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Assay conditions for the short-term, radiochemical, in vitro determination of the spontaneous rate of juvenile biosynthesis by isolated corpora allata from Leptinotarsa decemlineata have been further improved, permitting the measurement of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by individual pairs of corpora allata. The final incubation product has been identified as juvenile hormone III with the aid of High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and juvenile hormone esterase degradation. Using the new assay conditions, the activities of adult corpora allata during maturation were found to be significantly higher in reproductive, long-day animals than in pre-diapause, short-day beetles. During diapause no activity was detectable, whereas corpora allata from post-diapause beetles were reactivated totally after 5 days. Simultaneous determination of the in vitro rates of juvenile hormone biosynthesis and corpus allatum volumes revealed no clear correlation although the results suggest that the volume may be indicative of the maximal capacity for juvenile hormone production. Corpora allata from a population of beetles did not display any synchronous diurnal rhythmicity.  相似文献   

When two-day-old female Leptinotarsa decemlineata were starved, their corpus allatum activity, as measured by the radiochemical in vitro assay, was significantly reduced after 24 hr. Such a reduction was not observed when the nerve connections between the central nervous system and the retrocerebral complex were severed and the beetles starved up to 5 days. In some experiments, the rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in vitro, was substantiated by measurement of the juvenile hormone titre in the haemolymph by physico-chemical methods. It is concluded that intact nervous connections between the central nervous system and the corpora allata are essential for restraining the juvenile hormone biosynthesis during the initial stages of starvation.Corpora allata from 1-day starved insects were considerably stimulated in vitro by farnesenic acid indicating that juvenile hormone synthesis is controlled enzymatically at a stage prior to the final two steps in the pathway. However, on day 5 of starvation, rate-limitation may occur after formation of this intermediate, since farnesenic acid stimulation was much less at this time.Corpora allata of adult females newly emerged from the soil were activated within 4 hr regardless of feeding.  相似文献   

The in vivo control of corpus allatum (CA) activity in females of Leptinotarsa decemlineata was investigated. Evidence was obtained that CA activity is adjusted by negative feedback when juvenile hormone (JH) titres are changed experimentally. Conclusions are based on determination of the rate of in vitro JH synthesis by the CA, on changes in CA volume, and on JH titres in the haemolymph. These assay methods are used alternatively in some of the experiments.After unilateral allatectomy, the remaining CA had doubled its activity 7 days later. On the other hand, the activity of CA in young adults was suppressed after the JH titre was elevated by the implantations of 2 CA taken from active females. Similarly, in beetles treated topically with exogenous JH the CA atrophied and showed a much reduced activity after 5 days. Denervation of CA in 0-day-old long-day and 7-day-old short-day females did not change CA activity when measured 1 day later.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether juvenile hormone (JH) in mosquitoes is regulated by ovarian inhibitory feedback, we implanted JH-sensitive pupal ovaries into adult mosquitoes and observed subsequent ovarian maturation. Removal or destruction of resting-stage ovaries (previously JH-stimulated) resulted in JH-stimulated development of implanted pupal ovaries. Ablation experiments demonstrated the ovary-corpus allatum sequence of maturation, and application of exogenous hormone analogs confirmed that development of implanted pupal ovaries is JH-dependent. Incidental observations indicated that ovaries of preapolytic pupae produce a hormone that causes more mature ovaries to degenerate. We concluded that corpus allatum activity in Aedes aegypti is regulated by ovarian feedback inhibition.  相似文献   

In the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus, allatectomy suppressed reproduction in adults reared under nondiapause-inducing long-day conditions, and transection of the nervi corporis allati induced reproduction in adults reared under diapause-inducing short-day conditions. These effects of allatectomy and denervation were observed both in the morphology of reproductive organs and in the electrophoresis pattern of hemolymph proteins in both sexes. These results indicate that, in diapause adults, the brain suppresses the activity of the corpus allatum to secrete juvenile hormone through nervous pathways. The removal of the corpora cardiaca–corpus allatum complex in females not only inhibited ovarian development, as allatectomy did, but also prevented mature eggs in the oviduct from being laid. Therefore, it is assumed that the corpora cardiaca release an oviposition-stimulating substance. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:347–355, 1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The activity of denervated corpora allata of a diapausing strain of Locusta migratoria is compared in vivo and in vitro. Inactive corpora allata (CA) of diapausing adult females soon become active following implantation into other diapausing females. Activation also follows incubation in vitro, although this activity decreases rapidly. Active CA of animals whose diapause has been broken by NCC2 section continue to secrete hormone when implanted into host animals (i.e., in vivo) although activity declines after 3 days. In contrast such CA show very low activity in vitro. These data confirm that in L. migratoria activity of the CA is regulated by a dual control involving inhibiting and activating factors whose origins are discussed.  相似文献   

