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Artificial membranes may be resistant or susceptible to catalytic attack by secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) depending on the physical properties of the membrane. Living cells are normally resistant but become susceptible during trauma, apoptosis, and/or a significant elevation of intracellular calcium. Intact erythrocytes and ghosts were studied to determine whether the principles learned from artificial systems apply to biological membranes. Membrane properties such as phospholipid and/or protein composition, morphology, and microscopic characteristics (e.g. fluidity) were manipulated by preparing ghosts under different experimental conditions such as in the presence or absence of divalent cations with or without ATP. The properties of each membrane preparation were assessed by biochemical and physical means (fluorescence spectroscopy and electron and two-photon microscopy using the membrane probes bis-pyrene and laurdan) and compared with sPLA(2) activity. The properties that appeared most relevant were the degree of phosphatidylserine exposure on the outer face of the membrane and changes to the membrane physical state detected by bis-pyrene and laurdan. Specifically, vulnerability to hydrolysis by sPLA(2) was associated with an increase in bilayer order apparently reflective of expansion of membrane regions of diminished fluidity. These results argue that the general principles identified from studies with artificial membranes apply to biological systems.  相似文献   

Although cell membranes normally resist the hydrolytic action of secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)), they become susceptible during apoptosis or after cellular trauma. Experimentally, susceptibility to the enzyme can be induced by loading cells with calcium. In human erythrocytes, the ability of the calcium ionophore to cause susceptibility depends on temperature, occurring best above approximately 35 degrees C. Considerable evidence from experiments with artificial bilayers suggests that hydrolysis of membrane lipids requires two steps. First, the enzyme adsorbs to the membrane surface, and second, a phospholipid diffuses from the membrane into the active site of the adsorbed enzyme. Analysis of kinetic experiments suggested that this mechanism can explain the action of sPLA(2) on erythrocyte membranes and that temperature and calcium loading promote the second step. This conclusion was further supported by binding experiments and assessment of membrane lipid packing. The adsorption of fluorescent-labeled sPLA(2) was insensitive to either temperature or ionophore treatment. In contrast, the fluorescence of merocyanine 540, a probe sensitive to lipid packing, was affected by both. Lipid packing decreased modestly as temperature was raised from 20 to 60 degrees C. Calcium loading enhanced packing at temperatures in the low end of this range, but greatly reduced packing at higher temperatures. This result was corroborated by measurements of the rate of extraction of a fluorescent phosphatidylcholine analog from erythrocyte membranes. Furthermore, drugs known to inhibit susceptibility in erythrocytes also prevented the increase in phospholipid extraction rate. These results argue that the two-step model applies to biological as well as artificial membranes and that a limiting step in the hydrolysis of erythrocyte membranes is the ability of phospholipids to migrate into the active site of adsorbed enzyme.  相似文献   

During apoptosis, changes occur in lymphocyte membranes that render them susceptible to hydrolysis by secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)). To study the relevant mechanisms, a simplified model of apoptosis using a calcium ionophore was applied. Kinetic and flow cytometry experiments provided key observations regarding ionophore treatment: the initial rate of hydrolysis was elevated at all enzyme concentrations, the total amount of reaction product was increased fourfold, and adsorption of the enzyme to the membrane surface was unaltered. Analysis of these results suggested that susceptibility during calcium-induced apoptosis is limited by availability of substrate rather than adsorption of enzyme. Fluorescence experiments identified three membrane alterations during apoptosis that might affect substrate access to the sPLA(2) active site. First, intercalation of merocyanine 540 into the membrane was improved, suggesting an increase in lipid spacing. Second, laurdan detected increased solvation of the lower headgroup region of the membrane. Third, the rate at which fluorescent lipids could be removed from the membrane by albumin was enhanced, implying greater vertical mobility of phospholipids. Thus, it is proposed that the membranes of apoptotic cells become susceptible to sPLA(2) through a reduction in lipid-neighbor interactions that facilitates migration of phospholipids into the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

