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How DNA repair machineries detect and access, within the context of chromatin, lesions inducing little or no distortion of the DNA structure is a poorly understood process. Removal of oxidized bases is initiated by a DNA glycosylase that recognises and excises the damaged base, initiating the base excision repair (BER) pathway. We show that upon induction of 8-oxoguanine, a mutagenic product of guanine oxidation, the mammalian 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase OGG1 is recruited together with other proteins involved in BER to euchromatin regions rich in RNA and RNA polymerase II and completely excluded from heterochromatin. The underlying mechanism does not require direct interaction of the protein with the oxidized base, however, the release of the protein from the chromatin fraction requires completion of repair. Inducing chromatin compaction by sucrose results in a complete but reversible inhibition of the in vivo repair of 8-oxoguanine. We conclude that after induction of oxidative DNA damage, the DNA glycosylase is actively recruited to regions of open chromatin allowing the access of the BER machinery to the lesions, suggesting preferential repair of active chromosome regions.  相似文献   

Human cellular DNA is under constant attack from both endogenous and exogenous mutagens, and consequently the base excision repair (BER) pathway plays a vital role in repairing damaged DNA bases, sites of base loss (apurinic/apyrimidinic sites) and DNA single strand breaks of varying complexity. BER thus maintains genome stability, and prevents the development of human diseases, such as premature aging, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Indeed, there is accumulating evidence that misregulation of BER protein levels is observed in cells and tissues from patients with these diseases, and that post-translational modifications, particularly ubiquitylation, perform a key role in controlling BER protein stability. This review will summarise the presently available data on ubiquitylation of some of the key BER proteins, and the functional consequences of this modification.  相似文献   

DNA damage in chromatin comes in many forms, including single base lesions that induce base excision repair (BER). We and others have shown that the structural location of DNA lesions within nucleosomes greatly influences their accessibility to repair enzymes. Indeed, a difference in the location of uracil as small as one-half turn of the DNA backbone on the histone surface can result in a 10-fold difference in the time course of its removal in vitro. In addition, the cell has evolved several interdependent processes capable of enhancing the accessibility of excision repair enzymes to DNA lesions in nucleosomes, including post-translational modification of histones, ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling and interchange of histone variants in nucleosomes. In this review, we focus on different factors that affect accessibility of BER enzymes to nucleosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Centromeric protein A (CENP-A) is the epigenetic mark of centromeres. CENP-A replenishment is necessary in each cell cycle to compensate for the dilution associated to DNA replication, but how this is achieved mechanistically is largely unknown. We have developed an assay using Xenopus egg extracts that can recapitulate the spatial and temporal specificity of CENP-A deposition observed in human cells, providing us with a robust in vitro system amenable to molecular dissection. Here we show that this deposition depends on Xenopus Holliday junction-recognizing protein (xHJURP), a member of the HJURP/Scm3 family recently identified in yeast and human cells, further supporting the essential role of these chaperones in CENP-A loading. Despite little sequence homology, human HJURP can substitute for xHJURP. We also report that condensin II, but not condensin I, is required for CENP-A assembly and contributes to retention of centromeric CENP-A nucleosomes both in mitosis and interphase. We propose that the chromatin structure imposed by condensin II at centromeres enables CENP-A incorporation initiated by xHJURP.  相似文献   

The centromere is the fundamental unit for insuring chromosome inheritance. This complex region has a distinct type of chromatin in which histone H3 is replaced by a structurally different homologue identified in humans as CENP-A. In metazoans, specific DNA sequences are neither required nor sufficient for centromere identity. Rather, an epigenetic mark comprised of CENP-A containing chromatin is thought to be the major determinant of centromere identity. In this view, CENP-A deposition and chromatin assembly are fundamental processes for the maintenance of centromeric identity across mitotic and meiotic divisions. Several lines of evidence support CENP-A deposition in metazoans occurring at only one time in the cell cycle. Such cell cycle-dependent loading of CENP-A is found in divergent species from human to fission yeast, albeit with differences in the cell cycle point at which CENP-A is assembled. Cell cycle dependent CENP-A deposition requires multiple assembly factors for its deposition and maintenance. This review discusses the regulation of new CENP-A deposition and its relevance to centromere identity and inheritance.  相似文献   

