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The present experiments were designed to test whether the simple equilibrium assembly model proposed by Inoué could predict variations in spindle microtubule assembly in response to changes in hydrostatic pressure as it does for changes in temperature. The results were also analyzed according to a model based on nucleated condensation polymerization since this recently appears to be the mechanism by which purified brain microtubules are assembled in vitro. Equilibrium birefringence (BR) of the meiotic metaphase-arrested spindle was measured in vivo as a function of hydrostatic pressure and temperature in Chaetopterus oocytes using a miniature microscope pressure chamber. Increasing pressure in steps to 3,000 psi at temperatures below 22 degrees C did produce decreases in spindle equilibrium BR predictable directly from the simple equilibrium model of spindle assembly. Thermodynamic analysis of the pressure data yielded a value of delta V congruent to 400 ml/mol of polymerizing unit. Theoretical curves based on the nucleated condensation model can also be made to fit the data, but semilog plots of the dependence of the equilibrium constant versus pressure and versus reciprocal temperature are biphasic, suggesting that either the size of the polymerizing unit changes or more than one equilibrium constant governs the assembly reaction. That the same value of delta V, 90 ml/mol, was estimated from both the majority of the spindle BR data and data for the assembly of neural microtubules in vitro supports the possibility that spindle microtubules are assembled by a nucleated condensation mechanism.  相似文献   

Evidence from light microscopy (principally polarization microscopy) has demonstrated that hydrostatic pressure can reversibly inhibit mitosis by rapidly depolymerizing the spindle fiber microtubules. We have confirmed this finding in ultrastructural studies of mitotic HeLa cells incubated at 37 degrees C and pressurized at 680 atm (10,000 psi). Althouth there are many spindle microtubules in the cells at atmospheric pressure, electron micographs of cells pressurized for 10 min (and fixed while under pressure in a Landau-Thibodeau chamber) show few microtubules. Pressure has a differential effect on the various types of spindle microtubules. Astral and interpolar MTs appear to be completely depolymerized in pressurized cells, but occasional groups of kinetochore fiber microtubules are seen. Surprisingly, the length and density of microtubules of the stem bodies and midbody of telophase cells appear unchanged by pressurization. In cells fixed 10 min after pressure was released, microtubules were again abundant, the density often appearing to be higher than in control cells. Reorganization seems incomplete, however, since many of the microtubules are randomly oriented. Unexpectedly, kinetochores appeared diffuse and were difficult to identify in sections of pressurized cells. Even after 10 min of recovery at atmospheric pressure, their structure was less distinct than in unpressurized cells.  相似文献   

Tubulin was extracted from spindles isolated from embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, repolymerized in vitro, and purified through three cycles of temperature-dependent assembly and disassembly. In addition to the tubulin, these preparations contain a protein of 80 kdaltons and a small but variable amount of actin. At 37 degrees C, the tubulin polymerizes with a critical concentration of 0.15-0.2 mg/ml into smooth-walled polymers which contain predominantly 14 protofilaments. Removal of the 80 kdalton protein and the actin by DEAE-chromatography does not change the critical concentration for polymerization. At 15 degrees C, which is within the range of physiological temperatures for S. purpuratus embryos, the spindle tubulin will self-assemble, but the rate of total polymer formation is very slow, requiring hours in the test tube. This rate can be increased by shearing the polymerizing microtubules, creating more ends for assembly, indicating that the slow rate of polymer formation is due to a slow rate of self-initiation. If spindle tubulin is polymerized at 37 degrees C and then lowered to 15 degrees C, some polymer will be retained, the percentage of which depends on the protein concentration. These results demonstrate that spindle tubulin from S. purpuratus will assemble at 37 degrees C with a low critical concentration for polymerization in the absence of detectable MAPs and will self-assemble and maintain steady state levels of polymer at physiological temperatures.  相似文献   

