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Conantiopteris schuchmanii gen. et sp. nov. The specimen, 23.2 cm long and 11.7 cm wide, shows helically arranged persistent frond bases embedded in adventitious roots, and is clothed by multicellular trichomes. A parenchymatous pith with mucilaginous cells and sclerotic nests is surrounded by an amphiphloic distyostele, parenchymatous inner cortex, and outer sclerenchymatous cortex. Sclerenchyma also surrounds the cauline vasculature and leaf traces. Medullary and cortical bundles are absent. Phloem contains both axially elongated and tangential sieve elements. Frond bases are oval in outline with three vascular bundles, including an undulating abaxial arc and an adaxial pair. Protoxylem of the stipe is endarch and is associated with cavity parenchyma. These characters are indicative of tree fern affinities. A cladistic analysis using trunk characters of both living and fossil tree ferns was conducted to help establish relationships of the new species and other fossil ferns, and to test hypotheses of general tree fern relationships. Additional analyses of living taxa only were also performed. Results from the analysis using both living and fossil taxa compare favorably with those that included only living species when either morphological characters or molecular sequences of the chloroplast gene rbcL are utilized. Although there are variations in the topologies of the various trees, results indicate that the new genus is nested among a paraphyletic assemblage of dicksoniaceous, lophosoriaceous, and metaxyaceous species that subtend a monophyletic Cyatheaceae s.s. Received 26 April 1999/ Accepted in revised form 15 July 1999  相似文献   

李腾  唐启明  韦玉梅  赵建成  李敏 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1372-1390
通过对采自广西24个县(市)的1147份青藓科植物标本的逐一鉴定及相关文献的查阅,确认有广西青藓科植物11属、44种,其中包括广西青藓科植物新记录属1属,即拟异叶藓属(Pseudokindbergia),新记录种7种,分别为匐枝青藓(Brachythecium procumbens)、阔叶尖喙藓(Oxyrrhynchi...  相似文献   

Summary  A taxonomic revision of the palm genus Sclerosperma (Arecaceae) is presented. Three species are recognised: S. mannii H. Wendl., which is relatively widespread from Liberia to the Democratic Republic of Congo; S. walkeri A. Chev., which is apparently confined to the interior of Gabon and a band along the Congo River; and S. profiziana, a new species previously considered conspecific to S. mannii that is found in southwest Ghana, Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola. The taxonomic history, morphology, distribution and conservation status of the genus and each species are discussed.  相似文献   

Casimirella Hassler (1913) is accepted and Humirianthera Huber (1914) considered a synonym. Casimirella diversifolia and C. lanata from Brazil are described as new species. Casimirella ampla (Miers) based on Leretia ampla Miers, C. crispula (Howard) based on Humirianthera crispula Howard, and C. rupestris (Ducke) based on Humirianthera rupestris Ducke are new combinations.  相似文献   

John T. Mickel 《Brittonia》2001,53(4):487-489
Elaphoglossum trichomidiatum is described from northeastern Mexico. The new species is a member of theE. petiolatum comples, which is widespread in tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. It is unique in the complex and in sectionLepidoglossa in bearing trichomidia on the abaxial blade surface.  相似文献   

TheThymus teucrioides Boiss. & Spruner aggregate is revised and the following new taxa, all from the alpine zone in the Greek mountains, are described:Th. leucospermus Hartvig from the calcareous mountains of Pindhos and Mt Parnassos in Sterea Ellas,Th. rechingeri Hartvig with the subsp.macrocalyx Hartvig from calcareous mountains in Sterea Ellas and N Peloponnissos, andTh. teucrioides subsp.alpinus Hartvig from the serpentine areas of N Pindhos. In the variableTh. teucrioides s. str. many characters have turned out to be markedly geographically correlated and many local populations can be distinguished by a particular combination of characters.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

在发表Dalbergia prazeri Prain时Prain曾认为其与托叶黄檀(D.stipulacea Roxb.)近缘,只是该种小叶背面疏被微柔毛,花萼被硬毛与托叶黄檀不同,同时又指出其荚果也与后者不同,但是并没有解释其不同点。之后Prain又将其归并入奥氏黄檀(D.oliveri Gamble ex Prain),亦未给出相应的理由。经研究D.prazeri Prain与南岭黄檀(D.assamica Benth.)为同种,而被归并入后者。Prain发表该种时引证Prazer s.n.为模式,但并没有指定主模式。涉及该种的Prazer s.n.的标本共有6份,该文将藏于印度国立标本馆加尔各答馆(CAL),条形码为CAL0000012326(CAL标本号131311)的标本指定为后选模式(lectotype),其余分别藏于加尔各答标本馆的4份及英国皇家植物园邱园标本馆(K)的1份为等后选模式(isolectotype)。  相似文献   

