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葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶(Glucose-6-phos-phatase,G6Pase,E.C.是一种膜结合酶,主要存在于肝和肾细胞中的内质网膜及核膜上,其生物功能是催化葡萄糖异生和糖原分解两个代谢途径中由葡萄糖-6-磷酸到葡萄糖的水解反应,是调节生物体内血糖水平的关键酶之一。胰岛素(Ins)通过调控G6Pase而调节血糖水平,近年的研究表明,Ins可以通过调控相关酶的基因转录来实现其相应的生理功能。1.G6Pase的分子生物学研究肝微粒体G6Pase酶系包括活性部分位于内质网腔表面的G…  相似文献   

A deficiency in microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) activity causes glycogen storage disease type 1 (GSD-1), a clinically and biochemically heterogeneous group of diseases. It has been suggested that catalysis by G6Pase involves multiple components, with defects in the G6Pase catalytic unit causing GSD-1a and defects in the putative substrate and product translocases causing GSD-1b, 1c, and 1d. However, this model is open to debate. To elucidate the G6Pase system, we have examinedG6PasemRNA expression, G6Pase activity, and glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) transport activity in the murine liver and kidney during normal development. In the liver,G6PasemRNA and enzymatic activity were detected at 18 days gestation and increased markedly at parturition, before leveling off to adult levels. In the kidney,G6PasemRNA and enzymatic activity appeared at 19 days gestation and peaked at weaning, suggesting that kidney G6Pase may have a different metabolic role.In situhybridization analysis demonstrated that, in addition to the liver and kidney, the intestine expressedG6Pase.Despite the expression ofG6Pasein the embryonic liver, microsomal G6P transport activity was not detectable until birth, peaking at about age 4 weeks. Our study strongly supports the multicomponent model for the G6Pase system.  相似文献   

In the hepatocyte endoplasmic reticulum, a substrate transporter could provide a means of regulating hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate by specifically modulating access of the substrate to the hydrolase. Several characteristics of the cerebral microsomal enzyme suggest that such an hypothesis is untenable in the brain. These are: (a) the inability of the enzyme in either untreated or detergent-disrupted brain microsomes to distinguish between glucose-6-phosphate and mannose-6-phosphate; (b) the close agreement of the apparent Km values for either substrate in intact or disrupted microsomal preparations; (c) the constancy of the latency toward both substrates over a wide concentration range; (d) the inability of nonpenetrating, covalently-linking reagents [e.g., 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS)] to affect the accessibility of the hydrolase to its substrate; (e) the absence of a putative transporter polypeptide, such as that of the liver, in experiments where tritiated H2DIDS, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and radioautography are applied to brain microsomes.  相似文献   

The observations made by Sacks et al. [Neurochem. Res. 8, 661-685 (1983)] on which they based their criticisms of the deoxyglucose method have been examined and found to have no relationship to the conclusions drawn by them. (1) The observations of Sacks et al. (1983) of constant concentrations of [14C]deoxyglucose and [14C]deoxyglucose-6-phosphate, predominantly in the form of product, reflects only the postmortem phosphorylation of the precursor during the dissection of the brain in their experiments. When the brains are removed by freeze-blowing, the time courses of the [14C]deoxyglucose and [14C]deoxyglucose-6-phosphate concentrations in brain during the 45 min after the intravenous pulse are close to those predicted by the model of the deoxyglucose method. (2) Their observation of a reversal of the cerebral arteriovenous difference from positive to negative for [14C]deoxyglucose and not for [14C]glucose after an intravenous infusion of either tracer is, contrary to their conclusions, not a reflection of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in brain but the consequence of the different proportions of the rate constants for efflux and phosphorylation for these two hexoses in brain and is fully predicted by the model of the deoxyglucose method. (3) It is experimentally demonstrated that there is no significant arteriovenous difference for glucose-6-phosphate in brain, that infusion of [32P]glucose-6-phosphate results in no labeling of brain, and that the blood-brain barrier is impermeable to glucose-6-phosphate. Glucose-6-phosphate cannot, therefore, cross the blood-brain barrier, and the observation by Sacks and co-workers [J. Appl. Physiol. 24, 817-827 (1968); Neurochem. Res. 8, 661-685 (1983)] of a positive cerebral arteriovenous difference for [14C]glucose-6-phosphate and a negative arteriovenous difference for [14C]glucose cannot possibly reflect glucose-6-phosphatase activity in brain as concluded by them. Each of the criticisms raised by Sacks et al. has been demonstrated to be devoid of validity.  相似文献   