The ability of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) to hydrolyze cell membranes is highly dependent on the physical properties of the membrane. The effects of cholesterol on these properties have been characterized in artificial bilayers and found to alter sPLA2 activity significantly. It is hypothesized that the natural difference in cholesterol content between erythrocytes and leukocytes is in part responsible for their differing susceptibility to hydrolysis by sPLA2. To test this hypothesis, defined amounts of cholesterol were removed from erythrocyte membranes using methyl-β-cyclodextrin. Treatment of cells with methyl-β-cyclodextrin increased the hydrolysis rate and total substrate hydrolyzed by sPLA2. In general, this effect of cholesterol removal was more pronounced at higher temperatures. Comparison of the level of membrane order (assessed with the fluorescent probe laurdan) with hydrolysis rate revealed that sPLA2 activity was greatly enhanced upon significant reductions in lipid order. Additional treatment of the cells with calcium ionophore further enhanced the hydrolysis rate and altered the relationship with membrane order. These data demonstrated that interactions with sPLA2 observed in artificial bilayers apply to biological membranes. It is also proposed that the high level of cholesterol in erythrocyte membranes is a protective mechanism to guard against hydrolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The immunochemical relationship between rat pancreatic phospholipase A2 and rat splenic phospholipase A2 was examined with the use of anti-rat pancreatic phospholipase A2 antibody as a probe. The immunoelectrophoretic patterns showed that the antibody cross-reacted with the splenic enzyme. The immuno-crossreactivity was also shown by counter immunoelectrophoresis. The splenic phospholipase A2, whether it was purified from the cytosolic fraction or the microsomal fraction, formed an immunoprecipitin band with the anti-pancreatic phospholipase A2 antibody. The antibody was shown to inhibit the activity of the pancreatic phospholipase A2 as well as that of the splenic phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

During apoptosis, a number of physical changes occur in the cell membrane including a gradual increase in permeability to vital stains such as propidium iodide. This study explored the possibility that one consequence of membrane changes concurrent with early modest permeability is vulnerability to degradation by secretory phospholipase A(2). The activity of this hydrolytic enzyme toward mammalian cells depends on the health of the cell; healthy cells are resistant, but they become susceptible early during programmed death. Populations of S49 lymphoma cells during programmed death were classified by flow cytometry based on permeability to propidium iodide and susceptibility to secretory phospholipase A(2). The apoptotic inducers thapsigargin and dexamethasone caused modest permeability to propidium iodide and increased staining by merocyanine 540, a dye sensitive to membrane perturbations. Various secretory phospholipase A(2) isozymes (human groups IIa, V, X, and snake venom) preferentially hydrolyzed the membranes of cells that displayed enhanced permeability. In contrast, cells exposed briefly to a calcium ionophore showed the increase in cell staining intensity by merocyanine 540 without accompanying uptake of propidium iodide. Under that condition, only the snake venom and human group X enzymes hydrolyzed cells that were dying. These results suggested that cells showing modest permeability to propidium iodide during the early phase of apoptosis are substrates for secretory phospholipase A(2) and that specificity among isoforms of the enzyme depends on the degree to which the membrane has been perturbed during the death process. This susceptibility to hydrolysis may be important as part of the signal to attract macrophages toward apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of intracellular calcium in erythrocytes increase membrane order and susceptibility to secretory phospholipase A2. We hypothesize that calcium aids the formation of domains of ordered lipids within erythrocyte membranes by interacting directly with the inner leaflet of the cell membrane. The interface of these domains with regions of more fluid lipids may create an environment with weakened neighbor-neighbor interactions that would facilitate phospholipid migration into the active site of bound secretory phospholipase A2. This hypothesis was investigated by determining the effects of seven other divalent ions on erythrocyte membrane properties. Changes in membrane order were assessed with steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy and two-photon microscopy with an environment-sensitive probe, laurdan. Each ion increased apparent membrane order in model membranes and in erythrocytes when introduced with an ionophore, suggesting that direct binding to the inner face of the membrane accounts for the effects of calcium on membrane fluidity. Furthermore, the degree to which ions affected membrane properties correlated with the ionic radius and electronegativity of the ions. Lastly, erythrocytes became more susceptible to enzyme hydrolysis in the presence of elevated intracellular levels of nickel and manganese, but not magnesium. These differences appeared related to the ability of the ions to induce a transition in erythrocyte shape.  相似文献   

