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Larvae of the flesh-fly, Sarcophaga bullata, were injected with the synthetic moulting hormone ecdysterone or saline at the beginning of the third and final larval instar. One group was left untreated. The ecdysterone-injected larvae showed an increase in number of secondary lysosomes in the midgut epithelial cells similar to that observed at the onset of metamorphosis, an event which would normally occur about 48 hr later in these larvae.  相似文献   

用亲和层析法纯化了棕尾别麻蝇幼虫和蛹血淋巴凝集素。以兔红细胞吸附幼虫血淋巴凝集素为抗原制备的抗体、球球蛋白和甲状腺蛋白等三种亲和层析吸附剂纯化得到的幼虫凝集素是相同的,其分子量73kD左右。用甲状腺球蛋白为亲和配基纯化的蛹血淋巴凝集素由二种亚基组成,其分子量分别为30和32kD。幼虫和蛹血淋巴凝集素活性的抑制糖明显不同:乳糖、岩藻糖和N-乙酰半乳糖胺对幼虫血淋巴凝集素活性有抑制作用;而甘露糖胺、半乳糖胺和葡萄糖胺则对蛹血淋巴集素有一定抑制。而且,用兔红细胞吸附幼虫血淋巴凝集素为抗原制备的抗血清对蛹的凝集素活性无交叉反应,表明这两种凝集素是不相同的。虽然本文所纯化的麻蝇蛹血淋巴凝集素的分子量和Komano等报道的麻蝇蛹以及幼虫体壁 伤害诱导的凝集素SPL相同,但其糖的抑制特性有明显差异。  相似文献   

七星瓢虫成熟雌虫脂肪体总RNA和poly(A)~+RNA中可转译mRNA的水平约为雄虫和不成熟雌虫的两倍,其中所含的卵黄原蛋白mRNA可在体外转译系统中指导卵黄原蛋白多肽的合成。 雌虫取食人工饲料时,其脂肪体RNA中可转译mRNA的水平很低,不能指导卵黄原蛋白多肽的合成。保幼激素类似物能诱导可转译卵黄原蛋白mRNA的出现。  相似文献   

戴文捷  陆利民 《生理学报》1996,48(6):557-563
实验用10-11周龄经阉割的雌、雄Sprague-Dawley大鼠进行。以3末端异羟基洋地黄毒甙标记的26个碱基长的寡核苷酸作为检测探针,用核酸斑点杂交技术检测大鼠下丘脑血管升压素mRNA水平。在假手术对照组,雄性大鼠下丘脑AVPmRNA水平经雌性大鼠高45%(P〈0.05),血浆渗透压高于雌性大鼠(P〈0.05)。摘除卵巢的大鼠下丘脑AVPmRNA深恶痛绝经假手术组雌性大鼠高30%(P〈0.05  相似文献   

Expressions for male and female fitnesses of partially self-fertilizing cosexual plants are derived, assuming that allocation to pollinator attraction at the time of flowering may decrease resources available for male and female primary structures. The total female fertility is assumed to be controlled by factors at two stages, flowering-time and fruiting-time, with resources for fruit maturation being limited so that maximum seed production may be limited by the availability of these resources. The fitness formulas are used to calculate ESS (evolutionarily stable strategy) allocations at flowering time to primary male and female sex functions and to attractive structures. These are compared with some data that are available for dry weights of different flower parts. The fitnesses of unisexual mutant forms are calculated, assuming that they are introduced into a population consisting mostly of the initial cosexual form and that they obey the same gain curves as that form. When compared with the fitness of the ESS cosexual form, this enables one to ask whether unisexual forms will be favored. We show that the spread of females is unlikely, unless there is high inbreeding depression and a rather high selfing rate, and that in some circumstances a linear relation between number of fertilized ovules and number of seeds matured can be less favorable for the invasion of females than is a highly concave relation. With a nearly linear relation between numbers of fertilized ovules and mature seeds, invasion by females is more likely when investment in attraction is low than when it is high. These effects are discussed in relation to the distribution of dioecy. The spread of male mutants is never likely in these models.  相似文献   

