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The equilibrium constants and the rate constants (binding and dissociation constants) between reduced D-amino acid oxidase and pyridine carboxylates were obtained at various pH values (from pH 6.0 to 8.3). The pH dependence of the constants is consistent with the previous conclusion from a resonance Raman study that pyridine carboxylates in the form of a cation protonated at the N atom can bind to the reduced enzyme, but those in the neutral form cannot bind, showing that the positive charge of cationic pyridine carboxylates interacts with the negative charge of the anionic reduced flavin in the reduced enzyme. The binding rate constants of picolinate and nicotinate in the cationic form for the reduced enzyme were quite similar to each other, but the dissociation rate constant of picolinate is several times smaller than that of nicotinate. Thus, it is concluded that the difference in affinity of picolinate and nicotinate for the reduced enzyme is derived from the difference of the dissociation rate constants.  相似文献   

1. From the standpoint of monomer-dimer equilibrium of hog kidney D-amino acid oxidase [EC] and the interaction between the enzyme and small molecules, the effect of pH on the binding of p-aminobenzoate to the monomer and dimer of the enzyme was studied by kinetic methods and spectrophotometric titration. 2. The maximum binding number of p-aminobenzoate to the dimer is two molecules, and there is no interaction between the two active sites of the dimer (i.e., no cooperativity) over the range of pH from 6.5 to 10. 3. The affinity of the dimer for p-aminobenzoate is several times higher than that of the monomer at pH 6.5-10, and consequently p-aminobenzoate induces dimerization in the equilibrium state of D-amino acid oxidase. The interaction energy of two subunits of the dimer is stabilized by the binding of p-aminobenzoate by 1-2 kcal/mole over the pH range studied. 4. The binding sites of the quasi-substrate, p-aminobenzoate, in the dimer and the intersubunit binding site of the dimer are clearly different, because p-aminobenzoate induces dimerization of the enzyme. 5. The pK values of ionizing groups in the free monomer and the free dimer which participate in the binding of the competitive inhibitor, p-aminobenzoate, are approximately the same, 8.7, as determined from the pH dependence of the affinity of the inhibitor for the enzyme. Furthermore, no pK for the enzyme-inhibitor complex in the pH range 6.5-10 was observed. 6. There is no interaction between the two ionizing groups of the dimer during protonation-deprotonation, because a theoretical equation involving no cooperativity between the two ionizing groups in the dimer explains the results well.  相似文献   

Picolinate binds to the anionic semiquinoid form of D-amino acid oxidase (DAO), and the complex formed has a broad absorption band in the long-wavelength region extending beyond 800 nm, which is reminiscent of a charge transfer interaction. The binding has a stoichiometry of 1:1 with respect to the enzyme. The dissociation constant at 25 degrees C was 30 microM at pH 7.0. The pH dependence (pH 7.0-8.3) of the dissociation constant indicates that one proton is associated with the complex formation, and suggests that picolinate able to bind to the anionic semiquinoid enzyme is in the cationic form protonated at the nitrogen atom. By adding dithionite to the oxidized DAO solution containing pyruvate and various amines, a similar anionic semiquinoid DAO complex having a broad long-wavelength absorption band, appeared. Resonance Raman spectra with excitation at 623.8 nm of the anionic semiquinoid DAO complex formed in the presence of pyruvate and methylamine indicate that the complex consists of the anionic semiquinoid DAO and N-methyl-alpha-iminopropionate produced from pyruvate and methylamine, and that the imino group must be protonated. This supports the proposal that the presence of a positively charged group in the vicinity of flavin is required for the stabilization of the anionic semiquinoid flavin. The results also suggest that the broad absorption band is derived from the charge transfer interaction between the anionic semiquinoid flavin and the imino acid, in which the flavin C(4a)-N(5) locus and the locus containing (Formula: see text) of the amino acid are important for the interaction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data are presented demonstrating that the d-amino acid oxidase of rat liver is lowered on adrenalectomy and restored to normal by treatment with cortisone. This reaction is responsible for data obtained which indicated that creatine and creatinine formation were under the control of cortisone. The α-keto-γ-methiolbutyric acid formed from the oxidation of methione reacts in the Jaffe reaction as “creatinine.” During the course of incubation of the liver enzyme system a portion of the α-keto-γ-methiolbutyric acid appears in a bound form and is measured by way of the Jaffe reaction as “creatine.” Measurements of creatine formation by a method not subject to these errors show that creatine formation in the rat liver enzyme is very small although creatine formation in guinea pig liver can readily be demonstrated.  相似文献   

