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Human pancreatic islets were isolated by collagenase treatment of pancreatic tissue obtained from 27 individuals aged 12 to 69 years. The islets were maintained free floating in tissue culture medium RPMI 1640 supplemented with calf or human serum. In two cases the insulin production was followed up to nearly two years. The insulin production rate of the individual islet preparations varied between 0.2 and 8 ng per islet per day. No significant correlation with donor age or sex was found. The glucose concentration in the medium influenced the insulin release in a dose dependent manner. The acute response of the cultured islets to glucose was evaluated both by batch incubation and by perifusion. Both in the acute and the chronic experiments maximal insulin release was found at 10 mM glucose. In conclusion, these experiments indicate that viable islets of Langerhans can be obtained from adult human pancreatic tissue and that their beta-cell function can be maintained for up to two years. The variation in insulin production rate could not be ascribed to age or sex and may reflect both physiological and methodological factors.  相似文献   

Human amniotic fluids supported growth of Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus, C. jejuni and C. coli. Campylobacters remained viable for up to 11–12 weeks in amniotic fluid.  相似文献   

Islets were isolated from the pancreas of female rats by using the collagenase technique. After culturing for 4 days, the islets were taken for measurement of insulin release biosynthesis as well as glucose utilization in subsequent short-time incubations. A low glucose concentration was insufficient to maintain a glucose-stimulated insulin release in vitro. A high glucose concentration had a protecting and restoring effect on the insulin release: ultrastructurally, such islets showed signs of an active biosynthesis in the electron micrograph. The enhancement of Mg++ in the culture medium resulted in an improvement of insulin storage in the islets, accompanied by a well-preserved action of glucose in a subsequent incubation.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous human amniotic fluid contains various cell types. Herein, we report on the possibility of simultaneously isolating three subtypes of cells from one primary culture. Using a stainless steel instrument named a colony poculum, two of the three cell subtypes could be efficiently cultured, and these were further characterized. The results indicated that these two cell subtypes had different morphologies and were characterized by different cell marker expression profiles, including the differential expression of CD105, CD117 and EBAF. Furthermore, their gene expression array data revealed their different gene expression profiles. Although both cell types expressed several embryonic stem cell-specific markers, they were non-tumorigenic in vivo. This paper not only provides new insight into the heterogeneity of human amniotic fluid, it also presents a simple yet efficient cell isolation method. These results will contribute to the thorough investigation of the properties and potential future applications of human amniotic fluid-derived cells.  相似文献   

A number of factors which may correlate with the levels of α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase in cultured amniotic fluid cells have been investigated. Fluctuations in enzyme activity occurred as passage numbers increased. Whereas α-glucosidase showed a consistently lower activity in the earlier passages compared to the later ones, the results for β-glucosidase were equivocal. Both enzymes showed an increase in activity correlated with the time taken by the cells to reach confluency in the third passage. When replicate cultures were assayed daily after subculture, neither enzyme showed any change correlated with time. When cultures were grown in parallel in Ham's F10 and Eagle's M.E.M. tissue culture media, the activity of both enzymes was unaffected. Cell strains cultured from serial samples of amniotic fluid from the same woman had differing enzyme levels unrelated to gestational age.  相似文献   

