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When a novel taste has been associated with postingestive malaise, animals recognize this taste as aversive. This associative learning is known as conditioned taste aversion. However, when an animal consumes a novel taste and no aversive consequences follow, it becomes recognized as a safe signal, leading to an increase in its consumption in subsequent presentations. In this review, we will discuss the results related to the taste memory formation focusing particularly on the nucleus accumbens (NAcc). The NAcc keeps projections with amygdala, insular cortex, parabrachial nucleus, and nucleus of the solitary tract areas important for taste memory formation. We will review the evidence relating to how the NAcc could be involved in taste memory formation, due to its role in the taste memory trace formation and its role in the association of the conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus, and finally the retrieval of taste memory. In this context, we will review the participation of the cholinergic, dopaminergic, and glutamatergic systems in the NAcc during taste memory formation.  相似文献   

日龄雏鸡的学习记忆模型及其分子机制和药理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日龄雏鸡一次性被动回避学习和厌恶性条件化学习模型被广泛用于学习记忆机制的研究,并取得了很大的进展. 上纹体和旁嗅核是参与雏鸡学习记忆的主要脑区. 结合相关的分子机制研究,药理学实验发现了多种能影响不同记忆阶段的药物,如去甲肾上腺素对长时记忆有增强和调控作用. 由于鸟类和哺乳动物与记忆相关的脑结构和功能具有一定可比性,上述工作可为了解大脑的学习记忆功能提供重要参考.  相似文献   

1. It has been discussed for over 100 years whether short-term memory (STM) is separate from, or just an early phase of, long-term memory (LTM). The only way to solve this dilemma is to find out at least one treatment that blocks STM while keeping LTM intact for the same task in the same animal.2. The effect of a large number of treatments infused into the hippocampus, amygdala, and entorhinal, posterior parietal or prefrontal cortex on STM and LTM of a one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance task was studied. The animals were tested at 1.5 h for STM, and again at 24 h for LTM. The treatments were given after training.3. Eleven different treatments blocked STM without affecting LTM. Eighteen treatments affected the two memory types differentially, either blocking or enhancing LTM alone. Thus, STM is separate from, and parallel to the first hours of processing of, LTM of that task.4. The mechanisms of STM are different from those of LTM. The former do not include gene expression or protein synthesis; the latter include a double peak of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity, accompanied by the phosphorylation of CREB, and both gene expression and protein synthesis.5. Possible cellular and molecular events that do not require mRNA or protein synthesis should account for STM. These might include a hyperactivation of glutamate AMPA receptors, ribosome changes, or the exocytosis of glycoproteins that participate in cell addition.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of bilateral injections of dopaminergic agents into the hippocampal CA1 regions (intra-CA1) on ethanol (EtOH) state-dependent memory were examined in mice. A single-trial step-down passive avoidance task was used for the assessment of memory retention in adult male NMRI mice. Pre-training intra-peritoneal (i.p.) administration of EtOH (0.25, 0.5 and 1 g/kg) dose dependently induced impairment of memory retention. Pre-test administration of EtOH (0.5 g/kg)-induced state-dependent retrieval of the memory acquired under pre-training EtOH (0.5 g/kg) influence. Intra-CA1 administration of the dopamine D(1) receptor agonist, SKF 38393 (0.5, 1 and 2 g/mouse) or the dopamine D(2) receptor agonist, quinpirole (0.25, 0.5 and 1 microg/mouse) alone cannot affect memory retention. While, pre-test intra-CA1 injection of SKF 38393 (2 microg/mouse, intra-CA1) or quinpirole (0.25, 0.5 and 1 microg/mouse, intra-CA1) improved pre-training EtOH (0.5 g/kg)-induced retrieval impairment. Moreover, pre-test administration of SKF 38393 (0.5, 1 and 2 microg/mouse, intra-CA1) or quinpirole (0.5 and 1 microg/mouse, intra-CA1) with an ineffective dose of EtOH (0.25 g/kg) significantly restored the retrieval and induced EtOH state-dependent memory. Furthermore, pre-training injection of the dopamine D(1) receptor antagonist, SCH 23390 (4 microg/mouse), but not the dopamine D(2) receptor antagonist, sulpiride, into the CA1 regions suppressed the learning of a single-trial passive avoidance task. Pre-test intra-CA1 injection of SCH 23390 (2 and 4 microg/mouse, intra-CA1) or sulpiride (2.5 and 5 microg/mouse, intra-CA1) 5 min before the administration of EtOH (0.5 g/kg, i.p.) dose dependently inhibited EtOH state-dependent memory. These findings implicate the involvement of a dorsal hippocampal dopaminergic mechanism in EtOH state-dependent memory and also it can be concluded that there may be a cross-state dependency between EtOH and dopamine.  相似文献   

