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Methylated DNA-binding protein (MDBP) from mammalian cells binds specifically to six pBR322 and M13mp8 DNA sequences but only when they are methylated at their CpG dinucleotide pairs. We cloned three high-affinity MDBP recognition sites from the human genome on the basis of their binding to MDBP. These showed much homology to the previously characterized prokaryotic sites. However, the human sites exhibited methylation-independent binding apparently because of the replacement of m5C residues with T residues. We also identified three other MDBP sites in the herpes simplex virus type 1 genome, two of which require in vitro CpG methylation for binding and are in the upstream regions of viral genes. A comparison of MDBP sites leads to the following partially symmetrical consensus sequence for MDBP recognition sites: 5'-R T m5Y R Y Y A m5Y R G m5Y R A Y-3'; m5Y (m5C or T), R (A or G), Y (C or T). This consensus sequence displays an unusually high degree of degeneracy. Also, interesting deviations from this consensus sequence, including a one base-pair deletion in the middle, are sometimes observed in high-affinity MDBP sites.  相似文献   

Methylated DNA-binding protein (MDBP) from human placenta recognizes specific DNA sequences containing 5-methylcytosine (m5C) residues. Comparisons of binding of various prokaryotic DNAs to MDBP indicate that m5CpG is present in the recognition sites for this protein but is only part of the recognition sequence. Specific binding to MDBP was observed for bacteriophage XP12 DNA, which naturally contains approximately 1/3 of its residues as m5C, and for Micrococcus luteus DNA, M13mp8 replicative form (RF) DNA, and pBR322 when these three DNAs were methylated at CpG sites by human DNA methyltransferase. Five DNA regions binding to MDBP have been localized by DNase I footprinting or restriction mapping in methylated pBR322 and M13mp8 RF DNAs. A comparison of their sequences reveals a common 5'-m5CGRm5CG-3' element or closely related sequence in which one of the m5C residues may be replaced by a T. In addition to this motif, one upstream and one downstream m5CpG as well as other common residues over an approximately 20-bp long region may be recognized by MDBP.  相似文献   

The UV-damaged DNA-binding (UV-DDB) protein is the major factor that binds DNA containing damage caused by UV radiation in mammalian cells. We have investigated the DNA recognition by this protein in vitro, using synthetic oligonucleotide duplexes and the protein purified from a HeLa cell extract. When a 32P-labeled 30-mer duplex containing the (6-4) photoproduct at a single site was used as a probe, only a single complex was detected in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. It was demonstrated by Western blotting that both of the subunits (p48 and p127) were present in this complex. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays using various duplexes showed that the UV-DDB protein formed a specific, high affinity complex with the duplex containing an abasic site analog, in addition to the (6-4) photoproduct. By circular permutation analyses, these DNA duplexes were found to be bent at angles of 54 degrees and 57 degrees in the complexes with this protein. From the previously reported NMR studies and the fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments in the present study, it can be concluded that the UV-DDB protein binds DNA that can be bent easily at the above angle.  相似文献   

Methylated DNA-binding protein (MDBP) from human placenta has a high affinity for a site in pBR322 (pB site 1) when that site is methylated at its CpG dinucleotides. Dimethyl sulfate interference analysis and experiments with ligands prepared by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis indicate that 15 contiguous base pairs, 14 of which exhibit hyphenated dyad symmetry, influence MDBP binding to pB site 1. These 14 base pairs, 5'-RTMGYCAMGG(M/T)GAY-3' (M, 5-methylcytosine), suffice for recognition by MDBP as demonstrated with a double-stranded, MpG-containing oligonucleotide used as a free ligand or cloned into M13mp19 and subsequently methylated. Seven single-site mutations at different positions of this 14-base pair region largely eliminated binding, and several others increased binding up to 2-fold when compared to the nonmutant, triply methylated sequence. However, MDBP recognizes a site in hemimethylated M13mp19 replicative form DNA, which was homology to pB site 1 at only 10 of 14 base pairs, and all four of these different base pairs are equivalent to transversions. Based upon the above data, a mixed oligonucleotide probe was constructed that contains variants of pB site 1 which should be recognized by MDBP. This 14-base probe hybridizes under stringent conditions to a number of discrete fragments in restriction digests of human DNA. this suggests that there are multiple pB site 1-related sequences in human DNA that might, when methylated, bind MDBP in vivo.  相似文献   