Summary An extensive system of microtubules develops during meiotic prophase in the mossRhynchostegium serrulatum (Hedw.)Jaeg. &Sauerb. Development of the cytoskeleton can be traced to early prophase when the nucleus is acentric and the single plastid divides into four plastids. The cytoskeletal microtubules are associated with equidistant positioning of the four plastids at the distal tetrad poles and with migration of the nucleus to a central position in the sporocyte. The cytoskeleton, which interconnects plastids and encloses the nucleus, contributes to the establishment of moss sporocyte polarity. Just prior to metaphase I evidence of the prophase cytoskeleton is lost as the bipolar metaphase I spindle develops in association with discrete polar organizers located in opposite cleavage furrows between plastids.  相似文献   

Shamina NV 《Tsitologiia》2003,45(7):650-654
A planar meridional perinuclear band of microtubules was observed at the late meiotic prophase I in a range of higher plant species. A distinct high-organized structure and a long time of existence allow to consider it as a new class of MTs dependent on the cell cycle in plant meiosis. MTs of the perinuclear band convert into meiotic spindle through a complex process of spatial rearrangements.  相似文献   

We extracted chromosomes by micromanipulation from Melanoplus differentialis spermatocytes, producing metaphase spindles with only one or a few chromosomes instead of the usual complement of 23. Cells with various numbers of chromosomes were prepared for electron microscopy, and spindle microtubule length was measured. A constant increment of microtubule length was lost upon the removal of each chromosome; we estimate that only approximately 40% of the original length would remain in the total absence of chromosomes. Unexpectedly, kinetochore microtubules were not the only ones affected when chromosomes were removed: nonkinetochore microtubules accounted for a substantial fraction of the total length lost. No compensatory increase in microtubule length outside the spindle was found. Studies by others show that the kinetochore microtubules of extracted chromosomes are left behind in the cell and dissassemble. The resulting increase in subunit concentration would be expected from in vitro studies to drive microtubule assembly until the original total microtubule length was restored, but that did not happen in these living cells. We conclude that the assembly of a certain, large fraction of microtubule subunits into stable microtubules is dependent on the presence of chromosomes. Possible explanations include (a) limits on microtubule length that prevent any net assembly of the subunits released after chromosomes are removed or (b) a promotion of microtubule assembly by chromosomes, which therefore is reduced in their absence. Chromosome-dependent regulation of microtubule length may account for some features of normal mitosis.  相似文献   

n-Butanol induces depolymerization of microtubules in vivo and in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of butanol on microtubules (MTs) were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy. Fragmentation of cortical MTs was induced by n-butanol, but not by s- and t-butanols, in cultured tobacco BY-2 cells. Taxol prevented n-butanol-induced MT fragmentation. Fragmented cortical MTs were still attached to the inner face of the plasma membrane when n-butanol-treated protoplasts were ruptured on the slide glass. Moreover, MTs were depolymerized in the presence of n-butanol in vitro. Therefore, n-butanol is not only an activator of phospholipase D but also an effective MT-depolymerizing agent.  相似文献   

Role of spindle microtubules in mitosis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1475-1489
Spindle microtubules (MTs) in PtK1 cells, fixed at stages from metaphase to telophase, have been reconstructed using serial sections, electron microscopy, and computer image processing. We have studied the class of MTs that form an interdigitating system connecting the two spindle poles (interpolar MTs or ipMTs) and their relationship to the spindle MTs that attach to kinetochores (kMTs). Viewed in cross section, the ipMTs cluster with antiparallel near neighbors throughout mitosis; this bundling becomes much more pronounced as anaphase proceeds. While the minus ends of most kMTs are near the poles, those of the ipMTs are spread over half of the spindle length, with at least 50% lying > 1.5 microns from the poles. Longitudinal views of the ipMT bundles demonstrate a major rearrangement of their plus ends between mid- and late anaphase B. However, the minus ends of these MTs do not move appreciably farther from the spindle midplane, suggesting that sliding of these MTs contributes little to anaphase B. The minus ends of ipMTs are markedly clustered in the bundles of kMTs throughout anaphase A. These ends lie close to kMTs much more frequently than would be expected by chance, suggesting a specific interaction. As sister kinetochores separate and kMTs shorten, the minus ends of the kMTs remain associated with the spindle poles, but the minus ends of many ipMTs are released from the kMT bundles, allowing the spindle pole and the kMTs to move away from the ipMTs as the spindle elongates.  相似文献   

