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The effect of calcium on protein phosphorylation was investigated using intact synaptosomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex and prelabelled with 32Pi. For nondepolarised synaptosomes a group of calcium-sensitive phosphoproteins were maximally labelled in the presence of 0.1 mM calcium. The phosphorylation of these proteins was slightly decreased in the presence of strontium and absent in the presence of barium, consistent with the decreased ability of these cations to activate calcium-stimulated protein kinases. Addition of calcium alone to synaptosomes prelabelled in its absence increased phosphorylation of a number of proteins. On depolarisation in the presence of calcium certain of the calcium-sensitive phosphoproteins were further increased in labelling above nondepolarised levels. These increases were maximal and most sustained after prelabelling at 0.1 mM calcium. On prolonged depolarisation at this calcium concentration a slow decrease in labelling was observed for most phosphoproteins, whereas a greater rate and extent of decrease occurred at higher calcium concentrations. At 2.5 mM calcium a rapid and then a subsequent slow dephosphorylation was observed, indicating two distinct phases of dephosphorylation. Of all the phosphoproteins normally stimulated by depolarisation, only phosphoprotein 59 did not exhibit the rapid phase of dephosphorylation at high calcium concentrations. Replacing calcium with strontium markedly decreased the extent of change observed on depolarisation whereas barium decreased phosphorylation changes even further. Taken together these data suggest that an influx of calcium into synaptosomes initially activates protein phosphorylation, but as the levels of intrasynaptosomal calcium rise protein dephosphorylation predominates. Other phosphoproteins were dephosphorylated immediately on depolarisation in the presence of calcium. The fine control of protein phosphorylation levels exerted by calcium supports the idea that the synaptosomal phosphoproteins could play a role in modulating events such as neurotransmitter release in the nerve terminal.  相似文献   

The effects of quinacrine on depolarization-induced [3H]acetylcholine (ACh) release and 45Ca2+ influx were examined in rat brain cortical synaptosomes. Quinacrine significantly reduced the stimulated release of [3H]ACh by high K+ and veratridine without affecting the spontaneous efflux from the preloaded synaptosomes. Quinacrine had no effect on ionophore A23187-induced release of [3H]ACh from the synaptosomes. Quinacrine (100 μM) markedly diminished the stimulated Ca2+ influx by veratridine and high K+ but not that by “Na+-free.” Trifluoperazine, a potent calmodulin antagonist, inhibited both Ca2+ influx and ACh release induced by the depolarizing agents. Inhibitory potencies of the two drugs on ACh release and Ca2+ influx were compared with the antagonism of calmodulin by two drugs, suggesting that the inhibition of depolarization-induced Ca2+ influx and ACh release by these drugs could not be explained by the antagonism of calmodulin.  相似文献   

