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Studies have demonstrated that receptor-mediated signaling, receptor/antigen complex trafficking, and major histocompatibility complex class II compartments (MIIC) are critically related to antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. In this study, we investigated the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in FcalphaR/gammagamma (CD89, human IgA receptor)-mediated internalization of immune complexes and subsequent antigen presentation. The classical and novel PKC inhibitor, Calphostin C, inhibits FcalphaR-mediated antigen presentation and interaction of MIIC and cargo vesicle (receptor and antigen). PKC-alpha, PKC-delta, and PKC-epsilon were recruited to lipid rafts following FcalphaR crosslinking, the extent of which was determined by the phenotype of the gamma chain. Mutant gamma chain with an FcgammaRIIA ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif) insert was less able to recruit PKC and trigger antigen presentation. Both PKC isoform-specific peptide inhibitors and short interfering RNA (siRNA) showed that PKC-alpha and PKC-delta, but not PKC-epsilon, were required for association of cargo vesicle and MIIC and for FcalphaR-mediated and soluble antigen presentation. Inhibition of PKC (classical and novel) did not alter major histocompatibility class II biosynthesis, assembly, transport, or plasma membrane stability. PKC's role in facilitating interaction of cargo vesicle and MIIC is likely due to regulation of vesicle biology required for fusion of cargo vesicles to MIIC.  相似文献   

CD89/FcalphaRI is a 55- to 75-kDa type I receptor glycoprotein, expressed on myeloid cells, with important immune effector functions. At present, no information is available on the existence of soluble forms of this receptor. We developed an ELISA for the detection of soluble CD89 (sCD89) forms and investigated the regulation of sCD89 production. PMA/ionomycin stimulation of monocytic cell lines (U937, THP-1, and MM6), but not of neutrophils, resulted in release of sCD89. Crosslinking of CD89 either via its ligand IgA or with anti-CD89 mAbs similarly resulted in sCD89 release. Using CD89-transfected cells, we showed ligand-induced shedding to be dependent on coexpression of the FcR gamma-chain subunit. Shedding of sCD89 was dependent on signaling via the gamma-chain and prevented by addition of inhibitors of protein kinase C (staurosporine) or protein tyrosine kinases (genistein). Western blotting revealed sCD89 to have an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa and to bind IgA in a dose-dependent fashion. In conclusion, the present data document a ligand-binding soluble form of CD89 that is released upon activation of CD89-expressing cells. Shedding of CD89 may play a role in fine-tuning CD89 immune effector functions.  相似文献   

