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Summary Cells storing pancreatic polypeptide (PP) appear in rat pancreas at the time of parturition, much later than insulin and glucagon cells. At this stage, the pancreatic polypeptide (PP) cells occur scattered in the exocrine parenchyma and in the islets. Subsequently, 5–7 days postnatally, an abrupt increase in the number of PP cells occurs. At this stage, they are fairly numerous in the islets and comparatively rare in the exocrine parenchyma. Not until 8–10 days after birth is the number of PP cells similar to that in the adult pancreas. A few PP cells were seen in the antral mucosa during the first 10 days after birth. They were not seen elsewhere in the gut.  相似文献   

Summary Injection of alloxan caused an almost total disappearance of insulin cells in the rat pancreas. Planimetric analysis revealed a 50 per cent reduction of the mean islet volume. The number of immunoreactive pancreatic polypeptide (PP) cells per sectioned islet was significantly increased, and the PP cell volume per islet doubled. Assuming an unchanged number of islets, the results indicate an increase in total PP cell mass following alloxan administration.  相似文献   

Summary Correlative immunohistochemical and electron microscopical studies on the pancreatic islet of the teleost fish Xiphophorus helleri using antibodies to pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and glucagon show that separate cell types are responsible for the production of these peptides. The PP-cells correspond to the previously described A2-cells with round granules, while the A2-cells with crystalline granules are the true glucagon cells. An earlier suggestion that there are two types of glucagon cells in teleost islets is therefore withdrawn.A portion of the results has been presented at Colloque annuel de la Société Française de Microscopie électronique, Lyon-Villeurbanne, 21–23 Mai 1979. Study supported in part by the Medical Research Council  相似文献   

Summary The brain of the blowfly, Calliphora erythrocephala, has been studied by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method, with the use of antibodies to bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP). A number of immunoreactive neurones have been localised, some corresponding to neurones previously identified tentatively as neurosecretory. This finding is further evidence that biologically active peptides, previously considered to be vertebrate, also exist in invertebrates. It also supports the concept of their evolutionary origin in nervous tissue.  相似文献   

The distribution of dynorphin in the central nervous system was investigated in rats pretreated with relatively high doses (300–400 μg) of colchicine administered intracerebroventricularly. To circumvent the problems of antibody cross-reactivity, antisera were generated against different portions as well as the full dynorphin molecule (i.e., residues 1–13, 7–17, or 1–17). For comparison, antisera to [Leu]enkephalin (residues 1–5) were also utilized. Dynorphin was found to be widely distributed throughout the neuraxis. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya exist in hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei, periaqueductal gray, scattered reticular formation sites, and other brain stem nuclei, as well as in spinal cord. Additionally, dynorphin-positive fibers or terminals occur in the cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb, nucleus accumbens, caudate-putamen, globus pallidus, hypothalamus, substantia nigra, periaqueductal gray, many brain stem sties, and the spinal cord. In many areas studied, dynorphin and enkephalin appeared to form parallel but probably separate anatomical systems. The results suggest that dynorphin occurs in neuronal systems that are immunocytochemically distinct from those containing other opioid peptides.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of a neuropeptide, previously shown to have the same or a very similar amino acid composition as vertebrate pancreatic polypeptide (PP), has been studied in the nervous system and gut of the blowfly, Calliphora vomitoria. Neurones immunoreactive to a bovine PP antiserum occur in the thoracic and abdominal ganglionic components of the central nervous system, in addition to the brain and suboesophageal ganglion. Pancreatic polypeptide appears to be relayed from its cells of origin to a neurohaemal organ in the dorsal sheath of the thoracic ganglion. PP immunoreactivity is also found in cells of the hypocerebral ganglion of the stomatogastric nervous system and in associated nerve fibres. The mid-gut contains PP-positive material in flask-shaped cells of its epithelial lining.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical staining has revealed that the pancreatic islets of various teleost fishes contain a pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-like substance which cross-reacts with antibodies to mammalian and avian PP. The PP cells were frequently found at the periphery of the islets, as in mammals, and were of irregular shape.Dr. J.R. Kimmel kindly provided antibody to APP and the APP antigen, while anti-BPP and BPP were the gift of Dr. R.E. Chance.Blocks of pancreas from the pike were supplied by Dr. A. Thorpe, from the swordtail by Dr. C. Klein and from the garpike, catfish and eel by Dr. A. Epple. We are most grateful to all these people.This research was partly supported by a grant to one of us (GJP) from the National Institutes of Health, USA (Grant No. AM 17161) and by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Great Britain.  相似文献   

