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A computer-assisted probabilistic identification technique employing 18 carbon source utilization tests has been developed and applied to 787 Pseudomonas strains isolated from beef, pork and lamb stored under aerobic conditions. Seven hundred and twelve (89.7%) were identified using these tests alone and a further six (0.8%) with extra tests. Taxa detected were Ps. fragi cluster 2, 390 strains (49.6% of all isolates); Ps. fragi cluster 1, 191 strains (24.9%); meat cluster 3, 87 strains (11.1%); Ps. fluorescens biotype I, 31 strains (3.9%); Ps. fluorescens biotype III, 7 strains (0.9%); and Ps. putida, 1 strain (0.1%). The relative incidence of members of the various taxa was similar on beef, pork and lamb, and was unaffected by storage temperature in the range 0 degrees-10 degrees C. Each taxon was also detected at similar rates before and after spoilage. Meat origin (abattoir) affected the frequency of detection of meat cluster 3 and Ps. fluorescens biotype I strains but did not affect the incidence of detection of either cluster of Ps. fragi.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas strains were isolated from both fresh and cold-stored broiler skin. Phenotypically-based numerical taxonomic techniques were used to characterize the isolates and 36 reference strains. For this purpose, Biolog GN Microplates, API 20NE and a number of other biochemical tests were used. Jaccard clustering revealed the predominance of four major Pseudomonas groups: Ps. fragi, Ps. lundensis, strains belonging to Ps. fluorescens biovars and an unidentified group of strains displaying a high degree of similarity to Ps. fluorescens biovars. Within Ps. fluorescens, biovar A was best represented. The marked proteolytic character of members of Ps. fluorescens biovars A, B and C, as well as of members of the unidentified cluster, supports their possible role in the origin of organoleptic defects. In the Ps. lundensis cluster, a distinct group of Ps. lundensis-like species was found. Further genotypic studies should be carried out to clarify the taxonomic status of the Ps. lundensis-like strains and that of the unidentified group resembling Ps. fluorescens biovars A and B.  相似文献   

Strain YAYA6 was isolated from a mixed microbial community that was growing on atrazine as a sole carbon source and formed quantitative amounts of chloride and nitrate. This strain was identified as a member of the true pseudomonad group (RNA group I) and was given the designation DMS 93-99. The growth yield when atrazine was the sole carbon and nitrogen source was 80 g (dry weight) of cells per mol of atrazine, and the cell doubling time was around 11 h. Approximately 20% of [U-ring 14C]atrazine was mineralized during primary degradation of atrazine. After atrazine disappeared from the culture supernatant, mineralization continued until the level of mineralization was more than 50%. Under different experimental conditions 10% of the atrazine supplied initially was converted to cyanuric acid and < 1% was converted to other s-triazines after prolonged incubation. Degradation proceeded via dechlorination and N-dealkylation. Atrazine was degraded until the concentration was circa 0.1 milligrams/liter. We obtained evidence showing that strain YAYA6 has specific uptake mechanisms for atrazine but less specific degradation mechanisms for s-triazines.  相似文献   

M. GENNARI AND F. DRAGOTTO. 1992. Of 182 various foodstuffs and environmental samples examined, 86% had microflora containing fluorescent Pseudomonas in differing proportions. A computer-aided technique was used to identify most of the 445 fluorescent strains. Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar V-1 was most frequently isolated (24%); it either predominated or was present in all types of samples. Other strains, belonging to the other subgroups of biovar V (V-2, V-4, V-5, V-6 and V-7), together represented 14.3%. We also identified Ps. fluorescens biovars I-1 and I-2 (13.9%), II-1 and II-3 (3.6%), III-1 and III-2 (8.7%), IV-2 (0.7%); Ps. putida A and B (11%); Ps. lundensis (10.3%); group B3 (2%) and Ps. aeruginosa (0.7%). Unidentified strains accounted for 10.6% of the flora, many resembling Ps. fluorescens biovar V. Although the presence of Ps. fluorescens V-1 was often marked, other taxa predominated or were present in large quantities in some particular samples, such as Ps. fluorescens I-1 in raw milk and cheese, Ps. lundensis in spoiled meat and Ps. fluorescens III-1 in spoiled fish. Pseudomonas putida A and B were evident in environmental rather than in food samples.  相似文献   

The pH-stat fed-batch culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa YPJ-80 was done to produce a rhamnolipid biosurfactant. With glucose as the sole carbon source, the final concentrations of cells and rhamnolipid biosurfactant obtained in 25 h were 25 g cell dry weight/l and 4.4 g/l, respectively.  相似文献   

