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Clusterin is an extracellular mammalian chaperone protein which inhibits stress-induced precipitation of many different proteins. The conformational state(s) of proteins that interact with clusterin and the stage(s) along the folding and off-folding (precipitation-bound) pathways where this interaction occurs were previously unknown. We investigated this by examining the interactions of clusterin with different structural forms of alpha-lactalbumin, gamma-crystallin and lysozyme. When assessed by ELISA and native gel electrophoresis, clusterin did not bind to various stable, intermediately folded states of alpha-lactalbumin nor to the native form of this protein, but did bind to and inhibit the slow precipitation of reduced alpha-lactalbumin. Reduction-induced changes in the conformation of alpha-lactalbumin, in the absence and presence of clusterin, were monitored by real-time (1)H NMR spectroscopy. In the absence of clusterin, an intermediately folded form of alpha-lactalbumin, with some secondary structure but lacking tertiary structure, aggregated and precipitated. In the presence of clusterin, this form of alpha-lactalbumin was stabilised in a non-aggregated state, possibly via transient interactions with clusterin prior to complexation. Additional experiments demonstrated that clusterin potently inhibited the slow precipitation, but did not inhibit the rapid precipitation, of lysozyme and gamma-crystallin induced by different stresses. These results suggest that clusterin interacts with and stabilises slowly aggregating proteins but is unable to stabilise rapidly aggregating proteins. Collectively, our results suggest that during its chaperone action, clusterin preferentially recognises partly folded protein intermediates that are slowly aggregating whilst venturing along their irreversible off-folding pathway towards a precipitated protein.  相似文献   

Following prenylation, the proteins are subject to two prenyl-dependent modifications at their C-terminal end, which are required for their subcellular targeting. First, the three C-terminal residues of the CAAX box prenylation signaling motif are removed, which is followed by methylation of the free carboxyl group of the prenyl cysteine moiety. An Arabidopsis homologue of the yeast CAAX protease STE24 (AFC1) was cloned and expressed in rce1 Delta ste24 Delta mutant yeast to demonstrate functional complementation. The petunia calmodulin CaM53 is a prenylated protein terminating in a CTIL CAAX box. Coupled methylation proteolysis assays demonstrated the processing of CaM53 by AtSTE24. In addition, AtSTE24 promoted plasma membrane association of the GFP-Rac fusion protein, which terminates with a CLLM CAAX box. Interestingly, a plant homologue of the second and major CAAX protease in yeast and animal cells, RCE1, was not identified despite the availability of vast amounts of sequence data. Taken together, these data suggest that AtSTE24 may process several prenylated proteins in plant cells, unlike its yeast homologue, which processes only a-mating factor, and its mammalian homologue, for which prenyl-CAAX substrates have not been established. Transient expression of GFPAtSTE24 in leaf epidermal cells of Nicotiana benthamiana showed that AtSTE24 is exclusively localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, suggesting that prenylated proteins in plants are first targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum following their prenylation.  相似文献   

