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CTL and serologically defined antigens of B2m,H-3 region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The antigens of the B2m,H-3 region of 13 chromosome 2 congenic strains and seven inbred strains have been studied by using CML and serologic techniques. Nine patterns of cross-reactivity have been defined by CML assays. These results are in agreement with an extend previously described cross-reactivity studies. The reactivities of three monoclonal antibodies previously thought to be reacting with B2M-B are shown to differ: Ly-m11 and J-5 react with cells of strain B10-pa,at and clone 23 does not. Two H-3 region loci are hypothesized on the basis of CML and serologic activity: B2m and H-3. The CTL responses to the B2M antigens are H-2K restricted; the CTL responses to H-3 antigens are H-2D restricted. The restriction of the response to the H-3 antigen requires effector-target identity of the H-2D molecule but not the B2M molecule of the class I antigen. These loci have been separated by recombination from H-42 in the production of the congenic strain B10.FS-a. A gene order of B2m, H-3, H-42 is suggested.  相似文献   

The self specificity of human influenza virus-immune cytotoxic T cells has been analyzed in order to clarify the relationship between the self antigens that they recognize and the serologically defined HLA-A and -B antigens. Virus-immune effectors from HLA-A2-positive donors were tested on panels of virus-infected target cells from donors who were either HLA-mismatched or matched only for HLA-A2. Virus-immune T cells from 11 out of 11 A2-positive donors lysed all A2-matched virus-infected target cells (and no HLA-mismatched targets), except that each of these effector cells consistently failed to lyse virus-infected target cells from one A2-positive donor (designated M7). Although the A2 specificity of donor M7 could also be distinguished from the A2 antigen of other donors by alloimmune cytotoxic T cells, no differences in the A2 antigen of donor M7 could be defined by extensive serologic analyses. These results indicate that there is a strong but incomplete association between a self antigen recognized by virus-immune T cells and the serologically defined HLA-A2 specificity.  相似文献   

Murine T lymphocytes recognize nominal Ag presented by class I or class II MHC molecules. Most CD8+ T cells recognize Ag presented in the context of class I molecules, whereas most CD4+ cells recognize Ag associated with class II molecules. However, it has been shown that a proportion of T cells recognizing class I alloantigens express CD4 surface molecules. Furthermore, CD4+ T cells are sufficient for the rejection of H-2Kbm10 and H-2Kbm11 class I disparate skin grafts. It has been suggested that the CD4 component of an anti-class I response can be ascribed to T cells recognizing class I determinants in the context of class II MHC products. To examine the specificity and effector functions of class I-specific HTL, CD4+ T cells were stimulated with APC that differed from them at a class I locus. Specifically, a MLC was prepared involving an allogeneic difference only at the Ld region. CD4+ clones were derived by limiting dilution of bulk MLC cells. Two clones have been studied in detail. The CD4+ clone 46.2 produced IL-2, IL-3, and IFN-gamma when stimulated with anti-CD3 mAb, whereas the CD4+ clone 93.1 secreted IL-4 in addition to IL-2, IL-3, and IFN-gamma. Cloned 46.2 cells recognized H-2Ld directly, whereas recognition of Ld by 93.1 apparently was restricted by class II MHC molecules. Furthermore, cytolysis by both clones 46.2 and 93.1 was inhibited by the anti-CD4 mAb GK1.5. These results demonstrate that CD4+ T cells can respond to a class I difference and that a proportion of CD4+ T cells can recognize class I MHC determinants directly as well as in the context of class II MHC molecules.  相似文献   

The somatic regenerator (reg) mutants of Volvox carteri affect the ability of the normally terminally differentiated somatic cells to establish and/or maintain the differentiated state. Thirty-nine reg mutants of four phenotypic classes have been mapped to two, unlinked genes, regA and regB. Mutants at the regA locus have one of three phenotypes: All somatic cells regenerate new spheroids, somatic cells in the spheroid posterior region regenerate while those in the anterior region differentiate as somatic cells, or regenerating and nonregenerating cells are randomly intermixed. The regB mutant has a random intermixture of regenerating and nonregenerating cells. Somatic cells regenerate new Volvox spheroids in two ways; the cells lose their characteristic shape, become immotile, enlarge and undergo cleavage similar to that of normal reproductive cells or undergo cell division without prior enlargement or loss of cell shape. Temperature shift experiments on a cold-sensitive reg mutant suggest that the gene product acts after the somatic cell initials are formed at the end of cleavage.  相似文献   

