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For quality assurance purposes, the frequency of 'abnormal' cytological diagnoses of the non-systematic National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme (NCCSP) was evaluated. In 1999, an unexpected high number of Class (Cl) III cases (i.e. atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) was reported. The cytological and histological results were reviewed in order to detect a possible cause for this threefold increase. The abnormal Papanicolaou (PAP) smears examined by conventional methods from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 2002 were analysed. The smears of 682 cases diagnosed in 1999 with a Cl III category were reviewed in 2000 and correlated with the available histological diagnoses provided by the Central Department of Pathology. Of the 682 Cl III cases, 176 cases (26.1%) had no follow-up, 314 cases (46.0%) had repeat cytology and 192 cases (28.2%) an histological correlate corresponding to 90 (46.9%) benign lesions, 78 (40.6%) squamous intraepithelial lesions, two (1%) invasive cervical cancers (one squamous and one glandular). Twenty-two Cl III cases (11.5%) were histologically within normal limits. Retrospective smear review confirmed 330 Cl III diagnoses (48.3%), 127 cases (18.6%) were recategorized as Cl IIIG (i.e. atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance), 22 cases (3.2%) as Cl IIID (i.e. mild to moderate dysplasia) and six cases (0.9%) as Cl IVa (i.e. severe dysplasia and/or carcinoma in situ). A total of 197 original Cl III cases had to be reclassified in the Cl II category (28.9%), only two cases showing mild and moderate dysplasia on histology. Thus, 195 cases (28.6%) comprised cytological overdiagnoses. The Cl III category being, by definition, a delicate and often subjective diagnosis, all external influences such as pressure of litigation should be avoided to reduce cytological overdiagnoses as a result of an unnecessary 'fear-factor'.  相似文献   

Consistent evidence underlines the utility of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing in the management of women with equivocal cervical cytological abnormalities, but not in case of low-grade lesions. We performed a meta-analysis including studies where the high-risk probe of the Hybrid Capture-II is used to triage these two cytological categories. The triage test-positivity rate reflects the colposcopy referral workload.Data were pooled on the HPV test positivity rate in women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS/ASC-US) or low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), derived from different cytological classification systems. The meta-analysis was restricted to studies, published between 1991 and 2007. A random-effect model was applied for meta-analytical pooling and the influence of covariates on the HPV positivity rate was analyzed by meta-regression. The variation by age was assessed within individual studies since age strata were not defined uniformly. On an average, 43% (95% CI: 40–46%) of women with ASCUS/ASC-US were high-risk HPV positive (range 23–74%). In women with LSIL, the pooled positivity rate was 76% (95% CI: 71–81%; range 55–89%). In spite of considerable inter-study heterogeneity, the difference in HPV positivity between the two triage groups was large and highly significant: 32% (95% CI: 27–38%). HPV rates dropped tremendously as age and cutoffs of test positivity increased. Other factors (cytological classification system, country, continent, collection method and year of publication) had no statistically significant impact, except in LSIL triage where HPV positivity was significantly lower in European compared to American studies. Women with LSIL, especially younger women, have high HPV positivity rates suggesting limited utility of reflex HPV triaging these cases. Research is needed to identify more specific methods to triage women with low-grade squamous cervical lesions.  相似文献   