An ever increasing biological knowledge will make us better and better equipped for manipulating biological processes and for warning us in time against possible dangers which an unguided technology can bring to man and its biotic environment' (de Wilde, 1982).  相似文献   

Using total egg production corrected for size of blood meal as an index of the activity of the corpus allatum (CA), the effects of various surgical manipulations of the neuroendocrine system have been examined. Isolation of the CA from its nervous connections increases egg production well beyond that of a normal insect, thus confirming that the CA is at least partly controlled by inhibitory nerves from the brain. Removal of the corpora cardiaca (CC) reduces the level of this increased egg production, and decapitation anterior to the CC results in a level of egg production that is greater than that found in females decapitated between the CA and CC. Implanting a CC together with a CA into a decapitated female results in a higher egg production than implanting a CA alone. These results demonstrate that an allatotropic influence is exerted by the CC. Experiments designed to examine the role of the brain were inconclusive and did not eliminate the possibility that the allatotropin from the CC originated in the brain.  相似文献   

The effect of diet on mating behavior and the subsequent effects of diet and mating status on the biosynthesis of juvenile hormone III, basal follicle length, salivary gland size and total body weight were assessed in the ring-legged earwig, Euborellia annulipes (Lucas) (Family Carcinophoridae; subfamily Carcinophorinae) during the first 15 days of adult life (the first gonadotrophic cycle of those fed presumably near-optimal diets of catfood) and again on day 25 (late vitellogenesis of the second gonadotrophic cycle of those fed catfood). Diets of catfood, honey, fructose and total starvation, respectively, imposed on 0-day adult females did not affect sexual receptivity, mating success or duration of mating as assessed on day 7. With the addition of a group of virgin, catfood fed females, we noted that only those females maintained on catfood oviposited within 25 days; enforced virginity virtually abolished oviposition. Total food deprivation of females as well as diets of honey or fructose abolished the cycles in total body weight, basal follicle length, salivary gland size and juvenile hormone production. Thus, starvation decreased the reproductive success of these insects, and carbohydrates only (fructose) or in combination with trace amounts of nutrients and protein (honey) were not sufficient to promote reproduction and associated cycles in this insect. Furthermore, virgins failed to undergo the decreases in salivary gland size that were characteristic of mated females. Among mated, catfood-fed females, the second cycle in juvenile hormone production appeared to be smaller than the first.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eggs of a local population of Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera: Acrididae) collected near Hirosaki (40.5oN) entered diapause when incubated at temperatures between 20 and 35oC. For diapause development the optimum temperature was 10oC. The lower thermal threshold for post-diapause development was 14.7oC. After chilling at 10oC for 20 days, the rate of hatching varied with incubation temperature, being 0, 61% and 81% at 20, 25 and 30oC, respectively. After chilling for 40 days or more, however, almost all eggs hatched at 20–30oC. Diapause with a reduced intensity seemed to be eliminated easily by a high temperature of 25 or 30oC.
When eggs chilled at 10oC for 20 days were kept at 20oC for 7 days or more before incubation at 25oC, almost all eggs maintained diapause. Most eggs chilled at 10oC for three 10 day periods separated by 3 days of warming at 25oC failed to terminate diapause. Daily alternations of 10oC (18 h) and 25oC (6h) decreased the diapause-terminating effect of chilling. These facts suggest that diapause intensity can be restored if eggs chilled insufficiently are exposed to a moderately high temperature. This reversible change in diapause intensity would play an important role in maintaining diapause before winter.  相似文献   

Dippu-allatostatins (ASTs) have pleiotropic effects in Locusta migratoria. Dippu-ASTs act as releasing factors for adipokinetic hormone I (AKH I) from the corpus cardiacum (CC) and also alter juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis and release from the corpus allatum (CA). Dippu-AST-like immunoreactivity is found within lateral neurosecretory cells (LNCs) of the brain and axons within the paired nervi corporis cardiaci II (NCC II) to the CC and the CA, where there are extensive processes and nerve endings over both of these neuroendocrine organs. There was co-localization of Dippu-AST-like and proctolin-like immunoreactivity within these regions. Dippu-ASTs increase the release of AKH I in a dose-dependent manner, with thresholds below 10(-11)M (Dippu-AST 7) and between 10(-13) and 10(-12)M (Dippu-AST 2). Both proctolin and Dippu-AST 2 caused an increase in the cAMP content of the glandular lobe of the CC. Dippu-AST 2 also altered the release of JH from the locust CA, but this effect depended on the concentration of peptide and the basal release rates of the CA. These physiological effects for Dippu-ASTs in Locusta have not been shown previously.  相似文献   