Electron microscope cytochemical localization of glucose-6-phosphatase in the developing hepatocytes of fetal and newborn rats indicates that the enzyme appears simultaneously in all the rough endoplasmic reticulum of a cell, although asynchronously within the hepatocyte population as a whole. To confirm that the pattern of cytochemical deposits reflects the actual distribution of enzyme sites, a method to subfractionate rough endoplasmic reticulum was developed. The procedure is based on the retention of the cytochemical reaction product (precipitated lead phosphate) within freshly prepared rough microsomes reacted in vitro with glucose-6-phosphate and lead ions. Lead phosphate increases the density of the microsomes which have glucose-6-phosphatase activity and thereby makes possible their separation from microsomes lacking the enzyme; separation is obtained by isopycnic centrifugation on a two-step density gradient. The procedure was applied to rough microsomes isolated from rats at several stages during hepatocyte differentiation and the results obtained agree with those given by cytochemical studies in situ. Before birth, when only some of the cells react positively for glucose-6-phosphatase, only a commensurate proportion of the rough microsome fraction can be rendered dense by the enzyme reaction. At the time of birth and in the adult, when all cells react positively, practically all microsomes acquire deposit and become dense after reaction. Thus, the results of the microsome subfractionation confirm the cytochemical findings; the enzyme is evenly distributed throughout all the endoplasmic reticulum of a cell and there is no regional differentiation within the rough endoplasmic reticulum with respect to glucose-6-phosphatase. These findings suggest that new components are inserted molecule-by-molecule into a pre-existing structural framework. The membranes are thus mosaics of old and new molecules and do not contain large regions of entirely "new" membrane in which all of the components are newly synthesized or newly assembled.  相似文献   

In order to determine the involvement of glucose-6-phosphatasein mucilage secretion by root cap cells, we have cytochemicallylocalized the enzyme in columella and peripheral cells of rootcaps of Zea mays. Glucose-6-phosphatase is associated with theplasmalemma and cell wall of columella cells. As columella cellsdifferentiate into peripheral cells and begin to produce andsecrete mucilage, glucose-6-phosphatase staining intensifiesand becomes associated with the mucilage and, to a lesser extent,the cell wall. Cells being sloughed from the cap are characterizedby glucose-6-phosphatase staining being associated with thevacuole and plasmalemma. These changes in enzyme localizationduring cellular differentiation in root caps suggest that glucose-6-phosphataseis involved in the production and/or secretion of mucilage byperipheral cells of Z. mays. Zea mays, corn, glucose-6-phosphatase, columella cell, peripheral cell, mucilage, secretion, cytochemistry  相似文献   

The distribution of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in rat hepatocytes during a period of rapid endoplasmic reticulum differentiation (4 days before birth-1 day after birth) was studied by electron microscope cytochemistry. Techniques were devised to insure adequate morphological preservation, retain glucose-6-phosphatase activity, and control some other possible artifacts. At all stages examined the lead phosphate deposited by the cytochemical reaction is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear envelope. At 4 days before birth, when the enzyme specific activity is only a few per cent of the adult level, the lead deposit is present in only a few hepatocytes. In these cells a light deposit is seen throughout the entire rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. At birth, when the specific activity of glucose-6-phosphatase is approximately equal to that of the adult, nearly all cells show a positive reaction for the enzyme and, again, the deposit is evenly distributed throughout the entire endoplasmic reticulum. By 24 hr postparturition all of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and in addition the newly formed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, contains heavy lead deposits; enzyme activity at this stage is 250% of the adult level. These findings indicate that glucose-6-phosphatase develops simultaneously within all of the rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes of a given cell, although asynchronously in the hepatocyte population as a whole. In addition, the enzyme appears throughout the entire smooth endoplasmic reticulum as the membranes form during the first 24 hr after birth. The results suggest a lack of differentiation within the endoplasmic reticulum with respect to the distribution of glucose-6-phosphatase at the present level of resolution.  相似文献   

1) The effect of 4-hydroxynonenal and lipid peroxidation on the activities of glucose-6-phosphatase and palmitoyl CoA hydrolase were studied.

