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The evolutionary origin of strong altruism (where the altruist pays an absolute cost in terms of fitness) towards non-kin has never been satisfactorily explained since no mechanism (except genetic drift) seems to be able to overcome the fitness disadvantage of the individual who practiced altruism in the first place.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial (mt) nucleotide sequences is an enigma. Neutral models of mt evolution predict DNA barcoding cannot work for recently diverged taxa, and yet, mt DNA barcoding accurately delimits species for many bilaterian animals. Meanwhile, mt DNA barcoding often fails for plants and fungi. I propose that because mt gene products must cofunction with nuclear gene products, the evolution of mt genomes is best understood with full consideration of the two environments that impose selective pressure on mt genes: the external environment and the internal genomic environment. Moreover, it is critical to fully consider the potential for adaptive evolution of not just protein products of mt genes but also of mt transfer RNAs and mt ribosomal RNAs. The tight linkage of genes on mt genomes that do not engage in recombination could facilitate selective sweeps whenever there is positive selection on any element in the mt genome, leading to the purging of mt genetic diversity within a population and to the rapid fixation of novel mt DNA sequences. Accordingly, the most important factor determining whether or not mt DNA sequences diagnose species boundaries may be the extent to which the mt chromosomes engage in recombination.  相似文献   

The rapid fixation of an advantageous allele leads to a reduction in linked neutral variation around the target of selection. The genealogy at a neutral locus in such a selective sweep can be simulated by first generating a random path of the advantageous allele's frequency and then a structured coalescent in this background. Usually the frequency path is approximated by a logistic growth curve. We discuss an alternative method that approximates the genealogy by a random binary splitting tree, a so-called Yule tree that does not require first constructing a frequency path. Compared to the coalescent in a logistic background, this method gives a slightly better approximation for identity by descent during the selective phase and a much better approximation for the number of lineages that stem from the founder of the selective sweep. In applications such as the approximation of the distribution of Tajima's D, the two approximation methods perform equally well. For relevant parameter ranges, the Yule approximation is faster.  相似文献   

Adaptive hitchhiking effects on genome variability   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The continuing deluge of nucleotide polymorphism data is providing insights into the role of adaptation in shaping genome-wide patterns of variability and molecular evolution. Population genetic models in which linkage and selection interact (i.e. hitchhiking) predict that selection can leave 'footprints' in closely linked genomic regions. New analytical approaches show promise for distinguishing the signature of adaptation from that of several non-adaptive alternatives. Accounting for the effects of population structure and history poses a challenge for future investigations.  相似文献   

We suggest a simple deterministic approximation for the growth of the favored-allele frequency during a selective sweep. Using this approximation we introduce an accurate model for genetic hitchhiking. Only when Ns<10 (N is the population size and s denotes the selection coefficient) are discrepancies between our approximation and direct numerical simulations of a Moran model notable. Our model describes the gene genealogies of a contiguous segment of neutral loci close to the selected one, and it does not assume that the selective sweep happens instantaneously. This enables us to compute SNP distributions on the neutral segment without bias.  相似文献   

When new advantageous alleles arise and spread within a population, deleterious alleles at neighboring loci can hitchhike alongside them and spread to fixation in areas of low recombination, introducing a fixed mutation load. We use branching processes and diffusion equations to calculate the probability that a deleterious allele hitchhikes and fixes alongside an advantageous mutant. As expected, the probability of fixation of a deleterious hitchhiker rises with the selective advantage of the sweeping allele and declines with the selective disadvantage of the deleterious hitchhiker. We then use computer simulations of a genome with an infinite number of loci to investigate the increase in load after an advantageous mutant is introduced. We show that the appearance of advantageous alleles on genetic backgrounds loaded with deleterious alleles has two potential effects: it can fix deleterious alleles, and it can facilitate the persistence of recombinant lineages that happen to occur. The latter is expected to reduce the signals of selection in the surrounding region. We consider these results in light of human genetic data to infer how likely it is that such deleterious hitchhikers have occurred in our recent evolutionary past.  相似文献   

