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We used controlled aviary experiments to study the role of male ornaments in male-male competition and female choice in the common yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas , a sexually dichromatic warbler. Previous aviary studies in Wisconsin, USA, indicated that males with larger black facial masks were dominant over males with smaller masks and preferred by females in mate choice experiments. In this study, we replicated those experiments in a population in New York, USA, where male mating success was related more consistently to the size of the yellow bib (throat, breast, and belly) than to the size of the mask. Similar to the study in Wisconsin, we found that males with larger masks were more likely to be dominant in New York, however, we found that males with larger bibs were preferred by females in New York, and there was no significant preference for males with larger masks. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that carotenoid-based ornaments are selected by female choice and melanin-based ornaments are selected by male-male competition. However, the pattern of female choice appears to vary between New York and Wisconsin. This geographic difference could be related to a variety of environmental factors (habitat, carotenoid and parasite abundance) that affect the costs and benefits of choosing males with particular ornaments in each location.  相似文献   

Sexual selection involves two main mechanisms: intrasexual competition for mates and intersexual mate choice. We experimentally separated intrasexual (male-male interference competition) and intersexual (female choice) components of sexual selection in a freshwater fish, the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). We compared the roles of multiple morphological and behavioural traits in male success in both components of sexual competition, and their relation to male reproductive success, measured as paternity of offspring. Body size was important for both female choice and male-male competition, though females also preferred males that courted more vigorously. However, dominant males often monopolized females regardless of female preference. Subordinate males were not excluded from reproduction and sired some offspring, possibly through sneaked ejaculations. Male dominance and a greater intensity of carotenoid-based red colouration in their iris were the best predictors of male reproductive success. The extent of red iris colouration and parasite load did not have significant effects on female choice, male dominance or male reproductive success. No effect of parasite load on the expression of red eye colouration was detected, though this may have been due to low parasite prevalence in males overall. In conclusion, we showed that even though larger body size was favoured in both intersexual and intrasexual selection, male-male interference competition reduced opportunities for female choice. Females, despite being choosy, had limited control over the paternity of their offspring. Our study highlights the need for reliable measures of male reproductive success in studies of sexual selection.  相似文献   

狼蛛科雄蛛附肢上多样化的饰装往往与求偶行为相偶联,这些特殊的饰装通常被认为是雌性选择的结果。拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata,属狼蛛科豹蛛属,雄蛛触肢胫节密被白毛,跗舟密被黑毛,具有典型的性二型现象;同时,只有成熟的雄蛛才展现触肢黑白相间的毛饰物。推测拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢这种黑白相间的毛饰物可能在物种识别中具重要作用。在室内我们拟通过涂抹操作对拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢黑白相间毛饰物的功能进行分析。实验分为4组,分别是对照组(A组,雄蛛不做任何处理)、雄蛛触肢白色胫节全部涂成黑色(B组)、雄蛛触肢黑色跗舟全部涂成白色(C组)和雄蛛触肢的黑色跗舟被涂成黑色(D组),然后采用雌雄配对进行求偶交配行为测定。实验结果表明,B组雄蛛的交配成功率显著低于A、C和D组的雄蛛,而后3组雄蛛的交配成功率无显著差异。相反,B组雄蛛被雌蛛相食百分率显著高于其它3组。可见拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢上黑白相间毛饰物,尤其是其胫节上的白色饰物在雌蛛种间识别中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Male traits that signal health and vigour are used by females to choose better quality mates, but in some cases the male trait selected by females differs among populations. Multiple male traits can be maintained through female mate choice if both traits are equally honest indicators of male quality, but tests of this prediction are rare. By choosing males based on such traits, females could gain direct benefits from males (assistance with parental care), but when females choose extra‐pair mates based on these traits, females gain only male sperm, and potentially indirect genetic benefits for their offspring. In common yellowthroats (Geothylpis trichas), female choice of extra‐pair mates targets two different plumage ornaments: the black mask in a Wisconsin population and the yellow bib in a New York population. Previously, we found that the black mask in Wisconsin is related to greater major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II variation, which in turn signals better survival and disease resistance. In this study, we examined the signalling function of the yellow bib in New York to test whether it signals the same aspects of male quality as the black mask in Wisconsin. As predicted, we found that the yellow bib in New York is most closely associated with MHC variation, which also signals survival and resistance to blood parasites. Thus, the ornament preferred by females differs between the two populations, but the different ornaments signal similar aspects of male health and genetic quality, specifically information regarding MHC variation and potential indirect genetic benefits to females.  相似文献   

