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Summary Polymorphisms of the NORs as tested by Ag-staining of metaphase G-banded chromosomes were investigated in cultured blood lymphocytes of karyotypically normal individuals from the Moscow population.The study of cell-to-cell variability in the number of Ag-stained NORs carried out on 14 monozygotic twin pairs showed the phenomenon to have some features of real intercellular variation.In 40 unrelated individuals the individual acrocentric chromosomes were compared by the number of Ag-stained NORs, their degree of staining, and their participation in acrocentric association. Chromosome 21 was found to be significantly more active than four others by all the criteria, and chromosome 15 was less active compared with the others by the size of the Ag deposits and the frequency of participation in NOR associations. The frequency distribution of homozygotes and heterozygotes for Ag-stained NORs in the same group of 40 individuals was in accordance with the Hardy-Weinberg law.  相似文献   

The importance of the distribution of silverstained nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) in interphase nuclei for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in tumor pathology has been reviewed. The available data demonstrated that interphase Ag-NOR evaluation may be of help in distinguishing malignant from hyperplastic or normal cells. On the other hand, there is increasing evidence that a relationship exists between the quantity of interphase Ag-NORs and the prognosis of malignant tumors: the greater the number of interphase Ag-NORs, the worse is the prognosis. This can be explained by the observation that the interphase Ag-NOR quantity is strictly related to the cell proliferation rate. The procedures used for the measurement of the interphase Ag-NOR quantity are also critically discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleolar organizer-specific staining procedure, ammoniacal silver (Ag-AS), has been used to study the distribution and size of the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in chromosomes of the frog Rana blairi (Mecham, Littlejohn, Oldham, Brown and Brown). The somatic metaphase karyotype of this frog is similar to that of other frogs of the Rana pipiens species complex, numerically (2n=26) and morphologically. Secondary constrictions are detectable in untreated Giemsa-stained metaphase preparations as achromatic gaps in the long arms of a pair of submetacentric chromosomes (no. 10). These constrictions are the only regions which are deeply stained with the Ag-AS method and are thus identified as the nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs). In each of the three individuals, the Ag-NORs as visualized on the homologues are of unequal length.  相似文献   

Activity of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of acrocentric chromosomes determined by Ag-staining was comparatively studied in 40 individuals of Bulgarian and 40 individuals of Russian populations. Chromosome 21 was found to be significantly more often stained in both populations. The other NORs did not differ significantly in staining from the means. No differences were noted between individual NORs, in respect of the intensity of Ag-staining in both populations, except chromosome 15 which showed markedly decreased staining capacity in Russians. The data obtained are compared with those published in literature concerning four other populations.  相似文献   

NOR activity in metaphase chromosomes from extraembryonic and embryonic tissues of 9-12 week human fetuses was studied after standard silver staining. Significant interidividual variations in the average cummulative NOR activity was assessed by means of one-factor dispersion analysis. No significant intertissue fluctuation of NOR activity was found. Total number of NOR+ chromosomes demonstrated no correlation with the embryonic age. Steady growth of an average cummulative NOR activity respective of progressive embryonic age was proven by correlation analysis method. Unequal participation of NOR-bearing chromosomes of D- and G-groups during early embryonic development in human was shown.  相似文献   

Importance of interphase nucleolar organizer regions in tumor pathology.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The importance of the distribution of silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) in interphase nuclei for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in tumor pathology has been reviewed. The available data demonstrated that interphase Ag-NOR evaluation may be of help in distinguishing malignant from hyperplastic or normal cells. On the other hand, there is increasing evidence that a relationship exists between the quantity of interphase Ag-NORs and the prognosis of malignant tumors: the greater the number of interphase Ag-NORs, the worse is the prognosis. This can be explained by the observation that the interphase Ag-NOR quantity is strictly related to the cell proliferation rate. The procedures used for the measurement of the interphase Ag-NOR quantity are also critically discussed.  相似文献   

