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本文记述采自西藏短肛(虫脩)属Baculum Saussure和岔臀(虫脩)属Dixippus st(?)l各一新种.新种模式标本存于中国科学院动物研究所,北京.  相似文献   

本文记述了异科一新属,即滇属 Dianphasma gen.nov,一新种即微翅滇Dianphasma microptera sn.nov.。标本采自云南省小中甸,保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述了华枝属 Sinophasm a Günther 一新种越北华枝 Sinophasm a vietna mense 新种。描述了新种的外部形态特征, 并与近似种比较区别, 附主要特征图  相似文献   

本文记述了华枝属一新种──广华技(SinophasmalargumChenetChen),新种分布于四川、贵州、湖南、湖北和广西。模式标本存放于中国科学院动物研究所,北京。本种和垂臀华枝S.brevipenneGunther很相似,但本种雄虫的第9背板隆起,呈四方体,两侧缘向外侧扩展,下生殖板具有两个用状突。且不对称等可与之区别。  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper deals with two new species of Phasmatodea from the Xizang Aut. Reg. belonging to Phasmatidae and Heteronemiidae. Their comparisons with close species and figures of characteristics are given.  相似文献   

陈树椿  陈培昶 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):300-302
记述了华枝属Sinophasma Günther一新种越北华枝Sinophasma vietnamense新种。描述了新种的外部形态特征,并与近似种比较区别,附主要特征图。  相似文献   

报道采自广西十万大山Xiu目3新种,即龙州蔷Xiu Asceles longzhouensis Chen et He,sp.nov.,斑角阿异Xiu Aruanoidea maculata Chen et He,sp.nov。,和刺角短肛Xiu Baculum spinicornum Chen et He,sp.nov.,与近似种作了比较,并附主要特征图。  相似文献   

Specimens of the Phasmatodea, Eurycnema goliath (Gray), Podacanthus typhon Gray and Tropidoderus childrenii (Gray), were reared in the insectary and observations on longevity and fecundity were made. Facultative thelytokous parthenogenesis may exist in the last two species.  相似文献   

叶?在我国原记载2种,作者查看了采自江南7省区的标本30多件。共鉴定为8种,加上原有纪录的一未见种,我国总计9种,其中包括5新种和2种我国新纪录,本文主要记述4新种,属于丽叶?亚属的一新种已另文发表;并编制了我国产叶?的种检索表。 叶?多分布在雨量充沛地区,特别是热带岛屿,而本文中的泛叶?却采自远离海岸1200多km的贵州北部,以及藏叶?乃发现于北纬 29.2°的西藏墨脱,这对世界有关分类区系的研究,提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

The surface change of the egg of the teleost, Oryzias latipes , during fertilization was observed with a scanning electron microscope. The microvilli of the outer surface of the unfertilized egg show a slight difference in density between the animal and vegetal pole areas. In the initial step of the breakdown of cortical alveoli (CA), several small holes or gapes are formed at the apical part of the CA membrane, becoming a large aperture from which the alveolar contents are discharged. The formation of microvilli is observed on the inner surface of the exposed cavity left by the CA, starting from the periphery of the aperture and propagating throughout the whole inner surface in accompaniment with the release of the alveolar contents. After the completion of CA breakdown, the CA membrane cannot be distinguished from the original egg plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The initiation and development of the floral organs of Brassica napus L. (cv. Westar) were examined using the scanning electron microscope. After transition of the vegetative apex into an inflorescence apex, flower primordia were initiated in a helical phyllotactic pattern. The sequence of initiation of the floral organs in a flower bud was that of sepals, stamens, petals and gynoecium. Of the four sepal primordia, the abaxial was initiated first, followed by the two lateral and finally the adaxial primordium. The four long stamens were initiated simultaneously in positions alternating with the sepals. The two short stamens were initiated basipetal to and outside the long stamens, and opposite the lateral sepals. The petals arose on either side of the two short stamens and the gynoecium was produced from the remainder of the apex. During development, the sepal primordia curved sharply at the tips and tightly enclosed the other organs. Stamen primordia developed tetralobed anthers at an early stage while filament elongation occurred just prior to anthesis. A unique pattern of bulbous cells was present on the abaxial surface of the anther. Growth of petal primordia lagged relative to the other floral organs but expansion was rapid prior to anthesis. The gynoecium primordium was characterized by an invagination early in development. At maturity, there was differentiation of a papillate stigma, an elongated style and a long ovary marked externally by sutures and divided internally by a septum. Distinct patterns of cuticular thickenings were observed on the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of the petals and stamens and on the surface of the style. The patterns were less obvious on the sepals and ovary. Stomata were present on both surfaces of the mature sepals, on the style and restricted areas on the abaxial surface of the anthers and nectaries but were absent from the petals, the adaxial surface of the stamens and the ovary. No hairs were present on any of the floral organs.  相似文献   

记述中国长角枝(螩)亚科1新属及5新种:微翅股(螩) Lopaphus micropterus sp.nov.,广东玛异(螩) Marmessoidea guangdongensis sp.nov.,树椿拟管(螩)Pseudosipyloidea shuchuni gen.et sp.nov.,大明山拟管(螩) Pseudosipyloidea damingshanensis gen.et sp.nov.及刺突臀(螩) Scionecra spinosa sp.nov..新种模式标本存放于上海昆虫博物馆及香港昆虫学会.  相似文献   

记述了华枝(虫骨)属Sinophasma Gnther一新种越北华枝(虫骨)Sinophasma vietnamense新种.描述了新种的外部形态特征,并与近似种比较区别,附主要特征图.  相似文献   

对海南省短角枝(螩)属Ramulus Saussure进行分类整理,共计9种,含l新种,吊罗山短角枝(螩)Ramulus diaoluoshanse Ho,sp.nov.;及1新组合,尖峰岭短角枝(螩)Ramulus jianfenglingense(Chen et He,2008)comb.nov.,新种模式标本存放于广州中山大学生物博物馆.  相似文献   

三平正并殖吸虫成虫、童虫和后尾蚴扫描电镜的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文是在原光学镜观察的基础上,用扫描电镜对三平正并殖吸虫模式标本产地广东产的本种并殖吸虫进行形态学观察。发现幼虫及成虫期的腹吸盘体壁及成虫排泄孔体壁上均有单个或两个以上的群(簇)生棘排列。并证实在不同宿主体内(犬和猫),不同虫龄期(172和90天)的形态基本相符。讨论申提示不同地域的虫体形态有差异,可能存在地域株的问题。  相似文献   

作者观察了淡水青虾在实验室条件下幼体发育的情况。在幼体发育的全过程中,有的个体蜕皮9次,有的蜕皮11、14次。本文是描述蜕皮9次的个体的发育情况。从第一至第九期幼体以及后期幼体都附有详细的附肢图和部分整体图。幼体发育所需的时间随水温而变,在26.5±1.3℃条件下,幼体完成变态达到后期幼体需21天,在30.9±1-2℃仅需16天。    相似文献   

几种硅藻土及其中硅藻壳体的电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文用扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)观察了浙江、云南、吉林和广东等地四种硅藻土中硅藻壳体的形态构造、壳壁内部的细微结构和粘土杂质的形状。研究了上述四种硅藻土经不同浓度盐酸酸洗后或经高温焙烧后其结构的变化;X射线衍射表明.硅藻壳体经1150℃高温焙烧后,无定形二氧化硅转化为α-方石英。  相似文献   

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