The prototypic receptor for IgA (FcalphaRI, CD89) is expressed on myeloid cells and can trigger phagocytosis, tumor cell lysis, and release of inflammatory mediators. The functions of FcalphaRI and activating receptors for IgG (FcgammaRI and FcgammaRIII) are dependent on the FcR gamma-chain dimer. This study increases our understanding of the molecular basis of the FcalphaRI-FcR gamma-chain transmembrane interaction, which is distinct from that of other activatory FcRs. FcalphaRI is unique in its interaction with the common FcR gamma-chain, because it is based on a positively charged residue at position 209, which associates with a negatively charged amino acid of FcR gamma-chain. We explored the importance of the position of this positive charge within human FcalphaRI for FcR gamma-chain association and FcalphaRI functioning with the use of site-directed mutagenesis. In an FcalphaRI R209L/A213H mutant, which represents a vertical relocation of the positive charge, proximal and distal FcR gamma-chain-dependent functions, such as calcium flux, MAPK phosphorylation, and IL-2 release, were similar to those of wild-type FcalphaRI. A lateral transfer of the positive charge, however, completely abrogated FcR gamma-chain-dependent functions in an FcalphaRI R209L/M210R mutant. By coimmunoprecipitation, we have demonstrated the loss of a physical interaction between FcR gamma-chain and FcalphaRI M210R mutant, thus explaining the loss of FcR gamma-chain-dependent functions. In conclusion, not only the presence of a basic residue in the transmembrane region of FcalphaRI, but also the orientation of FcalphaRI toward the FcR gamma-chain dimer is essential for FcR gamma-chain association. This suggests the involvement of additional amino acids in the FcalphaRI-FcR gamma-chain interaction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Locomoting cells exhibit a constant retrograde flow of plasma membrane (PM) proteins from the leading edge lamellipodium backward, which when coupled to substrate adhesion, may drive forward cell movement. However, the intracellular source of these PM components and whether their continuous retrograde flow is required for cell motility is unknown.RESULTS: To test the hypothesis that the anterograde secretion pathway supplies PM components for retrograde flow that are required for lamellipodial activity and cell motility, we specifically inhibited transport of cargo from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the PM in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts and monitored cell motility using time-lapse microscopy. TGN-to-PM trafficking was inhibited with a dominant-negative, kinase-dead (kd) mutant of protein kinase D1 (PKD) that specifically blocks budding of secretory vesicles from the TGN and does not affect other transport pathways. Inhibition of PKD on the TGN inhibited directed cell motility and retrograde flow of surface markers and filamentous actin, while inhibition of PKD elsewhere in the cell neither blocked anterograde membrane transport nor cell motile functions. Exogenous activation of Rac1 in PKD-kd-expressing cells restored lamellipodial dynamics independent of membrane traffic. However, lamellipodial activity was delocalized from a single leading edge, and directed cell motility was not fully recovered.CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that PKD-mediated anterograde membrane traffic from the TGN to the PM is required for fibroblast locomotion and localized Rac1-dependent leading edge activity. We suggest that polarized secretion transmits cargo that directs localized signaling for persistent leading edge activity necessary for directional migration.  相似文献   

IgA, the principal ligand for FcalphaRI, exists in serum as monomeric IgA and at mucosal sites as secretory IgA (SIgA). SIgA consists of dimeric IgA linked by joining chain and secretory components. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and mouse PMN transgenic for human FcalphaRI exhibited spreading and elicited respiratory burst activity upon interaction with either serum or SIgA. However, PMN devoid of the beta(2) integrin Mac-1 (Mac-1(-/-)) were unable to bind SIgA, despite expression of FcalphaRI. Consistent with this, serum IgA stimulated Mac-1(-/-) PMN oxygen radical production, in contrast to SIgA. Binding studies showed the secretory component, by itself, to interact with Mac-1-expressing PMN, but not with Mac-1(-/-) PMN. These data demonstrate an essential role for Mac-1 in establishing SIgA-FcalphaRI interactions.  相似文献   

Fc alpha R (CD89), the FcR for IgA, is expressed exclusively in myeloid cells, including monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, and eosinophils, and is thought to mediate IgA-triggered cellular functions in immunity. Here we demonstrate that the Fc alpha R 5'-flanking region from -102 to -64 relative to the ATG translation initiation codon is essential for promoter activity and contains two functional binding motifs for C/EBP and Ets family members at -74 and -92, respectively. EMSAs and cotransfection experiments show that C/EBP alpha acts as a major activator of the Fc alpha R promoter at least in immature myeloid cells. In addition, we found two additional functional targets of C/EBP alpha at -139 and -127. On the other hand, the Fc alpha R Ets binding motif could bind Elf-1 and mediate the trans-activation by cotransfected Elf-1, but a major component of the complex forming on this site appears to be an unidentified Ets-like nuclear protein that is preferentially detected in cells of hemopoietic origin. Furthermore, separation of the C/EBP and Ets binding sites reduces Fc alpha R promoter activity, suggesting some functional interaction between these factors. As the in vivo role of Fc alpha R is still incompletely defined, these findings reveal the features controlling the Fc alpha R promoter in myeloid lineage and provide a foundation for clarifying regulatory mechanisms of Fc alpha R gene expression associated with its potential roles.  相似文献   