The count of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) has been proposed as a useful method for evaluating cell replication in human tumours. The current study was undertaken to compare AgNOR values in colorectal cancers with two better established methods for investigating cell proliferation such as bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and 3[H]-thymidine (3[H]dT) labelling indices (LIs). Because some concern still exists regarding accuracy and reproducibility of AgNOR quantifying methods, we carried out a control study by independently repeating the same measurements (number, area and area per silver-stained NOR particle) in two centres with different operators and computer-assisted image analysers on 40 colorectal carcinomas. AgNOR values recorded in the two centres were strictly correlated (r= 0.75; P < 0.001 for number; r= 0.62, P < 0.01 for area; r= 0.63, P < 0.001 for area per silver-stained NOR particle) and the range of values were almost identical. Then, AgNOR values were compared with BrdUrd and 3[H]dT LIs, respectively obtained by in vivo incorporation and in vitro incubation in the same series of colorectal carcinomas. No correlation was found between AgNOR values and BrdUrd or 3[H]dT LIs. BrdUrd and 3[H]dT LIs were instead reciprocally significantly correlated. No evident correlation was seen between LIs or AgNOR values and clinico-pathological parameters of the tumour. In conclusion, in colorectal neoplasms, AgNOR values did not appear to relate with more direct parameters of cell proliferation. It follows that AgNOR reliability as a biomarker of cell proliferation remains questionable.  相似文献   

Chromosome banding patterns obtained by silver staining and chromomycin a3 (CMA3) staining were analyzed in six species of Oncorhynchus: O. tshawytscha, O. kisutch, O. keta, O. nerka, and O. gorbuscha from North America and O. masou from Japan. Four different chromosomal locations of the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were found in different species. In O. tshawytscha, O. kisutch, and O. masou the NORs comprised the entire short arms of one medium-sized acrocentric chromosome pair. In O. nerka the NORs were found in an interstitial band on the short arms of one submetacentric chromosome pair and in O. gorbuscha proximal to the centromere on one metacentric chromosome pair. In O. keta the NORs were found on the telomeres of one small submetacentric chromosome pair. As in the related genera Salmo and Salvelinus chromomycin A3 positive bands were found at the same sites as the AgNORs in all species. Salmonid fish are assumed to be ancestral tetraploids and the considerable differences in chromosome number between different species are thought to be the result of chromosomal fusions after tetraploidization. In all members of the genus Oncorhynchus the rearrangements have resulted in the consolidation of the NORs on a single chromosome pair. The possible significance of intra- and inter-species NOR polymorphisms is discussed.  相似文献   

A simple ammoniacal silver staining procedure, designated Ag-AS, differentially stains the chromosomal locations of ribosomal DNA in certain mammalian species. This was critically demonstrated by Ag-AS staining of the nucleolus organizer regions in karyotypes of the same species and cell lines used for locating the ribosomal cistrons by DNA/RNA in situ hybridization. With Ag-AS, silver stained NORs (Ag-NORs) are visualized as black spherical bodies on yellow-brown chromosome arms. Ag-NORs were visualized throughout mitosis at the secondary constrictions in the rat kangaroo, Seba's fruit bat, Indian muntjac, and Rhesus monkey. The Chinese hamster and cattle have telomeric Ag-NORs, the mouse subcentromeric Ag-NORs, and the field vole Ag-NORs as minute short arms or choromosomal satellites. Ag-NORs occur at both secondary constrictions and at telomeres in the cotton rat. Variability in Ag-NOR pattern included differences in the number of Ag-NORs per cell within a cell population, size of Ag-NORs among chromosomes of a complement, and presence of Ag-NOR on particular chromosomes in two cell lines of the Chinese hamster. The available cytochemical data suggest that the Ag-AS reaction stains chromosomal proteins at the NOR rather than the rDNA itself.  相似文献   

Silver-stainability of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) that contain genes for ribosomal RNA (rDNA) was investigated using two mouse strains, BALB/cCrSlc and MOA, and their hybrid progeny. The patterns of segregation of the rDNA clusters were analyzed in terms of chromosomal C-banding and by use of a polymorphic probe for the variable region in backcrossed N2 and N3 individuals. The results indicate that the intensity of Ag-NOR staining is stably inherited in most of the rDNA clusters, irrespective of different genetic backgrounds. In some clusters, such as those on chromosome 12 of BALB/cCrSlc, a modulation of the intensity is observed. This modulation seems to be due to compensatory activation via a change in the number of actively transcribed genes. The change from silver-negative to silver-positive staining of the NOR of chromosome 12 of BALB/cCrSlc was correlated with demethylation of the genes.  相似文献   