Dopman EB 《Genetica》2011,139(5):565-573
A primary goal for evolutionary biology is to reveal the genetic basis for adaptive evolution and reproductive isolation. Using Z and E pheromone strains the European corn borer (ECB) moth, I address this problem through multilocus analyses of DNA polymorphism. I find that the locus Triose phosphate isomerase (Tpi) is a statistically significant outlier in coalescent simulations of demographic histories of population divergence, including strict allopatric isolation, restricted migration, secondary contact, and population growth or decline. This result corroborates a previous QTL study that identified the Tpi chromosomal region as a repository for gene(s) contributing to divergence in life history. Patterns of nucleotide polymorphism at Tpi suggest a recent selective sweep and genetic hitchhiking associated with colonization of North America from Europe ~200 generations ago. These results indicate that gene genealogies initially diverge during speciation because of selective sweeps, but differential introgression may play a role in the maintenance of differentiation for sympatric populations.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease 5 (IBD5) is a 250 kb haplotype on chromosome 5 that is associated with an increased risk of Crohn's disease in Europeans. The OCTN1 gene is centrally located on IBD5 and encodes a transporter of the antioxidant ergothioneine (ET). The 503F variant of OCTN1 is strongly associated with IBD5 and is a gain-of-function mutation that increases absorption of ET. Although 503F has been implicated as the variant potentially responsible for Crohn's disease susceptibility at IBD5, there is little evidence beyond statistical association to support its role in disease causation. We hypothesize that 503F is a recent adaptation in Europeans that swept to relatively high frequency and that disease association at IBD5 results not from 503F itself, but from one or more nearby hitchhiking variants, in the genes IRF1 or IL5. To test for evidence of recent positive selection on the 503F allele, we employed the iHS statistic, which was significant in the European CEU HapMap population (P=0.0007) and European Human Genome Diversity Panel populations (P≤0.01). To evaluate the hypothesis of disease-variant hitchhiking, we performed haplotype association tests on high-density microarray data in a sample of 1,868 Crohn's disease cases and 5,550 controls. We found that 503F haplotypes with recombination breakpoints between OCTN1 and IRF1 or IL5 were not associated with disease (odds ratio [OR]: 1.05, P=0.21). In contrast, we observed strong disease association for 503F haplotypes with no recombination between these three genes (OR: 1.24, P=2.6×10(-8)), as expected if the sweeping haplotype harbored one or more disease-causing mutations in IRF1 or IL5. To further evaluate these disease-gene candidates, we obtained expression data from lower gastrointestinal biopsies of healthy individuals and Crohn's disease patients. We observed a 72% increase in gene expression of IRF1 among Crohn's disease patients (P=0.0006) and no significant difference in expression of OCTN1. Collectively, these data indicate that the 503F variant has increased in frequency due to recent positive selection and that disease-causing variants in linkage disequilibrium with 503F have hitchhiked to relatively high frequency, thus forming the IBD5 risk haplotype. Finally, our association results and expression data support IRF1 as a strong candidate for Crohn's disease causation.  相似文献   

The model of genetic hitchhiking predicts a reduction in sequence diversity at a neutral locus closely linked to a beneficial allele. In addition, it has been shown that the same process results in a specific pattern of correlations (linkage disequilibrium) between neutral polymorphisms along the chromosome at the time of fixation of the beneficial allele. During the hitchhiking event, linkage disequilibrium on either side of the beneficial allele is built up whereas it is destroyed across the selected site. We derive explicit formulas for the expectation of the covariance measure D and standardized linkage disequilibrium sigma 2D between a pair of polymorphic sites. For our analysis we use the approximation of a star-like genealogy at the selected site. The resulting expressions are approximately correct in the limit of large selection coefficients. Using simulations we show that the resulting pattern of linkage disequilibrium is quickly-i.e., in <0.1N generations-destroyed after the fixation of the beneficial allele for moderately distant neutral loci, where N is the diploid population size.  相似文献   