[14C]Acetylcholine (ACh) release and parallel alterations in 45Ca2+ uptake and intrasynaptosomal free CA2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) were measured in guinea-pig brain cortex synaptosomes. Depolarization by high K+ concentrations caused a rapid transient increase in Ca2+ uptake, terminating within 60 s (rate constant = 0.060 s-1; t1/2 = 11.6 s). This resulted in a rapid increase (within 1 s) in [Ca2+1]i, which then fell to a maintained but still-elevated plateau level (t1/2 for the decline was 15 s). Peaks of [Ca2+]i showed a sigmoidal dependence on depolarization, contrasting with the simple linear dependence of plateau levels of [Ca2+]i. The K+-evoked ACh release also had two phases: a fast initial increase (t1/2 = 11.3 s), which terminated within 60 s, was followed by a slow additional increase during sustained depolarizations of up to 10 min. Depolarization by veratridine led to a slow gradual increase in Ca2+ uptake (t1/2 = 130 s) over a 10-min incubation period, whereas an elevated plateau level of [Ca2+]i was achieved within 2 min (without a rapid peak elevation). The Ca2+-dependent fraction of the veratridine-evoked ACh release correlated with the increase in [Ca2+]i rather than with Ca2+ uptake. Using two different methods of depolarization partially circumvented the time limitations imposed by a buffering Ca2+ indicator and we suggest that, in the main, ACh is released in bursts associated with [Ca2+]i transients.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent calcium uptake in rat brain synaptosomes was measured under conditions in which [Ca2+]o/[Na+]i exchange was minimized to characterize the voltage-sensitive calcium channels from rats of different ages. In solutions of CaCl2 concentrations of less than 500 microM, the initial (5-s) calcium uptake declined by approximately 20-50% in 12- and 24-month-old rats relative to 3-month-old adults. Depolarization of synaptosomes from 3-month-old rats in a calcium-free medium or in the presence of 0.5 mM CaCl2 led to an exponential decline of the calcium uptake rate after 20 s (voltage- or voltage-and-calcium-dependent inactivation) to approximately 66 and 34% of the initial value with a t1/2 of 1.6 or 0.7 s, respectively. The presence of 1 microM nifedipine resulted in a 15-25% reduction of 45Ca2+ uptake rates, which appeared to affect noninactivating calcium channels, but addition of the calcium channel agonist Bay K 8644 was without effect. In 24-month-old rats, inactivation of 45Ca2+ uptake in calcium-free media was nondetectable, and in the presence of 0.5 mM CaCl2, the rate and extent of inactivation were also much lower than in 3-month-old animals (the t1/2 was 0.9 s, and the calcium uptake rate at 20 s was 55% of its initial value). Moreover, the presence of 1 microM nifedipine was without effect on initial calcium uptake or inactivation in synaptosomes from 24-month-old rats. These results indicate that the decrease in calcium channel-mediated 45Ca2+ uptake involves an inhibition or block of both dihydropyridine-resistant and -sensitive calcium channels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Depolarization of intact synaptosomes activates calcium channels, leads to an influx of calcium, and increases the phosphorylation of several neuronal proteins. In contrast, there are two synaptosomal phosphoproteins labeled in intact synaptosomes with 32Pi, termed P96 and P139, which appear to be dephosphorylated following depolarization. Within intact synaptosomes P96 was found in the cytosol whereas P139 was present largely in membrane fractions. Depolarization-stimulated dephosphorylation was fully reversible and continued for up to five cycles of depolarization/repolarization, suggesting a physiological role for the phenomenon. The basal phosphorylation of these proteins was at least partly regulated by cyclic AMP, since dibutyryl cyclic AMP produced small but significant increases in P96 and P139 labeling, even in the presence of fluphenazine at concentrations that inhibited calcium-stimulated protein kinases. Depolarization-dependent dephosphorylation was independent of a rise in intracellular calcium, since agents such as guanidine and low concentrations of A23187, which increase intracellular calcium without activating the calcium channel, did not initiate P96 or P139 dephosphorylation. These agents did sustain increases in the phosphorylation of a number of other proteins including synapsin I and protein III. The results suggest that the phosphorylation of these two synaptosomal proteins is intimately linked to the membrane potential and that their dephosphorylation is dependent on both the mechanism of calcium entry and calcium itself, rather than simply on a rise in intracellular free calcium.  相似文献   

Abstract: The time course of Ca2+-dependent [3H]acetylcholine ([3H]ACh) release and inactivation of 45Ca2+ entry were examined in rat brain synaptosomes depolarized by 45 m M [K+]o. Under conditions where the intrasynaptosomal stores of releasable [3H]ACh were neither exhausted nor replenished in the course of stimulation, the K+-evoked release consisted of a major (40% of the releasable [3H]ACh pool), rapidly terminating phase ( t 1/2 = 17.8 s), and a subsequent, slow efflux that could be detected only during a prolonged, maintained depolarization. The time course of inactivation of K+-stimulated Ca2+ entry suggests the presence of fast-inactivating, slow-inactivating, and noninactivating, or very slowly inactivating, components. The fast-inactivating component of the K+-stimulated Ca2+ entry into synaptosomes appears to be responsible for the rapidly terminating phase of transmitter release during the first 60 s of K+ stimulus. The noninactivating Ca2+ entry may account for the slow phase of transmitter release. These results indicate that under conditions of maintained depolarization of synaptosomes by high [K+]o the time course and the amount of transmitter released may be a function of the kinetics of inactivation of the voltage-dependent Ca channels.  相似文献   

Studies on the Osmotic Disruption and Resealing of Synaptosomes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Abstract: The release of lactate dehydrogenase and K+ when synaptosomes are exposed to resuspension in media of various osmolarity has been investigated in order to measure their disruption. Even when resuspended in distilled water a significant percentage (10–20%) of lactate dehydrogenase and K+ remains unreleased. The particles containing these substances sediment to the same density as synaptosomes. Synaptosomes retaining their internal organlles after hypoosmotic treatment can be seen in electron micrographs. Resealing of disrupted synaptosomes was measured by the inclusion of [14C]sucrose. The resealing is spontaneous, essentially complete (80–90%) within 20 min and not noticeably affected by temperature, pH, or the addition of fusogen. The synaptosome preparation after hypoosmotic disruption will therefore contain some undisrupted synaptosomes with some or all of their complement of cytoplasmic constituents, as well as resealed synaptosomes. The retention of the ability of the hypoosmotically treated preparation to convert [14C]choline to [14C]acetylcholine is demonstrated as an example of the disproportionate effect these undisrupted particles have on its properties.  相似文献   