The evolution of female ornaments is poorly understood. Recent evidence suggests not only that female ornaments may be genetic correlates of selection on males but may also have evolved through male mate choice and/or through female–female aggressive interactions. In the rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, both sexes have a carotenoid-based yellow patch that is sexually selected by both sexes. The benefits that male may gain from choosing an attractive female remain unidentified. Both parents participate in caring for the young, so there should be mutual mate choice because males and females should both benefit from choosing a good parent (good parent hypothesis; GPH). Moreover, it has already been demonstrated that the yellow patch in males is also a badge of status (armament). Therefore, the yellow patch could also serve as both ornament and armament in females (dual utility hypothesis; DUH). We investigated the hypothesis that male and female yellow patch size signals parental quality in the field. We tested by an experiment in captivity the signal function of the yellow patch in female–female aggressive interactions for access to food. Yellow patch size correlated with paternal, but not maternal, feeding rates. Thus, this study supports the hypothesis that yellow patch dimension signals male parental quality, but there is no evidence for the GPH to explain female ornamentation. In the experiment females with relatively large yellow patches had earlier access to food than those with small patches. These results seem to suggest that a sexually selected carotenoid-feather signal may be used in female–female competition, in agreement with the DUH. Males may benefit from choosing well ornamented females because these may be superior competitors.  相似文献   

Females often possess ornaments that appear smaller and duller than homologous traits in males. These ornaments may arise as nonfunctional by‐products of sexual selection in males and cause negative viability or fecundity selection in females in proportion to the cost of their production and maintenance. Alternatively, female ornaments may function as signals of quality that are maintained by sexual or social selection. In a 4‐year study of 83 female common yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) and their 222 young, we found strong viability and fecundity selection on the yellow bib, a carotenoid‐based plumage ornament that is a target of sexual selection in males. Females with larger bibs were older, larger and more fecund than females with smaller bibs. However, bib size positively covaried with bib total brightness and carotenoid chroma, aspects of bib coloration that were under negative viability and fecundity selection. Females with more colourful bibs laid fewer eggs in their first clutch, were more likely to suffer total brood loss due to predation and were less likely to return to the study area. Selection against bib coloration limits the value of bib size as a quality indicator in females and may constrain the elaboration of bib attributes in males.  相似文献   

Sexual ornaments might indicate better condition, fewer parasites or a greater immune responsiveness. Carotenoid-based ornaments are common sexual signals of birds and often influence mate choice. Skin or beaks pigmented by carotenoids can change colour rapidly, and could be particularly useful as honest indicators of an individual's current condition and/or health. This is because carotenoids must be acquired through diet and/or allocation for ornamental coloration might be to the detriment of self-maintenance needs. Here, we investigated whether the carotenoid-based coloration of eye rings and beak of male red-legged partridges Alectoris rufa predicted condition (mass corrected for size), parasite load (more specifically infection by coccidia, a main avian intestinal parasite) or a greater immune responsiveness (swelling response to a plant lectin, phytohaemagluttinin, or PHA). Redness of beak and eye rings positively correlated with plasma carotenoid levels. Also, males in better condition had fewer coccidia, more circulating carotenoids and a greater swelling response to PHA. Carotenoid-based ornamentation predicted coccidia abundance and immune responsiveness (redder males had fewer coccidia and greater swelling response to PHA), but was only weakly positively related to condition. Thus, the carotenoid pigmentation of beak and eye rings reflected the current health status of individuals. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that allocation trade-offs (carotenoid use for ornamentation versus parasite defence needs) might ensure reliable carotenoid-based signalling.  相似文献   

While studies of sexual selection focus primarily on female choice and male-male competition, males should also exert mate choice in order to maximize their reproductive success. We examined male mate choice in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, with respect to female size and female dominance. We found that the number of mating attempts made by a male was predicted by the dominance rank of females in a group, with dominant females attracting more mating attempts than subordinates. The number of mating attempts made by males was independent of the female size. The observed bias in the number of mating attempts towards dominant females may be driven either by straightforward male mate choice, since dominance and female fecundity are often closely related, or via the dominant females mediating male mating behaviour by restricting their access to subordinate females.  相似文献   

