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The temperature coefficient of the action of β-rays from radium upon the egg of Nereis lies between 1.1 and 1.2. This is of a magnitude characteristic of photochemical reactions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author described the larvae of Chinese Chrysomyine flies. All larval specimens of the seven species studied in this paper were reared in the laboratory. The 7 species of Chrysomyinae are as follows: Chrysomya megacephala (Fab., 1794). Fig.1. Ch. pinguis (Wlk., 1858). Ch. bezziana Vill., 1914, Fig.2. Ch. defixa (Wlk., 1857), Fig.3. Achaetandrus rufifacies (Macq., 1842). Fig. 4a.b. Ach. villeneuvii (Patton. 1922). Fig. 4b. (right 5, 8.) Ceylonomyia nigripes (Aubt., 1932). Fig. 5. The larvae of following species are described for the first time.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the larvae of 10 species of Luciliini from China. The 10 species of Luciliini are as follows: Hypopygiopais infumata (Bigot, 1877), Fig. 1. Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wied., 1830), Fig. 2. Lucilia sericata (Meig., 1826), Fig. 3. L. cuprina (Wied., 1830), Fig. 4. L. illustris (Meig., 1826), Fig. 5. L. caesar (L., 1758), Fig. 6. L. porphyrina (Walk., 1857), Fig. 7. L. ampullacea laoshanensis Quo, 1952, Fig. 8.  相似文献   

Immobilization of biologically important molecules on a myriad of nanosized materials has attracted great attention due to their small size, biocompatibility, higher surface-to-volume ratio, and lower toxicity. These properties make nanoparticles (NPs) a superior matrix over bulk material for the immobilization of enzymes and proteins. In the present study, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens α-amylase was immobilized on SnO2 nanoparticles by a simple adsorption mechanism. Nanoparticle-adsorbed enzyme retained 90% of the original enzyme activity. Thermal stability of nanosupport was investigated by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. Scanning electron microscopic studies showed that NPs have porous structure for the high-yield immobilization of α-amylase. The genotoxicity of SnO2-NPs was analyzed by pUC19 plasmid nicking and comet assay and revealed that no remarkable DNA damage occurred in lymphocytes. The pH-optima was found to be the same for both free and SnO2-NPs bound enzyme, while the temperature-optimum for NPs-adsorbed α-amylase was 5°C higher than its free counterpart. Immobilized enzyme retained more than 70% enzyme activity even after its eight repeated uses.  相似文献   

The constricted ‘waist’ of the metamorphosing larva of the polychaete Arenicola cristata is described, using light and electron microscopy. The constriction is shown to be the consequence of the discharge and collapse of a post-trochal ring of epithelial cells which remain as functional components of the post-metamorphic juvenile. Morphological differentiation of neuro-effector and interneuronal contacts is initiated at this time. Muscular and neural changes are discussed in terms of their role in effecting metamorphosis.  相似文献   

There seems to be no reasonable doubt that the lungs in a newborn expand progressively during the first few days of life. Some degree of atelectasis seems to be perfectly normal. This is indicated by a number of roentgenographic studies (including those here reported); by the reported findings of pathologists; by the fact that in experimental animals the lungs inflated very unevenly; and by the fact that aeration of only a portion of the lung is needed for complete oxygenation of the blood. The relation of atelectasis to neonatal death is not entirely clear and is probably not always the same. The infant may die from other causes before the lungs are fully expanded. Atelectasis may develop secondarily to other debilitating conditions. The frequent coincidence of prematurity and extensive atelectasis is impressive. It may be that the lungs are so incompletely formed that they cannot expand. On the other hand, atelectasis and massive collapse in the adult is a serious condition and there seems to be no good reason to suppose that this cannot also occur in infants and be serious per se.The air pressures found necessary to expand the lungs in rabbit fetuses were found to be about ten times what adult humans use in quiet respiration and were of about the same magnitude as the pressures found necessary to expand the lungs of stillborn humans. An attempt to produce atelectasis in newborn rabbits by chilling was most inconclusive. Atelectasis did develop in three of 15 animals used in the experiment, but the relation to chilling was not at all clear.  相似文献   

“Albuminuria” is an inadequate term; proteins other than albumin commonly appear in the urine.Proteinuria seems to depend upon failure of the tubules to reabsorb protein which has filtered through glomeruli. Its occurrence may be the result of abnormal plasma proteins, glomeruli or tubules. Proteinuria need not always be the result of a renal lesion, but may actually cause one.When proteinuria is discovered, it should arouse curiosity about the patient in general, not merely about his kidneys. Other clinical information is needed in order that treatment be directed appropriately.  相似文献   