Lee S  Sowa ME  Watanabe YH  Sigler PB  Chiu W  Yoshida M  Tsai FT 《Cell》2003,115(2):229-240
Molecular chaperones assist protein folding by facilitating their "forward" folding and preventing aggregation. However, once aggregates have formed, these chaperones cannot facilitate protein disaggregation. Bacterial ClpB and its eukaryotic homolog Hsp104 are essential proteins of the heat-shock response, which have the remarkable capacity to rescue stress-damaged proteins from an aggregated state. We have determined the structure of Thermus thermophilus ClpB (TClpB) using a combination of X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Our single-particle reconstruction shows that TClpB forms a two-tiered hexameric ring. The ClpB/Hsp104-linker consists of an 85 A long and mobile coiled coil that is located on the outside of the hexamer. Our mutagenesis and biochemical data show that both the relative position and motion of this coiled coil are critical for chaperone function. Taken together, we propose a mechanism by which an ATP-driven conformational change is coupled to a large coiled-coil motion, which is indispensable for protein disaggregation.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are a ubiquitous class of molecular chaperones that interacts with substrates to prevent their irreversible insolubilization during denaturation. How sHSPs interact with substrates remains poorly defined. To investigate the role of the conserved C-terminal alpha-crystallin domain versus the variable N-terminal arm in substrate interactions, we compared two closely related dodecameric plant sHSPs, Hsp18.1 and Hsp16.9, and four chimeras of these two sHSPs, in which all or part of the N-terminal arm was switched. The efficiency of substrate protection and formation of sHSP-substrate complexes by these sHSPs with three different model substrates, firefly luciferase, citrate synthase, and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) provide new insights into sHSP/substrate interactions. Results indicate that different substrates have varying affinities for different domains of the sHSP. For luciferase and citrate synthase, the efficiency of substrate protection was determined by the identity of the N-terminal arm in the chimeric proteins. In contrast, for MDH, efficient protection clearly required interactions with the alpha-crystallin domain in addition to the N-terminal arm. Furthermore, we show that sHSP-substrate complexes with varying stability and composition can protect substrate equally, and substrate protection is not correlated with sHSP oligomeric stability for all substrates. Protection of MDH by the dimeric chimera composed of the Hsp16.9 N-terminal arm and Hsp18.1 alpha-crystallin domain supports the model that a dimeric form of the sHSP can bind and protect substrate. In total, results demonstrate that sHSP-substrate interactions are complex, likely involve multiple sites on the sHSP, and vary depending on substrate.  相似文献   

While P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is the most studied protein involved in resistance to anti-cancer drugs, its mechanism of action is still under debate. Studies of Pgp have used cell lines selected with chemotherapeutics which may have developed many mechanisms of resistance. To eliminate the confounding effects of drug selection on understanding the action of Pgp, we studied cells transiently transfected with a Pgp-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein. This method generated a mixed population of unselected cells with a wide range of Pgp-GFP expression levels and allowed simultaneous measurements of Pgp level and drug accumulation in living cells. The results showed that Pgp-GFP expression was inversely related to the accumulation of chemotherapeutic drugs. The reduction in drug concentration was reversed by agents that block multiple drug resistance (MDR) and by the UIC2 anti-Pgp antibody. Quantitative analysis revealed an inverse linear relationship between the fluorescence of Pgp-GFP and MDR dyes. This suggests that Pgp levels alone limit drug accumulation by active efflux; cooperativity between enzyme, substrate, or inhibitor molecules is not required. Additionally, Pgp-GFP expression did not change cellular pH. Our study demonstrates the value of using GFP fusion proteins for quantitative biochemistry in living cells.  相似文献   

Tasab M  Batten MR  Bulleid NJ 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(10):2204-2211
Hsp47 is a heat-shock protein that interacts transiently with procollagen during its folding, assembly and transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of mammalian cells. It has been suggested to carry out a diverse range of functions, such as acting as a molecular chaperone facilitating the folding and assembly of procollagen molecules, retaining unfolded molecules within the ER, and assisting the transport of correctly folded molecules from the ER to the Golgi apparatus. Here we define the substrate recognition of Hsp47, demonstrating that it interacts preferentially with triple-helical procollagen molecules. The association of Hsp47 with procollagen coincides with the formation of a collagen triple helix. This demonstrates that Hsp47's role in procollagen folding and assembly is distinct from that of prolyl 4-hydroxylase. These results indicate that Hsp47 acts as a novel molecular chaperone, potentially stabilizing the correctly folded collagen helix from heat denaturation before its transport from the ER.  相似文献   

Uracil-DNA glycosylases (UDGs) catalyse the removal of uracil by flipping it out of the double helix into their binding pockets, where the glycosidic bond is hydrolysed by a water molecule activated by a polar amino acid. Interestingly, the four known UDG families differ in their active site make-up. The activating residues in UNG and SMUG enzymes are aspartates, thermostable UDGs resemble UNG-type enzymes, but carry glutamate rather than aspartate residues in their active sites, and the less active MUG/TDG enzymes contain an active site asparagine. We now describe the first member of a fifth UDG family, Pa-UDGb from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum, the active site of which lacks the polar residue that was hitherto thought to be essential for catalysis. Moreover, Pa-UDGb is the first member of the UDG family that efficiently catalyses the removal of an aberrant purine, hypoxanthine, from DNA. We postulate that this enzyme has evolved to counteract the mutagenic threat of cytosine and adenine deamination, which becomes particularly acute in organisms living at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