Abstract: The sequence of molecular events linking depolarisation-dependent calcium influx to the release of neurotransmitters from nerve terminals is unknown; however, calcium-stimulated protein phosphorylation may play a role. In this study the incorporation of phosphate into proteins was investigated using an intact postmitochondrial pellet isolated from rat cerebral cortex. The rate and relative incorporation of label into individual phosphoproteins depended on the prelabelling time and buffer concentrations of calcium and phosphate. After prelabelling for 45 min, depolarisation caused a >20% increase in the labelling of 10 phosphoproteins, and this initial increase was maximal with 41 mM K+ for 5 s, or 30 μ M veratridine for 15 s, in the presence of 1 mM calcium. Both agents also led to an initial dephosphorylation of four phosphoproteins. Depolarisation for 5 min led to a significant decrease in the labelling of all phosphoproteins. All of the depolarisation-stimulated changes in protein phosphorylation were calcium-dependent. The depolarisation conditions found to optimally alter the phosphorylation of synaptosomal proteins find many parallels in studies on calcium uptake and neurotransmitter release. However, the uniform responses of such a large number of phosphoproteins to the multitude of depolarisation conditions studied suggest that the changes could equally well relate to recovery events such as biosynthesis of neurotransmitters and regulation of intraterminal metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake and endogenous norepinephrine (NE) release were measured simultaneously in synaptosomes isolated from rat hypothalamus, brainstem, and cerebellum at 1, 3, 5, 15, and 30 s. In synaptosomes depolarized by 125 mM KCl, 45Ca2+ uptake and NE release exhibited fast and slow components. Rates of NE release and 45Ca2+ uptake were fastest from 0 to 1 s. NE release and 45Ca2+ uptake rates from 1 to 5 s were less than 15% of 0-1 s rates. Both resting (5 mM KCl) and depolarization-induced (125 mM KCl) NE release paralleled 45Ca2+ uptake from 1 to 30 s. Voltage-dependent NE release was approximately 1% and 2% of total synaptosomal NE content at 1- and 30-s measurement intervals, respectively, and did not differ between the three brain regions studied. Calcium and potassium dependence studies showed that NE release was stimulated by increased potassium and that depolarization-induced NE release was dependent on the presence of external calcium. These results show that calcium-dependent NE release from synaptosomes is correlated with calcium entry. Both processes exhibit fast and slow temporal components.  相似文献   

Abstract: A possible role for protein kinases in the regulation of free cytosolic Ca2+ levels in nerve endings was investigated by testing the effect of several kinase inhibitors on the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ (monitored with the Ca2+-sensitive dye fura-2) induced by depolarization with 15 or 30 mM K+. The ability of various drugs to inhibit the cytosolic Ca2+ response appeared to correlate with their reported mechanism of action in inhibiting protein kinases. W-7 and trifluoperazine, drugs reported to inhibit calmodulin-dependent events, were effective inhibitors of the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ induced by high K+ depolarization, as was sphingosine, a drug that inhibits protein kinase C by binding to the regulatory site, but which also inhibits calcium/calmodulin kinase. On the other hand, drugs that inhibit protein kinases by binding to the catalytic site, such as H-7 (1 m/W ), staurosporine (1μ M ), and K252a(1μ M ), were ineffective. Activation of protein kinase C, which is blocked by each of these drugs, does not appear to be essential to the maintenance of elevated cytosolic Ca2+ in depolarized synaptosomes. All of the drugs, including sphingosine, that functionally inhibit the depolarization-induced elevation in cytosolic Ca2+ have in common the ability to bind to calmodulin. Because the drugs that inhibit protein kinases by competing with ATP binding at the active catalytic site did not block the response in this system, we suggest that a calmodulin or a calmodulin-like binding site participates in the regulation of Ca2+ increases after depolarization.  相似文献   