Pande AH  Qin S  Nemec KN  He X  Tatulian SA 《Biochemistry》2006,45(41):12436-12447
Despite increasing evidence that the membrane-binding mode of interfacial enzymes including the depth of membrane insertion is crucial for their function, the membrane insertion of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) enzymes has not been studied systematically. Here, we analyze the membrane insertion of human group IB PLA(2) (hIBPLA(2)) and compare it with that of a structurally homologous V3W mutant of human group IIA PLA(2) (V3W-hIIAPLA(2)) and with a structurally divergent group III bee venom PLA(2) (bvPLA(2)). Increasing the anionic charge of membranes results in a blue shift of the fluorescence of Trp(3) of hIBPLA(2), a decrease in quenching by acrylamide, and an increase in enzyme activity, reflecting an enhancement in the membrane binding of PLA(2). Fluorescence quenching by brominated lipids indicates significant penetration of Trp(3) into fluid POPC/POPG membranes but little insertion into the solid DPPC/DPPG membranes. Increased membrane fluidity also supports hIBPLA(2) activity, suggesting that membrane insertion of hIBPLA(2) is controlled by membrane fluidity and is necessary for the full activity of the enzyme. Trp fluorescence quenching of the V3W-hIIAPLA(2) and bvPLA(2) by water- and membrane-soluble quenchers indicates substantial membrane insertion of Trp(3) of V3W-hIIAPLA(2), similar to that found for hIBPLA(2), and no insertion of tryptophans of bvPLA(2). Our results provide evidence that (a) structurally similar group IB and IIA PLA(2)s, but not structurally diverse group III PLA(2), significantly penetrate into membranes; (b) membrane insertion is controlled by membrane fluidity and facilitates activation of IB and IIA PLA(2)s; and (c) structurally distinct PLA(2) isoforms may employ different tactics of substrate accession/product release during lipid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Modulation of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) activity by sphingomyelin (SPH), ceramide (Cer), and cholesterol (Chol) was investigated in CHO-2B cells activated by the calcium ionophore A23187 and epinephrine. Chol depletion of CHO-2B cells by treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (5 mm) resulted in the inhibition of the release of arachidonic acid whereas the restoration of the level by Chol-loaded cyclodextrin relieved inhibition. Conversion of CHO-2B cellular SPH to Cer by Staphylococcus aureus sphingomyelinase enhanced endogenous cPLA(2) activation as well as uptake by cells of C2- and C6-ceramide analogs. These results were confirmed in vitro with purified human recombinant cPLA(2) acting on a model phospholipid substrate. The enzyme activity was inhibited by SPH but reactivated by Cer as well as by Chol added to glycerophospholipid liposomal substrates containing SPH. The results of this study, which combine in situ and in vivo experimental approaches, indicate that membrane microdomains enriched in SPH and Chol play a role in the modulation of the activity of cPLA2 and in arachidonic acid-derived mediator production.  相似文献   

Exposure of human erythrocytes to the calcium ionophore ionomycin rendered them susceptible to the action of secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)). Analysis of erythrocyte phospholipid metabolism by thin-layer chromatography revealed significant hydrolysis of both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine during incubation with ionomycin and sPLA(2). Several possible mechanisms for the effect of ionomycin were considered. Involvement of intracellular phospholipases A(2) was excluded since inhibitors of these enzymes had no effect. Assessment of membrane oxidation by cis-parinaric acid fluorescence and comparison to the oxidants diamide and phenylhydrazine revealed that oxidation does not participate in the effect of ionomycin. Incubation with ionomycin caused classical physical changes to the erythrocyte membrane such as morphological alterations (spherocytosis), translocation of aminophospholipids to the outer leaflet of the membrane, and release of microvesicles. Experiments with phenylhydrazine, KCl, quinine, merocyanine 540, the calpain inhibitor E-64d, and the scramblase inhibitor R5421 revealed that neither phospholipid translocation nor vesicle release was required to induce susceptibility. Results from fluorescence spectroscopy and two-photon excitation scanning microscopy using the membrane probe laurdan argued that susceptibility to sPLA(2) is a consequence of increased order of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

The effects of membrane sterol level on the susceptibility of LM cell plasma membranes to exogenous phospholipases A2 has been investigated. Isolated plasma membranes, containing normal or decreased sterol content, were prepared from mutant LM cell sterol auxotrophs. beta-Bungarotoxin-catalyzed hydrolysis of both endogenous phospholipids and phospholipids introduced into the membranes with beef liver phospholipid exchange proteins was monitored. In both cases, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) were degraded at similar rates in normal membranes, while PC hydrolysis was specifically accelerated in sterol-depleted membranes. Additional data suggest that this preferential hydrolysis of PC is not a consequence of the phospholipid head group specificity of the phospholipase, nor of a difference in the accessibility of PC versus PE to the enzyme. Analysis of the reaction products formed during treatment of isolated membranes with phospholipase A2 showed almost no accumulation of lysophospholipids. This was found to be due to highly active lysophospholipase(s), present in LM cell plasma membranes, acting on the lysophospholipids formed by phospholipase A2 action. A soluble phospholipase A2 was partially purified from LM cells and found to behave as beta-bungarotoxin with regard to membrane sterol content. These results demonstrate that the nature of phospholipid hydrolysis, catalyzed by phospholipase A2, can be significantly affected by membrane lipid composition.  相似文献   