Innan H  Stephan W 《Genetics》2003,165(4):2307-2312
A simple method to distinguish hitchhiking and background selection is proposed. It is based on the observation that these models make different predictions about the average level of nucleotide diversity in regions of low recombination. The method is applied to data from Drosophila melanogaster and two highly selfing tomato species.  相似文献   

The power of several neutrality tests to reject a simple bottleneck model is examined in a coalescent framework. Several tests are considered including some relying on the frequency spectrum of mutations and some reflecting the linkage disequilibrium structure of the data. We evaluate the effect of the age and of the strength of the bottleneck, and their interaction. We contrast two qualitatively different bottleneck effects depending on their strength. In genealogical terms, during severe bottlenecks, all lineages coalesce leading to a star-like gene genealogy of the sample. Some time after the bottleneck, once new mutations have arisen, they tend to show an excess of rare variants and a slight excess of haplotypes. On the contrary, more moderate bottlenecks allow several lineages to survive the demographic crash, leading to a balanced genealogy with long internal branches. Soon after the event, data tend to show an excess of intermediate frequency variants and a deficit of haplotypes. We show that for moderate sequencing efforts, severe bottlenecks can be detected only after an intermediate time period has allowed for mutations to occur, preferably by frequency spectrum statistics. Moderate bottlenecks can be more easily detected for more recent events, especially using haplotype statistics. Finally, for a single locus, the bottleneck results closely approximate those of a simple hitchhiking model. The main difference concerns the frequency distribution of mutations and haplotypes after moderate perturbations. Hitchhiking increases the number of rare ancestral mutations and leads to a more predominant major haplotype class. Thus, despite a number of common features between the two processes, hitchhiking cannot be strictly modeled by bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Chevin LM  Hospital F 《Genetics》2006,173(3):1829-1832
Transmission-ratio distortion is a departure from a 1:1 segregation of alleles in the gametes of a heterozygous individual. The so-called driving allele is strongly selected regardless of its effect on the fitness of the carrying individual. It may then have an important impact on neutral polymorphism due to the genetic hitchhiking effect. We study this hitchhiking effect in the case of true meiotic drive in autosomes and show that it is more dependent on the recombination rate than in the classical case of a gene positively selected at the organism level.  相似文献   

Quesada H  Ramírez UE  Rozas J  Aguadé M 《Genetics》2003,165(2):895-900
Natural selection is expected to leave a characteristic footprint on neighboring nucleotide variation through the effects of genetic linkage. The size of the region affected is proportional to the strength of selection and greatly reduced with the recombinational distance from the selected site. Thus, the genomic footprint of selection is generally believed to be restricted to a small DNA stretch in normal and highly recombining regions. Here, we study the effect of selection on linked polymorphism (hitchhiking effect) by surveying nucleotide variation across a highly recombining approximately 88-kb genomic fragment in an African population of Drosophila simulans. We find a core region of up to 38 kb with a major haplotype at intermediate frequency. The extended haplotype structure that gradually vanishes until disappearing is unusual for a highly recombining region. Both the presence in the structured genomic domain of a single major haplotype depleted of variability and the detected spatial pattern of variation along the approximately 88-kb fragment are incompatible with neutral predictions in a panmictic population. A major role of demographic effects could also be discarded. The observed pattern of variation clearly provides evidence that directional selection has acted recently on this region, sweeping out variation around a strongly adaptive mutation. Our findings suggest a major role of positive selection in shaping DNA variability even in highly recombining regions.  相似文献   

