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Background and Aims

Experimental crosses between the diploid woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) and the octoploid garden strawberry (F. × ananassa Duch.) can lead to the formation of viable hybrids. However, the extent of such hybrid formation under natural conditions is unknown, but is of fundamental interest and importance in the light of the potential future cultivation of transgenic strawberries. A hybrid survey was therefore conducted in the surroundings of ten farms in Switzerland and southern Germany, where strawberries have been cultivated for at least 10 years and where wild strawberries occur in the close vicinity.


In 2007 and 2008, 370 wild F. vesca plants were sampled at natural populations around farms and analysed with microsatellite markers. In 2010, natural populations were revisited and morphological traits of 3050 F. vesca plants were inspected. DNA contents of cell nuclei of morphologically deviating plants were estimated by flow cytometry to identify hybrids. As controls, 50 hybrid plants from interspecific hand-crosses were analysed using microsatellite analysis and DNA contents of cell nuclei were estimated by flow cytometry.

Key Results

None of the wild samples collected in 2007 and 2008 contained F. × ananassa microsatellite markers, while all hybrids from hand-crosses clearly contained markers of both parent species. Morphological inspection of wild populations carried out in 2010 and subsequent flow cytometry of ten morphologically deviating plants revealed no hybrids.


Hybrid formation or hybrid establishment in natural populations in the survey area is at best a rare event.  相似文献   

Degenerate oligonucleotide primers, designed based on conserved regions of Nucleotide Binding Site (NBS) domains from previously cloned plant resistance genes, were used to isolate Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) from wild and cultivated strawberries. Seven distinct families of RGAs of the NBS-LRR type were identified from two related wild species, Fragaria vesca and F. chiloensis, and six different Fragaria × ananassa cultivars. With one exception (GAV-3), the deduced amino acid sequences of strawberry RGAs showed strong similarity to TIR (Toll Interleukin I Receptor)-type R genes from Arabidopsis, tobacco and flax, suggesting the existence of common ancestors. GAV-3 seemed to be more closely related to the non-TIR type. Further studies showed that the recombination level and the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions within families were low. These data suggest that NBS-encoding sequences of RGAs in strawberry are subject to a gradual accumulation of mutations leading to purifying selection, rather than to a diversifying process. The present paper is the first report on RGAs in strawberry.Communicated by M.-A. Grandbastien  相似文献   

The investigated species are Lycopersicon cheesmanii s.str., L. cheesmanii var. minor, L. chilense, L. hirsutum s. str., L. hirsuturn f. glabratum , L. "parviflorum", L. chmielewskii, L. peruvianum s. str., L. peruvianum var. humifusum, L. pimpinellifolium and Solanum penellii . Wound-emitted leaf volatiles isolated and concentrated by adsorption on Tenax GC were separated by capillary gas chromatography. The different species produce different and rather broad patterns of volatiles especially compared to a modem tomato cultivar. There is also a considerable difference between varieties of the same species. When more than one accession was investigated, the results indicated a chemotype differentiation. The chemotypes are in some cases specialized with one or a few quantitatively dominating main components. L. hirsutum emits the greatest number of components. Three accessions had α-zingeberene, α-santalene, and limonene as main component, respectively. The investigated accession of L. hirsutum f. glabratum has 2-undecanone as main component, instead of 2-tride-canone previously identified as main component in another accession. Both compounds are natural insecticides. The results illustrate the need for basic knowledge of the chemical characters in the ancestors of cultivated plants.  相似文献   

中国野生山梨叶片形态及光合特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以异位保存在国家梨资源圃的48份我国原产山梨品种和2份秋子梨地方品种为材料,比较了野生山梨与地方秋子梨品种间差异,研究了我国野生山梨的光合特征以及光合特性相关指标间的关系,建立了山梨光合及瞬时水分利用特征的线性回归方程.结果表明:地方品种叶片形态特征指标、叶绿素含量、光合特征指标都显著低于野生品种平均值,且低于大部分野生品种的测定值;山梨叶片的比叶面积、叶干物质含量、胞间CO2浓度的变异系数较低,其他8项指标变异系数为0.12~0.41,表现出较高的多样性水平,可见我国野生山梨资源光合特征差异明显;光合特性指标与叶绿素组成(Chl a/b)、叶干物质含量呈显著相关;光合速率与胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率、气孔导度呈显著的指数曲线关系,山梨光合速率主要受气孔限制的影响.‘锦州山梨’具有高光合特性,可作为山梨资源光合特征研究利用的良好材料.  相似文献   