2) 4-Hydroxynonenal inactivates glucose-6-phosphatase but has no effect on palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase. These effects are similar with those observed during lipid peroxidation of microsomes.

3) The inhibition of glucose-6-phosphatase by 4-hydroxynonenal can be prevented by glutathione but not by vitamin E. The inactivation of glucose-6-phosphatase during lipid peroxidation is prevented by glutathione and delayed by vitamin E.

4) The formation of 4-hydroxynonenal during lipid peroxidation was followed in relation to the inactivation of glucose-6-phosphatase. At 50% inactivation of glucose-6-phosphatase the 4-hydroxynonenal concentration was 1.5μM. To obtain 50% inactivation of glucose-6-phosphatase by added 4-hydroxynonenal a concentration of 150μM or 300μM was needed with a preincubation time of 30 and 60 min, respectively.

5) It is concluded that the glucose-6-phosphatase inactivation during lipid peroxidation can be due to the formation of 4-hydroxynbnenal. The formed 4-hydroxynonenal which inactivates glucose-6-phosphatase is located in the membrane. If this mechanism is valid it implies that a functional SH group of glucose-6-phosphatase is layered in the membrane. However, an inactivation of glucose-6-phosphatase by desintegration of the membrane by lipid peroxidation cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of glycogen storage disease (GSD) type 1a currently is established by demonstrating the lack of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) activity in the patient's biopsied liver specimen. Recent cloning of the G6Pase gene and identification of mutations within the gene that causes GSD type 1a allow for the development of a DNA-based diagnostic method. Using SSCP analysis and DNA sequencing, we characterized the G6Pase gene of 70 unrelated patients with enzymatically confirmed diagnosis of GSD type 1a and detected mutations in all except 17 alleles (88%). Sixteen mutations were uncovered that were shown by expression to abolish or greatly reduce G6Pase activity and that therefore are responsible for the GSD type 1a disorder. R83C and Q347X are the most prevalent mutations found in Caucasians, 130X and R83C are most prevalent in Hispanics, and R83H is most prevalent in Chinese. The Q347X mutation has thus far been identified only in Caucasian patients, and the 130X mutation has been identified only in Hispanic patients. Our results demonstrate that the DNA-based analysis can accurately, rapidly, and noninvasively detect the majority of mutations in GSD type 1a. This DNA-based diagnosis now permits prenatal diagnosis among at-risk patients and serves as a database in screening and counseling patients clinically suspected of having this disease.  相似文献   

Glycogen storage disease (GSD) type 1a (von Gierke disease) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency in microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase). We have identified a novel mutation in the G6Pase gene of a individual with GSD type 1a. The cDNA from the patient's liver revealed a 91-nt deletion in exon 5. The genomic DNA from the patient's white blood cells revealed no deletion or mutation at the splicing junction of intron 4 and exon 5. The 3' splicing occurred 91 bp from the 5' site of exon 5 (at position 732 in the coding region), causing a substitution of a single nucleotide (G to T) at position 727 in the coding region. Further confirmation of the missplicing was obtained by transient expression of allelic minigene constructs into animal cells. Another eight unrelated families of nine Japanese patients were all found to have this mutation. This mutation is a new type of splicing mutation in the G6Pase gene, and 91% of patients and carriers suffering from GSD1a in Japan are detectable with this splicing mutation.  相似文献   