We tested the prediction that, if hoverflies are Batesian mimics, this may extend to behavioral mimicry such that their numerical abundance at each hour of the day (the daily activity pattern) is related to the numbers of their hymenopteran models. After accounting for site, season, microclimatic responses, and general hoverfly abundance at three sites in northwestern England, the residual numbers of mimics were significantly correlated positively with their models nine times of 17. Sixteen of 17 relationships were positive, itself a highly significant nonrandom pattern. Several eristaline flies showed significant relationships with honeybees even though some of them mimic wasps or bumblebees, perhaps reflecting an ancestral resemblance to honeybees. There was no evidence that good and poor mimics differed in their daily activity pattern relationships with models. However, the common mimics showed significant activity pattern relationships with their models, whereas the rarer mimics did not. We conclude that many hoverflies show behavioral mimicry of their hymenopteran models.  相似文献   

Okada, T. (1967) built the Drosophila denticeps group of the subgenusHirtodrosopila Duda, including D. denticeps and D. tripartita. Recently, He (1990) as-signed this group as a synonym of the group nigricolor Lastovka et Maca of the subgenusLordiphoca Basden of Drosophila Fallen. Grimaldi (1990) revised the phylogenetic rela-tionship between the genera of Drosophilidae using cladistic analysis, removed the  相似文献   

<正> The megacerine deer (the tribe Megacerini of the subfamily Cervinae) is a rather ancient extinct group, known from the end of the Miocene, The tribe comprises 8 genera: Megaceros Owen, 1844, Sinomegaceros Dietrich, 1933, Praemegaceros Portis, 1920, Praedama Portis, 1920, Arvernoceros Heintz, 1970, Neomegaloceros Korotkevitch, 1971, Orchonoceros Vislobokova, 1979 and Praesinomegaceros Vislobokova, 1983. The Pleistocene history of megacerines is much studied regarding the evolutionary stage of these deer. Almost all students recognize the existence of two branches of megacerines in the Pleistocene of Europe: one of these connected with Megaceros giganteus (Blumenbach, 1803) and the other with Praemegaceros verticornis (Dawkins, 1872), although the estimations of the systematic range of these cervids are different (Azzaroli,  相似文献   

The 2nd Congress of the Paleobotanical Society of Palaeontological Society and the Paleobolanical symposium (1987) held from November 24th to 27th at Nanjing, Jiangsu. Present at the meeting were 86 Chinese paleobotanists and several students from research institutes, universities, colleges, natural historical museums and geological, coal- and petroleum-prospecting parties.  相似文献   

ThepresenceofacribriformplateinlivingplacentalsandthemarsupialsandabsenceinmonotremesmayimplythatmammalsarediphyleticandtheoriginofcribriformplatetookplacewithinthcMammalia.Buttheconc1usioncamefromthe1ivingmammalsonly,andhasnotbeensupportedbypalaeontologicalevidence.Itsappearanceinoneoftheoldestandthemostprimitivemammals,Sinoconodon,possiblysuggeststhatthecribriformplatemayoccurearlier,i.e.inthetimeofthetransitionfromtheadvancedmammal-likereptiles,Cynodontia,tothetruemammals,andthatthedistrib…  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,severalstudieshaveindicatedthattheconductanceofwatervaporandrespiratorygases,estimatedfrommeasurementsofdinosaureggshellandporegeometry,canprovideevidencefortheenvironmentalconditionssurroundingembryosduringincubation(Seymour,1979;Williamsetal.,1984;Mou,1992).Inparticular,ithasbeensuggestedfromsomepapersaboutdinosaureggshellsthatthelastextinctionofdinosaurswou1dberelatedtotheirreproduction(Erben,1970;Erbenetal.,1979;Zhao,1978,1990,1994;Zhao,Yeetal.,1991;Zhao,Wangetal.,1993).T…  相似文献   

Thepurposeofthispaperistoanalyzethestressofdinosaureggshellloadedbythehatch1ingswhentheyhatch,andfourtypesofdinosaureggshellsareavaila-ble(seeTablelofZhaoeta1.,l994;TablelofMaandZhao,1994).Mostofthelivingreptileshaveflexible,parchment-likeeggshellscomposedoffibresandrelativelysma1lamountsofcalciumcarbonate.Thchatchlings,eachequ-ippedwithasmalI,sharp"eggtooth",cracktheireggshel1stoemerge'However,theyoungbirdspokeatthebluntendoftheeggwiththeirbeak,thenstruggleoutfromtheireggs.Thehatchingproce…  相似文献   

A total of 3 genera and 26 species of the Chinese Oretinae are represented in this paper; among them 13 species are described as new to science. All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology. An account of the geographic distribution is given in accompanying with a distribution map. From the distribution of 23 species,of Oreta, the richest areas are ap-  相似文献   

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