Given that brain-derived neutrophic factor (BDNF) modulates both short-term synaptic function and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in the adult hippocampus, here we examined signaling mechanisms in vivo in the hippocampus mediating BDNF modulation of long-term memory (LTM) formation of a one-trial fear-motivated learning task in rats. Bilateral infusions of function-blocking anti-BDNF antibody into the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus decreased extracellular-signal regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) and CREB activation and impaired LTM retention scores. Inhibition of ERK1/2 activation by PD098059 produced similar effects and also reduced CREB phosphorylation. In contrast, intrahippocampal administration of recombinant human BDNF increased ERK1/2 and CREB activation and facilitated LTM. Activated-p38, activated-PKC isoforms, and activated-AKT were unaltered after BDNF or anti-BDNF infusion. In addition, no changes were found on PKA and PKA catalytic subunits in nuclear samples. Thus, our results suggest that BDNF exerts its role in LTM formation in vivo in CA1 region of the hippocampus, at least in part, via CREB activation. Moreover, BDNF-induced CREB activation appears to be mediated mainly through the activation of ERK1/2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Yu W  Han TZ  Xie W  Luo Y 《生理学报》2006,58(5):442-448
短期强化训练能否建立可靠的空间长时记忆?用不同训练方式建立空间记忆后,大鼠海马结构NMDA受体的表达发生怎样的变化?目前尚未见明确报道。本研究应用Morris水迷宫方法分别采用以下模式对大鼠进行训练:空间长时记忆训练模式(LT组)、空间短时记忆训练模式(ST组)以及短期强化训练模式(SRT组),对不同训练模式建立的空间记忆进行了比较,应用免疫荧光组织化学方法检测各组大鼠海马结构NMDA/NR1受体表达的变化。结果表明,Morris水迷宫训练过程中,LT和SRT组大鼠寻找站台的半均潜伏期和策略均无显著性差异:记忆检测发现,除LT组大鼠在站台所在象限的停留时间明显长于SRT组大鼠外,两组大鼠寻找站台的潜伏期和策略以及穿越站台的次数均无显著性差异。ST组大鼠海马结构NMDA/NR1的免疫反应强度与对照组相比,无显著差异。但是,LT和SRT组大鼠海马CA1区锥体细胞联及齿状回的颗粒细胞层NMDA/NR1免疫荧光反应都明显增强,两组之间比较无显著差异,但是两组分别与对照组和ST组相比均有显著性差异。上述结果提示,短期强化训练可建立与长期训练基本相同的空间长时记忆。大鼠海马结构CA1区和齿状回NMDA受体表达的增加,可能是空间长时记忆形成的机制之一。  相似文献   

The opioid peptide dynorphin(1–13) impairs memory formation in chicks (5). We examined whether this occurs for both aversively and appetitively motivated learning. Four-day-old chicks were injected with dynorphin(1–13) into the intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale and trained on either a peck avoidance (PA) or an appetitive discrimination (AD) task; 2-day-old chicks were trained on PA. In 2-day-old chicks, dynorphin was amnestic for PA at 0.01, 0.03, or 0.1 mM. In 4-day-old chicks, dynorphin impaired memory formation for PA at 0.1 mM, and for AD training at 0.03 mM. Thus, similar doses of dynorphin impair memory formation for both appetitive and aversive conditioning.  相似文献   

牛磺酸对学习记忆影响的研究现状   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
牛磺酸作为一种条件必须氨基酸对学习记忆能力的影响受到越来越多的关注,许多研究证明适量牛磺酸的添加可明显提高大鼠的记忆能力。通过牛磺酸对神经细胞、基因、激素、离子、受体、酶类等的作用,对其影响学习记忆方面的研究现状作出综述。  相似文献   