K+-stimulated 45Ca2+ uptake into rat brain and guinea pig cerebral cortex synaptosomes was measured at 10 s and 90 s at K+ concentrations of 5-75 mM. Net increases in 45Ca2+ uptake were observed in rat and guinea pig brain synaptosomes. 45Ca2+ uptake under resting or depolarizing conditions was not increased by the 1,4-dihydropyridine BAY K 8644, which has been shown to activate Ca2+ channels in smooth and cardiac muscle. High-affinity [3H]nitrendipine binding in guinea pig synaptosomes (KD = 1.2 X 10(-10) M, Bmax = 0.56 pmol mg-1 protein) was competitively displaced with high affinity (IC50 2.3 X 10(-9) M) by BAY K 8644. Thus high-affinity Ca2+ channel antagonist and activator binding sites exist in synaptosome preparations, but their relationship to functional Ca2+ channels is not clear.  相似文献   

Abstract: The sequence of molecular events linking depolarisation-dependent calcium influx to calcium-stimulated protein phosphorylation is unknown. In this study the effect of the neuroleptic drug fluphenazine on depolarisation-dependent protein phosphorylation was investigated using an intact postmitochondrial pellet isolated from rat cerebral cortex. Fluphenazine, in a dose-dependent manner, completely inhibited the increases in protein phosphorylation observed previously. The concentration of fluphenazine required for 50% inhibition varied for different phosphoproteins but for synapsin I was 123 μ M. Other neuroleptics produced effects similar to fluphenazine with their order of potency being thioridazine > haloperidol > trifluoperazine > fluphenazine > chlorpromazine. Fluphenazine also increased the phosphorylation of proteins in nondepolarised controls at concentrations of 20 and 60 μ M. The inhibition of depolarisation-dependent phosphorylation was apparently not due to a loss of synaptosomal integrity or viability, a decrease in calcium uptake, a change in substrate availability, or to a change in protein phosphatase activity. The data are most consistent with an inhibition of protein kinase activity by blockade of calmodulin or phospholipid activation.  相似文献   

The dependence of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and acetylcholine (ACh) release on Ca2+ was comparatively studied in synaptosomes from mouse brain, by correlating the influx of 45Ca2+ with the release of the transmitters. It was observed that exposure of synaptosomes to a Na+-free medium notably increases Ca2+ entry, and this condition was used, in addition to K+ depolarization and the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, to stimulate the influx of Ca2+ and the release of labeled GABA and ACh. The effect of ruthenium red (RuR) on these parameters was also investigated. Of the three experimental conditions used, the absence of Na+ in the medium proved to be the most efficient in increasing Ca2+ entry. RuR inhibited by 60-70% the influx of Ca2+ stimulated by K+ depolarization but did not affect its basal influx or its influx stimulated by the absence of Na+ or by A23187. The release of ACh was stimulated by K+ depolarization, absence of Na+ in the medium, and A23187 in a strictly Ca2+-dependent manner, whereas the release of GABA was only partially dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the medium. The extent of stimulation of ACh release was related to the extent of Ca2+ entry, whereas no such correlation was observed for GABA. In the presence of Na+, RuR did not affect the release of the transmitters induced by A23187. In the absence of Na+, paradoxically RuR notably enhanced the release of both ACh and GABA induced by A23187, in a Ca2+-dependent manner.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: The detection of acetylcholine (ACh) with a chemiluminescent procedure enables one to follow continuously the release of transmitter from stimulated synaptosomes and to study the compartmentation of ACh in resting and active nerve terminals. A compartment of ACh liberated almost entirely by a single freezing and thawing could be directly measured and compared with a compartment of ACh resistant to several cycles of freezing and thawing but liberated by a detergent (60–70% of the total). It is the compartment liberated by freezing and thawing that is reduced when synaptosomes are stimulated. Up to half the total synaptosomal ACh content is readily releasable provided the calcium entry is maintained, or if a strong releasing agent such as the venom of Glycera convoluta is used. In addition, it is shown that synaptosomes contain only negligible amounts of choline, and that the proportion of the two ACh compartments is not influenced by changing extracellular calcium just before their determination.  相似文献   

The effect of membrane depolarization on cyclic AMP synthesis was studied in glia-free, low-density, monolayer cultures of chick retinal photoreceptors and neurons. In photoreceptor-enriched cultures prepared from embryonic day 6 retinas and cultured for 6 days, elevated K+ concentrations increased the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP and stimulated the conversion of [3H]adenine to [3H]cyclic AMP. The K(+)-evoked increase of cyclic AMP accumulation was blocked by omitting CaCl2 from the incubation medium, indicating a requirement for extracellular Ca2+. Stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation was also inhibited by nifedipine, methoxyverapamil, Cd2+, Co2+, and Mg2+, and was enhanced by the dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel agonist Bay K 8644. The enhancement of K(+)-evoked cyclic AMP accumulation by Bay K 8644 was antagonized by nifedipine. Thus, Ca2+ influx through dihydropyridine-sensitive channel is required for depolarization-evoked stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation in photoreceptor-enriched cultures.  相似文献   