Bahn SC  Lee HY  Kim HJ  Ryu SB  Shin JS 《FEBS letters》2003,553(1-2):113-118
Plant secretory phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s) probably play important roles in phospholipid signaling based on the data reported from other organisms, but their functions are poorly understood because of the lack of cloned sPLA(2) genes. In this study, we cloned and characterized an Arabidopsis secretory phospholipase A(2)-gamma (AtsPLA(2)-gamma) cDNA, and examined its enzymatic properties. The recombinant protein of AtsPLA(2)-gamma showed maximal enzyme activity at pH 8.0, and required Ca(2+) for activity. Moreover, AtsPLA(2)-gamma showed sn-2 position specificity but no prominent acyl preference, though it showed head group specificity to phosphatidylethanolamine rather than to phosphatidylcholine. AtsPLA(2)-gamma was found to predominate in the mature flower rather than in other tissues, and subcellular localization analysis confirmed that AtsPLA(2)-gamma is secreted into the intercellular space.  相似文献   

The homologous series of optically active short-chain phosphatidylethanolamines (PE) from dibutyryl-PE to dioctanoyl-PE was synthesized. In addition, two monomeric short-chain phospholipid analogues that are not degraded by phospholipase A2 (1,2-bis[(butylcarbamyl)oxy]-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and the corresponding ethanolamine derivative) were synthesized. In contrast to the short-chain phosphatidylcholines (PC), short-chain PE's have defined solubilities in water. No break below the solubility limit was found in surface tension plots, suggesting that these compounds exist as monomers in aqueous solution. Only when a significant fraction of the molecules is negatively charged can they form micelles by themselves. Cobra venom phospholipase A2 hydrolyzes monomeric short-chain PE's at about the same rate as short-chain PC's but hydrolyzes long-chain PC's much more rapidly than long-chain PE's. The hydrolysis of short-chain PE's is found to be activated by phosphocholine-containing compounds only in the presence of an interface; in its absence phosphocholine-containing compounds can act as competitive inhibitors. Possible explanations for this phenomenon are considered.  相似文献   

LDL particles that enter the arterial intima become exposed to proteolytic and lipolytic modifications. The extracellular hydrolases potentially involved in LDL modification include proteolytic enzymes, such as chymase, cathepsin S, and plasmin, and phospholipolytic enzymes, such as secretory phospholipases A2 (sPLA2-IIa and sPLA2-V) and secretory acid sphingomyelinase (sSMase). Here, LDL was first proteolyzed and then subjected to lipolysis, after which the effects of combined proteolysis and lipolysis on LDL fusion and on binding to human aortic proteoglycans (PG) were studied. Chymase and cathepsin S led to more extensive proteolysis and release of peptide fragments from LDL than did plasmin. sPLA2-IIa was not able to hydrolyze unmodified LDL, and even preproteolysis of LDL particles failed to enhance lipolysis by this enzyme. However, preproteolysis with chymase and cathepsin S accelerated lipolysis by sPLA2-V and sSMase, which resulted in enhanced fusion and proteoglycan binding of the preproteolyzed LDL particles. Taken together, the results revealed that proteolysis sensitizes the LDL particles to hydrolysis by sPLA2-V and sSMase. By promoting fusion and binding of LDL to human aortic proteoglycans, the combination of proteolysis and phospholipolysis of LDL particles potentially enhances extracellular accumulation of LDL-derived lipids during atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Six isomers of dipalmitoylcyclopentanetriol phosphocholine (cyclopentano-lecithin) were tested as potential substrates for phospholipase A2. Since each of these analogs possesses a configuration that mimics a narrow range of conformations of a glycerophospholipid molecule, the analogs were used to assess the enzyme's conformational requirements. Studies showed that all of the analogs containing the phosphocholine at the C-1 (or C-3) position could be hydrolyzed, while only one of the three analogs that contains the polar head group at the C-2 position was susceptible. Kinetic studies, however, revealed that only the all-trans-(1,3/2-1P)-cyclopentano-lecithin gave initial rates of hydrolysis that were measurable by pH-stat. Acyl group specificity of the enzyme towards the all-trans isomer was determined with an analog was acyl groups were distinguishable. The synthesis of this mixed-acid-cyclopentano-PC is described herein. When this analog was enzymatically assayed, results unequivocally showed the enzyme to be specific for C-2 acyl hydrolysis. This specificity, and data showing that the all-trans analog is stereospecifically hydrolyzed, indicate that it is acted on in an analogous manner to dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. These studies indicate that although the configuration of the analog is not necessarily a prerequisite for hydrolysis, there does appear to be an optimal spatial orientation for enzymatic activity. The analogy between the susceptibilities of all-trans-(1,3/2-1P)-cyclopentano-lecithin and glycero-lecithin suggests that the conformation of the glycero-lecithin during phospholipase A2-mediated hydrolysis may be best simulated by the all-trans orientation of C-O bonds in the artificial substrate.  相似文献   

