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The surface area of pericardial sacs of the semiterrestrialcrab, Ocypode cordimana, is greater than that of pericardialsacs of the intertidal crabs, Ocypode macrocera and Ocypodeplatytarsis. Responses of the pericardial sacs with relationto conservation of water and molting vary with the species.In the semiterrestrial crab, Ocypode cordimana, the pericardialsacs store water during proecdysis which is used to stretchthe new cuticle after ecdysis. In contrast, the pericardialsacs of the intertidal crabs, Ocypode macrocera and Ocypodeplatytarsis, do not store water during proecdysis. But the sacsof these crabs swell for a brief period during ecdysis, apparentlyto accommodate excess fluid entering the body while the legsare being withdrawn from the old exoskeleton. Although the significanceremains unknown, deposits of uric acid are found in the pericardialsacs of Ocypode cordimana but not in the pericardial sacs ofOcypode macrocera and Ocypode platytarsis. Exposure of specimensof Ocypode cordimana to dry sand reduces the swelling of pericardialsacs, while proecdysial growth of the limbs remains unaffected.The pericardial sacs of Ocypode cordimana swell at a rapid rateif the crabs are maintained in darkness rather than in light.Implications of the present findings are discussed with relationto the habitat of the crabs.  相似文献   

Studies on relative growth and sexual maturity are important to understand the reproductive biology of a species. The aims of this study were to determine the relative growth and to estimate the size of Panopeus occidentalis at morphological sexual maturity, as well as to confirm whether this species demonstrates heterochely or handedness. Individuals were collected every two months from March 2013 to July 2014 in the intertidal estuarine zone of Cananeia, São Paulo, Brazil. The following measurements were taken: carapace width (CW), carapace length (CL), right and left cheliped propodus length (CPL), right and left cheliped propodus height (CPH), right and left cheliped propodus width (CPW), abdomen width (AW), and first pleopod length (FPL). The morphometric relationship used to estimate the size at morphological sexual maturity were CW vs. AW for females and CW vs. FPL for males; these comparisons yielded estimated CW values of 15.60 mm and 16.67 mm, respectively. Heterochely was observed but handedness was not present. The species has a major cheliped on one side, but the side is not constant. This study provides the first insights on the relative growth, sexual maturity, heterochely, and handedness on a population of P. occidentalis in a conserved area.  相似文献   

In crustaceans, successful reproductive processes, such as the transition from juvenile to adult, exhibit important morphological changes that can be detected by analyzing relative growth. This study describes the relative growth of body structures in Nematopalaemon schmitti and its secondary sexual characteristics, and also estimates the morphological sexual maturity of this species in a region influenced by upwelling. The carapace length (CL), second pleuron length (PlL), cheliped carpus length (CaL), cheliped propodus length (PrL) and the length of appendix masculina (AML) of the shrimp were measured. The relationships that best demonstrated the changes in allometric coefficient between demographic categories were AML vs. CL for males, and PlL vs. CL for females. The estimated CL for morphological sexual maturity in males was 8.51 mm and 9.30 in females. Our results showed the appendix masculine and the second pleuron were secondary sexual characteristics that play roles in reaching the morphological sexual maturity necessary for reproductive success and to assure the life cycle of this species.  相似文献   

The size at maturity was studied in the crab Aegla uruguayana from the Areco River (31°14′ S, 59°28′ W), Argentina. Size at sexual maturity was determined according to three criteria: morphometric (change in the relative growth of reproductive characters), histological (first maturation of gonads) and functional (capability to mate and carry eggs). Regarding females, morphometric maturity occurred at a carapace length (CL) of 11.50 mm, considering abdomen width as a reproductive character. Gonad maturity of females could be observed at a minimum size ranging from 15 to 17 mm CL. The smallest ovigerous female observed in the field was 15.60 mm CL, although a relevant population incidence of ovigerous females (86.6%) has just been observed at values higher than 17 mm CL. As for males, the relative growth of the left chela length changed at a value of 15.40 mm CL, while morphological changes in sexual tube occurred between CL of 14 and 16 mm. Testicular maturation occurred at a CL ranging from 17 to 19 mm. The smallest size of males having spermatozoids in their vasa deferentia was 18.70 mm CL. The results obtained indicated that, in both sexes, functional maturity occurred after morphometric maturity and at a size similar to that of gonad maturity. Comparing sexes, females acquired sexual maturity (morphometric, gonad and functional maturity) at sizes statistically smaller than those of males.  相似文献   