The number of antibody structures co-crystallized with their respective antigens has increased rapidly in the last few years, thus offering a formidable source of information to gain insight into the structure-function relationships of this family of proteins. We have analyzed here 140 unique middle-resolution to high-resolution (<3??) antibody structures, including 55 in complex with proteins, 39 with peptides, and 46 with haptens. We determined (i) length variations of the hypervariable loops, (ii) number of contacts with antigen, (iii) solvent accessible area buried upon binding, (iv) location and frequency of antigen contacting residues, (v) type of residues interacting with antigens, and (vi) putative somatic mutations. Except for somatic mutations, distinctive profiles were identified for all the variables analyzed. Compared with contacts, somatic mutations occurred with less abundance at any given position and extended beyond the regions in contact, with no clear difference among antibodies that recognize different types of antigens. This observation is consistent with the fact that although antigen recognition accomplished by shape and physicochemical complementarity is selective in nature, the somatic mutation process is stochastic and selection for mutations leading to improved affinity is not directly related to contact residues. Thus, the knowledge emerging from this study enhances our understanding of the structure-function relationship in antibodies while providing valuable guidance to design libraries for antibody discovery and optimization.  相似文献   

Human T-lymphocyte clones (TLCs) were generated against the hemagglutinin (HA) of A/Texas/1/77 influenza virus by limiting dilution. TLCs were then screened for antigen specificity on chemically synthesized peptides representing the HA1 molecule. It has been hypothesized that different T cells that recognize the identical antigenic determinant are controlled by (restricted by) the same class II epitope. Two TLCs, HA1.4 and HA1.7, both recognized the same HA peptide and in proliferation studies exhibited identical restriction patterns. Two other clones, HA 1.9 and HA 2.43, recognized different HA determinants and also had distinct restriction patterns. Proliferation inhibition studies with monoclonal antibodies against human class II molecules demonstrated three unique patterns of blocking with the clones, suggesting that clones may be restricted to a unique class II epitope depending on the HA determinant recognized. These data can be interpreted as supporting the argument that human immune responses to influenza hemagglutinin are under Ir gene control exerted at the level of the viral antigenic determinant recognized in association with particular D-region restricting elements. The determinant selection and clonal deletion theories are compared for their capacity to best explain these findings.Abbreviations used in this paper 3HTdR tritiated methyl thymidine - MHC major histocompatibility complex - HLA human MHC - PBLs peripheral blood lymphocytes - APCs antigen-presenting cells - TLCs T-lymphocyte clones - TCGF T-cell growth factor - MoAbs monoclonal antibodies  相似文献   

An in situ autoradiographic assay for CDP-ethanolamine:1,2-sn-diacylglycerol ethanolamine phosphotransferase (EC activity in Chinese hamster ovary cells was developed and used to screen approximately 10,000 individual mutagen-treated colonies attached to filter paper (Esko, J. D., and Raetz, C. R. H. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 75, 1190-1193). A variant (strain 40.11) was isolated in which the ethanolamine phosphotransferase specific activity in vitro was 6-10-fold less than in the parent, but the level of CDP-choline:1,2-sn-diacylglycerol choline phosphotransferase (EC activity was normal. In extracts, the mutant was also defective in the synthesis of ethanolamine plasmalogen. In vivo, the short term kinetics of labeling with [32P]phosphate or [14C]ethanolamine was correspondingly altered. However, the long tem growth rate and steady state phospholipid compositions of the mutant and parent were quite similar. These results show that the ethanolamine and choline phosphotransferases of Chinese hamster ovary cells are distinct as judged by genetic criteria, while the biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine and its plasmalogen share common enzymatic component(s).  相似文献   

Long-term murine cytotoxic T-cell clones arising in response to stimulation with human lymphoblastoid cells and reactive with the HLA-A2 antigen are characterized. These clones distinguish between HLA-A2 and 21 other serologically defined HLA-A and -B antigens. In addition, most clones discriminate between prototypical HLA-A2 antigens, expressed by the majority of HLA-A2-positive individuals, and variant HLA-A2 antigens, which are serologically identical with the prototype, but distinguishable by human cytotoxic T cells and by biochemical analysis. This discrimination is reflected as an inability to cause any significant lysis of variant HLA-A2-expressing target cells at effector-to-target ratios 10- to 100-fold greater than those giving 50% lysis of prototype HLA-A2-expressing cells. By screening a panel of serologically HLA-A2-positive cells, a new variant HLA-A2-expressing cell line has been defined. The recognition patterns of these xenogeneic clones are suggested to reflect recognition of alloantigenic polymorphic determinants. Based on the strong bias in the xenogeneic T-cell repertoire for such determinants, we propose a model for T-cell recognition of class I products of the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