 Sequence analysis of a newly isolated Hirudo medicinalis cDNA containing an Antennapedia (Antp)-class homeobox suggests that the corresponding gene, Lox6, is an ortholog of the Drosophila Deformed (Dfd) gene. In situ hybridization of whole-mounted preparations shows that the major sites of Lox6 expression during embryogenesis are the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral sensory system. Lox6 mRNA can be detected in a subset of neurons in each ganglion from the subesophageal ganglion (RG2) to the most posterior ganglion, with the highest level of expression seen in RG3. Peripherally, Lox6 is expressed principally in the primordia of the sensillae and in the eyes. This pattern of expression of Lox6 suggests that one of its functions may be to contribute to the diversification of neuronal phenotypes. Received: 16 August 1997/Accepted: 20 December 1997  相似文献   

Myelin is a multilamellar membrane structure primarily composed of lipids and myelin proteins essential for proper neuronal function. Since myelin is a target structure involved in many pathophysiological conditions such as metabolic, viral, and autoimmune diseases and genetic myelin disorders, a reliable myelin detection technique is required that is equally suitable for light- and electron-microscopic analysis. Here, we report that single myelinated fibers are specifically stained by the gold phosphate complex, Black gold, which stains myelin in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve fibers in a reliable manner. Electron-microscopic and morphometric analyses have revealed that gold particles are equally distributed in the inner, compact, and outer myelin layers. In contrast to Luxol fast blue, the gold dye stains proteinase-sensitive myelin structures, indicating its selective labeling of myelin-specific proteins. Aiming at defining the target of gold staining, we performed staining in several mouse myelin mutants. Gold complex distribution and myelin staining in MBP−/−/shiverer mouse mutants was comparable with that seen in wild-type mice but revealed a more clustered Black gold distribution. This gold staining method thus provides a sensitive and specific high-resolution marker for both central and peripheral myelin sheaths; it also allows the quantitative analysis of myelinated fibers at the light- and electron-microscopic level suitable for investigations of myelin and axonal disorders. This study was supported by grants from the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO, to N.E.S.) and the Danone Institute (to N.E.S. and I.Y.E.).  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry was performed on the nervous system of Helix by the use of an antibody raised against a myotropic neuropeptide, the catch-relaxing peptide (CARP), isolated from Mytilus edulis. In each ganglion of the central nervous system of Helix pomatia, numerous CARP-immunoreactive cell bodies and a dense immunoreactive fiber system could be observed with a dominancy in the cerebral and pedal ganglia. The majority of the immunoreactive neurons are unipolar, although multipolar neurons also occur. In the neuropil areas, CARP-immunoreactive fibers show extensive arborization, which may indicate a central role of CARP. CARP-immunoreactive elements could be observed in each investigated peripheral nerve and peripheral areas, namely in the intestine, heart, aorta, buccal mass, lips, and foot. However, CARP-immunoreactive cell bodies could only be demonstrated in the intestine and the foot musculature. Thin varicose CARP-immunoreactive fibers were observed over both muscle and gland cells in the different peripheral organs, suggesting a peripheral role of CARP. In vivo CARP injection into the body cavity (10-3, 10-4, 10-5 M) altered the general behavioral state of the animals and induced the relaxation of the musculature of the whole body wall indicating that CARP has a significant role in the regulation of muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution of neuropeptides belonging to the pancreatic polypeptide family have been demonstrated by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in the nervous systems of adult male and female Schistosoma mansoni. Seven antisera of differing regional specificity to pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) were employed on both whole-mount and cryostat-sectioned material. Positive immunoreactivity (IR) was obtained with all antisera except an N-terminally-directed antiserum to NPY. In the CNS, immunoreactivity was restricted to cell bodies and nerve fibres in the anterior ganglia, central commissure and dorsal and ventral nerve cords of both sexes, whereas, in the PNS, positive-IR was present in the plexuses innervating the subtegumental musculature and the oral and ventral suckers. Intense immunoreactivity was observed in a plexus of nerve fibres and cell bodies in the lining of the gynaecophoric canal and in fine nerve fibres innervating the dorsal tubercles of the male. In contrast, in the female, strong immunoreactivity was evident in nerve plexuses innervating the lining of the ovovitelline duct and in the wall of the ootype, but most notably in a cluster of cells in the region of Mehlis' gland. Results suggest that molecules with C-terminal homology to the PP-family are present in S. mansoni. These peptides would appear to be important regulatory molecules in the parasite's nervous system and may play a role in the control of egg production.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is a mitochondrial enzyme linking the Krebs cycle to the multifunctional amino acid glutamate. Thereby, GDH plays a pivotal role between carbohydrate and protein metabolisms, controlling production and consumption of the messenger molecule glutamate in neuroendocrine cells. GDH activity is under the control of several regulators, conferring to this enzyme energy-sensor property. Indeed, GDH directly depends on the provision of the co-factor NADH/NAD+, rendering the enzyme sensitive to the redox status of the cell. Moreover, GDH is allosterically regulated by GTP and ADP. GDH is also regulated by ADP-ribosylation, mediated by a member of the energy-sensor family sirtuins, namely SIRT4. In the brain, GDH ensures the cycling of the neurotransmitter glutamate between neurons and astrocytes. GDH also controls ammonia metabolism and detoxification, mainly in the liver and kidney. In pancreatic β-cells, the importance of GDH as a key enzyme in the regulation of insulin secretion is now well established. Inhibition of GDH activity decreases insulin release, while activating mutations are associated with a hyperinsulinism syndrome. Although GDH enzyme catalyzes the same reaction in every tissue, its function regarding metabolic homeostasis varies greatly according to specific organs. In this review, we will discuss specificities of GDH regulation in neuroendocrine cells, in particular pancreatic islets and central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of substance P (SP)-, somatostatin (SOM)-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)- and met-enkephalin (mENK)-immunoreactive nerve fibres and cell bodies has been studied in the gastrointestinal tract, lateral blood vessel (heart) and segmental ganglia of the leech (Hirudo medicinalis). In the crop and intestine, there was a sparse distribution of VIP-, SP-, SOM- and mENK-immunoreactive nerves, while in the intestine, a dense network of SP-, a moderate network of SOM-, and a sparse distribution of mENK- and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres was seen. SP-, SOM- and VIP-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in all the gut regions studied, the greatest number being in the intestine. No mENK-containing cell bodies were seen in any region of the gastrointestinal tract. The heart contained a few SP-, SOM-, and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres, but no nerve cell bodies were found. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were also present in the segmentai ganglia. A typical midbody ganglion contained up to seven pairs of SP-containing neurones, four pairs of SOM-containing neurones, two pairs of VIP-containing neurones and one to three pairs of mENK-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies. The lateral pair of large SOM-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies is of similar size and correct position to the lateral N cells. One of the pairs of large SP-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies is probably identical to the Leydig cells. A tentative identification of other immunofluorescent nerve cells is attempted. Immunoreactive nerve fibres to all four peptides were distributed throughout the neuropil, those to SP being the most numerous.  相似文献   