Antigen (Ag) capture and presentation onto major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules by B lymphocytes is mediated by their surface Ag receptor (B cell receptor [BCR]). Therefore, the transport of vesicles that carry MHC class II and BCR-Ag complexes must be coordinated for them to converge for processing. In this study, we identify the actin-associated motor protein myosin II as being essential for this process. Myosin II is activated upon BCR engagement and associates with MHC class II-invariant chain complexes. Myosin II inhibition or depletion compromises the convergence and concentration of MHC class II and BCR-Ag complexes into lysosomes devoted to Ag processing. Accordingly, the formation of MHC class II-peptides and subsequent CD4 T cell activation are impaired in cells lacking myosin II activity. Therefore, myosin II emerges as a key motor protein in BCR-driven Ag processing and presentation.  相似文献   

Proteolysis is required for two steps of the MHC class II antigen-processing pathway, degradation of invariant chain and cleavage of protein antigens. Invariant chain dissociation from MHC is limited by a final proteolytic event which is tightly regulated in both temporal and tissue-specific ways. In contrast, enzymes involved in antigen proteolysis remain ill-defined. Gene 'knockout' experiments of housekeeping proteolytic enzymes suggest either that these enzymes do not play a major role, or that antigen proteolysis is too degenerate for this type of analysis. The possible role of two other proteinases, cathepsin E and aspariginyl endopeptidase is discussed. Finally, the data implicating antigen processing in repertoire generation is briefly considered. We conclude that selective regulation of endosomal proteolysis could have profound implications for control of immunity against infection, as well as in autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Class II MHC molecules survey the endocytic compartments of APCs and present antigenic peptides to CD4 T cells. In this context, lysosomal proteases are essential not only for the generation of antigenic peptides but also for proteolysis of the invariant chain to allow the maturation of class II MHC molecules. Recent studies with protease inhibitors have implicated the asparagine endopeptidase (AEP) in class II MHC-restricted Ag presentation. We now report that AEP-deficient mice show no differences in processing of the invariant chain or maturation of class II MHC products compared with wild-type mice. In the absence of AEP, presentation to primary T cells of OVA and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, two Ags that contain asparagine residues within or in proximity to the relevant epitopes was unimpaired. Cathepsin (Cat) L, a lysosomal cysteine protease essential for the development to CD4 and NK T cells, fails to be processed into its mature two-chain form in AEP-deficient cells. Despite this, the numbers of CD4 and NK T cells are normal, showing that the single-chain form of Cat L is sufficient for its function in vivo. We conclude that AEP is essential for processing of Cat L but not for class II MHC-restricted Ag presentation.  相似文献   

Immature dendritic cells (DC) sample Ags within nonlymphoid tissues and acquire exogenous proteins/pathogens via scavenger receptors or Ig FcR such as Fc gamma R and Fc epsilon R. IgA is present in a significant proportion among serum Ig and is the main isotype in mucosae, where DC are numerous. We found that a functional Fc alpha R (CD89) was expressed in situ and in vitro on interstitial-type DC but not on Langerhans cell-type DC. Interstitial-type DC expressed CD89 as a 50- to 75-kDa glycoprotein with a 32-kDa protein core, which was down-regulated upon addition of TGF-beta 1. DC, Fc alpha R specifically, bound IgA1 and IgA2. Cross-linking of CD89 on DC triggered endocytosis in time-dependent manner. In addition, internalization of polymeric IgA complexes induced the production of IL-10 and DC activation, as reflected by up-regulation of CD86 costimulatory molecules, class II MHC expression, and increased allostimulatory activity. Therefore, interstitial-type DC may use Fc alpha R-mediated Ag sampling in the subepithelium to check tissue integrity while Langerhans cells inside epithelial layers may neglect IgA immune complexes.  相似文献   