1. We examined the role of flooding on the leaf nutrient content of riparian trees by comparing the carbon : nitrogen : phosphorus (C : N : P) ratio of leaves and litter of Rio Grande cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp. wislizenii) in flood and non‐flood sites along the Middle Rio Grande, NM, U.S.A. The leaf C : N : P ratio was also examined for two non‐native trees, saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis) and Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), and six species of dominant riparian arthropods. 2. Living leaves and leaf litter of cottonwoods at flood sites had a significantly lower leaf N : P ratio and higher %P compared with leaves and litter at non‐flood sites. A non‐flood site downstream from wastewater effluent had a significantly lower litter C : N ratio than all other sites, suggesting N fertilisation through ground water. The non‐native trees, saltcedar and Russian olive, had higher mean leaf N content, N : P ratio, and lower C : N ratio compared with cottonwoods across study sites. 3. Riparian arthropods ranged from 5.2 to 7.1 for C : N ratio, 56–216 for C : P ratio, and 8.9–34 for N : P ratio. C content ranged from 25 to 52% of dry mass, N content from 4.7 to 10.8%, and P content from 0.59 to 1.2%. Differences in stoichiometry between high C : nutrient leaf litter and low C : nutrient invertebrates suggests possible food‐quality constraints for detritivores. 4. These results suggest that spatial and temporal variation in the C : N : P ratio of cottonwood leaves and leaf litter is influenced by surface and subsurface hydrologic connection within the floodplain. Reach‐scale variation in the elemental composition of riparian organic matter inputs may have important implications for decomposition, nutrient cycling, and food webs in river floodplain systems.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at assessing interlaboratory reproducibility in the reporting of cervical smears in the atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) category. A set of 50 selected slides circulated among 89 laboratories, currently involved in population-based screening programmes for cervical cancer, which provided a diagnostic report according to four main reporting categories based on the 1991 Bethesda system. Interlaboratory agreement was determined according to kappa (K) statistics: overall and weighted K values were determined for each laboratory and for single reporting categories. The results showed a very low reproducibility for the ASCUS category. This finding supports the Bethesda system 1991 recommendation to limit the use of this reporting category and suggests that the clinical response to ASCUS reports should be decided locally, based on the observed positive predictive value for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 or more severe lesions.  相似文献   

N. Gupta, R. Srinivasan, R. Nijhawan, A. Rajwanshi, P. Dey, V. Suri and L. Dhaliwal Atypical squamous cells and low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion in cervical cytology: cytohistological correlation and implication for management in a low‐resource setting Objectives: To perform an audit of all cervical smears reported as atypical squamous cells (ASC) and low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) as in the Bethesda system (TBS) 2001, and determine their histological follow‐up and outcome when available, in order to define the threshold for colposcopic referral. Material and methods: A total of 25 203 cervical smears were screened over a period of 3 years (January 2006 – December 2008) and all ASC and LSIL smears were reviewed with the corresponding histological follow‐up. All cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 lesions and above (CIN2+) were considered as clinically significant lesions for analysis. Results: Out of 25 203 cervical smears, 424 (1.7%) were reported as ASC and 113 (0.4%) as LSIL. Additionally, three were reported as atypical cells, not otherwise specified. The ASC : SIL ratio was 2.18 : 1. Follow‐up histology was available in 153 (36.8%) of the ASC cases and revealed CIN2+ lesions in 22 (14.4%). Follow‐up histology was available in 50 (44.2%) of LSIL cases and revealed clinically significant abnormalities in five (10%), all of which were CIN2. CIN3 and invasive squamous carcinomas were seen in 5.9% and 1.4%, respectively, of cases of ASC, and not seen in LSIL. Reclassification of ASC smears into ASC‐US (ASC‐undetermined significance) and ASC‐H (ASC‐ high grade SIL not excluded) revealed ASC‐H in 2.6% of all ASC smears, with a clinically significant outcome in 45.4%. Conclusion: In a low‐resource setting where human papillomavirus testing is unaffordable, the threshold for colposcopic referral and follow‐up histology should be ASC rather than SIL.  相似文献   

1. In previous work, phytoplankton regulation in freshwater lakes has been associated with many factors. Among these, the ratio of total nitrogen to total phosphorus (TN : TP) has been widely proposed as an index to identify whether phytoplankton are N‐ or P‐limited. From another point of view, it has been suggested that planktivorous fish can be used to control phytoplankton. 2. Large‐scale investigations of phytoplankton biomass [measured as chlorophyll a, (chl‐a)] were carried out in 45 mid‐lower Yangtze shallow lakes to test hypotheses concerning nutrient limitation (assessed with TN : TP ratios) and phytoplankton control by planktivorous fish. 3. Regression analyses indicated that TP was the primary regulating factor and TN the second regulating factor for both annual and summer phytoplankton chl‐a. In separate nutrient–chl‐a regression analyses for lakes of different TN : TP ratios, TP was also superior to TN in predicting chl‐a at all particular TN : TP ranges and over the entire TN : TP spectrum. Further analyses found that chl‐a : TP was not influenced by TN : TP, while chl‐a : TN was positively and highly correlated to TP : TN. 4. Based on these results, and others in the literature, we argue that the TN : TP ratio is inappropriate as an index to identify limiting nutrients. It is almost impossible to specify a ‘cut‐off’ TN : TP ratio to identify a limiting nutrient for a multi‐species community because optimal N : P ratios vary greatly among phytoplankton species. 5. Lakes with yields of planktivorous fish (silver and bighead carp, the species native to China) >100 kg ha?1 had significantly higher chl‐a and lower Secchi depth than those with yields <100 kg ha?1. TP–chl‐a and TP–Secchi depth relationships are not significantly different between lakes with yields >100 kg ha?1 or <100 kg ha?1. These results indicate that the fish failed to decrease chl‐a yield or enhance ZSD. Therefore, silver carp and bighead carp are not recommended as a biotic agent for phytoplankton control in lake management if the goal is to control the entire phytoplankton and to enhance water quality.  相似文献   