A 34 KD DNA-binding protein fraction from human placenta stimulated endogenous protein synthesis in rabbit reticulocyte and wheat-germ cell-free systems. Though the synthesis of several proteins were stimulated by the 34 KD protein, a dose-dependent increase of two polypeptides of molecular weights 42,000 and 51,000 were distinctly observed in reticulocyte lysates. The synthesis of the major protein (beta-globin) was not affected by the 34 KD protein. In both hemin supplemented and unsupplemented lysates, the ability of 34 KD protein to stimulate the synthesis of high molecular weight (HMW) proteins was drastically reduced by Mg++ and not by dsRNA.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an essential epigenetic mark. Three classes of mammalian proteins recognize methylated DNA: MBD proteins, SRA proteins and the zinc-finger proteins Kaiso, ZBTB4 and ZBTB38. The last three proteins can bind either methylated DNA or unmethylated consensus sequences; how this is achieved is largely unclear. Here, we report that the human zinc-finger proteins Kaiso, ZBTB4 and ZBTB38 can bind methylated DNA in a sequence-specific manner, and that they may use a mode of binding common to other zinc-finger proteins. This suggests that many other sequence-specific methyl binding proteins may exist.  相似文献   

R S Feldberg  L Grossman 《Biochemistry》1976,15(11):2402-2408
A DNA-binding protein specific for ultraviolet irradiated DNA has been purified extensively from human placenta. The binding preparation is free of exonuclease, polymerase, endonuclease, and N-glycosidase activity. The binding activity is salt dependent and is specific for double-stranded irradiated DNA. DNA from which the pyrimidine dimers have been monomerized by the action of photolyase (photoreactivating enzyme) remains an effective substrate for the binding protein, suggesting that the protein recognizes photoproducts other than pyrimidine dimers. This is supported by the finding that DNA irradiated under conditions which introduce only pyrimidine dimers is not a substrate for the binding protein. Examination of three of the xeroderma pigmentosum complementation groups has revealed no deficiency in this binding activity.  相似文献   

Epigenetic variation is increasingly hypothesized as a mechanism underlying the effect of the in utero environment on long-term postnatal health; however, there is currently little clear data to support this in humans. A number of biological and technical factors provide challenges for the design of clinical epigenetic studies: from the type of cells or tissues that are available to the large range of predicted confounders that may impact findings. The human placenta, in addition to other neonatal tissues and whole blood, is commonly sampled for the study of epigenetic modifications. However there is little conformity for the most appropriate methods for study design, data analysis, and importantly, data interpretation. Here we present general recommendations for the reporting of DNA methylation in biological samples, with specific focus on the placenta. We outline key guidelines for: (1) placental sampling, (2) data analysis and presentation, and (3) interpretation of DNA methylation data. We emphasize the need to consider methodological noise, increase statistical power and to ensure appropriate adjustment for biological covariates. Finally, we highlight that epigenetic changes may be non-pathological and not necessarily translate into disease-associated changes. Improved reporting of DNA methylation data will be critical to identify epigenetic-based effects and to better understand the full phenotypic impact of these widely-reported epigenomic changes.  相似文献   

Methylated DNA-binding protein (MDBP), a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, was found to recognize more than 30 sites within an allele of the human apolipoprotein(a) gene. High plasma levels of apolipoprotein(a), a risk factor for atherosclerosis, have been correlated with genetically inherited lower-molecular-mass isoforms of this protein. MDBP might help down modulate the expression of the apolipoprotein(a) gene in a manner dependent on the length of a given allele of the gene and the number of MDBP sites in it.  相似文献   

