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A preparation of lysozyme from a freshwater bivalve, Unio pictorum, has been isolated by sorption to chitin, and its physicochemical properties have been studied. An assessment of the sensitivity of 48 strains of rhodococci, belonging to the species Rhodococcus rubber, R. luteus, and R. erythropolis (Specialized Collection of Alkanotrophic Microorganisms of the Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences), which were isolated from diverse natural waters, to lysozyme of the mollusk Unio pictorum demonstrated that the three species differ in their sensitivity to its effects. The high resistance of rhodococci to lysozyme is indicative of their considerable permanence in hydrobiocenoses (and, therefore, ability to maintain self-purification of microbiocenoses from hydrocarbons).  相似文献   

Genotoxic response of freshwater mussels U. tumidus and U. pictorum to environmental stress was studied using comet assay on hemocytes and gill cells. The mussels were acclimated to controlled laboratory conditions for 10 days, and then exposed at 4 sites in the Sava and Danube rivers in the area of the city of Belgrade. Samples of each species were taken after 7, 14, and 30 days of exposure. The mussels sampled immediately after acclimation served as controls. Genotoxic response in both species was induced earlier at sites receiving untreated wastewaters from the city’s main collectors (7 days), than at the site receiving only domestic wastewaters from small settlements located upstream from the city (30 days). There was a correlation between the comet tail intensity values in tissues of exposed mussels and the concentrations of zinc, copper, iron, and arsenic at the exposure sites. The genotoxic responses in both tissues of U. pictorum and in hemocytes of U. tumidus were similar, while U. tumidus gill cells failed to exhibit significant genotoxic response at two sites. These findings, together with higher mortality of U. tumidus at the most polluted sites, promote U. pictorum as a model for genotoxicity monitoring in freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Among molluscs, the shell biomineralization process is controlled by a set of extracellular macromolecular components secreted by the calcifying mantle. In spite of several studies, these components are mainly known in bivalves from only few members of pteriomorph groups. In the present case, we investigated the biochemical properties of the aragonitic shell of the freshwater bivalve Unio pictorum (Paleoheterodonta, Unionoida). Analysis of the amino acid composition reveals a high amount of glycine, aspartate and alanine in the acid-soluble extract, whereas the acid-insoluble one is rich in alanine and glycine. Monosaccharidic analysis indicates that the insoluble matrix comprises a high amount of glucosamine. Furthermore, a high ratio of the carbohydrates of the soluble matrix is sulfated. Electrophoretic analysis of the acid-soluble matrix revealed discrete bands. Stains-All, Alcian Blue, periodic acid/Schiff and autoradiography with (45)Ca after electrophoretic separation revealed three major polyanionic calcium-binding glycoproteins, which exhibit an apparent molecular mass of 95, 50 and 29 kDa, respectively. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis shows that these bands, provisionally named P95, P50 and P29, are composed of numerous isoforms, the majority of which have acidic isoelectric points. Chemical deglycosylation of the matrix with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid induces a drastic shift of both the apparent molecular mass and the isoelectric point of these matrix components. This treatment induces also a modification of the shape of CaCO(3) crystals grown in vitro and a loss of the calcium-binding ability of two of the main matrix proteins (P95 and P50). Our findings strongly suggest that post-translational modifications display important functions in mollusc shell calcification.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments showed that butyric acid not only fails to meet the trophic requirements of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms, but even specifically inhibits their assimilatory and dissimilatory activity. Therefore, butyric acid can be referred to as growth inhibitors. The combined mineralization of carbohydrates and hydrocarbons can be described as follows. Plants polymers are converted to monosugars by heterotrophic soil microorganisms. As the concentration of the monosugars grows and oxygen becomes deficient, the monosugars are no longer oxidized completely but are fermented. As a result, glucose transforms to butyric acid, which inhibits hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria. It is concluded that, to be efficient, the cleanup of oil-contaminated soils must include measures to intensify the mineralization of carbohydrates and to inhibit their fermentation.  相似文献   

溶菌酶C及其生物学功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘梅  张士璀 《生命的化学》2006,26(5):465-467
在已知6类溶菌酶中,溶菌酶C是唯一存在于脊椎动物、原索动物和无脊椎动物中的类型,也是当前研究最广泛、最透彻的类型。该文从基因数目、基因表达、基因进化和基因功能几个方面详细介绍溶菌酶C的分子生物学研究进展,并认为未来的研究重点已经不是溶菌酶的杀菌作用,而是其消化功能和其他未知的生物学功能。  相似文献   