E. Duvall 《Cytopathology》2008,19(3):167-171
Objective: To determine how the ‘borderline’ category was used by cytopathologists in the UK when reporting cervical smears. Methods: A questionnaire was sent by email to members of the British Society for Clinical Cytology. Results: There is wide variation in the use of the ‘borderline’ category in the UK but the majority of respondents (77.6%) used it when reporting smears that were either on the borderline between negative and low grade squamous dyskaryosis (‘borderline ?low grade’), or on the borderline between negative and high grade squamous dyskaryosis (‘borderline ?high grade’), or on the borderline between negative and glandular dyskaryosis ‘borderline ?glandular dyskaryosis’). A significant minority (15.7%), however, did not use ‘borderline’ when reporting smears that showed an abnormality that was possibly high grade squamous dyskaryosis. A majority (79.1%) of respondents thought that it would be useful to have separate reporting categories for ‘borderline ?low grade’ and ‘borderline ?high grade’. Conclusions: There is diversity in the use of the category ‘borderline’ in the UK. The proposed revised BSCC terminology with separate categories for borderline ?low grade, borderline ?high grades and borderline ? glandular dyskaryosis reflects the opinion of the majority of respondents to the questionnaire.  相似文献   

The growth-rate hypothesis states that fast-growing organisms need relatively more phosphorus-rich RNA to support rapid rates of protein synthesis, and therefore predicts, within and among taxa, increases in RNA and phosphorus content (relative to protein and nitrogen content) with increased growth rate. Here, we present a test of this hypothesis in vascular plants. We determined nitrogen : phosphorus ratios and protein : RNA ratios in pines growing at different rates due to nutrient conditions. In general, when comparing leaves of the same species at low and high growth rates, the faster-growing plants had higher RNA content, higher %N and %P, and lower protein : RNA ratios, but not consistently lower N : P ratios. We found no link between growth rate and foliar N : P or protein : RNA when comparing multiple species of different inherent growth rates. We conclude that plants adjust the balance of protein and RNA to favour either speed or efficiency of protein synthesis, but this balance does not alone dictate leaf stoichiometry.  相似文献   

G. Bigras, J. Wilson, L. Russell, G. Johnson, D. Morel and M. Saddik
Interobserver concordance in the assessment of features used for the diagnosis of cervical atypical squamous cells and squamous intraepithelial lesions (ASC‐US, ASC‐H, LSIL and HSIL) Objectives: Given the well‐known poor reproducibility of cervical cytology diagnosis, especially for atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC‐US) and low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), this study surveyed reproducibility in the assessment of individual cytomorphological features. Methods: One hundred and fifty cells or groups of cells, with a variety of morphological appearances, including normal cells, high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), LSIL, ASC‐US and ASC cannot exclude HSIL (ASC‐H), were precisely marked on 150 different liquid‐based cytological preparations. They were analysed by 17 observers who assessed 17 cytological features including nuclear features (chromatin texture, nuclear outline, nuclear shape, etc.), cytoplasmic features (cell shape, cytoplasmic staining, cytoplasmic clearing, etc.) and group characteristics (nuclear polarity, cellular density, etc.). A total of 43 350 data scores were collected in a database using a web‐based survey. Kendall’s W and relative entropy indexes were utilized to compute concordance indexes of respectively ordinal and nominal variables. Results: Nuclear features have significantly lower reproducibility (0.46) compared with other cytological features (0.59). The feature with least agreement is assessment of chromatin texture. A small but significant difference in concordance was found between two subsets of observers with different levels of experience. Conclusion: Most previous studies assessing reproducibility of cytological diagnoses show, at best, moderate reproducibility among observers. This study focused on agreement regarding the presence of constituent morphological features used to recognize dyskaryosis and various grades of squamous intraepithelial lesions. A map of reproducibility indexes is presented that highlights, for daily practice or teaching, the robustness of features used for cytological assessment, recognizing that diagnosis is always based on a combination of features.  相似文献   