AgNOR staining technique was tested in ovarian epithelial tumors to evaluate its diagnostic potential in distinguishing between borderline tumors and well-differentiated carcinomas. In our opinion, the AgNOR count appears useful for assessing differences only between borderline and well-differentiated serous ovarian tumors at stage I of FIGO clinical advancement.  相似文献   

The value of the number and size of the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) as prognostic indicators in human neuroendocrine lung tumours was evaluated in a quantitative study of 57 cases, including 33 small cell carcinomas (SCLCs), 9 well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (WDNECs) and 15 classic carcinoids. NORs were visualized on paraffin sections by an argyrophilic technique (AgNOR) and measured by automatic image analysis. In each case, the mean number and area of AgNORs were evaluated; the results were compared with clinical follow-up and survival. AgNOR values for both number and area were significantly higher in SCLCs than in WDNECs and carcinoids. WDNECs had insignificantly higher AgNOR values than carcinoids. Among SCLCs, AgNOR values of the oat cell subtype and the intermediate cell subtype did not differ significantly. Regardless of the histological tumour type, AgNOR values strongly correlated with prognosis, with more and larger AgNORs indicating a more progressive clinical course. In the present study we demonstrate for the first time that the biological behaviour of neuroendocrine lung tumours is correlated with the number and size of AgNORs. Thus the measurement of AgNORs may serve as an additional prognostic indicator in these neoplasms, particularly in the separation of SCLCs from WDNECs with a more favourable prognosis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the AgNOR technique could be helpful for the cytologic diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic urinary tract lesions. We analysed the AgNOR pattern in urinary cytology in samples from 70 patients. In every case the average number of silver precipitations per nucleus was counted and the range between the minimum and maximum AgNOR value calculated. Furthermore we noted whether the AgNOR precipitations had a homogeneous or heterogeneous distribution. The diseases were classified in three groups: non-neoplastic lesions, low grade and high grade carcinoma. Linear discriminant analysis (with jack-knife procedure) was performed with the AgNOR parameters as independent variables. The final diagnosis of each patient had been established by histological analysis of bladder biopsies. We obtained a correct classification in 84.3% of the cases. All patients with normal or reactive lesions were correctly classified and only two cases of low grade malignancy were erroneously diagnosed as non-malignant. Five high grade neoplasms had been classified as low grade and four low grade carcinomas had been over-diagnosed as high grade neoplasms. We conclude that a combined qualitative and quantitative AgNOR analysis can be useful in the differential diagnosis of urinary cytology.  相似文献   

P Martínez  A Vi?as  C Bouza  J Castro  L Sánchez 《Génome》1993,36(6):1119-1123
A quantitative analysis combined with Ag staining was carried out to study the size variation of the main nucleolar organizer region (NOR) bearing chromosome pair 11 of Salmo trutta. A standardized NOR size measurement was developed by comparing the length of the short arm (NOR-bearing region) to the total chromosome length. Statistical procedures support arguments for the existence of a large and structural polymorphism within this species for this chromosome region. A minimum of five different chromosome classes were identified, which account for the total variation found. Size variation among classes was due both to changes in the number of NOR clusters as well as to the amount of rDNA genes within each cluster. NOR size values were normally distributed in the sample analyzed.  相似文献   

Chromosome banding patterns obtained by silver staining (Ag-NORs) were analyzed in three species of Salmo (rainbow, brown trout, and Atlantic salmon) and three species of Salvelinus (brook trout, lake trout, and arctic char). In rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon the Ag-NORs were found at the secondary constrictions of a single chromosome pair, while in brown trout the Ag-NORs were found on the short arms of one or two of the two longest subtelocentric or acrocentric chromosome pairs. The location of the Ag-NORs was multichromosomal in the three Salvelinus species, occurring on one or both members of four to six different chromosome pairs in different individuals. The Ag-NOR sites were on the short arms of some acrocentric pairs and at the telomeres of other acrocentric pairs and one or two metacentric pairs. Chromomycin A3 positive bands were found at the same sites as the Ag-NORs in all species. In the species with multichromosomal location of Ag-NORs, polymorphisms in the size and location of the NORs were extremely common, so that almost every individual fish had a different pattern of Ag-NOR sites.  相似文献   

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