1.  Female preferences for particular male ornaments may shift between populations as a consequence of ecological differences that change the reliability and detectability of the ornament, but few studies have examined how ornaments function in different populations.
2.  We examined the signalling function of male plumage ornaments in a warbler, the common yellowthroat ( Geothlypis trichas ), breeding in New York (NY) and Wisconsin (WI), USA. Males have two prominent ornaments: a black facial mask pigmented with melanin and a yellow bib pigmented by carotenoids. Previous studies in WI indicate that the size of the mask, and not the bib, is primarily related to female choice and male reproductive success. In NY, however, the pattern is reversed and attributes of the bib (size and colour), and not the mask, are the target of sexual selection.
3.  We found that brightness of the yellow bib was the best signal of humoral immunity (immunoglobulin G) in NY and mask size was the best signal in WI, after controlling for breeding experience and capture date. Thus, similar aspects of male quality appeared to be signalled by different ornaments in different populations.
4.  There was no difference between populations in the level of plasma carotenoids or the prevalence of malarial parasites, which may affect the costs and benefits of choosing males with particular ornaments in each location.
5.  Even though females in different populations prefer different ornaments produced by different types of pigments, these ornaments appear to be signalling similar aspects of male quality. Our results caution against inferring the function of particular ornaments based simply on their type of pigment.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is often based on exaggerated sexual traits, signals of male qualities that females cannot assess directly. Two such key qualities are male immune and/or sexual competence, whereby honesty in signalling could be maintained by physiological trade-offs. Carotenoid-based ornaments likely constitute such honest signals, as there is direct competition for (limited) carotenoids between ornament deposition and anti-oxidant support of immune or sperm functioning. Using spectrometry, we assessed the potential signalling function of the yellow, carotenoid-based colour of the bill of male mallards, a target of female mate choice. Here we demonstrate that bill reflectance varied with plasma carotenoid level, indicating antioxidant reserves. Moreover, lower relative UV reflectance during autumn pairing predicted immune responsiveness and correlated positively with sperm velocity during breeding, a trait that affects fertility. Our data provide support for current theories that females could use carotenoid-based sexual signals to detect immune vigour and fertilizing ability of prospective mates.  相似文献   

Yu TL  Lu X 《Zoological science》2010,27(11):856-860
The large-male mating advantage and size-assortative mating are two different size-based patterns, which deviate from random mating in toads. These two pairing patterns may arise due to female choice, male-male competition, male choice, or a combination of these. This study investigated the mating system of Minshan's toad (Bufo minshanicus) from three populations along an altitudinal gradient during two breeding reasons in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. Our study shows that males found in amplexus with females were larger on average than non-amplectant males in two sites with higher operational sex ratios. Similarly, in those sites, males and females found in amplexus maintained an optimal size ratio. These data suggest that male-male competition leads to size-assortative mating in the lack of mate choice (female and male mate choice) by Minshan's toad, as larger males performed higher frequencies for taking-over other low quality ones with amplectant females.  相似文献   

Females are thought to gain better-quality genes for their offspring by mating with particular males. Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a critical role in adaptive immunity, and several studies have examined female mate choice in relation to MHC variation. In common yellowthroats, females prefer males that have larger black facial masks, an ornament associated with MHC variation, immune function and condition. Here we also tested whether mating patterns are directly correlated with MHC diversity or similarity. Using pyrosequencing, we found that the presence of extra-pair young in the brood was not related to male MHC diversity or similarity between the female and her within-pair mate. Furthermore, extra-pair sires did not differ in overall diversity from males they cuckolded, or in their similarity to the female. MHC diversity is extremely high in this species, and it may limit the ability of females to assess MHC variation in males. Thus, mating may be based on ornaments, such as mask size, which are better indicators of overall male health and genetic quality.  相似文献   