The main aggressive patterns of Ocypode ryderi are described: the claws can be pointed downwards in a shield‐like position against a facing opponent or out stretched against an opponent coming from behind. While the first pattern often induces an analogous reaction in the opponent and can easily be followed by a fight consisting in reciprocal claws hitting, the latter always leads to avoidance of a further attack. A waving display occurs in courtship. The main defensive patterns against predators or men consists of a zig‐zag flight towards the sea or the burrow and a “terrifying” sound emitted by striking the claws together. Running and cleaning are executed as in the majority of the Ocypode. An attempt to compare these patterns with those of other species of Ocypode has been made.  相似文献   

Information on biometric and biological parameters of Cancer bellianus Johnson, 1861 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Cancridae) off the Canary Islands is given. Crabs examined were collected during experimental fishing surveys during 1974–1998. Carapace length, carapace width, total wet weight, sex and ovigerous condition were determined. This species was caught at depths from 153 to 750 m, the deepest ever recorded. Size frequency distributions were assembled and size-weight relationships were estimated by sex. Sex-ratio as a function of size and depth was determined. The size at first maturity was calculated by analysing the relative growth between the carapace length and the left chela width: 103.5 mm CL in males, 101.2 mm CL in females. Ovigerous females, egg size and fecundity estimates are reported apparently for the first time.  相似文献   


From January 1975 to June 1976, samples of Heterozius rotundifrons A. Milne Edwards, 1867 were taken monthly from the intertidal zone at First Bay, Kaikoura Peninsula (42°25′S, 173°42′E). Small crabs (< 8 mm carapace width) were never common; they were either too cryptic to be collected in quantity, or have a different habitat from larger crabs. Ovigerous females were present in all months except February (in both 1975 and 1976), but generally formed less than 50% of the total sample of females each month. The number of newly deposited eggs (0.75×0.81 mm) carried by females increased with increase in carapace width according to the equation y = -1123.56+102.97x (r 2 = 0.8213). Egg development lasted 3–5 months, and egg mortality during this period was almost 10%. The overall sex ratio for the 18-month sampling period was 1846 ♀ : 993 ♂, which suggests that females were approximately twice as numerous as males. However, when crabs were sorted into size classes it was evident that the sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 in crabs of 6–12 mm carapace width, whereas females significantly (P<0.001) outnumbered males in the 13–21 mm size range. The right and left chela were approximately equal in length in females of all sizes, but the right chela of large males was greatly enlarged compared with the left, and with the chelae of females of comparable carapace width. Increase in the growth rate of the males’ right chela commenced at a carapace width of approximately 11.0 mm. Since the smallest ovigerous female collected also had a carapace width of 11.0 mm, it is concluded that both males and females attain sexual maturity at this size.  相似文献   

Growth in crustaceans is characterized by ontogenetic differentiation during the development of their body structures, so studies on relative growth are widely applied in this group. In this study, the growth pattern of the body structures was verified through the analysis of relative growth, and then, morphological sexual maturity of the mangrove crab Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) was estimated. The carapace width (CW), cheliped propodus length (PL), cheliped propodus height (PH), propodus width (PW), abdomen width (AW), and first pleopod length (FPL) of the crabs were measured. The relationships that best showed changes in the allometric coefficient among demographic categories were FPL vs. CW for males and AW vs. CW for females. This study verified the increased size of the cheliped in terms of length, width, and height, which occurred mainly in adult males. This increase reflects the importance of this structure in the reproductive processes of A. pisonii. For females, the increase in abdomen growth reflects their reproductive potential, since it is a structure that provides protection for eggs.  相似文献   

Some morphometric relationships were studied in the hermit crab Paguristes erythrops to describe its relative growth and the size at which sexual maturity is reached, as well as the shell influence on this process. Individuals were collected monthly from January to December/1999, by SCUBA diving and 12 different characters were measured on males and females. Sexual size dimorphism was observed in length and width of left cheliped. Size at sexual maturity was estimated between 2.8 and 3.5 mm shield length based on the left cheliped relations of the males and on the endopod and exopod of the second pleopod of the females. Differences in the allometry of individuals occupying different shell species were observed. The present work demonstrated the importance of characterizing the type of growth of some parts (pleopods) not yet used in other studies on relative growth of hermit crabs that may correspond to indicators of the size at sexual maturity.  相似文献   

