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A significant share of patients with phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) deficiency benefits from pharmacological doses of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)), the natural PAH cofactor. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is hypothesized to be a conformational disease, with loss of function due to protein destabilization, and the restoration of enzyme function that is observed in BH(4) treatment might be transmitted by correction of protein misfolding. To elucidate the molecular basis of functional impairment in PAH deficiency, we investigated the impact of ten PAH gene mutations identified in patients with BH(4)-responsiveness on enzyme kinetics, stability, and conformation of the protein (F55L, I65S, H170Q, P275L, A300S, S310Y, P314S, R408W, Y414C, Y417H). Residual enzyme activity was generally high, but allostery was disturbed in almost all cases and pointed to altered protein conformation. This was confirmed by reduced proteolytic stability, impaired tetramer assembly or aggregation, increased hydrophobicity, and accelerated thermal unfolding--with particular impact on the regulatory domain--observed in most variants. Three-dimensional modeling revealed the involvement of functionally relevant amino acid networks that may communicate misfolding throughout the protein. Our results substantiate the view that PAH deficiency is a protein-misfolding disease in which global conformational changes hinder molecular motions essential for physiological enzyme function. Thus, PKU has evolved from a model of a genetic disease that leads to severe neurological impairment to a model of a treatable protein-folding disease with loss of function.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried in 42 mature white male rats. We investigated into the projections of different organs of gastrointestinal tract on afferent neurones of ganglia of the vagus nerve in white rats. Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins were used as a tracer. We investigated into metric parameters (diameter of an equivalent circle) and shape parameters (circular factor of the shape) of marked neurocytes using a method of computer video-analysis. To evaluate reliability of the received data, methods of non-parametric statistics were used. It was determined that the largest neurocytes in afferent ganglions are involved in innervation of the root of the long and ileocecal angle, the smallest ones--in innervation of a cervical department of esophagus and liver. The viscero- and somatosensory neurocytes in caudal ganglion of vagus nerve involved in innervation of different organs in white rat, are characterized by selectivity of the shape and by metric parameters.  相似文献   

Although carpal tunnel syndrome associated with injury to the wrist is common, it is possible to overlook symptoms of median nerve compression caused by an ascending tenosynovitis secondary to trauma distal to the wrist. One should look for these symptoms in such patients who complain of pain and weakness of the hand, and release the carpal tunnel if nerve compression is suspected.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin-B, a drug known to interfere with axoplasmic transport, evoked fibrillary potentials in the geniohyoid muscle when applied to its motor nerve. Despite this denervation-like effect, neuromuscular transmission remained normal. Some contractile characteristics of the muscle were studied. It was found that contraction time, isometric twitch tension, and half-relaxation time were not altered by the drug treatment. The present findings show that neurogenic molecular factors conveyed by axoplasmic transport to the nerve terminal are involved in the regualtion of some muscle membrane characteristics but do not modify the muscle contractile features.  相似文献   

Ozdowski EF  Gayle S  Bao H  Zhang B  Sherwood NT 《Genetics》2011,189(1):123-135
Microtubules are dynamic structures that must elongate, disassemble, and be cleaved into smaller pieces for proper neuronal development and function. The AAA ATPase Spastin severs microtubules along their lengths and is thought to regulate the balance between long, stable filaments and shorter fragments that seed extension or are transported. In both Drosophila and humans, loss of Spastin function results in reduction of synaptic connections and disabling motor defects. To gain insight into how spastin is regulated, we screened the Drosophila melanogaster genome for deletions that modify a spastin overexpression phenotype, eye size reduction. One suppressor region deleted p21-activated kinase 3 (pak3), which encodes a member of the Pak family of actin-regulatory enzymes, but whose in vivo function is unknown. We show that pak3 mutants have only mild synaptic defects at the larval neuromuscular junction, but exhibit a potent genetic interaction with spastin mutations. Aberrant bouton morphology, microtubule distribution, and synaptic transmission caused by spastin loss of function are all restored to wild type when pak3 is simultaneously reduced. Neuronal overexpression of pak3 induces actin-rich thin projections, suggesting that it functions in vivo to promote filopodia during presynaptic terminal arborization. pak3 therefore regulates synapse development in vivo, and when mutated, suppresses the synaptic defects that result from spastin loss.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin-B, a drug known to interfere with axoplasmic transport, evoked fibrillary potentials in the geniohyoid muscle when applied to its motor nerve. Despite this denervation-like effect, neuromuscular transmission remained normal. Some contractile characteristics of the muscle were studied. It was found that contraction time, isometric twitch tension, and half-relaxation time were not altered by the drug treatment. The present findings show that neurogenic molecular factors conveyed by axoplasmic transport to the nerve terminal are involved in the regulation of some muscle membrane characteristics but do not modify the muscle contractile features.  相似文献   