I documented photosynthetic rates and seasonal stem total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) in six leguminous tree species Burkea africana, Baikiaea plurijuga, Erythrophleum africanum, Guibourtia coleosperma, Julbernardia globiflora and Pterocarpus angolensis exhibiting a range of leaf phenological patterns. My goal was to (i) measure photosynthetic characteristics and levels of stored stem carbohydrates in species with varying patterns of leaf phenology and (ii) determine seasonal patterns of stem carbohydrate storage. Despite significant differences in the timing of bud break and leaf cover between the six species, there were no significant differences in maximum photosynthetic rate, quantum efficiency or light saturation point between species. Similarly, there was no significant difference in seasonal mean stem TNC levels despite significant differences in the timing of bud break and leaf cover both between species and within a single species. However, while the average amount of TNC does not seem to be related to leaf phenology, the patterns of carbohydrate use and storage do seem to be related to leaf phenology.  相似文献   

ATPase was found in 1000g, 13 000g and 80 00Og fractions from strawberry fruits. The optima pH for ATPase was the same (i.e. 6) for the 3 fractions, which also showed similar substrate specificity. However, the enzyme associated with the 80 000 g fraction showed the highest affinity for ATP and the maximum Vmax/Km value. As the fruit ripened, from the green to dark-red stage, ATPase activity in the 80 000 g fraction increased more than three times. The ATP content of the fruit pulp, which was high at the green stage, decreased as the fruit matured and ripened. Na+ and K+ slightly stimulated enzyme activity associated with the 1000 g,80 000 g and soluble fractions, whereas, Ca2+ and Mg2+ inhibited the enzyme activity in all fractions. However, the extent of inhibition due to divalent cations lessened as the fruit ripened.  相似文献   

This is d study of the reproductive biology of wild gametophytes of Equisetum arvense L., E. fluviatile L., and E. palustre L., which form extensive populations during the summer months on previously inundated bare mud along the margins of reservoirs and lakes in Northern England and Wales. The garnetophytes have all the characteristics of pioneer species: they rapidly attain sexual maturity and are adversely affected by competition. Early in the summer mixtures of male and female gametophytes are produced. The former are smaller and their frequency (which is always less) diminishes throughout the season as a result of bryophytic competition. The rarity of bisexual, initially female, gametophytes, in wild populations is related to the absence of metabolite accumulation which mediates this change in rulture. Significantly different sex ratios between populations and species underlines the labile nature of the sex-determining mechanism in Equisetum. The high frequency of females bearing sporophytes indicates that intergarnetophytic fertilization is highly effective in nature. Absence of any correlation between the incidence of fertilized females and the proportions of males, in conjunction with a consideration of the male gamete dispersal distance, suggests that sporophyte formation is restricted by the availability of ripe archegonia. Sexual reproduction in Equisetum is probably limited by the narrow range of conditions under which gametophytes can become established rather than availability of water for fertilization. The majority of females, which bear one sporophyte, are smaller than unfertilized or polyembryonic females. Their small size results from nutrient demands and allelopathic compounds from the sporophytes which also probably prevent the establishment of gametophytes within mature stands of the parent species. Correlations between female diameters and frequencies of males suggest that gametophytes are more likely to produce archegonia under favourable conditions. The natural reproductive biology of Equisetum is in accord with predictions based on an understanding of the mechanism of sex determination in axenic culture. Several striking parallels between sexuality in Equisetum and dioecious angiosperms are revealed. The absence of winter flooding at two of the gametophyte sites led to the establishment of mature rtands of Equisetum, which produced cones after 3–4 years; two hybrids, E. fluviatile×E. arvense and E. fluviatile×E. palustre, were detected.  相似文献   

