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衰老和长寿基因方面的研究多以线虫 (如C .elegans)、酵母、果蝇、小鼠为模型 ,目前已鉴定了数十种衰老相关基因 ,改变某些基因的活性会延长寿命或促进衰老。最早引起人们兴趣的“老年基因”是DAF 16 ,但其机制至今未明。daf 16编码转录因子DAF 16 ,后者是一种调节其它基因活性的蛋白。DAF 16是C .elegans寿命的重要调节因子 ,它的作用可被某种激素信号途径 (例如由类似于哺乳类胰岛素和胰岛素样生长因子的蛋白激活的信号途径 )所阻断 ,减弱这一信号途径的活动能使成年C .elegans的寿命明显延长 ,对果蝇和小鼠也如此。因此要想完全阐明…  相似文献   

肖航  冯平  周岐海 《生物信息学》2019,17(4):195-206
长寿是一个复杂的特征,因遗传、环境等因素的差异而不同,理想情况下主要取决于衰老速率。相关分子机制多种多样,主要有生长激素(GH)和胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF-1)途径、Forkhead box O3基因(FOXO3)、AMP活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)、sirtuins家族基因、载脂蛋白E基因(APOE)、端粒酶基因、mTOR信号通路、抑癌基因p53、慢性炎症转录因子NF-κB、自噬-溶酶体信号通路、长链非编码RNA(lncRNAs)、蛋氨酸亚砜还原酶系统(Msr)。同时,环境因素也影响着人类的寿命,例如饮食限制、运动、地理条件、环境压力等。本文从遗传和环境两方面综述影响人类寿命因素的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母衰老机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张爱利 《生命科学》2009,(2):303-306
酿酒酵母衰老机制的研究对解析高等真核生物衰老的分子机制具有重要意义。酿酒酵母有两种衰老形式:时序衰老(chronologicalaging)和复制衰老(replicative aging)。酿酒酵母衰老研究中通常使用的寿命定义有两种:世代寿命和时序寿命。前者是指单个酿酒酵母细胞在死亡之前的分裂次数;后者是指一定数量的酵母细胞在后二次生长和稳定期的存活时间。本文分别综述了这两种衰老形式的分子机制及两者的相同点和不同点。  相似文献   

植物叶片衰老的分子机制   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
文章就叶片衰老过程中基因表达调控机制的研究进展作了介绍  相似文献   

“突变”的概念可以三种方式参与机体衰老研讨:①在衰老过程中突变发生于体细胞的假说;②预测连续世代的生殖细胞系中突变累积的衰老演化说;③通过突变、转化或选择来鉴定在调控动物寿命中起主要作用的基因。在本条目中,“衰老”一词被定义为一种发生于机体内的导致脆弱性升高和活力下降的退化过程。在此种意义上,衰老与变老(senescence)是同义的,因为我们关注的是该过程的退行性方面。根据对衰老演化的研讨,迫使人们思考年龄特异性生存率与年龄特异性生殖率双重下降的问题。在这种情况下,衰老是一种由于体内生理退化所致的年龄特…  相似文献   

衰老机制研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
回顾了衰老机制研究发展的主要理论,包括:基因控制理论中的程序性衰老理论;基因组的不稳定性与衰老相关基因的表达;蛋白质与衰老关系中的错误灾变理论;蛋白质在衰老过程中的变化;多基因控制的进化理论;衰老的神经内分泌理论;衰老的免疫理论;生活速率理论;生殖与老化;氧化应激假设。介绍了利用SAM小鼠为动物模型进行衰老机制研究的进展。  相似文献   

吴蠡荪 《蛇志》2003,15(3):1-9
衰老的原因和机制至今未明 ,目前存在两大类学说 ,一类学说认为衰老是机体生活过程中发生的不可逆损伤积累的结果 ;另一类学说认为衰老是由遗传确定的一个有程序的过程 [1] 。由此可见 ,衰老是一个十分复杂的生物学过程 ,它不可能取决于某一系统 ,某一因素的作用。1 启契  衰老的微循环学说尚未见报道。作者根据 2 0余年微循环的学习和研究 ,观察人体生、长、老、病、死的微循环变化 ,人生各个时期微循环的变化及其各自的特点 ,阅读和借鉴有关文献 ,明确微循环障碍与衰老存在着因果关系 ,微循环障碍可以是衰老的原因之一 ,亦可以是衰老的…  相似文献   