The estuarine grapsid crabs Chasmagnathus granulata and Cyrtograpsus angulatus belong to the most typical and dominant inhabitants of brackish coastal lagoons in southeastern South America. In a combined laboratory and field investigation of juvenile growth, we measured the increase in body size in these species under controlled conditions as well as in field experiments (in Mar Chiquita lagoon, Argentina), seasonal changes in size frequency distribution of a natural population, and growth related changes in selected morphometric traits of male and female juveniles (relations between carapace width, carapace length, propodus height and length of the cheliped, and pleon width). At 24°C, Cy. angulatus grew faster than Ch. granulata; it reached the crab-9 instar (C9; 13 mm carapace width) after 92 days, while Ch. granulata required 107 days to reach the C8 instar (7.4 mm). At 12°C, growth ceased in both species. The pleon begins to show sexual differences in the C5 (Cy. angulatus) and C8 instar (Ch. granulata), respectively, while the chelae differentiate earlier in Ch. granulata than in Cy. angulatus (in C4 vs C6). In the field, growth was maximal in summer, and was generally faster than in laboratory cultures. However, there is great individual variability in size (about 25% even in the first crab instar) and in size increments at ecdysis, increasing throughout juvenile growth. Our data indicate that, in the field, small-scale and short-term variations in feeding conditions, temperature, and salinity account for an extremely high degree of variability in the absolute and relative rates of growth as well as in the time to sexual differentiation. Received in revised form: 20 September 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This paper reviews existing studies on the size of sexual maturityfor male Tanner or snow crab (Chionoecetes bairdi), a brachyuran,and the anomuran red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus).In this report the term sexual maturity is denned as the abilityto reproduce. A variety of indirect and direct methods thathave been used to determine maturity are reviewed. Examiningthe vas deferens for the presence of spermatophores was usefulin determining the size at which males first become mature.Breeding experiments in the laboratory demonstrated that mostmales, from both species, that produced spermatophores couldbreed with soft-shelled mates. Males of both species can breedat smaller sizes than do females. Morphometric techniques basedon reproductive tract weights and chela morphometry overestimatedthe sizes at which males mature in both species. Previous experimentsfor Tanner crab, which have internal fertilization, suggestsmall mature males can fertilize two to five females. Breedingexperiments showed recently matured red king crab do not appearto be able to fertilize more than one female per breeding season,while males nearing harvestable size can fertilize more thanone female. Breeding experiments and in situ observations of grasping pairsappear to be the most feasible methods for identifying malesize at maturity for these species. The value of morphometricestimations for determining when males mature is questionable.  相似文献   