The genera Nocardia and Rhodococcus were clearly differentiated in the present study. Eleven characteristics were shown to be useful for differentiation between these two genera. Nocardia asteroides sunsu stricto previously defined by Tsukamura was divided into two taxa. One contained the type strain and was considered to retain the name Nocardia asteroides in a new sense. Another was named in the present study as Nocardia nova sp. nov. Tsukamura. The type strain of this species is ATCC 33726. The following seven characters were useful for differentiating N. nova from newly defined N. asteroides: 1) arylsulfatase activity after 14 days; 2) catalase activity (semiquantitative); 3) β-esterase activity; 4) pyrazinamidase activity; 5) utilization of citrate as a sole source of carbon; 6) utilization of 2,3-butylene glycol as a sole carbon source; and 7) resistance to 5-fluorouracil (20 μg/ml). The name Nocardia farcinica for Tsukamura's Kyoto-I group should be rejected. This taxon has been named Nocardia paratuberculosis sp. nov. Tsukamura. The type strain is ATCC 23826. Three new species of the genus Rhodococcus were proposed: Rhodococcus aichiensis sp. nov. Tsukamura (type strain, ATCC 33611); Rhodococcus chubuensis sp. nov. Tsukamura (type strain, ATCC 33609); Rhodococcus obuensis sp. nov. Tsukamura (type strain, ATCC 33610).  相似文献   

The requirement of ultrahigh temperature (UHT)-treated Clostridium perfringens spores for lysozyme and the sensitivity of heated and unheated spores to lysozyme were studied. The UHT-treated spores requiring lysozyme for germination and colony formation originated from only a small portion of the non-UHT-treated spore population. This raised a question of whether the requirement for lysozyme was natural to the spores or was induced by the UHT treatments. However, these spores did not require lysozyme for germination before UHT treatment, which confirmed that the requirement for lysozyme had been induced by the UHT treatment. Only 1 to 2% of the spores were naturally sensitive to lysozyme; therefore, the mere addition of lysozyme to the plating medium did not permit the enumeration of all survivors. Treatment of UHT-treated spores with ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) sensitized the spores to lysozyme and increased by 10- to 100-fold the number of survivors that were detected on a medium containing lysozyme. Under the heating conditions used, spores that were naturally sensitive to lysozyme and spores that required EDTA treatment were equally heat resistant.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides on the cell surface of Escherichia coli prevent penetration of lysozyme or certain low-molecular-weight drugs.  相似文献   

Experiments on the biodegradation of unusable medicines containing a phenolic hydroxy group by actinobacteria of the genus Rhodococcus were performed. Six species and sixty-four strains were tested. It was found that rhodococci could degrade paracetamol, and some R. ruber strains showed high levels of its degradation. An efficient method for the identification and quantification of paracetamol and the products of its conversion (p-aminophenol, pyrocatechol, and hydroquinone) immediately in the culture liquid was developed. Conditions for the complete biodegradation of paracetamol dosage forms (pills) were optimized. The experimental results can be applied to the development of biotechnological methods for degrading medicines: faked, rejected, or those that are expired.  相似文献   

The goal of the present work was to explore the influence of commercially available cell phone irradiation on the single neuron excitability and memory processes. A Transverse Electromagnetic Cell (TEM Cell) was used to expose single neurons of mollusk to the electromagnetic field.

Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method was used for modeling the TEM Cell and the electromagnetic field interactions with living nerve ganglion and neurons. Neuron electrophysiology was investigated using standard microelectrode technique.

The specific absorption rate (SAR) deposited into the single neuron was calculated to be 0.63 W/kg with a temperature increment of 0.1°C. After acute exposure, average firing threshold of the action potentials was not changed. However, the average latent period was significantly decreased. This indicates that together with latent period the threshold and the time of habituation might be altered during exposure. However, these alterations are transient and only latent period remains on the changed level.  相似文献   

Nineteen strains of Corynebacterium sensu stricto, 23 received as Corynebacterium equi or Rhodococcus equi, marker cultures of Arthrobacter, Brevibacterium, Bacterionema matruchotii, Cellulomonas flavigena, Kurthia zopfii, Listeria denitrificans, Microbacterium lacticum, Rhodococcus rubropertinctus and 88 representatives of Mycobacterium, Nocardia, Rhodococcus and the 'aurantiaca' taxon were the subject of numerical phenetic analyses using 92 characters. The data were examined using the simple matching (SSM) and Jaccard (SJ) coefficients and clustering was achieved using the average linkage algorithm. With a single exception, strains containing meso-diaminopimelic acid, arabinose, galactose and mycolic acids were recovered in five aggregate clusters corresponding to Corynebacterium sensu stricto, Mycobacterium, Nocardia, Rhodococcus and the 'aurantiaca' taxon. Most of the Corynebacterium (Rhodococcus) equi strains formed a good taxospecies which included the type strain of Corynebacterium hoagii. The numerical data, and the results of earlier chemical and genetical studies, also provide sufficient evidence for the transfer of Bacterionema matruchotii to Corynebacterium sensu stricto as Corynebacterium matruchotii comb.nov. and for the recognition of Rhodococcus globerulus sp.nov. for some strains previously classified as Rhodococcus rubropertinctus (Hefferan) Goodfellow & Alderson. The classification of the remaining marker strains correlates well with other major developments in coryneform taxonomy.  相似文献   