1. The effect of a single dose of 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide on the cytochrome P-450 concentration in rat liver microsomal fraction was studied. The drug caused a rapid loss of cytochrome P-450 followed by a gradual increase to above the normal concentration. 2. The loss of cytochrome P-450 was accompanied by a loss of microsomal haem and by a brown-green discoloration of the microsomal fraction suggesting that a change in the chemical constitution of the lost haem had taken place. Direct evidence for this was obtained by prelabelling the liver haems with radioactive 5-aminolaevulate: the drug caused a loss of radioactivity from the haem with an increase of radioactivity in a fraction containing certain un-identified green pigments. 3. Evidence was obtained by a dual-isotopic procedure that rapidly turning-over haem(s) may be preferentially affected. 4. The loss of cytochrome P-450 as well as the loss of microsomal haem and the discoloration of the microsomal fraction were more intense in animals pretreated with phenobarbitone and were much less evident when compound SKF 525-A (2-diethylaminoethyl 3,3-diphenylpropylacetate) was given before 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide, suggesting that the activity of the drug-metabolizing enzymes may be involved in these effects. 5. The relevance of the destruction of liver haem to the increased activity of 5-aminolaevulate synthetase caused by 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide is discussed.  相似文献   

Superior divisional oculomotor nerve palsy caused by intrinsic brainstem disease occurs rarely. We herein report, to our knowledge, the first case of midbrain neurocysticercosis presenting as isolated superior divisional paresis of the oculomotor nerve. A 25-year-old woman presented with acute onset of headache and ptosis-upgaze palsy of the right eye. Results of the CT scan and MRI of the brain were compatible with neurocysticercosis at the left midbrain. She was dramatically responded to albendazole treatment. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test for cysticercus in her serum.  相似文献   

Leukemogenesis caused by incapacitated GATA-1 function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
GATA-1 is essential for the development of erythroid and megakaryocytic lineages. We found that GATA-1 gene knockdown female (GATA-1.05/X) mice frequently develop a hematopoietic disorder resembling myelodysplastic syndrome that is characterized by the accumulation of progenitors expressing low levels of GATA-1. In this study, we demonstrate that GATA-1.05/X mice suffer from two distinct types of acute leukemia, an early-onset c-Kit-positive nonlymphoid leukemia and a late-onset B-lymphocytic leukemia. Since GATA-1 is an X chromosome gene, two types of hematopoietic cells reside within heterozygous GATA-1 knockdown mice, bearing either an active wild-type GATA-1 allele or an active mutant GATA-1.05 allele. In the hematopoietic progenitors with the latter allele, low-level GATA-1 expression is sufficient to support survival and proliferation but not differentiation, leading to the accumulation of progenitors that are easily targeted by oncogenic stimuli. Since such leukemia has not been observed in GATA-1-null/X mutant mice, we conclude that the residual GATA-1 activity in the knockdown mice contributes to the development of the malignancy. This de novo model recapitulates the acute crisis found in preleukemic conditions in humans.  相似文献   

Eumycetoma is a mycotic disease caused by saprophytic soil fungi that are usually inoculated through minor injuries. A case of mycetoma in a Brazilian farmer aged71 years is reported. This patient presented erythema and edema on the dorsal surface of the left hand with multiple crusted and cicatricial lesions. No macroscopic grains were observed. The histopathological findings showed grains consisted of numerous hyphae which stained well with Gomori-Grocott method. This material obtained by cutaneous biopsy was submitted to culture on Sabouraud’s medium and the colonies were identified as Fusarium solani. The radiological studies revealed bone osteolytic lesions and the ultrasound showed pseudocysts and fistulae at the site of this infection. The patient was treated with oral ketoconazole with a good clinical response. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling pathways are regulated both at the intracellular and extracellular levels. During embryogenesis, the in vivo effects of the secreted frizzled-related protein (Sfrp) family of Wnt inhibitors are poorly understood. Here, we show that inactivation of Sfrp2 results in subtle limb defects in mice with mesomelic shortening and consistent shortening of all autopodal elements that is clinically manifested as brachydactyly. In addition, there is soft-tissue syndactyly of the hindlimb. The brachydactyly is caused by decreased chondrocyte proliferation and delayed differentiation in distal limb chondrogenic elements. These data suggest that Sfrp2 can regulate both chondrogenesis and regression of interdigital mesenchyme in distal limb. Sfrp2 can also repress canonical Wnt signaling by Wnt1, Wnt9a, and Wnt4 in vitro. Sfrp2-/- and TOPGAL/Sfrp2-/- mice have a mild increase in beta-catenin and beta-galactosidase staining, respectively, in some phalangeal elements. This however does not exclude a potential concurrent effect on non-canonical Wnt signaling in the growth plate. In combination with what is known about BMP and Wnt signaling in human brachydactylies, our data establish a critical role for Sfrp2 in proper distal limb formation and suggest SFPR2 could be a novel candidate gene for human brachy-syndactyly defects.  相似文献   

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