The base excision repair (BER) pathway is a conserved DNA repair system required to maintain genomic integrity and prevent mutagenesis in all eukaryotic cells. Nevertheless, how BER operates in vivo (i.e. in the context of chromatin) is poorly understood. We have investigated the role of an essential ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling (ACR) complex RSC (Remodels the Structure of Chromatin) in BER of intact yeast cells. We show that depletion of STH1, the ATPase subunit of RSC, causes enhanced sensitivity to the DNA alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and results in a substantial inhibition of BER, at the GAL1 locus and in the genome overall. Consistent with this observation, the DNA in chromatin is less accessible to micrococcal nuclease digestion in the absence of RSC. Quantitative PCR results indicate that repair deficiency in STH1 depleted cells is not due to changes in the expression of BER genes. Collectively, our data indicates the RSC complex promotes efficient BER in chromatin. These results provide, for the first time, a link between ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling and BER in living cells.  相似文献   

Mechanism of chromatin assembly in Xenopus oocytes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
We have analyzed the chromatin assembly reaction catalyzed by the Xenopus oocyte extract (S-150). A 50 S complex is formed upon mixing the 17 S pUC DNA and the S-150. Mature histones are not detected in this complex, which contains relaxed DNA and protein, and generates subnucleosomal 7 S particles upon digestion with micrococcal nuclease. The relaxed nucleoprotein is gradually supercoiled into nucleosomal chromatin in the S-150, via a pathway that requires ATP and is blocked by novobiocin, and this process is accompanied by the appearance of mature histones H3 and H4. Isolated complexes also supercoil in vitro, which implies the complex is a kit that contains histone precursors, as well as topoisomerases and other enzymes required for assembly. We discuss the biological implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Two enzymes of base excision repair (BER), uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) and DNA polymerase beta (beta pol), from HeLa cells co-eluted from Superose 12 FPLC columns. The UDG was completely displaced from 150-180-kDa fractions to 30- 70-kDa fractions by brief treatment with 0.5 N NaCl, pH 3.0, as expected when protein-protein associations are disrupted, but beta pol was not displaced by this treatment. UDG was not essential to the presence of beta pol in the 150-180-kDa enzyme complex. beta pol and UDG apparently reside in separate but co-eluting structures. Immunoaffinity chromatography showed that the association of UDG and beta pol was accounted for by attachment in common to DNA and that the association was abolished by eliminating DNA. Evidence for base excision repairosomes containing UDG and beta pol in protein-protein assemblies was not found. However, UDG and human AP endonuclease (HAP1) were associated with HSP70 and HSP27, which are present in 150-180-kDa and 30-70-kDa proteins of cell sonicates. The association of HSPs with BER enzymes was confirmed by hydroxyl radical protein-protein footprinting and immunoaffinity tests. The association of HSPs and BER enzymes is a novel finding. HSP binding may account for the presence of BER enzymes in the two large size class fractions and HSPs may have functional roles in BER.  相似文献   

Interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) are covalent lesions formed by cisplatin. The mechanism for the processing and removal of ICLs by DNA repair proteins involves nucleotide excision repair (NER), homologous recombination (HR) and fanconi anemia (FA) pathways. In this report, we monitored the processing of a flanking uracil adjacent to a cisplatin ICL by the proteins involved in the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Using a combination of extracts, purified proteins, inhibitors, functional assays and cell culture studies, we determined the specific BER proteins required for processing a DNA substrate with a uracil adjacent to a cisplatin ICL. Uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG) is the primary glycosylase responsible for the removal of uracils adjacent to cisplatin ICLs, whereas other uracil glycosylases can process uracils in the context of undamaged DNA. Repair of the uracil adjacent to cisplatin ICLs proceeds through the classical BER pathway, highlighting the importance of specific proteins in this redundant pathway. Removal of uracil is followed by the generation of an abasic site and subsequent cleavage by AP endonuclease 1 (APE1). Inhibition of either the repair or redox domain of APE1 gives rise to cisplatin resistance. Inhibition of the lyase domain of Polymerase β (Polβ) does not influence cisplatin cytotoxicity. In addition, lack of XRCC1 leads to increased DNA damage and results in increased cisplatin cytotoxicity. Our results indicate that BER activation at cisplatin ICLs influences crosslink repair and modulates cisplatin cytotoxicity via specific UNG, APE1 and Polβ polymerase functions.  相似文献   

Base excision repair (BER) is the major pathway for processing of simple lesions in DNA, including single-strand breaks, base damage, and base loss. The scaffold protein XRCC1, DNA polymerase beta, and DNA ligase IIIalpha play pivotal roles in BER. Although all these enzymes are essential for development, their cellular levels must be tightly regulated because increased amounts of BER enzymes lead to elevated mutagenesis and genetic instability and are frequently found in cancer cells. Here we report that BER enzyme levels are linked to and controlled by the level of DNA lesions. We demonstrate that stability of BER enzymes increases after formation of a repair complex on damaged DNA and that proteins not involved in a repair complex are ubiquitylated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP and subsequently rapidly degraded. These data identify a molecular mechanism controlling cellular levels of BER enzymes and correspondingly the efficiency and capacity of BER.  相似文献   