The relative growth of a number of morphological dimensions of the South American freshwater crab Trichodactylus borellianus (Trichodactylidae) were compared and related to sexual dimorphism. Crabs were collected from ponds in the Middle Paraná River in Argentina. A regression model with segmented relationship was used to test for relative growth between these measurements where breakpoints infer the body size at which crabs reach sexual maturity. In both sexes the carapace width and the length, height, and thickness of the right and left chelae were measured, as well as the male pleopod length and the female abdomen width. All of these measurements were found to show positive allometry with the exception of the male pleopod length and the left chelae, which did not show a breakpoint. In females the breakpoint for the abdomen width inferred a morphological sexual maturity at carapace width 6.9 mm. In males the break point for the pleopod length was at carapace width 6.6 mm, with that for the chelae measurements was between carapace widths 6.4 and 6.9 mm. The relative growth pattern in Trichodactylus borellianus was found to be similar to that recorded for other species of the family Trichodactylidae.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to estimate the age, growth, mortality and population structure of silver croaker Pennahia argentata (Houttuyn, 1782) and red bigeye Priacanthus macracanthus Cuvier, 1829 and to explore the factors causing the fluctuation of the fish populations and the ecological parameters. The two species were randomly sampled, with 80~120 individuals of each species captured every month from a single trawler fishery (mesh size 250 mm), March to November 2006, in the north‐central Taiwan Strait. A total of 994 speciments of silver croaker and 851 speciments of red bigeye were collected. Compared with previous studies, the mean length and weight, mean age, the minimum size at first sexual maturity, the asymptotic length (L) and weight (W) of the two species has decreased in recent decades, indicating that the populations were younger, smaller and earlier in sexual maturity. Meanwhile, the growth coefficient (K) increased, the mortality coefficients (Z, F, M) were higher, and the exploitation rate (E) indicated overfishing. Fishing is a key driving force that can cause abundant fluctuations and changes in ecological characteristics in these two demersal fishes in this area. Accordingly, the traditional fishery management approach, such as the reduction in fishing effort, coupled with the Ecosystem‐based Fishery Management (EBFM) should be implemented to achieve sustainable demersal fisheries.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the population structure of the snapping shrimp Alpheus brasileiro. We tested the hypotheses that the sex ratio of the population differs from the expected 1:1 and that the growth pattern differs between adults and juveniles and between sexes. Reproductive period, juvenile recruitment and morphological sexual maturity were estimated. Samples were collected in two periods. The first sampling occurred bimonthly from March 2013 to January 2014. The second sampling occurred monthly from April 2015 to March 2016. The population structure was determined based on the size-frequency distribution of different demographic categories. To analyse the relative growth, we measured the second pleuron length, major cheliped propodus length, major cheliped propodus width, major cheliped propodus height, appendix interna length, appendix masculina length. The results showed that the sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 (male:female). Reproduction and juvenile recruitment were continuous throughout the study period. The analysis of relative growth confirmed the hypothesis that males and females, and juveniles and adults, have different growth patterns, indicating distinct strategies of energy allocation. The estimated carapace length at the onset of morphological sexual maturity was 4.9?mm in males and 4.7?mm in females. The results obtained in this study are probably related to the monogamous social behaviour of A. brasileiro. Monogamy can influence demographic parameters such as sex ratio and the size at which males and females reach morphological sexual maturity.  相似文献   

In this study, sexual dimorphism, reproductive cycles, litter size and offspring size of a population of the little‐known species Sceloporus palaciosi in central Mexico were analysed. Significant male‐biased sexual size dimorphism was recorded in snout–vent length (SVL), head length, head width, forearm length and tibia length. Both sexes showed asynchronous reproductive cycles, and males reached sexual maturity at a smaller SVL (33 mm) than females (37 mm). Testes volumes were small from January to February, testicular recrudescence began from March to June, and decreased in July, but increased again in August and September, followed by a second decrease from October to December. In females, vitellogenesis began from May until ovulation in December. Embryonic development extended from November to March, and a small number of females carried embryos through July. Mean litter size was 4.0 and was positively correlated with female SVL. The length of the reproductive period in S. palaciosi recorded in this study is longer than that recorded for other populations in other parts of this species range. Further studies are needed to clarify reproductive cycles in the other isolated populations of S. palaciosi, and then extended to other species and chromosome races in the Sceloporus grammicus complex.  相似文献   

The size distribution, length–weight relationship and size at the onset of sexual maturity of the orange mud crab (Scylla olivacea) from four geographically distinct locations (Taiping, Setiu, Kota Marudu and Lundu) representing Malaysian waters were analysed and estimated. Scylla olivacea was found in the size range of 47–134?mm carapace width. Males were significantly smaller in size but heavier than females. Geographical variation in carapace width and body weight were significant, but no interaction was found between sexes and locations. As shown by the length–weight relationships of S. olivacea, the males exhibited positive growth allometry whereas the females exhibited negative growth allometry. Males mature physiologically prior to attaining morphometric sexual maturity. Females, however, achieve physiological and morphometric sexual maturity in synchrony. No significant variation was found in the estimates of size at the onset of sexual maturity of males and females among different locations. We recommend the use of the third right walking leg merus length and carapace width to estimate the size at the onset of sexual maturity (morphometric maturity) for S. olivacea. Data obtained in this study serve as important baseline data for future mud crab resource management in Malaysia and were used to recommend minimum landing sizes for S. olivacea in each respective location based on the largest size at the onset of sexual maturity estimates were suggested.  相似文献   