在实验室27℃水温下,研究了少食、中食和饱食三个摄食水平对0至25日龄雌雄食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)的生长发育特征和饵料利用效率的影响。26d饲养实验结束后,对试验鱼摄食和生长指标、臀鳍分化、性成熟及饵料转换效率进行分析。结果显示:到臀鳍开始分化时,饱食组雄鱼的累计摄食总能量和生长速度开始小于雌鱼,且随日龄的增加差异加大;随摄食水平的增加,0日龄仔鱼到臀鳍分化和性成熟的时间缩短。至实验结束,各摄食组的雄鱼均形成发育完善的生殖足,性腺都达到成熟状态;而雌鱼性成熟迟于雄鱼,且其性成熟更易受到摄食水平的影响,饱食组只有约50%的个体达到性成熟,少食组的卵母细胞则均处在小生长期。随着摄食水平的增加,雌雄鱼的体长、体重和干物质特定生长率均呈明显上升趋势,而干物质饵料转化效率则呈明显下降趋势;实验结束时,雌鱼的生长指标和干物质饵料转化率均大于雄鱼。以上结果表明,伴随臀鳍的分化,食蚊鱼在摄食、生长、发育、性成熟和应对食物丰度变化上表现出显著的性别差异。    相似文献   

云南松雌雄配子体的发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Fr.)雄配子体于10月在小孢子叶腹面产生二个小孢子囊,内有许多进行分裂的造孢组织细胞。第二年一月下旬至二月初小孢子母细胞进行减数分裂。在分裂期间,细胞内所贮存的淀粉粒的分布发生变化。二月初四分体小孢子形成,绒毡层细胞解体。二日中旬单核花粉粒形成,外壁扩展形成二个异极对称的气囊。三月花粉在四细胞时期散发。 雌配子体于二月上旬在珠心皮下分化出孢原细胞。二月下旬大孢子母细胞进入减数分裂期。三月初直列四分体大孢子形成,珠孔端三个退化,合点端一个功能大孢子进入有丝分裂期,形成约32个游离核的配子体。次年三月初雌配子体形成,四月初中央细胞核分裂,四月底颈卵器成熟,卵核周围产生辐射状原生质纤丝。五月初受精开始。云南松雌雄配子体的发育与亚热带分布的P.roburghii相似。  相似文献   

条石鲷雌雄鱼核型及C-带的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
染色体核型和带型分析是鱼类细胞遗传学研究的重要内容之一,不仅对认识鱼类的分类系统、进化关系及染色体演化过程具有重要意义,还可为鱼类遗传育种提供细胞遗传学依据。我国从20世纪70年代开始开展鱼类细胞遗传学方面的研究,到目前为止,有关鱼类染色体核型已有很多报道。在海水鱼类中,据不完全统计,至2006  相似文献   

翟启慧  龚和 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):257-264
在七星瓢虫(Coccinella septempunctata)中,保幼激素调控脂肪体中卵黄原蛋白基因的表达.蛋白质合成实验证明,保幼激素类似物大幅度地促进取食人工饲料的雌虫脂肪体中卵黄原蛋白的合成.保幼激素类似物的作用有高度选择性,使卵黄原蛋白占总蛋白的百分比提高12倍.取食人工饲料的雌虫中,脂肪体RNA含量及其转译活性均极低,转译产物中不存在卵黄原蛋白多肽.保幼激素类似物能显著提高脂肪体RNA的含量及其中可转译mRNA的水平.处理后的雌虫,象蚜虫饲养的成熟雌虫一样,其脂肪体RNA能在体外转译系统中指导卵黄原蛋白多肽的合成,并在变性琼脂糖凝胶电泳上显示一条高分子量的带(约5100核苷酸),初步鉴定为卵黄原蛋白mRNA.由此证明,保幼激素类似物能诱导卵黄原蛋白mRNA的出现和积累.  相似文献   

In Chamaecrista fasciculata, fruit abortion levels are high and seed mass is highly variable, necessary preconditions for differential resource allocation of the female to seed and fruit sired by different males. This study investigated the relative role of pollen donor and seed parent on the allocation of resouces to developing seed and fruit, and assessed the role of genetic relatedness in contributing to any observed paternal effect in C. fasciculata. In addition, pollen donor effects were contrasted to within-seed parent sources of variation in resource allocation due to pollination date and ovule position in the pod. Plants collected from the field were brought to a greenhouse where single-donor crosses were conducted controlling for pollen donor source and interplant distance, a measure of genetic relatedness. Seed mass, number of seed/fruit, fruit maturation time, and fruit abortion rate were measured as indicators of resource allocation to developing seed and fruit. Variation in resource allocation was largely determined by the seed parent. Pollen donor effects were limited to differences between self vs. non-self pollinations, suggesting that inbreeding depression following mating events between related individuals is the source of any variation among pollen donors on differential resource allocation to developing seed and fruit. Once the effect of inbreeding was removed, however, pollination date and ovule position played larger roles than pollen source. Since there was no detectable variation among male pollen donors in their ability to accrue resources from the female seed parent apart from inbreeding effects, it is concluded that the opportunity for postzygotic mate choice is limited in C. fasciculata.  相似文献   