Hydration and recognition of methylated CpG steps in DNA.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
C Mayer-Jung  D Moras    Y Timsit 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(9):2709-2718
The analysis of the hydration pattern around methylated CpG steps in three high resolution (1.7, 2.15 and 2.2 A) crystal structures of A-DNA decamers reveals that the methyl groups of cytosine residues are well hydrated. In comparing the native structure with two structurally distinct forms of the decamer d(CCGCCGGCGG) fully methylated at its CpG steps, this study shows also that in certain structural and sequence contexts, the methylated cytosine base can be more hydrated that the unmodified one. These water molecules seem to be stabilized in front of the methyl group through the formation C-H...O interactions. In addition, these structures provide the first observation of magnesium cations bound to the major groove of A-DNA and reveal two distinct modes of metal binding in methylated and native duplexes. These findings suggest that methylated cytosine bases could be recognized by protein or DNA polar residues through their tightly bound water molecules.  相似文献   

T Watanabe  N Wada  J Y Chou 《Biochemistry》1992,31(12):3051-3058
Human germ cell alkaline phosphatase (GCAP), which shares 98% amino acid sequence identity with the placental AP (PLAP), is expressed by malignant trophoblasts. Protein sequence analysis suggests that the Ser residue at position 92 is the putative active site of GCAP which contains two recognition sequences (Asn122-Thr-Thr124 and Asn249-Arg-Thr251) for asparagine-linked glycosylation. To examine the roles of the Ser residue and glycan moieties on GCAP activity and processing, we altered the GCAP cDNA by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed the GCAP mutants in COS-1 cells. Substitution of Ser-92 with either a Thr (S92T) or an Ala (S92A) residue yielded a GCAP devoid of catalytic activity, suggesting that the Ser codon 92 is the active site of GCAP. Six GCAP mutants that lack one or both glycosylation sites were constructed by substituting either Asn-122 or Asn-249 with an Asp residue or either Thr-124 or Thr-251 with an Ala residue. The mature GCAP migrated as a 65-kDa product, but GCAP mutants lacking one or both glycosylation sites migrated as 62- or 58-kDa polypeptides, respectively, indicating that both sites were glycosylated. All six glycosylated mutants were active enzymatically and, in addition, were equally sensitive to heat, L-leucine, and EDTA inhibition as the parental enzyme. GCAP as well as its two active-site and six glycosylation mutants could be released from the plasma membrane of transfected COS-1 cells by the proteinase bromelain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The A-factor receptor protein (ArpA) containing an α-helix-turn-α-helix DNA-binding consensus sequence at its N-terminal portion plays a key role in the regulation of secondary metabolism and cell differentiation in Streptomyces griseus . A binding site forming a palindrome 24 bp in length was initially recovered from a pool of random-sequence oligonucleotides by rounds of a binding/immunoprecipitation/amplification procedure with histidine-tagged ArpA and anti-ArpA antibody. By means of further binding/gel retardation/amplification experiments on the basis of the recovered sequence, a 22 bp palindromic binding site with the sequence 5'-GG(T/C)CGGT(A/T)(T/C)-G(T/G)-3' as one half of the palindrome was deduced as a consensus sequence recognized and bound by ArpA. ArpA did not bind to the binding site in the presence of its ligand, A-factor. In addition, exogenous addition of A-factor to the ArpA–DNA complex induced immediate release of ArpA from the DNA. All of these data are consistent with the idea, obtained from previous genetic studies, that ArpA acts as a repressor-type regulator for secondary metabolism and cellular differentiation by preventing the expression of a certain key gene(s) during the early growth phase. A-factor, produced in a growth-dependent manner, releases ArpA from the DNA, thus switching on the expression of the key gene(s), leading to the onset of secondary metabolism and aerial mycelium formation.  相似文献   