J G Hilton 《Life sciences》1986,39(20):1863-1870
The effects of heating blood to 57 degrees C on intraerythrocytic calcium, membrane ATPase activity and cell shape have been studied in canine blood. Intraerythrocytic calcium was determined by use of arsenazo III, membrane ATPase activity was determined by inorganic phosphorous formation and erythrocyte shape was determined by scanning electron microscopy. The results of this study showed that this degree of thermal trauma would cause a 27% increase in intraerythrocytic calcium and a 38% decrease in ATPase activity. During these changes in calcium and ATPase activity the erythrocyte changed form from biconcave to spherical. Addition of catalase (3,200 U/ml) to the blood prior to heating prevented the changes observed in intraerythrocytic calcium, membrane ATPase activity and shape. The addition of the free-radical generating combination of hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase to blood produced a 20% decrease in membrane ATPase activity and a change in erythrocyte shape, but did not alter intraerythrocytic calcium. These results suggest that free-radicals are responsible for the changes in membrane ATPase activity. The observation that shape change occurs when ATPase activity has been decreased, but calcium has not been increased, suggests that membrane ATPase activity levels are more important in producing changes in erythrocyte shape than are intraerythrocytic calcium levels.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte ghosts were prepared in media of physiological ionic composition, and these “isoionic” ghosts were then lysed and resealed in media of varying Ca2+, Mg2+ and ATP concentrations. The susceptibilities of these ghosts to limited attack by various detergents and by phospholipases C were then compared with the susceptibilities of intact cells to similar attack: attack was assessed by measurements of lysis and of phospholipid hydrolysis. Ghosts were more readily attacked than cells by anionic detergents (cholate, glycocholate, dodecyl sulphate) and by phospholipases C, but Triton X-100 and cetyltrimethylammonium attacked cells and ghosts to the same extent. Mg · ATP2? partially protected ghosts from attack by the anionic detergents and by the phospholipases C of Bacillus cereus and of Clostridium perfringens. Protection by Mg · ATP2? occurred only if Mg · ATP2? had access to the cytoplasmic surface of the membrane. Adenylyl(β-γ-methylene)diphosphonate, a non-hydrolysable ATP analogue, protected as effectively as did Mg · ATP2?. Internal Mg · ATP2? caused a marked reduction in the hydrolysis by phospholipases of phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyelin, but had no appreciable effect upon the simultaneous hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine. It therefore seems that interaction of ATP with sites on the cytoplasmic surface of the erythrocyte membrane can, without ATP hydrolysis, cause changes in the organization of the outer surface of the membrane that specifically render phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyelin less accessible to attack by extracellular phospholipases.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of secretory phospholipase A2 in plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multiple secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) genes have been identified in plants and encode isoforms with distinct regulatory and catalytic properties. Elucidation of this genetic and biochemical heterogeneity has provided important clues to the regulation and function of the individual enzymes. An increasing body of evidence shows that their lipid products, lysophospholipids and free fatty acids, mediate a variety of cellular responses, including plant growth, development, and responses to stress and defense. This review discusses the newly-acquired information on plant sPLA2s including the molecular and biochemical characteristics, and signaling functions of each isoform.  相似文献   

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