriction pattern analysis could be determined for novel B. thuringiensis strains, allowing them not only to be grouped but also to be positioned on the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, inexpensive in situ hybridization technique, using 30-mer 16S rRNA probes, can specifically differentiate two closely related Bacillus spp., B. polymyxa and B. macerans. The 16S rRNA probes were labeled with a rhodamine derivative (Texas Red), and quantitative fluorescence measurements were made on individual bacterial cells. The microscopic fields analyzed were selected by phase-contrast microscopy, and the fluorescence imaging analyses were performed on 16 to 67 individual cells. The labeled 16S rRNA probe, POL, whose sequence was a 100% match with B. polymyxa 16S rRNA but only a 60% match with B. macerans 16S rRNA, gave quantitative fluorescence ratio measurements that were 34.8-fold higher for B. polymyxa cells than for B. macerans cells. Conversely, the labeled probe, MAC, which matched B. polymyxa 16S rRNA in 86.6% of its positions and B. macerans 16S rRNA in 100% of its positions, gave quantitative fluorescence measurements that were 59.3-fold higher in B. macerans cells than in B. polymyxa cells. Control probes, whose 16S rRNA sequence segment (P-M) was present in both B. polymyxa and B. macerans as well as a panprokaryotic probe (16S), having a 100% match with all known bacteria, hybridized equally well with both organisms. These latter hybridizations generated very high fluorescence signals, but their comparative fluorescence ratios (the differences between two organisms) were low. The control paneukaryotic probe (28S), which had less than 30% identity for both B. macerans and B. polymyxa, did not hybridize with either organism.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, inexpensive in situ hybridization technique, using 30-mer 16S rRNA probes, can specifically differentiate two closely related Bacillus spp., B. polymyxa and B. macerans. The 16S rRNA probes were labeled with a rhodamine derivative (Texas Red), and quantitative fluorescence measurements were made on individual bacterial cells. The microscopic fields analyzed were selected by phase-contrast microscopy, and the fluorescence imaging analyses were performed on 16 to 67 individual cells. The labeled 16S rRNA probe, POL, whose sequence was a 100% match with B. polymyxa 16S rRNA but only a 60% match with B. macerans 16S rRNA, gave quantitative fluorescence ratio measurements that were 34.8-fold higher for B. polymyxa cells than for B. macerans cells. Conversely, the labeled probe, MAC, which matched B. polymyxa 16S rRNA in 86.6% of its positions and B. macerans 16S rRNA in 100% of its positions, gave quantitative fluorescence measurements that were 59.3-fold higher in B. macerans cells than in B. polymyxa cells. Control probes, whose 16S rRNA sequence segment (P-M) was present in both B. polymyxa and B. macerans as well as a panprokaryotic probe (16S), having a 100% match with all known bacteria, hybridized equally well with both organisms. These latter hybridizations generated very high fluorescence signals, but their comparative fluorescence ratios (the differences between two organisms) were low. The control paneukaryotic probe (28S), which had less than 30% identity for both B. macerans and B. polymyxa, did not hybridize with either organism.  相似文献   

The basal split among living marsupials is traditionally placed between the cohorts Ameridelphiaand Australidelphia. Ameridelphia includes all American forms excepting the South AmericanDramicuipx gliroidex (Order Microbiotheria). Australidelphia includes all Australasian taxaplus Dromiciops glinmles. DNA data support Eometatheria Dromiciaps + Diprotodontia +Dasyuromorphia + Notoryctemorphia) but do not resolve the position of bandicoots, whetherwith other australidelphians or with ameridelphians. Also, the most robust molecular trees (DNAhybridization, multigene studies) exhibit minimal branch subdivision and raise the possibility ofartit'actual associations owing to long branch attraction. We analyzed data sets that consistedof complete sequences tor four niitochondrial genes (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, tRNA valine,16S rRNA). One data set included 14 marsupial taxa. A second data set included 14 marsupialsas well as outgroup sequences (one monolreme; 20 placentals). Phylogenetic analyses includedparsimony, minimum evolution, maximum likelihood, and quartet puzzling. When phylogeneticanalyses were restricted to just the marsupial sequences, there was 75 to 96% boostrap supportfor the separation of Ameridelphia versus Australidelphia. This suggests that either one orboth of these groups are monophyletic. Also, there was 71 to 98% bootstrap support for theseparation of Eometatheria versus Ameridelphia + Peramelina. Nonmonophyly of several a prioriclades was accepted by at least some statistical tests including the following: Diprotodontia+ Peramelina, Notoryctemorphia + Peramelina, Diprotodonlia + Notoryctemorphia, and themonophyly of Australasian marsupials. With the inclusion of outgroup sequences, there wasreduced bootstrap support for associations among marsupial orders and statistical tests failed toreject all interordinal associations that were tested.  相似文献   

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