The membrane protein Nogo-A inhibits neurite outgrowth and regeneration in the injured central nervous system, primarily because of its expression in oligodendrocytes. Hence, deletion of Nogo-A enhances regeneration following spinal cord injury. Yet, the effects of Nogo-A deletion on general behavior and cognition have not been explored. The possibility of potential novel functions of Nogo-A beyond growth inhibition is strongly suggested by the presence of subpopulations of neurons also expressing Nogo-A – not only during development but also in adulthood. We evaluated here Nogo-A −/− mice in a series of general basic behavioral assays as well as functional analyses related to brain regions with notable expression levels of Nogo-A. The SHIRPA protocol did not show any major basic behavioral changes in Nogo-A −/− mice. Anxiety-related behavior, pain sensitivity, startle reactivity, spatial learning, and associative learning also appeared indistinguishable between Nogo-A −/− and control Nogo-A+/+ mice. However, motor co-ordination and balance were enhanced in Nogo-A −/− mice. Spontaneous locomotor activity was also elevated in Nogo-A −/− mice, but this was specifically observed in the dark (active) phase of the circadian cycle. Enhanced locomotor reaction to systemic amphetamine in Nogo-A −/− mice further pointed to an altered dopaminergic tone in these mice. The present study is the first behavioral characterization of mice lacking Nogo-A and provides significant insights into the potential behavioral relevance of Nogo-A in the modulation of dopaminergic and motor functions.  相似文献   

Studying the behavior of genetic background strains provides important information for the design and interpretation of cognitive phenotypes in mutant mice. Our experiments examined the performance of three commonly used strains (C57BL/6J, 129S6, DBA/2J) on three behavioral tests for learning and memory that measure very different forms of memory, and for which there is a lack of data on strain differences. In the social transmission of food preference test (STFP) all three strains demonstrated intact memory for an odor-cued food that had been sampled on the breath of a cagemate 24 hours previously. While C57BL/6J and 129S6 mice showed good trace fear conditioning, DBA/2J mice showed a profound deficit on trace fear conditioning. In the Barnes maze test for spatial memory, the 129S6 strain showed poor probe trial performance, relative to C57BL/6J mice. Comparison of strains for open field exploratory activity and anxiety-like behavior suggests that poor Barnes maze performance reflects low exploratory behavior, rather than a true spatial memory deficit, in 129S6 mice. This interpretation is supported by good Morris water maze performance in 129S6 mice. These data support the use of a C57BL/6J background for studying memory deficits in mutant mice using any of these tasks, and the use of a 129S6 background in all but the Barnes maze. A DBA/2J background may be particularly useful for investigating the genetic basis of emotional memory using fear conditioning.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in nicotine's effect on impairment of memory by morphine was investigated. A passive avoidance task was used for memory assessment in male Wistar rats. Subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of morphine (5 and 10 mg/kg) after training impaired memory performance in the animals when tested 24 h later. Pretest administration of the same doses of morphine reversed impairment of memory because of post-training administration of the opioid. Moreover, administration of nicotine (0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg, s.c.) before the test prevented impairment of memory by morphine (5 mg/kg) given after training. Impairment of memory performance in the animals because of post-training administration of morphine (5 mg/kg) was also prevented by pretest administration of a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801 (0.75 and 1 microg/rat). Interestingly, an ineffective dose of MK-801 (0.5 microg/rat) in combination with low doses (0.075 and 0.1 mg/kg) of nicotine, which had no effects alone, synergistically improved memory performance impaired by morphine given after training. On the other hand, pretest administration of NMDA (0.1 and 0.5 microg/rat), which had no effect alone, in combination with an effective dose (0.4 mg/kg, s.c.) of nicotine prevented the improving effect of nicotine on memory impaired by pretreatment morphine. The results suggest a possible role for NMDA receptors of the NAc in the improving effect of nicotine on the morphine-induced amnesia.  相似文献   