Telomere dynamics in natural populations have been linked to survival, reproduction, and energetic investment. Given their putative role in mediating life‐history trade‐offs, telomeres are also a likely candidate for maintaining honesty in sexually selected signals; few studies to date, however, have demonstrated a correlation between sexual signals and telomere dynamics. Here, we show that plumage coloration in male common yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) is correlated with both relative telomere length and with the rate of telomere loss between years. Elevated antioxidant capacity is also associated with reduced telomere loss, but only among older males. Previous work in this population has demonstrated that males with brighter plumage are in better condition, have higher reproductive success, and are more likely to survive over winter. Thus, the signal attribute associated with mate choice in this system also conveys reliable information about telomere dynamics. At present, it is unclear whether telomere maintenance plays a causal role in maintaining signal honesty or whether the correlation arises due to underlying variation in individual resources or genotypes. We suggest that subsequent work should consider the possibility that fundamental trade‐offs between signal investment and cell‐level processes that influence aging and reproductive senescence may provide a foundation for understanding the maintenance of sexual signal honesty.  相似文献   

The way that some parasites and pathogens persist in the hostile environment of their host for long periods remains to be resolved. Here, longitudinal field surveys were combined with laboratory experiments to investigate the routes of transmission and infection dynamics of such a pathogen—a wild rodent haemotropic bacterium, specifically a Mycoplasma haemomuris‐like bacterium. Fleaborne transmission, direct rodent‐to‐rodent transmission and vertical transmission from fleas or rodents to their offspring were experimentally quantified, and indications were found that the main route of bacterial transmission is direct, although its rate of successful transmission is low (~20%). The bacterium's temporal dynamics was then compared in the field to that observed under a controlled infection experiment in field‐infected and laboratory‐infected rodents, and indications were found, under all conditions, that the bacterium reached its peak infection level after 25–45 days and then decreased to low bacterial loads, which persist for the rodent's lifetime. These findings suggest that the bacterium relies on persistency with low bacterial loads for long‐term coexistence with its rodent host, having both conceptual and applied implications.  相似文献   

Explaining variation in life expectancy between individuals of the same age is fundamental to our understanding of population ecology and life history evolution. Variation in the length and rate of loss of the protective telomere chromosome caps has been linked to cellular lifespan. Yet, the extent to which telomere length and dynamics predict organismal lifespan in nature is still contentious. Using longitudinal samples taken from a closed population of Acrocephalus sechellensis (Seychelles warblers) studied for over 20 years, we describe the first study into life‐long adult telomere dynamics (1–17 years) and their relationship to mortality under natural conditions (= 204 individuals). We show that telomeres shorten with increasing age and body mass, and that shorter telomeres and greater rates of telomere shortening predicted future mortality. Our results provide the first clear and unambiguous evidence of a relationship between telomere length and mortality in the wild, and substantiate the prediction that telomere length and shortening rate can act as an indicator of biological age further to chronological age when exploring life history questions in natural conditions.  相似文献   