Centromeres are defined by the presence of CENP-A nucleosomes in chromatin and are essential for accurate chromosome segregation. Centromeric chromatin epigenetically seeds new CENP-A nucleosome formation, thereby maintaining functional centromeres as cells divide. The features within centromeric chromatin that direct new CENP-A assembly remain unclear. Here, we developed a cell-free CENP-A assembly system that enabled the study of chromatin-bound CENP-A and soluble CENP-A separately. We show that two distinct domains of CENP-A within existing CENP-A nucleosomes are required for new CENP-A assembly and that CENP-A nucleosomes recruit the CENP-A assembly factors CENP-C and M18BP1 independently. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mechanism of CENP-C recruitment to centromeres is dependent on the density of underlying CENP-A nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic chromosomes segregate by attaching to microtubules of the mitotic spindle through a chromosomal microtubule binding site called the kinetochore. Kinetochores assemble on a specialized chromosomal locus termed the centromere, which is characterized by the replacement of histone H3 in centromeric nucleosomes with the essential histone H3 variant CENP-A (centromere protein A). Understanding how CENP-A chromatin is assembled and maintained is central to understanding chromosome segregation mechanisms. CENP-A nucleosome assembly requires the Mis18 complex and the CENP-A chaperone HJURP. These factors localize to centromeres in telophase/G1, when new CENP-A chromatin is assembled. The mechanisms that control their targeting are unknown. In this paper, we identify a mechanism for recruiting the Mis18 complex protein M18BP1 to centromeres. We show that depletion of CENP-C prevents M18BP1 targeting to metaphase centromeres and inhibits CENP-A chromatin assembly. We find that M18BP1 directly binds CENP-C through conserved domains in the CENP-C protein. Thus, CENP-C provides a link between existing CENP-A chromatin and the proteins required for new CENP-A nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

The major DNA repair pathway for coping with spontaneous forms of DNA damage, such as natural hydrolytic products or oxidative lesions, is base excision repair (BER). In particular, BER processes mutagenic and cytotoxic DNA lesions such as non-bulky base modifications, abasic sites, and a range of chemically distinct single-strand breaks. Defects in BER have been linked to cancer predisposition, neurodegenerative disorders, and immunodeficiency. Recent data indicate a large degree of sequence variability in DNA repair genes and several studies have associated BER gene polymorphisms with disease risk, including cancer of several sites. The intent of this review is to describe the range of BER capacity among individuals and the functional consequences of BER genetic variants. We also discuss studies that associate BER deficiency with disease risk and the current state of BER capacity measurement assays.  相似文献   

Sobol RW 《Molecular cell》2008,29(4):413-415
In this issue of Molecular Cell, Parsons et al. (2008) report that the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP regulates the stability of the base excision repair (BER) proteins XRCC1 and DNA Pol beta, adding a new level of regulation for BER.  相似文献   

To restore full genomic integrity in a eukaryotic cell, DNA repair processes have to be coordinated with the resetting of nucleosomal organization. We have established a cell-free system using Drosophila embryo extracts to investigate the mechanism linking de novo nucleosome formation to nucleotide excision repair (NER). Closed-circular DNA containing a uniquely placed cisplatin-DNA adduct was used to follow chromatin assembly specifically from a site of NER. Nucleosome formation was initiated from a target site for NER. The assembly of nucleosomes propagated bidirectionally, creating a regular nucleosomal array extending beyond the initiation site. Furthermore, this chromatin assembly was still effective when the repair synthesis step in the NER process was inhibited.  相似文献   

Base excision repair (BER) involves many enzymes acting in a coordinated fashion at the most common types of DNA damage. The coordination is facilitated by interactions between the enzymes and accessory proteins, X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 1 (XRCC1) and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1). Here we use dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique to determine the hydrodynamic sizes of several BER enzymes and proteins, DNA polymerase β (Polβ), apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1), tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1), XRCC1 and PARP1, present alone or in the equimolar mixtures with each other. From the DLS data combined with glutaraldehyde cross-linking experiments and previous quantitative binding data the oligomeric states of BER proteins and their complexes are estimated. All the proteins have been proposed to form homodimers upon their self-association. The most probable oligomerization state of the binary complexes formed by PARP1 with various proteins is a heterotetramer. The oligomerization state of the binary complexes formed by XRCC1 varies from heterodimer to heterotetramer, depending on the partner. The DLS technique is applied for the first time to measure the hydrodynamic sizes of PARP1 molecules covalently bound with poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) synthesized upon the automodification reaction. PARP1 has been detected to form huge conglomerates stabilized by Mg2+ coordinated bonds with PAR polymers.  相似文献   

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