A phosphate-hydrolyzing activity from Glycine max embryo axes was purified by a series of chromatographic steps and electroelution from activity gels, and demonstrated to be an inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase by partial internal amino acid sequence. This enzyme hydrolyzed ATP, sodium pyrophosphate (NaPPi), inositol hexakisphosphate, and inositol 1-monophosphate, but not p-nitrophenyl phosphate, ADP, AMP or glucose 6-P. Using NaPPi as substrate, the highly purified protein hydrolyzed up to 0.4 mmol phosphate min(-1) mg(-1) protein and had a Km(avg) of 235 microM for NaPPi. Since NaPPi is relatively inexpensive and readily available, we used this as substrate for the subsequent characterization. We observed the following: (a) specific inhibition by Li and NaF but not by butanedione monoxime, or orthovanadate; (b) activation by Cu(2+) and Mg(2+); (c) optimum activity at pH 7.4; and (d) temperature stability after 1-h incubations at 37-80 degrees C, with maximum activity at 37 degrees C. The partially purified protein was detected by in-gel activity assays and the band was electroeluted to yield a highly purified protein. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and native IEF-PAGE yielded a single major polypeptide of 29 kDa and pI approximately 5.9, respectively. In addition, in-gel activity from embryo axes and whole hypocotyls at early germination times revealed one high and one intermediate molecular weight isoform, but only the intermediate one corresponded to IMPase. Throughout the post-imbibition period, the activity of the high molecular weight isoform disappeared and IMPase increased, indicating an increasing expression of the enzyme as germination and growth proceeded. These data indicate that the inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase present in the embryo axis of G. max has a wide phosphate substrate specificity, and may play an important role in phosphate metabolism during the germination process.  相似文献   

In Sphingomonas CHY-1, a single ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase is responsible for the initial attack of a range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) composed of up to five rings. The components of this enzyme were separately purified and characterized. The oxygenase component (ht-PhnI) was shown to contain one Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] cluster and one mononuclear Fe center per alpha subunit, based on EPR measurements and iron assay. Steady-state kinetic measurements revealed that the enzyme had a relatively low apparent Michaelis constant for naphthalene (K(m) = 0.92 +/- 0.15 microM) and an apparent specificity constant of 2.0 +/- 0.3 mM(-)(1) s(-)(1). Naphthalene was converted to the corresponding 1,2-dihydrodiol with stoichiometric oxidation of NADH. On the other hand, the oxidation of eight other PAHs occurred at slower rates and with coupling efficiencies that decreased with the enzyme reaction rate. Uncoupling was associated with hydrogen peroxide formation, which is potentially deleterious to cells and might inhibit PAH degradation. In single turnover reactions, ht-PhnI alone catalyzed PAH hydroxylation at a faster rate in the presence of organic solvent, suggesting that the transfer of substrate to the active site is a limiting factor. The four-ring PAHs chrysene and benz[a]anthracene were subjected to a double ring-dihydroxylation, giving rise to the formation of a significant proportion of bis-cis-dihydrodiols. In addition, the dihydroxylation of benz[a]anthracene yielded three dihydrodiols, the enzyme showing a preference for carbons in positions 1,2 and 10,11. This is the first characterization of a dioxygenase able to dihydroxylate PAHs made up of four and five rings.  相似文献   