1. Activity of D-amino acid oxidase was detected in tissue extract of mouse liver by two sensitive spectrophotometric methods. 2. The activity was also detectable in extracts of the heart, but not of lung.  相似文献   

D-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) has been proposed to be involved in the oxidation of D-serine, an allosteric activator of the NMDA-type glutamate receptor in the brain, and to be associated with the onset of schizophrenia. The recombinant human DAAO was expressed in Escherichia coli and was isolated as an active homodimeric flavoenzyme. It shows the properties of the dehydrogenase-oxidase class of flavoproteins, possesses a low kinetic efficiency, and follows a ternary complex (sequential) kinetic mechanism. In contrast to the other known DAAOs, the human enzyme is a stable homodimer even in the apoprotein form and weakly binds the cofactor in the free form.  相似文献   

1. An appreciable amount of D-amino acid oxidase was found in the extract of mouse liver by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). 2. The content of the enzyme in the kidney and heart extracts was also measured by the assay.  相似文献   

Several substrates and roles have been proposed for D-amino acid oxidase (E.C.; however, there is no proof that they possess the required characteristics to account for the ubiquity, large amounts and great activity of the enzyme as found in diverse cells and tissues. Based on the similar stereoposition of identically charged atoms and lateral side chain (R) with respect to the alpha-hydrogen atoms in beta-sheet conformation and in D-amino acids, it is proposed that its substrates may include several membrane-related proteins, partially in beta-sheet conformation, whose alpha-hydrogen atoms would be the real object of D-amino acid oxidase catalysis. A monooxygenase-like enzymatic activity of D-amino acid oxidase with these novel substrates is considered, for which the final products are hypothesized to be protein alpha-carbon hydroxyls resulting from the incorporation of one atom of oxygen into the substrate, the other being reduced to water. Alternatively, it is also proposed that D-amino acid oxidase (and possibly other monooxygenase enzymes) would have a hydroperoxide-synthetase activity. In this case, protein alpha-carbon hydroperoxide and not water, but another reduced molecule, would be the final products. The new enzymatic performances of D-amino acid oxidase and the possible role of its potential final products in redox and other biochemical processes are discussed.  相似文献   

To study the interaction between D-amino acid oxidase [EC] and quasi-substrates such as benzoate and o-, m-, and p-aminobenzoate, visible circular dichroism spectra (CD spectra) were measured and the binding rate and affinity of o-aminobenzoate to the enzyme were observed by following the absorption changes at various wavelengths. We found a new CD band around 560 nm, corresponding to the charge-transfer complexes which result from the formation of aminobenzoate complexes with the enzyme. The ellipticity of this band was positive for the p-aminobenzoate complex, but negative for the o- and m-aminobenzoate complexes. Crossover points in CD spectra were observed at 470 nm for the m-aminobenzoate complex and at 475 nm for the o-aminobenzoate complex. They probably resulted from overlapping of the positive CD band of FAD bound with the enzyme and the negative CD band of the charge-transfer complex. We propose that the amino group in aminobenzoate, not the pi-electrons of the benzene ring, is the electron donor in the charge-transfer complex and that the position of the amino group is very important for the charge-transfer interaction. The binding rate and affinity of o-aminobenzoate to the enzyme were determined using the absorption changes at 370 nm (380 nm), caused by the modification of electronic states of FAD bound with the enzyme, and at 550 nm (565 nm), caused by the formation of the charge-transfer complex of o-aminobenzoate with the enzyme. No differences between these parameters with wavelength were observed. This independence of wavelength simplifies discussion of the experimental data obtained from absorption changes.  相似文献   

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