Of 182 various foodstuffs and environmental samples examined, 86% had microflora containing fluorescent Pseudomonas in differing proportions. A computer-aided technique was used to identify most of the 445 fluorescent strains. Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar V-1 was most frequently isolated (24%); it either predominated or was present in all types of samples. Other strains, belonging to the other subgroups of biovar V (V-2, V-4, V-5, V-6 and V-7), together represented 14.3%. We also identified Ps. fluorescens biovars I-1 and I-2 (13.9%), II-1 and II-3 (3.6%), III-1 and III-2 (8.7%), IV-2 (0.7%); Ps. putida A and B (11%); Ps. lundensis (10.3%); group B3 (2%) and Ps. aeruginosa (0.7%). Unidentified strains accounted for 10.6% of the flora, many resembling Ps. fluorescens biovar V. Although the presence of Ps. fluorescens V-1 was often marked, other taxa predominated or were present in large quantities in some particular samples, such as Ps. fluorescens I-1 in raw milk and cheese, Ps. lundensis in spoiled meat and Ps. fluorescens III-1 in spoiled fish. Pseudomonas putida A and B were evident in environmental rather than in food samples.  相似文献   

The use of a computer--based morphometric complex "DIAMORPH" for automated morphometric analysis of renal glomeruli is described. By combining the principles of morphological and functional approaches to diagnosis with the capabilities of present--day research equipment, a new informative morphometric parameter--the extent of capillary--mesangium contact--has been identified. With this parameter and its derivatives, it has been possible to differentiate, in a statistically significant way (p less than 0.01), healthy subjects (controls) from patients with manifest diabetes mellitus of up to I year in duration who could not be distinguished through light microscopic or conventional morphometric studies.  相似文献   

An enzymatic reaction using a liquid emulsion membrane technique was studied to investigate the effects of some experimental variables on the stability of liquid membrane, enzyme deactivation, and transport of substrates and products. The hydrolysis of L-phenylalanine methyl ester by alpha-chymotrypsin was selected as a model reaction system. First, a transport mechanism for the substrates and products across the membrane was qualitatively identified. Second, it was found that the pH of the internal phase was one of the most important variables to determine the enzyme activity in a liquid membrane. Third, the effect of membrane phase which consists of surfactant, carrier, and organic solvent on the emulsion stability was investigated. It was found that the properties of the organic solvents greatly affect the emulsion stability. For an optimum condition, it was possible to reuse the emulsion which consists of membrane phase and internal phase without further separation. It was finally concluded that the enzyme in a liquid membrane retained 60% of its native activity in spite of vigorous mixing during the emulsification step.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida KT2442 was engineered to use the organophosphate pesticide parathion, a compound similar to other organophosphate pesticides and chemical warfare agents, as a source of carbon and energy. The initial step in the engineered degradation pathway was parathion hydrolysis by organophosphate hydrolase (OPH) to p-nitrophenol (PNP) and diethyl thiophosphate, compounds that cannot be metabolized by P. putida KT2442. The gene encoding the native OPH (opd), with and without the secretory leader sequence, was cloned into broad-host-range plasmids under the control of tac and taclac promoters. Expression of opd from the tac promoter resulted in high OPH activity, whereas expression from the taclac promoter resulted in low activity. A plasmid-harboring operons encoding enzymes for p-nitrophenol transformation to beta-ketoadipate was transformed into P. putida allowing the organism to use 0.5 mM PNP as a carbon and energy source. Transformation of P. putida with the plasmids harboring opd and the PNP operons allowed the organism to utilize 0.8 mM parathion as a source of carbon and energy. Degradation studies showed that parathion formed a separate dense, non-aqueous phase liquid phase but was still bioavailable.  相似文献   

Watanabe T  Saito A  Takeuchi Y  Naimuddin M  Nishigaki K 《Genome biology》2002,3(2):research0010.1-research00108


For a long time one could not imagine being able to identify species on the basis of genotype only as there were no technological means to do so. But conventional phenotype-based identification requires much effort and a high level of skill, making it almost impossible to analyze a huge number of organisms, as, for example, in microbe-related biological disciplines. Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA has been changing the situation, however. We report here an approach that will allow rapid and accurate phylogenetic comparison of any unknown strain to all known type strains, enabling tentative assignments of strains to species. The approach is based on two main technologies: genome profiling and Internet-based databases.  相似文献   

Fossel et al. have recently proposed the proton NMR examination of plasmatic lipoproteins--and more precisely the determination of an index obtained from the averaged linewidth of the CH2 and CH3 resonances--as a possible tool for detection of cancer. Many evaluations conducted on an international basis have demonstrated that initial expectations were not met and that the test lacked sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value to be accepted as a screening and diagnostic tool. In our evaluation we have collected plasma from healthy subjects, from patients with various kinds of cancer at different stages of evolution and therapy, and from patients suffering from a variety of pathologies, including benign tumors. In accordance with Chmurny et al., we observed that the linewidth index (LWI) is precise and reproducible when care is taken in the handling and storage of samples and in the fasting of subjects. After finding no predictive value to the test, we have reanalyzed the spectra and studied the variations of the ratio defined by the methylene signal area over the methyl signal area. This ratio is significantly increased in cancer. Furthermore, it offers a better separation of statistical populations permitting a more precise discrimination between cancer, other pathologies and controls. We have also found that malignant tumors arising from mesenchyma (sarcoma, leukemia, lymphoma) induce less important variations in the CH2/CH3 ratio than adenocarcinoma or glioma, when such differences cannot be documented using the LWI. These observations are particularly interesting since they might bring new information on the metabolic modifications of the LWI and the CH2/CH3 ratio might reflect the embryologic origin of the tumors and raise the issue of the heterogeneity of cancer disease.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa aliphatic amidase was repressed severely by succinate and malate and less severely by glucose, acetate or lactate. Amidase synthesis in inducible and constitutive strains was stimulated by cyclic AMP, which also gave partial relief to catabolite repression produced by the addition of lactate to cultures growing in pyruvate medium. Mutants which were resistant to catabolite repression were isolated from succinate+lactamide medium.  相似文献   