Li G  Xue HW 《The Plant cell》2007,19(1):281-295
Phospholipase D (PLD) and its product, phosphatidic acid (PA), play key roles in cellular processes, including stress and hormonal responses, vesicle trafficking, and cytoskeletal rearrangements. We isolated and functionally characterized Arabidopsis thaliana PLDzeta2, which is expressed in various tissues and enhanced by auxin. A PLDzeta2-defective mutant, pldzeta2, and transgenic plants deficient in PLDzeta2 were less sensitive to auxin, had reduced root gravitropism, and suppressed auxin-dependent hypocotyl elongation at 29 degrees C, whereas transgenic seedlings overexpressing PLDzeta2 showed opposite phenotypes, suggesting that PLDzeta2 positively mediates auxin responses. Studies on the expression of auxin-responsive genes and observation of the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) expression in crosses between pldzeta2 and lines containing DR5-GUS indicated that PLDzeta2, or PA, stimulated auxin responses. Observations of the membrane-selective dye FM4-64 showed suppressed vesicle trafficking under PLDzeta2 deficiency or by treatment with 1-butanol, a PLD-specific inhibitor. By contrast, vesicle trafficking was enhanced by PA or PLDzeta2 overexpression. Analyses of crosses between pldzeta2 and lines containing PIN-FORMED2 (PIN2)-enhanced green fluorescent protein showed that PLDzeta2 deficiency had no effect on the localization of PIN2 but blocked the inhibition of brefeldin A on PIN2 cycling. These results suggest that PLDzeta2 and PA are required for the normal cycling of PIN2-containing vesicles as well as for function in auxin transport and distribution, and hence auxin responses.  相似文献   

Regulation of neuronal NMDA receptor (NMDAR) is critical in synaptic transmission and plasticity. Protein kinase C (PKC) promotes NMDAR trafficking to the cell surface via interaction with NMDAR-associated proteins (NAPs). Little is known, however, about the NAPs that are critical to PKC-induced NMDAR trafficking. Here, we showed that calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) could be a NAP that mediates the potentiation of NMDAR trafficking by PKC. PKC activation promoted the level of autophosphorylated CaMKII and increased association with NMDARs, accompanied by functional NMDAR insertion, at postsynaptic sites. This potentiation, along with PKC-induced long term potentiation of the AMPA receptor-mediated response, was abolished by CaMKII antagonist or by disturbing the interaction between CaMKII and NR2A or NR2B. Further mutual occlusion experiments demonstrated that PKC and CaMKII share a common signaling pathway in the potentiation of NMDAR trafficking and long-term potentiation (LTP) induction. Our results revealed that PKC promotes NMDA receptor trafficking and induces synaptic plasticity through indirectly triggering CaMKII autophosphorylation and subsequent increased association with NMDARs.  相似文献   