A sexually selected signal may serve a dual function being bothattractive to mates and deterring rivals. Presently, there arefew unambiguous demonstrations of an ornament functioning inboth a mate choice and mate competition context and none regardingfemale ornaments. We have shown earlier that a temporary ornament,a striped pattern, in a sex-role reversed female pipefish, Syngnathustyphle, attracts males. Here we show that this ornament alsointimidates rival females: in one experiment a male could interactwith either 1 or 2 females. Latency until copulation was longerwhen 2, rather than 1, females were present. Moreover, when2 females were present, competition lasted longer and time untilmating took place increased when females displayed their ornamentsmore equally. In another experiment, a focal female could see1 stimulus female and 1 stimulus male, the latter 2 being unawareof each other. The ornament of the stimulus female was manipulated,either strengthened by being painted black or left unalteredby being sham-painted. As a result, focal females experiencingblack-painted stimulus females decreased courtship as well ascompetitive activities compared with focal females seeing sham-paintedfemales. Moreover, focal females seeing black-painted femalesdisplayed less of their own ornament compared with controls.This decrease was due to a decrease in display toward malesrather than to stimulus females. Thus, this female ornamentindeed has a dual function, attracting mates and deterring rivals.In addition, the social costs invoked by this intimidating effecton rivals may help to maintain signal honesty.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexually monomorphic (i.e. mutual) ornamentation has attracted growing attention as a 'blind-spot' in evolutionary biology. The popular consensus is that female ornaments are subject to the same modes of sexual selection as males: intrasexual competition and mate choice. However, it remains unclear how these forces interact within and between sexes, or whether they fully capture selection on female traits. One possibility is that the 'armament-ornament' model - which proposes that traits used primarily in male-male contests are also co-opted by females as indicators of male quality - can be extended to explain signal evolution in both sexes. We examine this idea by testing the function of acoustic signals in two species of duetting antbirds. Behavioural observations and playback experiments suggest that male and female songs function primarily as armaments in competitive interactions. Removal experiments reveal that song is also a classic ornament used by unpaired males and females to advertise for mates. These results indicate that 'armament-ornament' processes may operate in reciprocal format, potentially explaining widespread mutual ornamentation in species with elevated intrasexual competition for resources. In addition, given that songs mediate competition between species outside the breeding season, our findings suggest that processes shaping monomorphic ornaments extend beyond the traditional definitions of sexual selection and are best understood in the broader framework of social selection.  相似文献   

Energetic constraints on expression of carotenoid-based plumage coloration   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Carotenoid pigments are used by many bird species as feather colorants, creating brilliant yellow, orange, and red plumage displays. Such carotenoid-based plumage coloration has been shown to function as an honest signal that is used in female mate choice. Despite recent interest in carotenoid-based ornamental traits, the basis for individual variation in expression of carotenoid-based plumage coloration remains incompletely understood. I tested the hypothesis that, independent of carotenoid access, food stress during molt would cause reduced expression of carotenoid pigmentation. I fed molting male House Finches Carpodacus mexicanus seed diets supplemented with either the red carotenoid pigment canthaxanthin or the yellow/orange carotenoid pigment β-cryptoxanthin (in the form of tangerine juice). Within each diet treatment, one group of males was given restricted food access and the other group was given unrestricted food access. Carotenoid supplements were placed in water so carotenoid access was controlled independent of food access. The results indicated a strong effect of both carotenoid access and food access on color display. Some males in the β-cryptoxanthin-supplemented group grew red plumage, suggesting that they can metabolically modify yellow pigments into red pigments, but no bird supplemented with β-cryptoxanthin grew plumage as red as birds supplemented with canthaxanthin. Males in the unrestricted food groups grew redder and more intensely pigmented plumage than males in the restricted food groups. These observations provide the best evidence to date of an energetic cost of carotenoid utilization in the generation of colorful plumage.  相似文献   

Females of most taxa mate selectively. Mate selection may be: (1) pre-copulatory, involving active female choice and male-male competition, and (2) post-copulatory, with cryptic female choice and sperm competition. Because female dung beetles (Circellium bacchus) invest heavily in parental care by ball-rolling and remaining with developing larva they are, therefore, expected to be highly selective when mating. Mate choice in this species was investigated via behavioral observations and investigations of genital allometry of both sexes, leading to conclusions about the mechanisms of, and male characteristics important in, female choice. Male–male competition seems to be crucial in mate selection of C. bacchus, although the females appeared to show no active mate choice. There is a negative allometric relationship between genital size and body size of males as predicted by the ‘one size fits all’ hypothesis (where males have genitalia that fit average-sized females). For the females, no relationship was found between genital size and body size. This might be as a result of the non-sclerotized nature of female genitalia, which may allow for greater morphological plasticity.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress could be a key selective force shaping the expression of colored traits produced by the primary animal pigments in integuments: carotenoids and melanins. However, the impact of oxidative stress on melanic ornaments has only recently been explored, whereas its role in the expression of carotenoid-based traits is not fully understood. An interesting study case is that of those animal species simultaneously expressing both kinds of ornaments, such as the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa). In this bird, individuals exposed to an exogenous source of free radicals (diquat) during their development produced larger eumelanin-based (black) plumage traits than controls. Here, we show that the same red-legged partridges exposed to diquat simultaneously developed paler carotenoid-based ornaments (red beak and eye rings), and carried lower circulating carotenoid levels as well as lower levels of some lipids involved in carotenoid transport in the bloodstream (i.e., cholesterol). Moreover, partridges treated with a hormone that stimulates eumelanin production (i.e., alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone) also increased blood carotenoid levels, but this effect was not mirrored in the expression of carotenoid-based traits. The redness of carotenoid-based ornaments and the size of a conspicuous eumelanic trait (the black bib) were negatively correlated in control birds, suggesting a physiological trade-off during development. These findings contradict recent studies questioning the sensitivity of carotenoids to oxidative stress. Nonetheless, the impact of free radicals on plasma carotenoids seems to be partially mediated by changes in cholesterol metabolism, and not by direct carotenoid destruction/consumption. The results highlight the capacity of oxidative stress to create multiple phenotypes during development through differential effects on carotenoids and melanins, raising questions about evolutionary constraints involved in the production of multiple ornaments by the same organism.  相似文献   