Summary Following exposure to tritiated 5-HTP, silver grains were observed over the perikarya of the GSCs (Giant serotonin cells) of Helix pomatia and other known serotonin-containing neurones in light and electron microscope autoradiograms. There was no indication that the 5-HTP was taken up by nerve endings or by non-nervous structures. The distribution of radioactivity was completely different in autoradiograms of tissue exposed to tritiated serotonin. Silver grains, often in very high concentrations, were observed only over certain fine axon branches and processes thought to be nerve endings. Electron microscope autoradiography showed that these processes contained small dense-cored vesicles, morphologically identical to those thought to sequester serotonin in the perikarya of the GSCs. The accumulation of tritiated tryptophan was less specific; all the neurone perikarya showed an accumulation of radioactivity after exposure to this substance.We are grateful to Professor J. F. Lamb for the use of the Scintillation Spectrometer.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of serotonin (5HT)-containing neurons in the central nervous system of the snail Helix pomatia has been determined in whole-mount preparations by use of immunocytochemical and in vivo 5,6-dihydroxy-tryptamine labelling. 5HT-immunoreactive neuronal somata occur in all but the buccal and pleural ganglia. Immunoreactive fibres are present throughout the central nervous system. The 5HT-immunoreactive neuronal somata characteristically appear in groups, located mainly in the cerebral, pedal, visceral and right parietal ganglia. The majority of 5HT-immunoreactive neurons is located in the pedal ganglia. Additionally a dense network of 5HT-immunoreactive varicose fibres is found in the neural sheath of the central nervous system including all the nerves and ganglia. The number and distribution of 5HT-immunoreactive neurons correlates with that demonstrated by 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine labelling method.  相似文献   