Human gammaherpesviruses are associated with the development of lymphomas and epithelial malignancies. The heterogeneity of these tumors reflects the ability of these viruses to route infection to different cell types at various stages of their lifecycle. While the Epstein Barr virus uses gp42 – human leukocyte antigen class II interaction as a switch of cell tropism, the molecular mechanism that orientates tropism of rhadinoviruses is still poorly defined. Here, we used bovine herpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) to further elucidate how rhadinoviruses regulate their infectivity. In the absence of any gp42 homolog, BoHV-4 exploits the alternative splicing of its Bo10 gene to produce distinct viral populations that behave differently based on the originating cell. While epithelial cells produce virions with high levels of the accessory envelope protein gp180, encoded by a Bo10 spliced product, myeloid cells express reduced levels of gp180. As a consequence, virions grown in epithelial cells are hardly infectious for CD14+ circulating cells, but are relatively resistant to antibody neutralization due to the shielding property of gp180 for vulnerable entry epitopes. In contrast, myeloid virions readily infect CD14+ circulating cells but are easily neutralized. This molecular switch could therefore allow BoHV-4 to promote either, on the one hand, its dissemination into the organism, or, on the other hand, its transmission between hosts.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of monal pheasant lysozyme and its activity were analyzed. Carboxymethylated lysozyme was digested with trypsin and the resulting peptides were sequenced. The established amino acid sequence had one amino acid substitution at position 102 (Arg to Gly) comparing with Indian peafowl lysozyme and four amino acid substitutions at positions 3 (Phe to Tyr), 15 (His to Leu), 41 (Gln to His), and 121 (Gln to His) with chicken lysozyme. Analysis of the time-courses of reaction using N-acetylglucosamine pentamer as a substrate showed a difference of binding free energy change (-0.4 kcal/mol) at subsites A between monal pheasant and Indian peafowl lysozyme. This was assumed to be caused by the amino acid substitution at subsite A with loss of a positive charge at position 102 (Arg102 to Gly).  相似文献   

豌豆(Pisum sativum)是我国重要的豆类经济作物, 病害对豌豆生产造成重大经济损失。通过形态学观察、分子鉴定以及致病性测定, 最终确定引起豌豆茎基腐病的3种病原菌分别为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)、芸苔链格孢菌(Alternaria brassicae)和格氏镰刀菌(F. grosmichelii), 优势菌株为尖孢镰刀菌, 分离率为53.6%。室内毒力测定结果表明, 5种供试杀菌剂对3种病原菌的菌丝生长均有抑制作用, 其中咯菌腈和戊唑醇的抑菌效果最好。研究结果为豌豆茎基腐病的防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The presence of aromatic residues and their close spatial proximity to disulphide bridges makes hen egg white lysozyme labile to UV excitation. UVB induced photo-oxidation of tryptophan and tyrosine residues leads to photochemical products, such as, kynurenine, N–formylkynurenine and dityrosine and to the disruption of disulphide bridges in proteins. We here report that lysozyme UV induced photochemistry is modulated by temperature, excitation power, illumination time, excitation wavelength and by the presence of plasmonic quencher surfaces, such as gold, and by the presence of natural fluorescence quenchers, such as hyaluronic acid and oleic acid. We show evidence that the photo-oxidation effects triggered by 295 nm at 20°C are reversible and non-reversible at 10°C, 25°C and 30°C. This paper provides evidence that the 295 nm damage threshold of lysozyme lies between 0.1 μW and 0.3 μW. Protein conformational changes induced by temperature and UV light have been detected upon monitoring changes in the fluorescence emission spectra of lysozyme tryptophan residues and SYPRO® Orange. Lysozyme has been conjugated onto gold nanoparticles, coated with hyaluronic acid and oleic acid (HAOA). Steady state and time resolved fluorescence studies of free and conjugated lysozyme onto HAOA gold nanoparticles reveals that the presence of the polymer decreased the rate of the observed photochemical reactions and induced a preference for short fluorescence decay lifetimes. Size and surface charge of the HAOA gold nanoparticles have been determined by dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements. TEM analysis of the particles confirms the presence of a gold core surrounded by a HAOA matrix. We conclude that HAOA gold nanoparticles may efficiently protect lysozyme from the photochemical effects of UVB light and this nanocarrier could be potentially applied to other proteins with clinical relevance. In addition, this study confirms that the temperature plays a critical role in the photochemical pathways a protein enters upon UV excitation.  相似文献   

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