血管老化是一个古老而又年轻的课题.本文综述了血管衰老的主要结构特征、功能改变及其机制的新近研究进展,重点就血管基质变化、内皮细胞衰老/功能失调、内皮祖细胞衰竭以及细胞间通讯等方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

李兵 《生命世界》2007,(1):68-69
尽管人类不可避免地会死亡,但是未来人类的衰老过程却有办法变慢,寿命也会明显延长。科学家们对人类衰老的生物、化学过程提出了新的解释,为延年益寿药物的问世敞开了大门。虽然他们的研究方法不是完全相同,但有一个共同的认识:人类的寿命并不是固定不变的。  相似文献   

DNA 与衰老   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
衰老是生物体各种功能的普遍衰弱,以及抵抗环境伤害和恢复生理稳态的降低过程。衰老、衰老的原因、衰老的机理及衰老与疾病、衰老与死亡的关系,一直是生物及医学领域的科学家们积极探讨的问题。衰老这一极其复杂的生物学过程,涉及物理、化学、生物、医学诸领域。现已发展的近300种衰老学说分别从整体、器官、细胞、分子水平对生物衰老的机制进行了阐述。本文将从分子的角度阐述生物信息分子-DNA及其相关物质与生物衰老的关系。  相似文献   

长寿和衰老基因及相关基因研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张建刚  贺林 《生命科学》1999,11(2):84-86
简要介绍了长寿和衰老基因及相关基因在酵母、线虫、果蝇和哺乳动物中的最新遗传学研究进展;概述了“生物钟”、端粒和端粒酶在人类长寿和衰老进程中的重要作用。相信随着人类遗传学和分子生物学研究的深入,将有更多的长寿和衰老基因及相关基因被发现,为揭示衰老机制和延年益寿提供依据。  相似文献   

The search for longevity‐determining genes in human has largely neglected the operation of genetic interactions. We have identified a novel combination of common variants of three genes that has a marked association with human lifespan and healthy aging. Subjects were recruited and stratified according to their genetically inferred ethnic affiliation to account for population structure. Haplotype analysis was performed in three candidate genes, and the haplotype combinations were tested for association with exceptional longevity. An HRAS1 haplotype enhanced the effect of an APOE haplotype on exceptional survival, and a LASS1 haplotype further augmented its magnitude. These results were replicated in a second population. A profile of healthy aging was developed using a deficit accumulation index, which showed that this combination of gene variants is associated with healthy aging. The variation in LASS1 is functional, causing enhanced expression of the gene, and it contributes to healthy aging and greater survival in the tenth decade of life. Thus, rare gene variants need not be invoked to explain complex traits such as aging; instead rare congruence of common gene variants readily fulfills this role. The interaction between the three genes described here suggests new models for cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying exceptional survival and healthy aging that involve lipotoxicity.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories of aging predict the existence of certain genes that provide selective advantage early in life with adverse effect on lifespan later in life (antagonistic pleiotropy theory) or longevity insurance genes (disposable soma theory). Indeed, the study of human and animal genetics is gradually identifying new genes that increase lifespan when overexpressed or mutated: gerontogenes. Furthermore, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms are being identified that have a positive effect on longevity. The gerontogenes are classified as lifespan regulators, mediators, effectors, housekeeping genes, genes involved in mitochondrial function, and genes regulating cellular senescence and apoptosis. In this review we demonstrate that the majority of the genes as well as genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that are involved in regulation of longevity are highly interconnected and related to stress response.  相似文献   