Summary The corpora allata of the three last larval instars were studied in newly molted animals, at the beginning, middle, and end of the feeding period, and during the molt period. They were found to consist of uniform gland cells, whose ultrastructure changes in the course of the instars.In gland cells considered to be resting, the outer and inner nuclear membranes run in parallel without forming a dilated perinuclear space. Mitochondria are small, polymorphic, with an electron-dense matrix. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) appears as stacks of parallel cisternae near the nuclear envelope and in the rest of the cytoplasm, and as accumulations of twisted profiles. Occasionally, the SER takes the form of paracrystalline bodies. There are few small smooth-surfaced vesicles in the cytoplasm.In cells considered as active, a dilated perinuclear space occurs. The peripheral ends of profiles forming the SER are swollen, and numerous vesicles and vacuoles bud off from them to fill the cytoplasm. Mitochondria are large, with a more transparent matrix. The plasma membrane of gland cells located just beneath the connective tissue sheath forms numerous small invaginations.The corpora allata consist of resting cells during the molt periods. At the beginning of each instar, few active gland cells appear. In the middle of the second to last and the third to last instars, the bulk of the gland cells is active. At the end of these instars, there are both active and inactive cells. In the middle of the last instar, the gland cells are inactive or subactive, and at its end, all gland cells are completely inactive.  相似文献   


A radiochemical method was adopted to analyze the in vitro products of the corpus allatum (CA) of Plautia stali. The radiolabel derived from 3H-methionine added to the incubation medium was incorporated and released by CA as two main radiolabelled products. They showed Rf values of about 0.3 and 0.5, respectively, in the thin layer chromatography (TLC) system used. The release of these products was shown to be CA-specific since in control incubations using the brain, midgut, aorta and flight muscle, virtually no release of these products was observed. The locations where these main products migrated on the TLC did not coincide with spots of synthetic standards of JH I-III or JHB3, a JH found in higher Diptera. An addition of precursors of JH III, farnesoic acid or farnesol stimulated the CA to biosynthesize the products with an Rf value of 0.5 up to about 10-fold, suggesting that the product in question may have a sesquiterpenoid skeleton similar to JH III. Topical applications of the hexane extracts of the medium in which the CA had been incubated exerted a juvenilizing, metamorphosis-inhibiting effect on final instar nymphs in a dose-dependent fashion. The nymphs treated with the hexane extracts at a high dose moulted to intermediates with reduced forewings and scutellum, as well as nymphs implanted with the CA from reproductively active females. Based on this juvenilizing effect found in the hexane extracts, the JH-active fraction was determined after TLC separation. This assay indicated that the products found at an Rf value of about 0.5 was JH-active. These results suggest the presence of a new JH different from any known JHs in P. stali.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the secretion of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)‐like neuropeptide in the silkworm, Bombyx mori , by using immunocytochemical techniques on the brain and retrocerebral complex of fifth instar larvae. In the brain, four pairs of median neurosecretory cell (MNC) bodies and six pairs of lateral neurosecretory cell (LNC) bodies had distinct immunoreactivities to this peptide, suggesting that this peptide is produced from two types of brain neuron. These reactivities were much stronger in the MNC than in the LNC. Labeled MNC projected their axons into the contralateral corpora allata, to which axons of labeled MNC were eventually innervated, through decussation in the median region, contralateral nerve corporis cardiaci I and nerve corpora allata I. Labeled LNC extended their axons into the ipsilateral corpora allata to be innervated through the ipsilateral nerve corporis cardiaci II and nerve corpora allata I. These results suggest that BDNF is secreted as a neurohormone from MNC and LNC of the brain into the corpora allata.  相似文献   

In the Ibaraki population (Japan) of Locusta migratoria, adult locusts produce diapause eggs under short-day (SD) conditions and non-diapause eggs under long-day (LD) conditions. The identity and titre of ecdysteroids in the ovaries and eggs from LD and SD adult females were investigated by RIA/HPLC. Maternal ecdysteroids accumulated in the developing ovaries represented about 90% polar conjugates, 5% free ecdysteroids and 5% non-hydrolyzable metabolites. Before oviposition the quantity of ecdysteroids reached 29.8±1.85 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone equiv. per mg tissue ovaries from LD females and 13.1±3.55 ng 20E equiv./mg in ovaries from SD females. The sum of RIA-positive materials in newly laid eggs was more than three times higher in non-diapause eggs than in diapause eggs. Ecdysteroids present in egg extracts comprised about 85% polar conjugates, 5% free ecdysteroids and 10% non-hydrolyzable metabolites. On the other hand, after diapause termination the amount of ecdysteroids increased drastically. Also, the composition of ecdysteroids differed from that observed during diapause and became comparable to that of non-diapause eggs. The significant differences in the ecdysteroids between non-diapause and diapause eggs may suggest the possible involvement of these compounds in the control of embryonic diapause of this locust.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Incubation conditions were established for a short-term radiochemical assay of spontaneous juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis in vitro by corpora allata from adult female Gryllus bimaculatus. The only JH synthesized was shown by HPLC to be JH III. A further incubation product, predominantly extracted from the corpora allata, was thought to be the JH III precursor, methyl farnesoate. In adult females reared at a constant temperature of 27°C the synthetic activities of the corpora allata-corpora cardiaca complexes in vitro increase from almost zero to a high peak value 4 days after the imaginal moult. Thereafter the activity decreases to varying intermediate levels, but always lower than the first maximum. Two days after the first peak in corpus allatum activity, ovarian fresh weight increases dramatically and the first oviposition occurs 2 days later.
Topical application of JH III to females reared at 20°C, which usually have a low fecundity, causes a dose-dependent stimulation of egg production and oviposition.  相似文献   