The effect of protein kinase inhibitors on transferrin receptor (TR) internalization was examined in HeLa, A431, 3T3-L1 cells, and primary chicken embryo fibroblasts. We show that TR endocytosis is not affected by tyrosine kinase or protein kinase C inhibitors, but is inhibited by one serine/threonine kinase inhibitor, H-89. Inhibition occurred within 15 min, was completely reversible after H-89 withdrawal, and was specific for endocytosis rather than pinocytosis since a TR mutant lacking an internalization signal was not affected. Interestingly, H-89 also inhibited the internalization of a TR chimera containing the major histocompatibility complex class II invariant chain cytoplasmic tail, indicating that the effect was not specific for the TR. Since H-89 inhibits a number of kinases, we employed a permeabilized cell endocytosis assay to further characterize the kinase. In permeabilized 3T3-L1 cells, addition of pseudosubstrate inhibitor peptides of casein kinase II (CKII) blocked TR internalization by more than 50%, whereas pseudosubstrates of cyclic AMP-dependent kinase A, protein kinase C, and casein kinase I had no effect. Furthermore, addition of purified CKII to the cell-free reactions containing CKII pseudosubstrates reversed the endocytosis block, suggesting that CKII or a CKII-like activity is required for constitutive endocytosis.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-dependent activator protein for secretion (CAPS) regulates exocytosis of catecholamine- or neuropeptide-containing dense-core vesicles (DCVs) at secretion sites, such as nerve terminals. However, large amounts of CAPS protein are localized in the cell soma, and the role of somal CAPS protein remains unclear. The present study shows that somal CAPS1 plays an important role in DCV trafficking in the trans-Golgi network. The anti-CAPS1 antibody appeared to pull down membrane fractions, including many Golgi-associated proteins, such as ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) small GTPases. Biochemical analyses of the protein-protein interaction showed that CAPS1 interacted specifically with the class II ARF4/ARF5, but not with other classes of ARFs, via the pleckstrin homology domain in a GDP-bound ARF form-specific manner. The pleckstrin homology domain of CAPS1 showed high affinity for the Golgi membrane, thereby recruiting ARF4/ARF5 to the Golgi complex. Knockdown of either CAPS1 or ARF4/ARF5 expression caused accumulation of chromogranin, a DCV marker protein, in the Golgi, thereby reducing its DCV secretion. In addition, the overexpression of CAPS1 binding-deficient ARF5 mutants induced aberrant chromogranin accumulation in the Golgi and consequently reduced its DCV secretion. These findings implicate a functional role for CAPS1 protein in the soma, a major subcellular localization site of CAPS1 in many cell types, in regulating DCV trafficking in the trans-Golgi network; this activity occurs via protein-protein interaction with ARF4/ARF5 in a GDP-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Activation of vanilloid receptor (VR1) by protein kinase C (PKC) was investigated in cells ectopically expressing VR1 and primary cultures of dorsal root ganglion neurons. Submicromolar phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu), which stimulates PKC, acutely activated Ca(2+) uptake in VR1-expressing cells at pH 5.5, but not at mildly acidic or neutral pH. PDBu was antagonized by bisindolylmaleimide, a PKC inhibitor, and ruthenium red, a VR1 ionophore blocker, but not capsazepine, a vanilloid antagonist indicating that catalytic activity of PKC is required for PDBu activation of VR1 ion conductance, and is independent of the vanilloid site. Chronic PDBu dramatically down-regulated PKC(alpha) in dorsal root ganglion neurons or the VR1 cell lines, whereas only partially influencing PKCbeta, -delta, -epsilon, and -zeta. Loss of PKC(alpha) correlated with loss of response to acute re-challenge with PDBu. Anandamide, a VR1 agonist in acidic conditions, acts additively with PDBu and remains effective after chronic PKC down-regulation. Thus, two independent VR1 activation pathways can be discriminated: (i) direct ligand binding (anandamide, vanilloids) or (ii) extracellular ligands coupled to PKC by intracellular signaling. Experiments in cell lines co-expressing VR1 with different sets of PKC isozymes showed that acute PDBu-induced activation requires PKC(alpha), but not PKC(epsilon). These studies suggest that PKC(alpha) in sensory neurons may elicit or enhance pain during inflammation or ischemia.  相似文献   

Two independent L cell transformants expressing human lymphocyte Fc epsilon R were established by using cellular DNA from RPMI 8866 cells. The surface expression of the receptor was confirmed on the basis of the binding of a panel of anti-Fc epsilon R antibodies and its ability to bind IgE. Anti-CD23 antibodies strongly stained the transformants, indicating possible identity or antigenic relationship between Fc epsilon R and CD23. This interesting observation warrants additional clarification as to the role of CD23 and Fc epsilon R in B cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Controlled localization of class II MHC molecules is essential for proper class II MHC-restricted antigen presentation and the subsequent initiation of an adaptive immune response. Ubiquitination of class II MHC molecules on cytosolic lysine (K225) of the β-chain has been shown to affect localization of the complex. We generated mice in which the endogenous β-chain locus is replaced with a GFP tagged mutant version that lacks the cytosolic lysine residue (I-A-β-K225R-EGFP). These mice have elevated levels of class II MHC as compared to I-A-β-EGFP mice, and immature bone marrow-derived dendritic cells show redistribution of class II MHC to the cell surface. Nonetheless, in these same cells efficiency of antigen presentation is unaffected in I-A-β-K225R-EGFP mice, as assayed for presentation of ovalbumin to appropriately specific T cells. The I-A-β-K225R-EGFP animals have normal CD4 T cell populations and are capable of generating antigen-specific antibody in response to model antigens and viral infection. We therefore conclude that in our experimental system modulation of trafficking by ubiquitination of residue K225 of the β-chain is not essential for the function of class II MHC products in antigen presentation or antibody production.  相似文献   

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