Neutral mutations may hitchhike to high frequency when they are situated close to sites under positive selection, generating local reductions in genetic diversity. This process is thought to be an important determinant of levels of genomic variation in natural populations. The size of genome regions affected by genetic hitchhiking is expected to be dependent on the strength of selection, but there is little empirical data supporting this prediction. Here, we compare microsatellite variation around two drug resistance genes (chloroquine resistance transporter (pfcrt), chromosome 7, and dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr), chromosome 4) in malaria parasite populations exposed to strong (Thailand) or weak selection (Laos) by anti-malarial drugs. In each population, we examined the point mutations underlying resistance and length variation at 22 (chromosome 4) or 25 (chromosome 7) microsatellite markers across these chromosomes. All parasites from Thailand carried the K76T mutation in pfcrt conferring resistance to chloroquine (CQ) and 2-4 mutations in dhfr conferring resistance to pyrimethamine. By contrast, we found both wild-type and resistant alleles at both genes in Laos. There were dramatic differences in the extent of hitchhiking in the two countries. The size of genome regions affected was smaller in Laos than in Thailand. We observed significant reduction in variation relative to sensitive parasites for 34-64 kb (2-4 cM) in Laos on chromosome 4, compared with 98-137 kb (6-8 cM) in Thailand. Similarly, on chromosome 7, we observed reduced variation for 34-69 kb (2-4 cM) around pfcrt in Laos, but for 195-268 kb (11-16 cM) in Thailand. Reduction in genetic variation was also less extreme in Laos than in Thailand. Most loci were monomorphic in a 12 kb region surrounding both genes on resistant chromosomes from Thailand, whereas in Laos, even loci immediately proximal to selective sites showed some variation on resistant chromosomes. Finally, linkage disequilibrium (LD) decayed more rapidly around resistant pfcrt and dhfr alleles from Laos than from Thailand. These results demonstrate that different realizations of the same selective sweeps may vary considerably in size and shape, in a manner broadly consistent with selection history. From a practical perspective, genomic regions containing resistance genes may be most effectively located by genome-wide association in populations exposed to strong drug selection. However, the lower levels of LD surrounding resistance alleles in populations under weak selection may simplify identification of functional mutations.  相似文献   

Local haplotype patterns surrounding densely spaced DNA markers with significant trait associations can reveal information on selective sweeps and genome diversity associated with important crop traits. Relationships between haplotype and phenotype diversity, coupled with analysis of gene content in conserved haplotype blocks, can provide insight into coselection for nonrelated traits. We performed genome‐wide analysis of haplotypes associated with the important physiological and agronomic traits leaf chlorophyll and seed glucosinolate content, respectively, in the major oilseed crop species Brassica napus. A locus on chromosome A01 showed opposite effects on leaf chlorophyll content and seed glucosinolate content, attributed to strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) between orthologues of the chlorophyll biosynthesis genes EARLY LIGHT‐INDUCED PROTEIN and CHLOROPHYLL SYNTHASE, and the glucosinolate synthesis gene ATP SULFURYLASE 1. Another conserved haplotype block, on chromosome A02, contained a number of chlorophyll‐related genes in LD with orthologues of the key glucosinolate biosynthesis genes METHYLTHIOALKYMALATE SYNTHASE‐LIKE 1 and 3. Multigene haplogroups were found to have a significantly greater contribution to variation for chlorophyll content than haplotypes for any single gene, suggesting positive effects of additive locus accumulation. Detailed reanalysis of population substructure revealed a clade of ten related accessions exhibiting high leaf chlorophyll and low seed glucosinolate content. These accessions each carried one of the above‐mentioned haplotypes from A01 or A02, generally in combination with further chlorophyll‐associated haplotypes from chromosomes A05 and/or C05. The phenotypic rather than pleiotropic correlations between leaf chlorophyll content index and seed GSL suggest that LD may have led to inadvertent coselection for these two traits.  相似文献   