学习记忆是脑的重要功能之一,与学习记忆相关的基因很多,它们通过影响突触功能、信号转导、转录和翻译控制、能量代谢等途径进行学习记忆行为的调控。研究相关基因可为阐明学习记忆的分子机制和遗传机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Training chicks on a one-trial passive avoidance task results in a cascade of molecular and cellular processes in two forebrain regions, culminating within 60–90 min in post-translational glycosylation of synaptic membrane proteins and expression of immediate early genes c-fos and c-jun. We have now found a second window of vulnerability of memory to the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin, 4 h downstream of training. By 5.5 h post-training this window closes, to be replaced by a window of sensitivity to blockade of glycoprotein synthesis, presumably representing post-translational modification of the newly synthesised proteins. Amongst the pre- and post-synaptic membrane glycoproteins involved at both first and second time windows are the cell adhesion molecules, L1 (at both times) and NCAM (at the later). Molecular dissection of the external membrane domains of L1 distinguishes between a requirement for the IgG domain at the early time, the fibronectin-like domain at the later. The second time window only occurs if the animal is trained on a stimulus strong enough to be remembered for a long period. Weak memories do not persist beyond 6–8 h and the second wave of glycoprotein synthesis does not occur. Thus the second wave may represent the molecular processes required for the alterations in synaptic configuration, by way of the adhesion molecules amongst others, required for the morphological changes in neuronal connectivity hypothesised to encode memory.  相似文献   

1. The unique biochemical properties of Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II have made this enzyme one of the paradigmatic models of the forever searched memory molecule.2. In particular, the central participation of CaMKII as a sensor of the Ca2+ signals generated by activation of NMDA receptors after the induction of long-term plastic changes, has encouraged the use of pharmacological, genetic, biochemical, and imaging tools to unveil the role of this kinase in the acquisition, consolidation, and expression of different types of memories.3. Here we review some of the more exciting discoveries related to the mechanisms involved in CaMKII activation and synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

双酚A(bisphenol-A,BPA)对脑和行为发育的低剂量效应已引起广泛关注。本研究分别于妊娠最后2周和分娩后前2周母鼠灌胃BPA(0.4和4 mg/kg.d),然后以旷场、高架十字迷宫、明暗箱、镜子迷宫、强迫游泳和被动回避箱等模型,分别测试幼年期(生后21~28 d)子代小鼠的行为,探讨围生期不同阶段的BPA暴露对幼年仔鼠自发活动、探究、焦虑、抑郁和被动回避记忆等行为的影响。结果表明,围生期不同阶段的BPA暴露对这些行为的影响不同,主要表现为:妊娠期BPA暴露促进幼年仔鼠的活动性,减弱其焦虑状态,提高雄性仔鼠的探究能力,促进雌性仔鼠的被动回避记忆;哺乳期BPA暴露减少幼年仔鼠的活动性,但对其焦虑行为的影响相对较弱,不影响仔鼠的探究能力和被动回避记忆;而妊娠期和哺乳期BPA暴露均加剧幼年仔鼠的抑郁行为。以上结果提示,妊娠期和哺乳期BPA暴露均可影响幼年仔鼠的焦虑、抑郁、被动回避记忆等多种行为,而妊娠期可能是BPA影响的更敏感时期。  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) mediates cell adhesion and signal transduction through trans-homophilic- and/or cis-heterophilic-binding mechanisms. Intraventricular infusions of anti-NCAM have revealed a functional requirement of NCAM for the consolidation of memory in rats and chicks in a specific interval 6-8 h after training. We have now extended these studies to a synthetic peptide ligand of NCAM (C3) with an affinity for the IgI domain and the capability of inhibiting NCAM-mediated neurite outgrowth in vitro. Intraventricular administration of a single 5 microg bolus of C3 strongly inhibited recall of a passive avoidance response in adult rats, when given during training or in the 6-8-h posttraining period. The effect of C3 on memory consolidation was similar to that obtained with anti-NCAM as the amnesia was not observed until the 48-h recall time. The unique amnesic action of C3 during training could be related to disrupted NCAM internalization following training. In the 3-4-h posttraining period NCAM 180, the synapse-associated isoform, was down-regulated in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. This effect was mediated by ubiquitination and was prevented by C3 administration during training. These findings indicate NCAM to be involved in both the acquisition and consolidation of a passive avoidance response in the rat. Moreover, the study provides the first in vivo evidence for NCAM internalization in learning and identifies a synthetic NCAM ligand capable of modulating memory processes in vivo.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that the brain-gut peptide ghrelin which is expressed in hippocampus improves memory and learning processes. The MK-801, a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, has also shown amnesic properties in animal model. The current study was to find out whether intracerebroventricular administration of ghrelin can prevent amnesia induced by MK-801 in rats. A week after the surgery, during which cannuals were implanted in the lateral ventricular, the animals were trained and tested in a step-through type passive avoidance task. Memory retrieval was measured by step-through latency (STL) and total time in dark compartments (TDC). In the first series of experiments, we established a dose–response relationship for ghrelin on the passive avoidance paradigm. In the second set of experiments, animals were divided to two groups. In the first group, MK-801 (0.075, 0.15 and 0.3 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) immediately after the acquisition session and in the second group MK-801 (same doses) was injected (i.p.) 30 min before the retention session. Analysis of data showed that in both groups, MK-801 impaired learning and memory. In the third set of experiments, administration of ghrelin (200 ng/rat) right after the acquisition session (i.e. before MK-801 injection) improved the MK-801 induced memory impairment, but administration of ghrelin before retrieval session did not affect the MK-801 induced memory impairment.These results show an interaction between ghrelin and glutamatergic system. A novel finding in this study is that ghrelin can prevent amnesia produced by NMDA antagonist in rats when injected in post-training phase.  相似文献   