Kerry Barringer 《Brittonia》1991,43(4):240-252
Epidendrum subgenusEpidanthus (L. O. Williams) Barringer (Orchidaceae) is a group of small, slender-stemmed epiphytes formerly classified in the genusEpidanthus L. O. Williams. The seven species are distributed from southern Mexico to Columbia in wet forests, usually above 1000 m in elevation. Species of subgenusEpidanthus are distinguished from the rest ofEpidendrum by their linear leaves, slender stems, and two pollinia. The new speciesEpidendrum aurigineum is described and the new nameEpidendrum, insolatum is created forE. crassum (Dressler) Mora-Retana & J. García.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis and principal components analysis were used to investigate patterns of morphological variation among specimens of European species of sect.Somera of the genusHyacinthoides (Hyacinthaceae). The results are clearly consistent with the existence of four species (H. italica, H. paivae, H. reverchonii andH. mauritanica). It is proposed that the latter be considered to comprise two subspecies,H. mauritanica subsp.mauritanica andH. mauritanica subsp.vincentina (comb. nov.). A key is presented, together with distribution maps for the five taxa.  相似文献   

Cortinarius elatior var.albipes var. nov., found in the deciduous forest is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the type variety by having a white stipe and longer spores. The differences betweenCortinarius elatior var.albipes and similar taxa are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Three new taxa from Albian, Early Cretaceous assemblages in Gondwana (Australia and Antarctica) and two previously described fossils from the Late Cretaceous and Eocene of North America are attributable to the heterosporous semi-aquatic fern family Marsileaceae. They are assigned to Marsileaceaephyllum, a morphotaxon erected here for sterile remains (whole plants, and isolated leaves and leaflets) of Marsileaceae. The Gondwanan taxa, Marsileaceaephyllum lobatum and Marsileaceaephyllum spp. B-C, have either a cruciform leaflet arrangement or dichotomous and anastomosing venation characteristic of modern Marsileaceae. Two previously established taxa, Marsilea johnhallii and Marsilea sp., which represent sterile Marsileaceae, are also transferred to the new genus (now Marsileaceaephyllum johnhallii and Marsileaceaephyllum sp. A, respectively). Examination of all fossil venation patterns reveals four new venation types not present in extant taxa, suggesting that most fossil Marsileaceae (leaves) are distinct from extant genera, and are likely members of extinct lineages. This is further supported by the absence of modern megaspore types in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A key is provided for the 14Erodium species of the Egyptian flora. The important differential chracters of leaf, inflorescence, flower, and fruit are discussed and illustrated.Systematic Revision ofGeraniaceae in Egypt, I.  相似文献   

Mycena picta, a rare species of Agaricales, is reported for the first time from Japan, based on specimens collected in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Archicupressus is a new genus of the Cupressaceae based on a permineralized conifer female cone from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido. The type species,Archicupressus nihongii sp. nov., is characterized by peltate bract-scale complexes consisting of a completely fused bract and scale bearing erect seeds. Bract-scale complexes are arranged in whorls of three on the cone axis. Each complex has a bristle-like projection, the bract apex, at the top. Affinities to some genera in the Cupressaceae are discussed. Consecutive number from the previous paper (Ohsawaet al., 1992). Supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan to Makoto Nishida, No. 02640533.  相似文献   

Plasmopara penniseti is the sole member of the genus Plasmopara parasitic to Poaceae, after the genus Viennotia had been described to accommodate Plasmopara oplismeni. Morphological, ultrastructural, and molecular phylogenetic data indicate that Plasmopara penniseti is not closely related to the generic type, and it is, therefore, transferred to the newly described genus Poakatesthia. The view that the genera of downy mildews with pyriform to vesicular haustoria (Basidiophora, Benua, Bremia, Paraperonospora, Plasmopara, Plasmoverna, and Protobremia) include species parasitic to Poaceae has to be discarded. All of these genera are apparently restricted to dicotyledonous hosts.  相似文献   

Five new species of the Boletaceae (Agaricales) from Japan are described and illustrated: (1) Boletus bannaensis sp. nov. (section Luridi), forming a grayish-brown pileus and rufescent flesh, found in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests; (2) Leccinum rhodoporosum sp. nov., forming discolorous red pores, a whitish stipe covered overall with violet-brown to blackish-brown furfuraceous scales and fusoid-cylindrical brown basidiospores, found in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests or warm-temperate Quercus-Pinus forests; (3) Pulveroboletus brunneoscabrosus sp. nov., forming a lemon-yellow pulverulent basidiomata covered overall with orange to brownish-orange appressed scales, found in subtropical to warm temperate evergreen broad-leaved forests; (4) Rubinoboletus monstrosus sp. nov., forming a brownish-orange to yellowish-brown pileus and a very short, nonreticulate, hollow stipe, found in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests; and (5) Tylopilus fuligineoviolaceus sp. nov., having a deep violet to blackish-brown pileus and brunnescent hymenophore, found in warm temperate Quercus-Castanopsis forests.  相似文献   

Regeneration dynamics of beech forests in Japan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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