Wild horses (Equus caballus) are a non‐native species occupying over 2800 km2 of the nationally significant Australian Alps National Parks. We estimated key demographic parameters (fecundity, adult and juvenile survival and annual finite population growth rate) over 3 years and related these to horse body condition and available food for three populations under natural conditions, and found a trend consistent with food limitation. The populations were independent, with different site characteristics and occupied areas, identified by land managers, as areas of concern about possible conservation impacts. Annual fecundity and juvenile survival varied across sites averaging between 0.21 and 0.31 female young per adult female, and 0.83 and 0.90 per annum, respectively, and annual adult survival was consistent across sites averaging 0.91 per annum. One population was increasing (λ = 1.09 year?1; 95% CI 1.04–1.14) and two populations were stable (λ ~ 1.0 year?1). Mean body condition of horses was positively correlated with mean pasture biomass rank. Across the three populations, fecundity, recruitment, body condition and annual finite population growth rate were lowest when mean pasture biomass rank was lowest and conversely highest when pasture rank was highest. We conclude that food limitation appears to be operating across these three sites. We used our results to assess the sensitivity of annual finite rate of increase (λ) to changes in key demographic parameters and found that λ was most sensitive to a change in adult survival, with the second most sensitive parameter being fecundity. Thus, if the aim of management is to reduce the size of the wild horse population then targeting adult survival is most important, followed by fecundity. Finally, we estimated the linear, negative, numerical response for wild horses between annual λ and horses per unit pasture biomass.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine if two species of sunflower, Helianthus annus L. cv. Hysun 31 (cultivated, single-stemmed genotype) and Helianthus petiolaris Nuttall ssp. fallax (wild, many-hranched genotype) differed in the response of leaf growth to water deficits. Earlier published studies, concerned only with H. annuus, failed to reveal differences in the response of sunflowers to water stress. Plants of the two species were paired in large containers of soil and grown under high radiation in a glasshouse. One batch of plants was irrigated and the other allowed to dry so that predawn leaf water potentials declined at an average of 0.072 MPa day?1. The dry batch was rewatered when predawn leaf water potentials reached ?0.85 MPa. The stress imposed was sufficient to curtail leaf growth so that plants in the dry treatment had only 60% of the leaf area of irrigated plants at the onset of rewatering. Both species were affected by stress to the same relative extent, though their leaf areas at this stage differed 7-fold. Both genotypes also recovered to the same degree in the long term, finally having leaf areas and gross dry matter distribution patterns which were indistinguishable from plants which were irrigated throughout. However, water stress resulted in different distribution patterns of leaf area: H. annuus produced larger leaves at the top of its single stem which compensated for the reduced area in lower leaves, whereas H. petiolaris compensated in the leaves on its branches. Leaves which emerged after the time of stress were most able to compensate in area subsequently. For example, those leaves of H. annuus which emerged one week after stress-relief were more than three times larger than comparable leaves on plants irrigated continuously. Leaf expansion rates were affected earlier in the stress cycle than leaf conductance in H. annuus, but not in H. petiolaris. But as with other plant responses to water stress, the differences between the two species were small.  相似文献   

Summary Seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus growing in soil columns were subjected to a 24 day soil drying treatment. Water and solute potentials of both young expanding and fully expanded leaves declined under reduced soil water availability, while slightly higher turgor was sustained by the fully expanded leaves. Although leaf area of unwatered seedlings was smaller, the corresponding leaf dry weight was quite similar to that of well-watered seedlings. Soon after rewatering, leaf area of plants experiencing water shortage was comparable to that of well-watered plants. It seems that a difference in wall properties between juvenile and mature leaves allows for an effective pattern of water use by eucalypt plants growing in drying soil. Some stomatal opening is sustained and therefore, presumably, some carbon may be fixed, keeping the carbon balance of the whole plant positive, and allowing a continuous cell division despite the limited water supply. The highest root density of both well-watered and unwatered plants was found in the upper soil layers. However, root growth of unwatered seedlings was gradually increased in the deeper soil layers, where thicker root apices and higher soil water depletion rates per unit root length were recorded. As a consequence, root absorbing surface area was as large in unwatered plants as in well-watered plants.  相似文献   

While pathogens are often assumed to limit the growth of wildlife populations, experimental evidence for their effects is rare. A lack of food resources has been suggested to enhance the negative effects of pathogen infection on host populations, but this theory has received little investigation. We conducted a replicated two-factor enclosure experiment, with introduction of the bacterium Bordetella bronchiseptica and food supplementation, to evaluate the individual and interactive effects of pathogen infection and food availability on vole populations during a boreal winter. We show that prior to bacteria introduction, vole populations were limited by food availability. Bordetella bronchiseptica introduction then reduced population growth and abundance, but contrary to predictions, primarily in food supplemented populations. Infection prevalence and pathological changes in vole lungs were most common in food supplemented populations, and are likely to have resulted from increased congregation and bacteria transmission around feeding stations. Bordetella bronchiseptica-infected lungs often showed protozoan co-infection (consistent with Hepatozoon erhardovae), together with more severe inflammatory changes. Using a multidisciplinary approach, this study demonstrates a complex picture of interactions and underlying mechanisms, leading to population-level effects. Our results highlight the potential for food provisioning to markedly influence disease processes in wildlife mammal populations.  相似文献   

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