We have produced a panel of murine monoclonal antibodies to a ribosomal preparation fromStreptococcus mutans NCTC 10449 (serotypec). Ribosomal preparations were isolated from homogenized cells by differential centrifugation and consisted of approximately 17% protein and 83% RNA. Splenocytes from immunized animals were fused to NS-1 myeloma cells using polyethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide. Four stable hybridomas have been currently established, two of which secrete the IgG-k isotype and the other two the IgM-k isotype. All of the monoclonal antibodies react with wholeS. mutans cells representing different serotypes, while not with other bacteria. In Western blot analysis of the ribosomal preparation resolved by one-dimensional electrophoresis, the nmonoclonal antibodies recognize a specific component with an apparent molecular weight of 65,000. These results indicate that theS. mutans ribosomal preparation contains an immunogenic site that is serologically indistinguishable from a species-specific surface determinant common to different serotypes.  相似文献   

The depth of a cell of a multicellular organism is the number of cell divisions it underwent since the zygote, and knowing this basic cell property would help address fundamental problems in several areas of biology. At present, the depths of the vast majority of human and mouse cell types are unknown. Here, we show a method for estimating the depth of a cell by analyzing somatic mutations in its microsatellites, and provide to our knowledge for the first time reliable depth estimates for several cells types in mice. According to our estimates, the average depth of oocytes is 29, consistent with previous estimates. The average depth of B cells ranges from 34 to 79, linearly related to the mouse age, suggesting a rate of one cell division per day. In contrast, various types of adult stem cells underwent on average fewer cell divisions, supporting the notion that adult stem cells are relatively quiescent. Our method for depth estimation opens a window for revealing tissue turnover rates in animals, including humans, which has important implications for our knowledge of the body under physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The selection of somatic cell mutants after irradiation of BUdR-labelled cells is improved with the use of a mercury lamp combined with a plastic sheet which filters the unwanted wave lengths below 303 nm. New somatic cell mutants defective for galactose metabolism or auxotrophe for fetal calf serum were thus isolated.  相似文献   

Class II MHC molecules on the surface of an APC present immunogenic peptides derived mainly from exogenous proteins to CD4+ T cells. During its transport to the cell surface, class II molecules intersect the endocytic pathway where they acquire peptides derived from endocytosed proteins. However, class II-restricted presentation of endogenously derived peptides can also occur. The current studies were undertaken to examine the ability of different types of APC to generate and present four different T cell determinants derived from an endogenous, nonsecreted, truncated form of hen-egg white lysozyme (HEL[1-80]-Kk). This was compared with the ability of these APC to generate the same determinants from exogenous HEL. All the peptides derived from endogenous HEL[1-80]-Kk tested, were presented by B cells to HEL-specific T cell hybridomas with an efficiency similar to presentation of the same determinants from exogenous HEL. In contrast, an I-Ak-bearing rat fibroblast was unable to generate the HEL peptide 25-43 from exogenous HEL, but could efficiently produce it from endogenous HEL[1-80]-Kk. The results indicate first, that peptides derived from an endogenous Ag can be presented by MHC class II molecules with an efficiency comparable to that of the presentation of the exogenous Ag. Second, that Ag-presenting B cells can generate the same repertoire of antigenic peptides from endogenous Ag as those generated from the exogenous protein. And third, that in contrast to B cells, certain "nonprofessional" APC can generate, from an endogenous protein, T cell determinants distinct from those generated after endocytosis of the exogenous protein. These results suggest that processing of exogenous and endogenous Ag by different APC take place in different intracellular compartments.  相似文献   

T helper lymphocytes rescue CTL from activation-induced cell death   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
T cell activation is characterized by a vast expansion of Ag-specific T cells followed by an equally extensive reduction in T cell numbers. This decline is due, in part, to activation-induced apoptosis of the responding T cells during repeated encounter with Ag. In the current study, we used solid-phase MHC class I/peptide monomers to cause activation-induced cell death (AICD) of previously activated CD8 T cells in an Ag-specific manner. AICD occurred rapidly and was mediated primarily by Fas-FasL interactions. Most interestingly, we observed that Th cells could provide survival signals to CTL significantly reducing the level of AICD. Both Th1 and Th2 subsets were capable of protecting CTL from AICD, and a major role for soluble factors in this protection was ruled out, as cell-to-cell contact was an essential component of this Th-mediated protection. Upon encounter with Ag-expressing tumor cells, CTL underwent significant apoptosis. However, in the presence of Th cells, the CTL not only were protected against death, but also had significantly greater lytic ability. In vivo tumor protection studies using peptide immunization showed that the activation of Ag-specific Th cells was crucial for optimal protection, but did not affect the magnitude of the CTL response in the lymphoid tissues. In this study, we examine the type of help that CD4 T cells may provide and propose a model of Th cell-CTL interaction that reduces CTL death. Our results show a novel role for Th cells in the maintenance of CTL responses.  相似文献   