罗汉果大小孢子发生与雌雄配子体发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

雌激素和孕激素对雌性小鼠甲状腺C细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨降钙素在老年女性骨质疏松症发病中的作用 ,观察了雌、孕激素对雌性小鼠甲状腺 C细胞的影响。去卵巢小鼠 (OVX)分别肌肉注射苯甲酸雌二醇 (FB)、己烯孕酮 (HPC)和苯甲酸雌二醇加乙烯孕酮 (EB+HPC)两个月。用药剂量根据小鼠口龄和体重的不同而不同。采用免疫组织化学方法显示降钙素 (CT)阳性细胞并对其进行细胞形态计量学分析。结果显示 :(1)去卵巢小鼠与正常对照组相比 ,甲状腺 C细胞数目剧增 ,给予 EB、HPC、EB+HPC治疗的各组小鼠甲状腺C细胞数目与正常对照组水平相近。 (2 )各组小鼠甲状腺 C细胞的大小无明显改变 ,平均直径间无显著性差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。雌、孕激素缺乏可引起雌性小鼠甲状腺 C细胞增生。 C细胞增生也可能是雌激素缺乏引起的骨质疏松的后果  相似文献   

毛姜花原变种花寿命对两性适合度的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物的花寿命被认为是由雌、雄适合度的增长和维持花开放的花费之间的平衡来决定的。姜花属(Hedychium)是姜科唯一一个从热带到高海拔地区分布的大属, 属内不同种类植物的花寿命差异很大。毛姜花原变种(H. villosum var. villosum)的花寿命为5 d, 显著长于其它同域分布的姜科植物。通过人工剪除毛姜花原变种的柱头来使花朵具雌性功能的时间缩短, 结果显示: 在不同的处理中, 结实率随花朵具雌性功能时间的延长而增加, 开花1 d后剪除柱头的结实率为1.85% ± 1.59%, 极显著低于对照的结实率20.96% ± 4.13%, 说明其较长的花寿命能显著地增加传粉的成功率和结实率, 长达5 d的花寿命有利于雌性适合度的提高。同时, 毛姜花原变种开花1 d后, 剩余的平均花粉数和总平均花粉数没有显著差异, 而开花后2、3和4 d后剩余的平均花粉数则极显著少于总平均花粉数, 说明随着花寿命的延长, 花粉输出量也显著增加, 其长达5 d的花寿命也有利于其雄性适合度的提高。较长的花寿命在毛姜花原变种拓展新的生境、向更高海拔地区的扩散中也许起着重要的作用。姜科植物有着极其多样性的传粉和繁育系统, 花寿命在姜科植物传粉和繁育系统的多样性形成及其进化中起着重要作用, 同时, 较长的花寿命有效地提高了雌性适合度和雄性适合度, 从而使姜科植物能脱离热带生境, 向更高海拔的地区扩散, 花寿命在姜科植物从热带地区到高海拔地区的分布过程中也起着重要作用。  相似文献   

凹叶厚朴大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
凹叶厚朴花药四囊型,腺质绒毡层有1-2层细胞,小孢子形成时胞质分裂方式为修饰性同时型,小孢子四分体排列方式为左右对称型.成熟花粉粒为二细胞型。四分体和小孢子在发生时有不规则变形。子房单心皮,心皮腹面壁上着生2个胚珠,胚珠倒生型,厚珠心,双珠被;孢原细胞一个,并且自表皮下第2层细胞处分化。胚囊发育为单孢蓼型。凹叶厚朴的胚胎学特征与木兰科其它植物的胚胎学特征基本相同,属于较原始的被子植物胚胎类型。在凹叶厚朴大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育过程中存在部分败育现象。本文初步探讨了凹叶厚朴濒危的生殖生物学原因。  相似文献   