A subcellular fraction containing fragments of endogenous microtubules stabilized in 50% glycerol was separated by diferential centrifugation of rat brain homogenates. The pellets were suspended in glycerol-deficient media, and microtubule depolymerization was monitored by measuring the decrease of sedimentable tubulin. Concomitantly, the number and size of microtubules in the suspensions were followed via electron microscopy. Depolymerization was accompanied by a proportional decrease in the number of microtubules, whereas the average size did not change significantly. After approximately 20 min, a subpopulation of microtubules became stable and did not suffer further depolymerization. These results indicate that upon dilution some microtubules completely depolymerize, whereas others remain stable in the glycerol-deficient medium. The degree of depolymerization depended on both the volume of the resuspension media and on the final glycerol concentration. The results suggest that the depolymerization of the remaining microtubules is prevented by stabilizing factors released from depolymerizing microtubules. Tubulin dimers are not one of these factors, since depolymerization was not altered by the addition of colchicine or by changing the concentration of free tubulin in the medium.  相似文献   

Melloy PG  Holloway SL 《Genetics》2004,167(3):1079-1094
The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase in the ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis pathway (UMP). To understand how the APC/C was targeted to its substrates, we performed a detailed analysis of one of the APC/C components, Cdc23p. In live cells, Cdc23-GFP localized to punctate nuclear spots surrounded by homogenous nuclear signal throughout the cell cycle. These punctate spots colocalized with two outer kinetochore proteins, Slk19p and Okp1p, but not with the spindle pole body protein, Spc42p. In late anaphase, the Cdc23-GFP was also visualized along the length of the mitotic spindle. We hypothesized that spindle checkpoint activation may affect the APC/C nuclear spot localization. Localization of Cdc23-GFP was disrupted upon nocodazole treatment in the kinetochore mutant okp1-5 and in the cdc20-1 mutant. Cdc23-GFP nuclear spot localization was not affected in the ndc10-1 mutant, which is defective in spindle checkpoint function. Additional studies using a mad2Delta strain revealed a microtubule dependency of Cdc23-GFP spot localization, whether or not the checkpoint response was activated. On the basis of these data, we conclude that Cdc23p localization was dependent on microtubules and was affected by specific types of kinetochore disruption.  相似文献   

Polarity of spindle microtubules in Haemanthus endosperm   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Structural polarities of mitotic spindle microtubules in the plant Haemanthus katherinae have been studied by lysing endosperm cells in solutions of neurotubulin under conditions that will decorate cellular microtubules with curved sheets of tubulin protofilaments. Microtubule polarity was observed at several positions in each cell by cutting serial thin sections perpendicular to the spindle axis. The majority of the microtubules present in a metaphase or anaphase half-spindle are oriented with their fast-growing or "plus" ends distal to the polar area. Near the polar ends of the spindle and up to about halfway between the kinetichores and the poles, the number of microtubules with opposite polarity is low: 8-20% in metaphase and 2-15% in anaphase cells. Direct examination of 10 kinetochore fibers shows that the majority of these microtubules, too, are oriented with their plus ends distal to the poles, as had been previously shown in animal cells. Sections from the region near the spindle equator reveal an increased fraction of microtubules with opposite polarity. Graphs of polarity vs. position along the spindle axis display a smooth transition from microtubules of one orientation near the first pole, through a region containing equal numbers of the two orientations, to a zone near the second pole where the opposite polarity predominates. We conclude that the spindle of endosperm cells is constructed from two sets of microtubules with opposite polarity that interdigitate near the spindle equator. The length of the zone of interdigitation shortens from metaphase through telophase, consistent with a model that states that during anaphase spindle elongation in Haemanthus, the interdigitating sets of microtubules are moved apart. We found no major changes in the distribution of microtubule polarity in the spindle interzone from anaphase to telophase when cells are engaged in phragmoplast formation. Therefore, the initiation and organization of new microtubules, thought to take place during phragmoplast assembly, must occur without significant alteration of the microtubule polarity distribution.  相似文献   