The majority of batoids are listed as Threatened (20.4%) or Data Deficient (41%) by the IUCN Red List. A key challenge to assessing Data-Deficient species is obtaining estimates of key life-history characteristics. Here, a Bayesian approach was used to estimate derived life-history characteristics from a growth model applied to the Data-Deficient Brazilian electric ray Narcine brasiliensis. The age of 170 specimens (107 females, 63 males) was estimated from vertebral centra, and total length, disc width, total weight and birth size were used in a joint estimation of sex-specific length-weight models and two-dimensional von Bertalanffy growth models. Estimates of age at length zero, age at maturity, longevity and mortality at age were derived simultaneously. The Bayesian joint modelling approach was robust to small sample sizes by adding a likelihood to constrain L0 and sharing parameters, such as Brody growth coefficient between length measurements. The median growth parameter estimates were a shared L0 = 38.8 mm, female L = 515 mm, 𝑘 = 0.125 and male L = 387 mm, 𝑘 = 0.194. Age at maturity was estimated to be 7.40–7.49 years for females and 4.45–4.47 years for males, whereas longevity was 22.5–22.6 years for females and 14.2 years for males depending on length measurement. Age-1 natural mortality was estimated to be 0.199–0.207 for females and 0.211–0.213 for males. The derived life-history characteristics indicate N. brasiliensis is earlier maturing, but slower growing relative to other Torpediniformes. These characteristics along with the species’ endemism to southern Brazil and high by-catch rates indicate that one of the IUCN Red List threatened categories may be more appropriate for the currently Data-Deficient status. The Bayesian approach used for N. brasiliensis can prove useful for utilizing limited age-growth data in other Data-Deficient batoid species to inform necessary life characteristics for conservation and management.  相似文献   

The reproductive characteristics of Kyphosus bigibbus were examined using individuals collected between June 2004 and February 2009 off Nagasaki Peninsula in northwest Kyushu, Japan. The spawning season and size at sexual maturity of this species were characterized based on a gonad index and histological examination of the gonads. The spawning season extends from June to October. This species is assumed to be an indeterminate, multiple-batch spawner. Females reached sexual maturity at larger size than males (fork length at 50% sexual maturity: males 284 mm, females 360 mm).  相似文献   

Synopsis We determined age and size at sexual maturity in male and female winter skates, Leucoraja ocellata, from the western Gulf of Maine. Age estimated from vertebral band counts resulted in an Index of Average Percent Error (IAPE) of 5.6%, suggesting that this method represents an accurate approach to the age assessment of L. ocellata. Size at sexual maturity was assessed by evaluating three endpoints: steroid hormone concentrations, and morphological and histological criteria. Our results suggest that 50% maturity in males occurs at a total length of 730 mm and at 11 years of age. For females, our results suggest that 50% maturity occurs at a total length of 760 mm and between 11 and 12 years of age. Collectively, our study suggests that analyzing a combination of reproductive parameters offers an accurate estimation of sexual maturity in the winter skate. Moreover, our results indicate that L. ocellata is a late-maturing and long-lived species, characteristics which make it highly susceptible to over-exploitation by commercial fisheries.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is a powerful force that influences the evolution of a variety of traits associated with female mate choice and male–male competition. Although other factors have been implicated, sexual selection may be particularly important in the evolution of the genitalia. Traits under sexual selection typically have high phenotypic variance and positive allometry relative to non-sexual traits. Here, we test the hypothesis that the baculum (os penis) of the muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) is under sexual selection by examining phenotypic variance and allometry relative to non-sexual traits. Muskrats were sampled from Ontario, Canada, and a variety of traits measured. Measurements included baculum length and width, and three non-sexual traits (skull length, skull width, hind foot length). We used coefficient of variation (CV) and allometric slopes calculated using reduced major axis regression to test our hypotheses. Baculum traits had significantly higher CV’s relative to non-sexual traits. Baculum traits also showed positive allometry, whereas all non-sexual traits had negative allometric relationships. In addition, baculum width had higher CV’s and steeper allometric slopes than baculum length, indicating that, in muskrat, baculum width may be more influenced by sexual selection than baculum length. Positive allometry of the baculum is consistent with other examples of mammalian genitalia, but contrasts with negative allometry found in many insects. Other examples of positive allometry and high phenotypic variance of the baculum have suggested that females may use the baculum as an indicator of male quality. “Good genes” indicator traits may be particularly important in species that mate in an environmental context that prohibits female assessment of male quality. Muskrats mate aquatically, and thus females may be unable to properly assess males prior to copulation.  相似文献   

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