The light-to-nutrient hypothesis explores how the balance between energy (as light energy) and nutrients (as total phosphorus) shapes aquatic ecosystem structure and process. The balance of energy and nutrients is thought to regulate ecosystem structure and process such that, in a "high" light-to-nutrient environment, bacteria would probably be driven towards phosphorus (P) limitation, whereas, in a "low" light-to-nutrient environment, bacteria would be driven towards carbon (C) limitation. We assessed the growth limitation of bacteria in two reservoirs of the southern U.S.A. using a mortality-corrected dilution-growth approach. We compared the frequency of P and C growth limitation with the intralake variation in the light-to-nutrient environment. As a metric of the light-to-nutrient environment, we used the ratio of the mean light in the surface mixed layer ( I m) to the total phosphorus concentration ( TP ). In each lake, bacterial growth was more often P-limited when the I m :  TP ratio was above the median ratio than below. We believe our data provide the first evidence supporting this aspect of the light-to-nutrient hypothesis.  相似文献   

Objective:  To identify the target age group where screening efforts may be concentrated in order to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in resource-limited countries.
Study design:  The results of cyto-screening in a hospital-based screening programme for early detection of cervical cancer were analysed retrospectively. The frequency of epithelial cell abnormalities (ECAs) was computed in different age groups.
Observations and results:  A total of 5.6% ECAs were detected on cyto-screening. The peak age incidence for squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) was in the 30–39 age group while that for malignancies was age >60 years. The mean ages for LSIL, HSIL and cancer were 34.7, 37.7 and 51.8 years respectively. Around 43% LSILs and 48% HSILs presented in the fourth decade. If both fourth and fifth decade are covered by screening we could detect almost two-thirds of SILs.
Conclusions:  A distinct latent period of more than a decade between the onset of SIL and development of frank cancer provides us with ample opportunity to prevent cervical cancer through screening. Our data validate the WHO recommendation of once in a lifetime screening of women in their fourth decade, for low-resource settings. If resources permit, screening can be extended to include women in the fifth decade. This approach would enable us to pick up maximum SILs within the available resources and prevent their progression to cancer.  相似文献   

Growth variability and condition of juvenile soles Solea solea and Solea senegalensis , were assessed through RNA : DNA estimates and compared to absolute growth rates. Higher mean cohort RNA : DNA ratios were observed for cohort I at the beginning of estuarine occurrence for both species (4·42 and 4·87, for S. solea and S. senegalensis respectively). Despite different estuarine colonization habits, no significant differences were observed between RNA : DNA monthly variation for both sole species within the same year ( P  > 0·05 for 2003 and 2004). Juvenile S. senegalensis showed significant differences between RNA : DNA ratios obtained for the two nursery areas ( P  < 0·001). The decrease of seasonal growth rates with fish age was similar to seasonal variation of mean RNA : DNA values. Thus the RNA : DNA pattern of juvenile S. solea and S. senegalensis reflected growth and estuarine colonization patterns.  相似文献   

Ecological stoichiometry has proven to be invaluable for understanding consumer response to changes in resource quality. Although interactions between trophic levels occur at the community level, most studies focus on single consumer species. In contrast to individual species, communities may deal with trophic mismatch not only through elemental plasticity but also through changes in species composition. Here, we show that a community of first‐order consumers (e.g. zooplankton) is able to adjust its stoichiometry (C:P) in response to experimentally induced changes in resource quality, but only to a limited extent. Furthermore, using the Price equation framework we show the importance of both elemental plasticity and species sorting. These results illustrate the need for a community perspective in ecological stoichiometry, requiring consideration of species‐specific elemental composition, intraspecific elemental plasticity and species turnover.  相似文献   

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