Generation of effective CTL responses is the goal of many vaccination protocols. However, to what extant T cell precursor frequencies will generate a CD8+ CTL response has not been elucidated properly. In this study, we employed a model system, in which naive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells derived from ovalbumin (OVA)-specific TCR transgenic OT II and OT I mice were used for adoptive transfer into wild-type, Iab−/− gene knockout and transgenic RIP-mOVA mice, and assessed OVA-pulsed DC (DCOVA)-stimulated CD8+ CTL responses in these mice. We demonstrated that (i) a critical threshold exists above which T cells precursor frequency cannot enhance the CTL responses in wild-type C57BL/6 mice, (ii) increasing CD8+ T cell precursors is required to generate CTL responses but with functional memory defect in absence of CD4+ T cell help, and (iii) increasing CD4+ and CD8+ T cell precursors overcomes immune suppression to DCOVA-stimulated CD8+ CTL responses in transgenic RIP-mOVA mice with OVA-specific self immune tolerance. Taken together, these findings may have important implications for optimizing immunotherapy against cancer.  相似文献   

We have investigated the reactivities of cytotoxic T (Tc) cells against the two immunodominant, H-2K(k)-restricted determinants from the FLAVIVIRUS: Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVE), MVE(1785) (REHSGNEI) and MVE(1971) (DEGEGRVI). The respective Tc cell populations cross-reactively lysed target cells pulsed with determinants from the MVE(1785)- and MVE(1971)-corresponding positions of six other flaviviruses, despite low sequence homology in some cases. Notably, anti-MVE(1785) Tc cells recognized a determinant (TDGEERVI) that shares with the determinant used for stimulation only the carboxyl-terminal amino acid residue, one of two H-2K(k) anchor residues. These reactivity patterns were also observed in peptide-dependent IFN-gamma production and the requirements for in vitro restimulation of memory Tc cells. However, the broad cross-reactivity appeared to be limited to flavivirus-derived determinants, as none of a range of determinants from endogenous mouse-derived sequences, similar to the MVE-determinants, were recognized. Neither were cells infected with a number of unrelated viruses recognized. These results raise the paradox that virus-immune Tc cell responses, which are mostly directed against only a few "immunodominant" viral determinants, are remarkably peptide cross-reactive.  相似文献   

To observe the possible serological heterogeneity of compact-colony-forming active substance (CCFAS), heat-killed vaccines were prepared by two strains of Staphylococcus aureus, strains SMU 1-46 and SMU 7931, cultured in 0.03 M trishydrochloride-buffered brain heart infusion, pH 8.4. After immunization with the vaccine in rabbits, antibody responses were observed during a period of six weeks after the immunization either by homologous and heterologous organisms using alkaline serum-soft agar technique. The results showed that remarkable antibody production was shown only against homologous strain, but not against heterologous strain. The antibodies were absorbed out only with highly purified preparation of CCFAS extracted from homologous strain and not with heterologous CCFAS. Differences of the major chemical composition of the substances showed that highly purified CCFAS extracted from strain SMU 7931 contained 2.84 and 2.04 times higher amounts of galactose and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-galacturonic acid than those of CCFAS obtained from strain SMU 1-46.  相似文献   

Cloned mice derived from somatic cell nuclei   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Hosaka K  Ohi S  Ando A  Kobayashi M  Sato K 《Human cell》2000,13(4):237-242
In 1997, a cloned sheep "Dolly" was produced by nuclear transfer of somatic cell. The first birth of cloned mice derived from some somatic cells were succeeded in 1998. At present, it is shown that somatic cells, cumulus cells, fibroblasts and Sertoli cells can be used to the study of cloned animal as nuclear donor. In this study investigation was designed to compare with efficiency on the production of cloned embryos by using the microinjection and the electrofusion methods for nuclear transfer. Oocyte enucleation was performed with a micromanipulator. The oocyte was held by holding pipette, and was enucleated using a beveled pipette. Microinjection method: Cell's nucleus injection was carried out by piezo-micromanipulator. Cytochalasin B treated cumulus cell was aspirated into a injection pipette, and was broken its plasma membrane using the injection pipette. Then, the cumulus cell was injected into the enucleated ooplasm directly. Electrofusion method: The cell was aspirated into a beveled pipette, and then an aspirated cell was inserted into perivitelline space. Then, the pair of enucleated oocyte and cell was fused using electrical cell fusion apparatus. The reconstituted embryos were activated after nuclear transfer using St2+. Reconstituted embryos had been produced by the microinjection showed the embryonic development to over 8-cell stages. But, the rate of fragmentation of reconstituted embryos by the microinjection showed a little high rate in comparison with the electrofusion. When some reconstituted embryos by the microinjection were transplanted to pseudopregnant females' oviduct, 9 fetuses were observed at 14 days post coitum.  相似文献   

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