The distribution of cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity was studied in the central nervous system of the heteropteran insect Triatoma infestans using high-sensitivity immunocytochemistry. In the protocerebrum, CCK-IR somata were observed in the anteromedial, anterolateral and posterior cell-body layers. The neuropils displayed different densities of immunoreactive neurites. Few immunoreactive somata were found in the optic lobe in both the medial and lateral soma rinds, as well as in the proximal optic lobe. Immunoreactive fibers were present in the medulla and lobula neuropils. The sensory deutocerebrum contained a higher number of immunopositive perikarya than the antennal mechanosensory and motor center. The antennal lobe glomeruli displayed a moderate density of immunoreactive fibers. With regard to the subesophageal ganglion, numerous CCK-IR somata were found close to the root of the mandibular nerve; others were present in the soma rind of the remaining neuromeres. CCK-IR perikarya were present in both thoracic ganglia, with the abdominal neuromeres containing the highest number of positive somata. The neuropils of both ganglia showed moderate densities of immunopositive processes. The distribution of CCK-LI in somata and neuropils of central nervous system of T. infestans is widespread suggesting that a CCK-like peptide may act mainly as a neuromodulator in the integration of information from distinct sensory receptors.  相似文献   

Apart from being a prominent (inhibitory) neurotransmitter that is widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous system, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) has turned out to exert trophic actions. In this manner GABA may modulate the neuroplastic capacity of neurons and neuron-like cells under various conditions in situ and in vitro. In the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of adult rat, GABA induces the formation of free postsynaptic-like densities on the dendrites of principal neurons and enables implanted foreign (cholinergic) nerves to establish functional synaptic contacts, even while preexisting connections of the preganglionic axons persist. Apart from postsynaptic effects, GABA inhibits acetylcholine release from preganglionic nerve terminals and changes, at least transiently, the neurochemical markers of cholinergic innervation (acetylcholinesterase and nicotinic receptors). In murine neuroblastoma cells in vitro, GABA induces electron microscopic changes, which are similar in principle to those seen in the SCG. Both neuroplastic effects of GABA, in situ and in vitro, could be mimicked by sodium bromide, a hyperpolarizing agent. In addition, evidence is available that GABA via A- and/or B-receptors may exert direct trophic actions. The regulation of both types of trophic actions (direct, receptor-mediated vs. indirect, bioelectric activity dependent) is discussed.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Claude Baxter.  相似文献   

The distribution of NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)-diaphorase in nerve cells in the gastrointestinal tract has been investigated and compared in three fish species representing different evolutionary branches. In mammals, NADPH-diphorase is identical to nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and can, in the presence of NADPH, reduce the dye nitroblue tetrazolium, resulting in a blue product. Using this method, we have found numerous NADPH-diaphorase-containing nerve cells in the myenteric plexus of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) but none in the hagfish (Myxine glutinosa). In the cod, nerve fibres were sparsely stained, whereas in the dogfish, they formed a dense pattern of fibre bundles. Double-staining for NADPH-diaphorase and the neuropolypeptides VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) and PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide) revealed three separate populations designated VIP/NADPH, VIP/- and NADPH/-. The majority but not all of the NADPH-diaphorase-positive cells also showed VIP or PACAP immunoreactivity and vice versa. The presence of NADPH-diaphorase in neurons and the distribution of these neurons in the gastrointestinal tract of the two species indicate a physiological role for nitric oxide in the control of gut motility.  相似文献   

From times when the whole genome were not available to the present explosion of genome knowledge, the biology of non-coding RNA molecules are an unknown ocean of gems. One among them are PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) that restrict the mobility of various retrotransposons. PIWI proteins and piRNAs once thought to be germline specific was now explored to be expressed in different somatic cells. Emerging proofs of piRNAs from central nervous system has raised serious questions regarding the role of retrotransposons and its silencing mechanism. In this review, we have focused on the existing knowledge of retrotransposons and piRNAs in the central nervous system and have provided future insights. Meta-analysis of retrotransposons in various mammalian genomes and piRNA targets showcased the abundance of LINE transposon and the possibility of piRNA mediated retrotransposon expression. Thus, understanding the retrotransposons-piRNA pathway will provide a new vision for the study of development, physiology and pathology of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution patterns of serotonin-immunoreactive somata in the cerebral and subpharyngeal ganglion, and in the head and tail ganglia of the nerve cord of Lumbricus terrestris are described from whole-mount preparations. A small number of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons occurs in the cerebral ganglion, in contrast to the large population of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons that exists in all parts of the ventral nerve cord. From the arrangement of serotonin-immunoreactive somata in the subpharyngeal ganglion, we suggest that this ganglion arises from the fusion of two primordial ganglia. In head and tail ganglia, the distribution of serotonin-immunoreactive somata resembles that in midbody segments. Segmental variations in the pattern and number of serotonin-immunoreactive somata in the different body regions are discussed on the background of known developmental mechanisms that result in metameric neuronal populations in annelids and arthropods.Abbreviations CG1, CG2 cerebral soma group 1, 2 - CNS central nervous system - GINs giant interneurons - 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin - 5-HTi 5-HT-immunoreactive - N side nerve - SG19 subpharyngeal soma group 1–9 - SN segmental nerve  相似文献   

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