Four theories of aging are discussed to examine how effectively they might explain the aging process in rotifers. One of the early theories, the rate of living theory of aging can perhaps be discounted. Although the theory predicts that increased biological energy expenditure, in the form of increased activity or reproduction, would lead to a shorter lifespan, these predictions are not born out by experimental evidence. At the whole animal level, a case can be made for a theory of programmed aging, where the end of reproduction signals the end of the lifespan. Support for this view comes from the observation that lifespan is positively correlated with reproductive parameters, that treatments that extend lifespan usually act to extend the reproductive period, and that the end of reproduction is associated with high mortality and senescent biochemical changes. Two molecular theories of aging are also discussed; the free radical theory of aging and the calcium theory of aging. These theories point to the fact that molecular damage accumulates and that calcium influx increases in the course of aging. When free radical buildup or calcium homeostasis is reduced, lifespan is extended. A molecular explanation of aging does not necessarily exclude the idea of programmed aging. It is probable that an eventual understanding of the aging process will rest on both a physiological and molecular basis.  相似文献   

The sirtuin proteins constitute class III histone deacetylases (HDACs). These evolutionarily conserved NAD+-dependent enzymes form an important component in a variety of cellular and biological processes with highly divergent as well as convergent roles in maintaining metabolic homeostasis, safeguarding genomic integrity, regulating cancer metabolism and also inflammatory responses. Amongst the seven known mammalian sirtuin proteins, SIRT1 has gained much attention due to its widely acknowledged roles in promoting longevity and ameliorating age-associated pathologies. The contributions of other sirtuins in the field of aging are also gradually emerging. Here, we summarize some of the recent discoveries in sirtuins biology which clearly implicate the functions of sirtuin proteins in the regulation of premature cellular senescence and accelerated aging. The roles of sirtuins in various cellular processes have been extrapolated to draw inter-linkage with anti-aging mechanisms. Also, the latest findings on sirtuins which might have potential effects in the process of aging have been reviewed.  相似文献   

As the human lifespan has increased dramatically in recent decades, the amount of aging research has correspondingly increased. To investigate mechanisms of aging, an efficient model system is required. Although mammalian animal models are essential for aging studies, they are sometimes inappropriate due to their long lifespans and high maintenance costs. In this regard, insects can be effective alternative model systems for aging studies, as insects have a relatively short lifespan and cost less to maintain. Many species of insects have been used as model systems for aging studies, especially fruit flies, silkworm moths and several social insects. Fruit flies are most commonly used for aging studies due to the wide availability of abundant resources such as mutant stocks, databases and genetic tools. Silkworm moths are also good tools for studying aging at the tissue level due to their relatively large size. Last, social insects such as ants and bees are good for investigating lifespan determinants, as their lifespans significantly differ according to caste despite a constant genotype among the population. In this review, we discuss the current status and future prospects of aging research using insect model systems.  相似文献   

Pairing two animals in parabiosis to test for systemic or circulatory factors from one animal affecting the other animal has been used in scientific studies for at least 150 years. These studies have led to advances in fields as diverse as endocrinology, immunology, and oncology. A variation on the technique, heterochronic parabiosis, whereby two animals of different ages are joined to test for systemic regulators of aspects of aging or age‐related diseases also has almost a century‐long scientific history. In this review, we focus on the history of heterochronic parabiosis, methodological considerations and caveats, and the major advances that have emerged from those studies, including recent advances in our understanding of stem cell aging.  相似文献   

Free radicals in aging   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Aging is the progressive accumulation of changes with time that are responsible for the ever-increasing likelihood of disease and death. These irreversible changes are attributed to the aging process. This process is now the major cause of death in the developed countries. This fact is obscured by the protean nature of the contributions of this process to the events which terminate life.The aging process may be due to free radical reations. This theory is supported by: 1) studies on the origin and evolution of life; 2) the numerous studies of the effect of ionizing radiation on living systems; 3) life span experiments in which the diet was modified so as to alter endogenous free radical reaction levels; 4) the plausible explanations it provides for aging phenomena; and 5) the growing number of studies which implicate free radical reactions in the pathogenesis of specific diseases.The relationship between aging and diseases involving free radical reactions seems to be a direct one. Modulation of the normal distribution of deleterious free radical reaction-induced changes throughout the body by genetic and environmental differences between individuals results in patterns of change, in some sufficiently different from the normal aging pattern to be recognized as disease. The growing number of free radical diseases includes the two major causes of death, cancer and atherosclerosis.It is reasonable to expect on the basis of present data that a judicious selection of diets and antioxidant supplements will increase the healthy, active life span by 5–10 or more years.  相似文献   

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