Conclusions and future research There is now quite substantial evidence that the MNSC and the LNSC produce CA regulatory substances which are transported along axons and released in the immediate vicinity of the gland cells and that this system forms the most important means of CA control from the brain. The putative allatostatins and allatotropins are most probably neuropeptides. Isolation and identification of these substances are priorities in the coming years. The neuroendocrinological aspects, such as the precise rôle of the MNSC and the LNSC in different species; whether allatotropins and allatostatins arise from a single precursor molecule, and the dynamics of release of the substances from the nerve terminals, provide highly interesting topics. Furthermore, questions concerning control mechanisms of JH-biosynthesis at the cellular and molecular level, including the role of second messengers, the rate limiting steps in the biosynthetic pathway, and the regulation of gland growth still need to be clarified.  相似文献   

1-Citronellyl-5-phenyl imidazole (1,5-CPI), 1-citronellyl-4-phenyl imidazole (1,4-CPI) and 1-citronellyl-2-phenyl imidazole (1,2-CPI) were tested as inhibitors of JH-III biosynthesis in vitro. 1,5-CPI was found to be most active followed by 1,2-CPI. The least active isomer was 1,4-CPI. Inhibition of JH biosynthesis by 1,5-CPI resulted in no significant accumulation of the epoxidation substrate methyl farnesoate, and piperonyl butoxide, a known microsomal epoxidase inhibitor, produced only a slight increase in methyl farnesoate. Topical application of fluoromevalonolactone resulted in reduced biosynthetic capability of subsequently excised corpora allata.  相似文献   

Severing the dorsal vessel (DV) behind the corpus allatum (CA), or in the anterior part of the abdomen of Rhodnius prolixus, greatly reduces egg production, an effect which is abolished by the topical application of juvenile hormone l (JH l). Severing the DV in the posterior abdomen does not result in a marked reduction of egg production, although severing the alary muscles in segments V and VI has a similar effect to severing the DV in the anterior abdomen. Reduced egg production caused by severing the DV on day 8 postemergence does not occur if the nerves connecting the CA to the brain are severed on day 1 post emergence. However, egg production is reduced if the DV is severed on day 1 post emergence and the connections between the brain and the CA severed on day 8, suggesting that inhibition of the CA caused by severance of the DV requires innervation from the brain. An isolated CA implanted into an animal decapitated immediately after feeding escapes from the inhibition imposed by severance of the DV. Conversely, the CA in an insect, the head of which has been decapitated just anterior to the CA, remains inhibited. This result suggests that the head posterior to the brain must be present to maintain inhibition. It is concluded that DV severance acts on the brain via some humoral influence to impose inhibition on the CA, and that an endocrine center in the head is required in order to maintain the inhibition.  相似文献   

Haemolymph levels of juvenile hormone esterase, 1-naphthyl acetate esterase, and juvenile hormone were measured in synchronously staged diapause and nondiapause larvae of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. Juvenile hormone esterase levels were monitored using juvenile hormone I as a substrate while juvenile hormone titres were measured with the Galleria bioassay. Haemolymph of nondiapause larvae showed two peaks of juvenile hormone hydrolytic activity: one near the end of the feeding phase and a smaller one just prior to pupal ecdysis. These peaks of enzyme activity correlated well with the low levels of haemolymph juvenile hormone. Juvenile hormone titres were high early in the stadium then showed a second peak during the prepupal stage coinciding with low esterase activity. Diapause haemolymph had peak juvenile hormone esterase activity nearly 4 times the nondiapause level, reaching a peak near the end of the feeding phase. Diapause-destined larvae retained high juvenile hormone titres even during the rise of the high esterase levels. 1-naphthyl acetate esterase levels did not correlate with the juvenile hormone esterase levels in either the diapause or nondiapause haemolymph. High levels of 1-naphthyl acetate esterase activity were associated with moulting periods.  相似文献   

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