Human DNA ligase III contains an N-terminal zinc finger domain that binds to nicks and gaps in DNA. This small domain has been described as a DNA nick sensor, but it is not required for DNA nick joining activity in vitro. In light of new structural information for mammalian ligases, we measured the DNA binding affinity and specificity of each domain of DNA ligase III. These studies identified two separate, independent DNA-binding modules in DNA ligase III that each bind specifically to nicked DNA over intact duplex DNA. One of these modules comprises the zinc finger domain and DNA-binding domain, which function together as a single DNA binding unit. The catalytic core of ligase III is the second DNA nick-binding module. Both binding modules are required for ligation of blunt ended DNA substrates. Although the zinc finger increases the catalytic efficiency of nick ligation, it appears to occupy the same binding site as the DNA ligase III catalytic core. We present a jackknife model for ligase III that posits conformational changes during nick sensing and ligation to extend the versatility of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Interaction of DNA-binding protein HU from Bacillus stearothermophilus (HUBst) with coliphage T2 DNA was investigated by means of a single-duplex DNA chain visualization method using fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescence microscopic images of coliphage T2 DNA molecules were observed as a function of HUBst concentration. The average fluorescence image size of T2 DNA decreased with increase in HUBst concentration to a size comparable to that of a DNA globule induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) and multivalent cation (MVC). The change to globule-like DNA proceeded gradually and monotonously, in contrast to the coil-globule transition of DNA induced by PEG and MVC. The histogram of the fluorescence image length was essentially a single-modal one throughout the process of conformational change. These results indicate that the process of shrinking of DNA from a random coil to a globule-like one is not of a transitional nature. The interaction of HUBst with DNA and the mechanism of shrinkage are concluded to be different from those of PEG-induced and MVC-induced coil-globule transition of DNA.  相似文献   

The effect of methylation on rat growth hormone (rGH) promoter activity was determined in GH3 cells by measuring rGH-Neo and rGH-CAT fusion gene expression with or without prior in vitro treatment with the site-specific DNA methyltransferases, M-BsuE and M-HhaI. To assay for rGH-promoter-specific effects of DNA methylation, RSV-Neo and RSV-CAT activities with or without M-BsuE, M-HhaI and M-HpaII treatment were measured in parallel cultures of GH3 cells. GH1-Neo and RSV-Neo fusion gene expression was inhibited by in vitro methylation from 44 to 83% as measured by the number of Geneticin-resistant GH3 cell colonies. Methylation of the GH1 promoter by M-BsuE exhibited some selective inhibition of Neo expression as determined by colony numbers, although extensive methylation of non-promoter DNA in GH1-Neo and RSV-Neo by M-HhaI and M-HpaII also inhibited Neo expression. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA isolated from the Geneticin-resistant GH3 cells indicated that Geneticin-resistance was accompanied by demethylation of the BsuE (ThaI) sites in stably incorporated GH1-Neo DNA but not RSV-Neo DNA. Transient expression of the CAT gene in GH3 cells was selectively inhibited by 60% upon methylation of two BsuE (ThaI) sites in the GH1 promoter of GH1-CAT by M-BsuE. The data demonstrate, for the first time, to our knowledge, a direct effect of DNA methylation on the activity of the rat growth hormone promoter.  相似文献   

The specificity for 11-deoxycortisol (11-DOC) of a monoclonal antibody (mAb), designated SCET, was changed to specificity for cortisol (CS) by site-specific mutagenesis followed by random mutagenesis. The Fab form of SCET was expressed on the surface of a phage. During the first step, mutations were introduced at 14 amino acid positions in three complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) of the VH domain that seemed likely to form the steroid-binding pocket. A clone, DcC16, was isolated from the resultant library with multiple mutations and this clone was shown to have CS-binding activity but also to retain high 11-DOC-binding activity. During the second step, mutations were introduced randomly into the entire VH-coding region of the DcC16 clone by an error-prone polymerase chain reaction, and CS-specific mutant antibodies were selected in the presence of 11-DOC as a competitor. Three representative clones were analyzed with the BIAcore instrument, and each revealed a large increase in the binding constant for CS and a decrease in that for 11-DOC. Structural models, constructed by computer simulation, indicated the probable molecular basis for these changes in specificity.  相似文献   

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