A phosphate-hydrolyzing activity from Glycine max embryo axes was purified by a series of chromatographic steps and electroelution from activity gels, and demonstrated to be an inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase by partial internal amino acid sequence. This enzyme hydrolyzed ATP, sodium pyrophosphate (NaPPi), inositol hexakisphosphate, and inositol 1-monophosphate, but not p-nitrophenyl phosphate, ADP, AMP or glucose 6-P. Using NaPPi as substrate, the highly purified protein hydrolyzed up to 0.4 mmol phosphate min− 1 mg− 1 protein and had a Kmavg of 235 μM for NaPPi. Since NaPPi is relatively inexpensive and readily available, we used this as substrate for the subsequent characterization. We observed the following: (a) specific inhibition by Li and NaF but not by butanedione monoxime, or orthovanadate; (b) activation by Cu2+ and Mg2+; (c) optimum activity at pH 7.4; and (d) temperature stability after 1-h incubations at 37–80 °C, with maximum activity at 37 °C. The partially purified protein was detected by in-gel activity assays and the band was electroeluted to yield a highly purified protein. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and native IEF-PAGE yielded a single major polypeptide of 29 kDa and pI ∼ 5.9, respectively. In addition, in-gel activity from embryo axes and whole hypocotyls at early germination times revealed one high and one intermediate molecular weight isoform, but only the intermediate one corresponded to IMPase. Throughout the post-imbibition period, the activity of the high molecular weight isoform disappeared and IMPase increased, indicating an increasing expression of the enzyme as germination and growth proceeded. These data indicate that the inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase present in the embryo axis of G. max has a wide phosphate substrate specificity, and may play an important role in phosphate metabolism during the germination process.  相似文献   

Type III secretion (TTS) systems are used by many Gram-negative pathogens to inject virulence proteins into the cells of their hosts. Several of these virulence effectors require TTS chaperones that maintain them in a secretion-competent state. Whereas most chaperones bind only one effector, Spa15 from the human pathogen Shigella flexneri and homologous chaperones bind several seemingly unrelated effectors, and were proposed to form a special subgroup. Its 1.8 A crystal structure confirms this specific classification, showing that Spa15 has the same fold as other TTS effector chaperones, but forms a different dimer. The presence of hydrophobic sites on the Spa15 surface suggests that the different Spa15 effectors all possess similar structural elements that can bind these sites. Furthermore, the Spa15 structure reveals larger structural differences between class I chaperones than previously anticipated, which does not support the hypothesis that chaperone-effector complexes are structurally conserved and function as three-dimensional secretion signals.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of c-Myc on threonine 58 (T58) stimulates its degradation by the Fbw7-SCF ubiquitin ligase. We used a phosphorylation-specific antibody raised against the c-Myc T58 region to attempt to identify other proteins regulated by the Fbw7 pathway. We identified two predominant proteins recognized by this antibody. The first is Ebna1 binding protein 2, a nucleolar protein that, in contrast with a previous report, is likely responsible for the nucleolar staining exhibited by this antibody. The second is Zcchc8, a nuclear protein that is highly phosphorylated in cells treated with nocodazole. We show that Zcchc8 is directly phosphorylated by GSK-3 in vitro and that GSK-3 inhibition prevents Zcchc8 phosphorylation in vivo. Moreover, we found that Zcchc8 interacts with proteins involved in RNA processing/degradation. We suggest that Zcchc8 is a GSK-3 substrate with a role in RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) biosynthesis for the bacterium Moraxella catarrhalis has been elucidated and functions suggested for each of the glycosyltransferases. In this study we have expressed and characterised one of these enzymes, the putative galactosyltransferase Lgt2B/C. The lgt2B/C gene was amplified from M. catarrhalis, expressed in Escherichia coli, and Lgt2B/C was purified. Analysis of its glycosyltransferase catalytic activity ascertained the pH and temperature optima. The donor specificity and acceptor specificity were examined and they showed that Lgt2B/C is a galactosyltransferase with relatively broad acceptor specificity with optimal activity in the presence of exogenous Mg2+.  相似文献   

Hexokinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate by using ATP as a phosphoryl donor. Recently, we identified and characterized an ATP-dependent hexokinase (StHK) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii, which can phosphorylate a broad range of sugar substrates, including glucose, mannose, glucosamine, and N-acetylglucosamine. Here we present the crystal structures of StHK in four different forms: (i) apo-form, (ii) binary complex with glucose, (iii) binary complex with ADP, and (iv) quaternary complex with xylose, Mg(2+), and ADP. Forms i and iii are in the open state, and forms ii and iv are in the closed state, indicating that sugar binding induces a large conformational change, whereas ADP binding does not. The four different crystal structures of the same enzyme provide "snapshots" of the conformational changes during the catalytic cycle. StHK exhibits a core fold characteristic of the hexokinase family, but the structures of several loop regions responsible for substrate binding are significantly different from those of other known hexokinase family members. Structural comparison of StHK with human N-acetylglucosamine kinase and other hexokinases provides an explanation for the ability of StHK to phosphorylate both glucose and N-acetylglucosamine. A Mg(2+) ion and coordinating water molecules are well defined in the electron density of the quaternary complex structure. This structure represents the first direct visualization of the binding mode for magnesium to hexokinase and thus allows for a better understanding of the catalytic mechanism proposed for the entire hexokinase family.  相似文献   

The small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) recently have been reported to have molecular chaperone activity in vitro; however, the mechanism of this activity is poorly defined. We found that HSP18.1, a dodecameric sHSP from pea, prevented the aggregation of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase heated to 45 degrees C. Under conditions in which HSP18.1 prevented aggregation of substrates, size-exclusion chromatography and electron microscopy revealed that denatured substrates coated the HSP18.1 dodecamers to form expanded complexes. SDS-PAGE of isolated complexes demonstrated that each HSP18.1 dodecamer can bind the equivalent of 12 MDH monomers, indicating that HSP18.1 has a large capacity for non-native substrates compared with other known molecular chaperones. Photoincorporation of the hydrophobic probe 1,1'-bi(4-anilino)naphthalene-5,5'-disulfonic acid (bis-ANS) into a conserved C-terminal region of HSP18.1 increased reversibly with increasing temperature, but was blocked by prior binding of MDH, suggesting that bis-ANS incorporates proximal to substrate binding regions and that substrate-HSP18.1 interactions are hydrophobic. We also show that heat-denatured firefly luciferase bound to HSP18.1, in contrast to heat-aggregated luciferase, can be reactivated in the presence of rabbit reticulocyte or wheat germ extracts in an ATP-dependent process. These data support a model in which sHSPs prevent protein aggregation and facilitate substrate refolding in conjunction with other molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

The gene encoding a novel short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase in the thermophilic bacterium, Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans, was identified and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme was thermally stable and displayed the highest activity at 70 °C and pH 6.0. It preferred NAD(H) over NADP(H) as a cofactor and exhibited broad substrate specificity towards aliphatic ketones, cycloalkanones, aromatic ketones, and ketoesters. Furthermore, ethyl benzoylformate was asymmetrically reduced by the purified enzyme, using an additional coupled NADH regeneration system, with 95 % conversion and in an enantiomeric excess of (99.9 %). The results of this study may lead to the discovery of a novel method for asymmetric reduction of alcohols, which is an important tool in organic synthesis.  相似文献   

As a new member of the glucose-phosphorylating enzymes, the ATP-dependent hexokinase from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii was purified, identified, and characterized. Our results revealed that the enzyme differs from other known enzymes in primary structure and its broad substrate specificity for both phosphoryl donors and acceptors.  相似文献   

Cytochromes P450 comprise a large superfamily and several of their isoforms play a crucial role in metabolism of xenobiotics, including drugs. Although these enzymes demonstrate broad and cross‐substrate specificity, different cytochrome P450 subfamilies exhibit certain selectivity for some types of substrates. Analysis of amino acid residues of the active sites of six cytochrome subfamilies (CYP1А, CYP2А, CYP2С, CYP2D, CYP2E and CYP3А) enables to define subfamily‐specific patterns that consist of four residues. These residues are located on the periphery of the active sites of these cytochromes. We suggest that they can form a primary binding site at the entrance to the active site, defining cytochrome substrate recognition. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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