Strong barriers to genetic exchange can exist at divergently selected loci, whereas alleles at neutral loci flow more readily between populations, thus impeding divergence and speciation in the face of gene flow. However, ‘divergence hitchhiking’ theory posits that divergent selection can generate large regions of differentiation around selected loci. ‘Genome hitchhiking’ theory suggests that selection can also cause reductions in average genome‐wide rates of gene flow, resulting in widespread genomic divergence (rather than divergence only around specific selected loci). Spatial heterogeneity is ubiquitous in nature, yet previous models of genetic barriers to gene flow have explored limited combinations of spatial and selective scenarios. Using simulations of secondary contact of populations, we explore barriers to gene flow in various selective and spatial contexts in continuous, two‐dimensional, spatially explicit environments. In general, the effects of hitchhiking are strongest in environments with regular spatial patterning of starkly divergent habitat types. When divergent selection is very strong, the absence of intermediate habitat types increases the effects of hitchhiking. However, when selection is moderate or weak, regular (vs. random) spatial arrangement of habitat types becomes more important than the presence of intermediate habitats per se. We also document counterintuitive processes arising from the stochastic interplay between selection, gene flow and drift. Our results indicate that generalization of results from two‐deme models requires caution and increase understanding of the genomic and geographic basis of population divergence.  相似文献   

Chun S  Fay JC 《PLoS genetics》2011,7(8):e1002240
Deleterious mutations present a significant obstacle to adaptive evolution. Deleterious mutations can inhibit the spread of linked adaptive mutations through a population; conversely, adaptive substitutions can increase the frequency of linked deleterious mutations and even result in their fixation. To assess the impact of adaptive mutations on linked deleterious mutations, we examined the distribution of deleterious and neutral amino acid polymorphism in the human genome. Within genomic regions that show evidence of recent hitchhiking, we find fewer neutral but a similar number of deleterious SNPs compared to other genomic regions. The higher ratio of deleterious to neutral SNPs is consistent with simulated hitchhiking events and implies that positive selection eliminates some deleterious alleles and increases the frequency of others. The distribution of disease-associated alleles is also altered in hitchhiking regions. Disease alleles within hitchhiking regions have been associated with auto-immune disorders, metabolic diseases, cancers, and mental disorders. Our results suggest that positive selection has had a significant impact on deleterious polymorphism and may be partly responsible for the high frequency of certain human disease alleles.  相似文献   

Due to cytoplasmic inheritance, spread of maternally inherited Wolbachia symbionts can result in reduction of mitochondrial variation in populations. We examined sequence diversity of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) gene in Wolbachia-infected (South Africa (SA), California and Thailand) and uninfected (SA) Culex pipiens complex populations. In total, we identified 12 haplotypes (A-L). In infected populations, 99% of individuals had haplotype K. In the uninfected SA population, 11 haplotypes were present, including K. Nuclear allozyme diversity was similar between infected and uninfected SA populations. Analysis of nuclear DNA sequences suggested that haplotype K presence in uninfected SA Cx. pipiens was probably due to a shared ancestral polymorphism rather than hybrid introgression. These data indicate that Wolbachia spread has resulted in drastic reduction of mitochondrial variability in widely separated Cx. pipiens complex populations. In contrast, the uninfected SA population is probably a cryptic species where Wolbachia introgression has been prevented by reproductive isolation, maintaining ancestral levels of mitochondrial diversity. Molecular clock analyses suggest that the Wolbachia sweep occurred within the last 47000 years. The effect of Wolbachia on mitochondrial dynamics can provide insight on the potential for Wolbachia to spread transgenes into mosquito populations to control vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   



Few models of genetic hitchhiking in subdivided populations have been developed and the rarity of empirical examples is even more striking. We here provide evidences of genetic hitchhiking in a subdivided population of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis. In the Bay of Biscay (France), a patch of M. edulis populations happens to be separated from its North Sea conspecifics by a wide region occupied only by the sister species M. galloprovincialis. Although genetic differentiation between the two M. edulis regions is largely non-significant at ten marker loci (average FST~0.007), a strong genetic differentiation is observed at a single locus (FST = 0.25). We validated the outlier status of this locus, and analysed DNA sequence polymorphism in order to identify the nature of the selection responsible for the unusual differentiation.  相似文献   

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