Large quantities of viable human islet tissue (beta cells) are required for transplant and for investigations of the autoimmune basis of Type I diabetes. Fetal pancreas offers a potential advantage over other possible sources of beta cells in that it retains some capacity for growth in vitro. We have cultured a total of 45 human pancreata from fetuses of gestational ages from 18 to 23 weeks. Each pancreas was obtained within minutes after delivery and usually cultured within 30 minutes. Pancreata were dispersed and cultured for up to 32 days. Maintenance and growth of the beta cells was assessed by the content of insulin in extracts of cultured tissue. As has been reported by others, fetal human beta cells survived in vitro for over 4 weeks. In three experiments in which a direct comparison was made, collagenase digestion of the fetal pancreas resulted in a significantly greater loss of insulin content compared to minced tissue cultured without digestion. Storage of three pancreata in medium overnight at 4 degrees C significantly reduced the insulin content of the pancreas compared to pancreata cultured immediately. During culture, the majority of the beta cells (based on insulin content) were found in small, macroscopic clumps attached to the surface of the culture dish, and surrounded by a nearly confluent monolayer of fibroblastoid cells. There was a marked decrease in the insulin content of the tissue during culture, most of it (to less than 25% of the original) occurring over the first 4-6 days of culture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hypothalamic tripeptide, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), has been detected in neonatal pancreatic tissue and localized by immunocytochemistry in the islets of Langerhans. To determine whether the TRH gene is expressed in islets, we have extracted RNA from cultured rat islets and probed for proTRH mRNA using a [32P]-labeled antisense RNA. Islet proTRH mRNA comigrated with the 1.6 kilobase proTRH mRNA present in the rat hypothalamus. Normalized to total RNA, islets cultured for 7 days contained at least 10 times more proTRH mRNA than day 1 whole pancreas. We conclude that pancreatic TRH is synthesized in situ in the islets of Langerhans. This is the first attempt to characterize and quantify proTRH mRNA using neoformed foetal islets. We propose that quantitative analysis of proTRH mRNA concentrations in this culture system will enable study of the direct regulation of TRH biosynthesis in the pancreas.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid (AF) contains a heterogeneous population of cells of fetal origin in which stem cells are present. These cells are characterized by the expression of mesenchymal (CD73, CD90, CD105) and neural (Nestin, β3-tubulin, NEFH) markers, and also some markers of pluripotency (Oct4, Nanog), and they are capable of differentiating into diverse derivatives in vitro. We have shown that epithelial markers (Keratin 19, Keratin 18, and p63) are expressed in AF stem cells simultaneously with mesenchymal ones. During cloning, colonies of cells with fibroblastoid and epithelioid cells are formed. The status and differentiation potential of stem cells from AF have been discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphatidate phosphohydrolase (EC activity can be found in late gestational human amniotic fluid and is thought to originate in type II alveolar cells of the fetal lungs where it plays an important role in lung surfactant synthesis. In the present study, phosphatidate phosphohydrolase activity was detected and characterized in a 105 000 X g pellet of amniotic fluid using either [32P]phosphatidate or a water-soluble analog, 1-O-hexadecyl-rac-[2-(3)H]glycerol 3-phosphate as substrate. With either substrate, enzyme activity was optimal at pH 6.0. The soluble analog was hydrolyzed with a Km value of 163 micrometer and a V of 30 nmole/min per mg of protein, and offered several advantages over phosphatidate as a substrate for assaying phosphatidate phosphohydrolase in amniotic fluid. Using the synthetic analog, phosphatidate phosphohydrolase activity was measured in the 700 X g supernatant fraction of 30 human amniocentesis samples and compared with another index of fetal lung maturity, the phosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin ratio. The results suggest that the new phosphohydrolase assay may be clinically useful in the assessment of fetal lung development.  相似文献   

Monolayer culture of pancreatic islets from the syrian hamster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Pancreatic islets of Langerhans of the Syrian hamster were maintained in culture for as long as 43 wk. Islets were prepared by collagenase/hyaluronidase digestion of minced pancreas. The islets quickly attached to the plastic culture flasks and lost their spherical form as they flattened out to form circular monolayers. Few fibroblastoid cells were observed. As outward migration continued, the islets became vacoulated with the ultimate formation of monolayer rings. Throughout the culture period the beta cells continued to synthesize and secrete insulin. Furthermore, the cells maintained a responsiveness to glucose stimulation with increased rates of hormone secretion in the presence of elevated concentrations of the sugar. These studies demonstrate the suitability of Syrian hamster islets for studies involving long-term culture. This work was supported by Grants CA26651 and AM31669 from the National Institutes of Health, DHHS: by Grant 82-10 from the Hospital for Sick Children Foundation (Toronto); and by the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation. The authors acknowledge the expert technical assistance of Anoja Giles.  相似文献   

AIMS: NADPH oxidase (NOX) is a known source of superoxide anions in phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. In this study, the presence of this enzyme in human pancreatic islets and the importance of NADPH oxidase in human β-cell function were investigated. MAIN METHODS AND KEY FINDINGS: In isolated human pancreatic islets, the expression of NADPH oxidase components was evidenced by real-time PCR (p22(PHOX), p47(PHOX) and p67(PHOX)), Western blotting (p47(PHOX) and p67(PHOX)) and immunohistochemistry (p47(PHOX), p67(PHOX) and gp91(PHOX)). Immunohistochemistry experiments showed co-localization of p47(PHOX), p67(PHOX) and gp91(PHOX) (isoform 2 of NADPH oxidase-NOX2) with insulin secreting cells. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase activity impaired glucose metabolism and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings demonstrate the presence of the main intrinsic components of NADPH oxidase comprising the NOX2 isoform in human pancreatic islets, whose activity also contributes to human β-cell function.  相似文献   

The glycosaminoglycan composition of human amniotic fluid between 12–21 weeks gestation has been studied by Dowex column chromatography coupled with enzymatic analyses of the specific glycosaminoglycan in each column fraction. The total uronic acid recovered from the columns consisted of “glycopeptides” (7%), hyaluronic acid (34%), nonsulfated chondroitin (14%), chondroitin-4-sulfate (13%), chondroitin-6-sulfate (20%), dermatan sulfate (5%), and heparan sulfate (6%). Based on these studies a simple screening procedure was devised to detect increased quantities of heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate in 5–10-ml samples of amniotic fluid and tested in the antenatal diagnosis of Hurler and Hunter's syndrome. A false negative result was recorded in a Hunter fluid obtained early gestation and a false positive result recorded in a normal fluid obtained at weeks. These data suggest that the time in gestation when amniotic fluid is sampled for chemical analysis is an important variable affecting glycosaminoglycan composition in both normal and pathological pregnancies.  相似文献   

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