T. Hogetsu 《Planta》1986,167(4):437-443
Immunofluorescence microscopy was used to examine the re-formation of microtubules (MT), after cold-induced depolymerization, in Closterium ehrenbergii. The C. ehrenbergii cells undergo cell division followed by semicell expansion in the dark period of daily light-dark cycles. Five types of MTs, namely the MT ring, hair-like MTs around the nuclei, spindle MTs, radially arranged MTs and transverse wall MTs, appeared and disappeared sequentially during and following cell division. The wall MTs were distributed transversely only in the expanding new semicells. When cells were chilled in ice water, wall MTs in expanding cells were fragmented, and then disappeared as did the other types of MTs, within 5 min. When cells were warmed at 20°C after 2 h chilling, wall MTs and the other types of MTs re-formed. At the early stage of wall-MT re-formation in expanding cells, small, star-like MTs were formed, and then randomly oriented MTs developed in both the expanding new and the old semicells. The MT ring was also re-formed at the boundary between the new and old semicells. There were no obvious MT-organizing centers in the random arrangement. As time passed, the randomly oriented wall MTs in the old semicells disappeared and those in the expanding new semicells gradually assumed a transverse orientation. These results indicate that wall MTs can be rearranged transversely after they have been re-formed and that nucleation of wall MTs is separable from the mechanism for ordering them.Abbreviations MT(s) microtubule(s) - MTOC(s) microtubule-organizing center(s)  相似文献   

Summary By following microtubule neoformation after their complete destruction by nocodazole, we analyzed the pattern of microtubule nucleation in protoplasts ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Using immunofluorescence, the drug was shown to induce rapid and complete disassembly of both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules and to selectively block protoplast nuclear division at a defined stage of the cell cycle. Treated protoplasts placed in a drug-free environment recovered a more abundant microtubular system. The majority of microtubules re-formed at SPBs whereas a minority of free-ended microtubules nucleated in the cytoplasm of the protoplasts without any detectable association with recognizable nucleation sites. Random nucleation of free microtubules might be induced by high amounts of unpolymerized tubulin likely to be present in the protoplasts at the moment of drug release.Abbreviations MT microtubule - NOCO nocodazole - SPBs spindle pole bodies - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - BSA bovine serum albumine - sMT spindle microtubule - cMT cytoplasmic microtubule - MTOC microtubule organizing center  相似文献   

Microtubules are polar structures that grow preferentially at one end. Measurement of their rate of directional growth can be used as a polarity indicator to determine their orientation with respect to a nucleation site. The results are interpreted to signify that the microtubules originating from the centrosomes and chromosomes of the mitotic spindle are antiparallel to each other.  相似文献   

Actomyosin-based cortical contractility is a common feature of eukaryotic cells but the capability to produce rhythmic contractions is found in only a few types such as cardiomyocytes. Mechanisms responsible for the acquisition of this capability remain largely unknown. Rhythmic contractility can be induced in non-muscle cells by microtubule depolymerization. Spreading epithelial cells and fibroblasts in which microtubules were depolymerized with nocodazole or colcemid underwent rhythmic oscillations of the body that lasted for several hours before the cells acquired a stable, flattened shape. By contrast, control cells spread and flattened into discoid shapes in a smooth and regular manner. Quantitative analysis of the oscillations showed that they have a period of about 50 seconds. The kinase inhibitors, HA 1077 and H7, and the more specific rho-kinase inhibitor, Y 27632, caused the oscillations to immediately cease and the cells to become flat. Transient increases in cytoplasmic calcium preceded the contractile phase of the oscillations. Wrinkle formation by cells plated on elastic substrata indicated that the contractility of colcemid-treated cells increased in comparison to controls but was drastically decreased after HA 1077 addition. These data suggest that an intact microtubular system normally prevents pulsations by moderating excessive rho-mediated actin myosin contractility. Possible mechanistic interactions between rho-mediated and calcium activated contractile pathways that could produce morphological oscillations are discussed.  相似文献   

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