Abstract: The development and regional distribution of deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphatase (dUTPase) in rabbit brain was studied. After partial purification of the dUTPase activity, newborn brain and liver activities fell from Vmax values of 1.0 and 6.9 nmol/mg protein/min, respectively, to adult levels of 0.1 (brain) and <0.01 (liver). The dUTPase activity was evenly distributed throughout the entire adult rabbit brain, and there was no difference in the Km of dUTPase in newborn and adult brain (0.1 μ M ). The low level of dUTPase in adult brain and the lack of activity in adult liver were not due to inhibitors or phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride-sensitive proteases. dUTPase in brain, as in other tissues, probably inhibits the misincorporation of uracil into DNA.  相似文献   

Under conditions minimizing the contribution of Na+/Ca2+ exchange to calcium entry in synaptosomes, the K+ depolarization-dependent calcium influx (JCa) is a single exponential function of time. JCa activates and slowly inactivates at membrane potentials positive to -50 mV, a result indicating the involvement of moderate voltage-activating, slowly inactivating calcium channels. Calcium channels in synaptosomes are characterized by stronger sensitivity to blockage by Cd2+ than Co2+, insensitivity to dihydropyridine calcium antagonists or the agonist Bay K 8644, and weak, partial sensitivity to the peptide toxin omega-conotoxin GVIA. These characteristics suggest that voltage-sensitive calcium channels in rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes are dissimilar from the somatic T, N, or L channel types. JCa is not affected by treatment of synaptosomes with the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin, the membrane permeant dibutyryl-cyclic AMP, or the kinase C activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate diester, results suggesting that calcium channels in synaptosomes are not directly modulated by protein kinase A- or C-mediated phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Incubation of intact Xenopus oocytes with the opioid radioligand [3H]diprenorphine (0.5 n M ) resulted in specific binding of 1.7 ± 0.3 fmol per oocyte. Morphine (10 μ M ) inhibited the uptake of 45Ca2+ into the oocyte by 66 ± 9%. The opioid antagonist naltrexone partially blocked this effect of morphine. Preincubation of oocytes with morphine (10 μ M , 2 min) partially inhibited the fast and slow responses of the oocyte to acetylcholine by 26 and 52%, respectively. We conclude that native Xenopus oocytes possess opioid receptors that may modulate the muscarinic response by limiting calcium influx into the cell.  相似文献   

Dopamine synthesis rate was measured in striatal synaptosomes. Removal of Na+ increased synthesis rate; this was blocked in Ca2+-free medium and by addition of the Ca2+/calmodulin inhibitor N-6-aminohexyl-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W7). The increase in dopamine synthesis rate caused by the addition of the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorboI-13-acetate (TPA) was blocked by the protein kinase C inhibitor polymyxin B. K+-stimulated synthesis was unchanged in Ca2+-free medium or by addition of W7; it was blocked by polymyxin B. The effect of 50 mM K+ was additive with that of 8-Br cyclic AMP and of Na+ removal; the combined effect of 50 mM K+ and TPA was no greater than that of either alone. These results suggest that stimulation of dopamine synthesis in striatal synaptosomes by 50 mM K+ is mediated by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of two drugs, AH5183 and cetiedil, demonstrated to be potent inhibitors of acetylcholine (ACh) transport by isolated synaptic vesicles on cholinergic functions in Torpedo synaptosomes. AH5183 exhibited a high specificity toward vesicular ACh transport, whereas cetiedil was shown to inhibit both high-affinity choline uptake and vesicular ACh transport. Choline acetyltransferase was not affected by either drug. High external choline concentrations permitted us to overcome cetiedil inhibition of high-affinity choline transport, and thus synthesis of [14C]ACh in treated preparations was similar to that in controls. We then tested evoked ACh release in drug-treated synaptosomes under conditions where ACh translocation into the vesicles was blocked. We observed that ACh release was impaired only in cetiedil-treated preparations; synaptosomes treated with AH5183 behaved like the controls. Thus, this comparative study on isolated nerve endings allowed us to dissociate two steps in drug action: upstream, where both AH5183 and cetiedil are efficient blockers of the vesicular ACh translocation, and downstream, where only cetiedil is able to block the ACh release process.  相似文献   

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