短柄五加大,小孢子发生和雌,雄配子体发育的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
王仲礼  田国伟 《植物研究》1998,18(2):177-183
短柄五加花药5枚,每个花药四个花粉囊。小孢子母细胞减数分裂时,胞质分裂为同时型,产生正四面体形的四分体。花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层四层细胞组成,其发育类型为双子叶型。腺质绒毡层,其细胞为二核。三细胞型花粉。子房5室,每室两个胚珠,上胚珠败育,下胚珠可育。下胚珠倒生,具单珠被,厚珠心。大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成线性排列的四个大孢子,雌配子体发育属蓼型。开花当天,花粉散开,雌配子体尚未成熟,处  相似文献   

凹叶厚朴花药四囊型,腺质绒毡层有1-2层细胞,小孢子形成时胞质分裂方式为修饰性同时型.小孢子四分体排列方式为左右对称型,成熟花粉粒为二细胞型。四分体和小孢子在发生时有不规则变形。子房单心皮。心皮腹面壁上着生2个胚珠,胚珠倒生型,厚珠心,双珠被;抱原细胞一个,并且自表皮下第2层细胞处分化。胚囊发育为单孢蓼型。凹叶厚朴的胚胎学特征与木兰科其它植物的胚胎学特征基本相同,属于较原始的被子植物胚胎类型。在凹叶厚朴大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育过程中存在部分败育现象。本文初步探讨了凹叶厚朴濒危的生殖生物学原因。  相似文献   

本文观察了雄性去势大鼠注射T_4后对血浆和垂体组织LH含量的影响及垂体对不同剂量的LHRHa的反应性。结果表明血浆LH含量与去势对照组相比,7.5μg组的第3、6、9天明显低(P<0.05),2.5和5.0μg组各天则无差异(P>0.05)。各组对100ng/100克体重LHRHa的反应比对500ng的要大,T_4 7.5μg组对LHRHa最大反应出现的时间比2.5和5.0μg组的推迟60min。垂体重量和LH含量各组无差异(P>0.05)。结果提示:7.5μg T_4对雄性去势大鼠的LH分泌和对垂体的LHRHa反应均显示抑制作用。  相似文献   

In prior work we detected no significant inbreeding depression for pollen and ovule production in the highly selfing Mimulus micranthus, but both characters showed high inbreeding depression in the mixed-mating M. guttatus. The goal of this study was to determine if the genetic load for these traits in M. guttatus could be purged in a program of enforced selfing. These characters should have been under much stronger selection in our artificial breeding program than previously reported characters such as biomass and total flower production because, for example, plants unable to produce viable pollen could not contribute to future generations. Purging of genetic load was investigated at the level of both the population and the individual maternal line within two populations of M. guttatus. Mean ovule number, pollen number, and pollen viability declined significantly as plants became more inbred. The mean performance of outcross progeny generated from crosses between pairs of maternal inbred lines always exceeded that of self progeny and was fairly constant for each trait through all five generations. The consistent performance of outcross progeny and the universally negative relationships between performance and degree of inbreeding are interpreted as evidence for the weakness of selection relative to the quick fixation of deleterious alleles due to drift during the inbreeding process. The selective removal (purging) of deleterious alleles from our population would have been revealed by an increase in performance of outcross progeny or an attenuation of the effects of increasing homozygosity. The relationships between the mean of each of these traits and the expected inbreeding coefficient were linear, but one population displayed a significant negative curvilinear relationship between the log of male fertility (a function of pollen number and viability) and the inbreeding coefficient. The generally linear form of the responses to inbreeding were taken as evidence consistent with an additive model of gene action, but the negative curvilinear relationship between male fertility and the inbreeding coefficient suggested reinforcing epistasis. Within both populations there was significant genetic variation among maternal lineages for the response to inbreeding in all traits. Although all inbred lineages declined at least somewhat in performance, several maternal lines maintained levels of performance just below outcross means even after four or five generations of selfing. We suggest that selection among maternal lines will have a greater effect than selecting within lines in lowering the genetic load of populations.  相似文献   

氟化氢对植物叶片中SOD酶活力和MDA含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了浓度为0.041mg/m ̄3,0.083mg/m ̄3和0.166mg/m ̄3的HF气体分别对小麦、玉米和蚕豆三种植物熏气后,植物叶片中SOD酶活力的变化及膜脂过氧化产物MDA含量的变化,实验结果表明高深度HF(0.166mg/m ̄3)对SOD有抵制作用,较低浓度(0.083mg/m ̄3,0.041mg/m ̄3)下是先升后抑。在三种浓度下,叶片中MDA含量均随熏气时间的延长而增加。三种植物对氟化氢的敏感性不同,由大到小依次为蚕豆、小麦、玉米。  相似文献   

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