Conditions for the optimal production of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) by Pseudomonas mendocina PSU using a biodiesel liquid waste (BLW) were determined by response surface methodology. These were an initial carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) of 40 (mole/mole), an initial pH of 7.0, and a temperature of 35 °C. A biomass and PHA concentration of 3.65 g/L and about 2.6 g/L (77% DCW), respectively, were achieved in a growth associated process using 20 g/L glycerol in the BLW after 36 h of exponential growth. The PHA monomer compositions were 3HB (3-hydroxybutyrate), a short-chain-length-PHA, and the medium-chain-length-PHA e.g. 3-hydroxyoctanoate and 3-hydroxydecanoate. Both the phbC and phaC genes were characterized. The phbC enzyme had not been previously detected in a Pseudomonas mendocina species. A 2.15 g/L of an exopolysaccharide, alginate, was also produced with a similar composition to that of other Pseudomonas species.  相似文献   

Various polynucleotides with well-defined sequences at low salt concentration have been studied using temperature-absorbtion transition spectroscopy to understand their conformations. It has been observed that the adopted technique can fairly estimate the relative charge densities at the thiolated phosphate groups in nucleic acid analogues at low salt concentrations.  相似文献   

A model system is described which simulates the presenting features of cases of vaginal discharge. This system was used to examine the effects of removing individual clinical features on the overall efficiency of diagnosis by Bayes theorem. The diagnostic efficiency was significantly reduced by elimination of inflammation, of a frothy discharge, or of a curdy discharge. Elimination of more than one significant factor further reduced the number of correct diagnoses, but elimination of more than one non-significant factor made no obvious difference. The most significant clinical feature was presence of inflammation; elimination of this feature had a substantial effect on the diagnosis of gardnerella, viral, gonorrhoea and foreign body. Elimination of two of the variables (bloodstaining and odour) which did not influence overall diagnostic efficiency nevertheless had a substantial effect on the diagnosis of neoplasms and foreign bodies. It is proposed that a simulation of this type is of potential practical value in determining a minimum subset of clinical features for diagnostic systems involving Bayes theorem.  相似文献   

Metabolomics is an emerging, powerful, functional genomics technology that involves the comparative non-targeted analysis of the complete set of metabolites in an organism. We have set-up a robust quantitative metabolomics platform that allows the analysis of 'snapshot' metabolomes. In this study, we have applied this platform for the comprehensive analysis of the metabolite composition of Pseudomonas putida S12 grown on four different carbon sources, i.e. fructose, glucose, gluconate and succinate. This paper focuses on the microbial aspects of analyzing comprehensive metabolomes, and demonstrates that metabolomes can be analyzed reliably. The technical (i.e. sample work-up and analytical) reproducibility was on average 10%, while the biological reproducibility was approximately 40%. Moreover, the energy charge values of the microbial samples generated were determined, and indicated that no biotic or abiotic changes had occurred during sample work-up and analysis. In general, the metabolites present and their concentrations were very similar after growth on the different carbon sources. However, specific metabolites showed large differences in concentration, especially the intermediates involved in the degradation of the carbon sources studied. Principal component discriminant analysis was applied to identify metabolites that are specific for, i.e. not necessarily the metabolites that show those largest differences in concentration, cells grown on either of these four carbon sources. For selected enzymatic reactions, i.e. the glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, triosephosphate isomerase and phosphoglyceromutase reactions, the apparent equilibrium constants (K(app)) were calculated. In several instances a carbon source-dependent deviation between the apparent equilibrium constant (K(app)) and the thermodynamic equilibrium constant (K(eq)) was observed, hinting towards a potential point of metabolic regulation or towards bottlenecks in biosynthesis routes. For glucose-6-phosphate isomerase and phosphoglyceromutase, the K(app) was larger than K(eq), and the results suggested that the specific enzymatic activities of these two enzymes were too low to reach the thermodynamic equilibrium in growing cells. In contrast, with triosephosphate isomerase the K(app) was smaller than K(eq), and the results suggested that this enzyme is kinetically controlled.  相似文献   

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