Adult‐directed predation risk imposes important behavioral constraints on parents and might thus alter relationships between costly sexual ornaments and parental performance. For instance, under low predation risk, highly ornamented individuals might display better parental performance than others, as predicted by ‘good parent’ models of sexual selection. However, under high risk of predation, highly ornamented individuals might abandon parental effort if conspicuous to predators, or if social partners are more willing to take parental risks when paired with highly ornamented mates. We experimentally elevated perceived adult‐directed predation risk near nests to explore how carotenoid‐ and phaeomelanin‐based pigmentation in both sexes relate to parental risk‐taking for offspring in the yellow warbler Setophaga petechia. Compared to other males, males with more intense carotenoid‐based pigmentation maintained higher levels of paternal effort under predation risk at highly concealed nests, but reduced nestling provisioning rate more at exposed nests. Further, when faced with predation risk, females with more phaeomelanin‐based pigmentation reduced nestling provisioning rate less than other females, regardless of nest concealment. Females displayed higher parental effort across treatments when paired to males with more colorful carotenoid pigmentation. However, birds did not reduce parental effort under risk less when paired to a highly ornamented mate, suggesting that predation risk did not accentuate differential allocation. Males did not take fewer parental risks than females. Results indicate that nest concealment modifies parental risk‐taking by males with colorful carotenoid‐based pigmentation, and suggest that female melanin‐based pigmentation may indicate boldness and greater a propensity to take parental risks.  相似文献   

Many animals have multiple sexual ornaments, a fact variously explained as signalling of multiple attributes, or nonadaptive retention of now redundant, but previously informative, signals. Despite the widespread occurrence of multiple ornaments, and the theoretical interest in how they are maintained by selection, there have been few experimental studies of the phenomenon. We investigated the role of two ornaments, each plausibly signalling different male attributes, in attracting a new mate in the Kentish plover, Charadrius alexandrinus. Previously we have shown that male Kentish plovers vary in how long they take to acquire a new mate, and we hypothesized that this variation may relate to their attractiveness or parental ability. We created single males by removing their mate and clutch, and then manipulated both their badge size (a presumed signal of either their genetic quality or their dominance status and hence defensive abilities) and the length of their flank feathers (a presumed signal of their parental quality in incubation) in a 2×2 factorial design. We found no difference in remating times between manipulated and control males. Furthermore, neither body size nor body condition of males was related to their remating times, although males with enlarged badges spent less time fighting than control males. Taken together, our results suggest that female Kentish plovers do not use either badge size or the length of flank feathers as cues in their mate choice decisions. However, badge size may influence male-male competition.  相似文献   

In many animals, sexual selection has resulted in complex signaling systems in which males advertise aspects of their phenotypic or genetic quality through elaborate ornamentation and display behaviors. Different ornaments might convey different information or be directed at different receivers, but they might also be redundant signals of quality that function reliably at different times (ages) or in different contexts. We explored sexual selection and age‐ and condition‐dependent signaling in the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), a sexually dichromatic warbler with two prominent plumage ornaments—a melanin‐based, black facial “mask” and carotenoid‐based, UV‐yellow “bib.” In a three‐year study, variance among males in the number of social (Mw) and extra‐pair (Me) mates generated strong sexual selection on mask and bib attributes. Some traits (mask size, bib yellow brightness) were correlated with male age and did not experience selection beyond age‐related increases in Mw and Me. Other traits showed age‐specific (bib size) or age‐reversed (ultraviolet brightness) patterns of selection that paralleled changes in the information‐content of each ornament. The components of male fitness generating selection in young versus old males were distinct, reflecting different sources of variation in male fertilization success. Age‐ and context‐dependent changes in the strength, direction, and target of selection may help explain the maintenance of multiple ornaments in this and other species.  相似文献   

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