Since its development about 40 years ago (1981–2021), Morris water maze has turned into a very popular tool for assessing spatial learning and memory. Its many advantages have ensured its pertinence to date. These include its effectiveness in evaluating hippocampal-dependent learning and memory, exemption from motivational differences across diverse experimental manipulations, reliability in various cross-species studies, and adaptability to many experimental conditions with various test protocols. Nonetheless, throughout its establishment, several experimental and analysis loopholes have galvanized researchers to assess ways in which it could be improved and adapted to fill this gap. Therefore, in this review, we briefly summarize these developments since the early years of its establishment through to the most recent advancements in computerized analysis, offering more comprehensive analysis paradigms. In addition, we discuss the adaptability of the Morris water maze across different test versions and analysis paradigms, providing suggestions with regard to the best paradigms for particular experimental conditions. Hence, the proper selection of the experimental protocols, analysis paradigms, and consideration of the assay’s limitations should be carefully considered. Given that appropriate measures are taken, with various adaptations made, the Morris water maze will likely remain a relevant tool to assess the mechanisms of spatial learning and memory.  相似文献   

Neuronal histone acetylation has been linked to memory consolidation, and targeting histone acetylation has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy for neuropsychiatric diseases. However, the role of histone‐modifying enzymes in the adult brain is still far from being understood. Here we use RNA sequencing to screen the levels of all known histone acetyltransferases (HATs) in the hippocampal CA1 region and find that K‐acetyltransferase 2a (Kat2a)—a HAT that has not been studied for its role in memory function so far—shows highest expression. Mice that lack Kat2a show impaired hippocampal synaptic plasticity and long‐term memory consolidation. We furthermore show that Kat2a regulates a highly interconnected hippocampal gene expression network linked to neuroactive receptor signaling via a mechanism that involves nuclear factor kappa‐light‐chain‐enhancer of activated B cells (NF‐κB). In conclusion, our data establish Kat2a as a novel and essential regulator of hippocampal memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones, learning and memory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Thyroid hormones (THs), T3 and T4, have many physiological actions and are essential for normal behavioral, intellectual and neurological development. THs have a broad spectrum of effects on the developing brain and mediate important effects within the CNS throughout life. Insufficient maternal iodine intake during gestation and TH deficiency during human development are associated to pathological alterations such as cretinism and mental retardation. In adulthood, thyroid dysfunction is related to neurological and behavioral abnormalities, including memory impairment. Analysis of different experimental models suggests that most of the effects on cognition as a result of thyroid dysfunction rely on hippocampal modifications. Insufficiency of THs during development thus alters hippocampal synaptic function and impairs behavioral performance of hippocampal-dependent learning and memory tasks that persist in euthyroid adult animals. In the present review, we summarize the current knowledge obtained by clinical observations and experimental models that shows the importance of THs in learning and mnemonic processes.  相似文献   

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