为了研究神经元限制性沉默因子(NRSF)调控神经元及胰岛细胞中神经特异性基因的表达,进一步寻找胰岛细胞中可能存在的其他NRSF调控基因.先用生物信息学手段对相关基因进行了分析.筛选及序列比对发现,人胰岛素核心启动子区有一段与NRSE相似的序列,提示,它可能受NRSF调控.构建了含NRSF基因的慢病毒载体,将其稳定转染于INS-1细胞.构建了3种荧光素酶报告载体:含有人胰岛素启动子-荧光素酶(hInsP-LUC)的慢病毒载体,pGL3-Basic载体和含有2拷贝NRSE样基序-荧光素酶(NRSE-LUC)的报告载体.利用稳定转染及瞬时转染实验观察NRSF对报告载体中荧光素酶活性的影响.利用电泳迁移率变动分析实验观察NRSE样基序与NRSF蛋白的结合情况,并通过竞争结合实验、引入特异性抗体实验证实探针与蛋白质结合的特异性.RT-PCR检测证实,感染空病毒的INS-1细胞不表达NRSF,感染含目的基因慢病毒的INS-1细胞能表达NRSF.将含有hInsP-LUC的慢病毒载体稳定转染于上述2种细胞,荧光素酶活性分析结果显示,NRSF的过表达能明显降低胰岛素启动子的活性.瞬时转染hInsP-LUC报告系统于上述2种细胞,结果也显示NRSF能明显抑制胰岛素启动子-荧光素酶的活性.将含有NRSE-LUC的报告载体瞬时转染于上述2种细胞,结果表明过表达NRSF的INS-1细胞组的荧光素酶相对值比对照组有明显下降.电泳迁移率变动分析实验进一步证实,此NRSE样序列可以与NRSF蛋白特异结合,这种特异结合可以被标准的NRSE序列所竞争.结果表明,人胰岛素启动子中含有NRSE样序列,该序列通过与NRSF蛋白结合从而抑制人胰岛素启动子的转录活性.这一研究工作有助于进一步了解NRSF在胰岛细胞中的调控作用.  相似文献   

ACTIVITY of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) in liver1 and adipose tissue2 has been shown to be decreased in diabetic rats and restored by insulin treatment. In this report we supply data on the distribution of electrophoretically distinguishable forms of G6PD in four rat tissues and the effect of diabetes and insulin treatment.  相似文献   

目的研究小檗碱对2型糖尿病中国地鼠肝脏葡萄糖激酶(GcK)、葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶(G6P)和磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)mRNA表达的影响,探讨小檗碱影响糖代谢的分子机制。方法以高脂高热量饲料喂养结合腹腔注射小剂量链脲佐菌素(STZ)的方法制作2型糖尿病中国地鼠模型,成模后随机分成模型组、小檗碱组、二甲双胍组,各药干预9周。同时设立对照组。观察小檗碱疗效及对肝脏GcK、G6P、PEPCK mRNA表达的影响。结果与模型组相比,小檗碱增强胰岛素敏感性,降低血糖血脂,增高肝脏GcK的mRNA表达,降低肝脏G6P、PEPCK mRNA的表达。结论小檗碱降低2型糖尿病血糖的作用机制可能与提高肝脏GcK mRNA的表达和降低G6P、PEPCK mRNA的表达有关。  相似文献   

甜杨6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶在抗冻性低温诱导中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对-20℃低温锻炼及脱锻炼过程中甜杨(Populus suaveolens)幼苗的G6PDH、SOD和POD活性、MDA含量和半致死温度(LT50)进行了测定和分析.结果发现,低温锻炼在一定程度上提高了幼苗6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PDH)、SOD和POD活性,降低了MDA含量和幼苗半致死温度(LT50).另外,将幼苗放回常温(脱锻炼)2 d能引起幼苗的G6PDH、SOD和POD活性的显著下降,并使LT50和MDA含量的迅速回升.结果表明,低温锻炼中G6PDH活性的增加有助于SOD和POD活性的提高,进而对幼苗的LT50和MDA含量的降低有明显的促进作用,G6PDH可能参与了SOD和POD活性的调节和抗冻性的低温诱导.  相似文献   

Oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria is responsible for 90% of ATP synthesis in most cells. This essential housekeeping function is mediated by nuclear and mitochondrial genes encoding subunits of complex I to V of the respiratory chain. Although complex IV is the best studied of these complexes, the exact function of the striated muscle-specific subunit COX6A2 is still poorly understood. In this study, we show that Cox6a2-deficient mice are protected against high-fat diet-induced obesity, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. This phenotype results from elevated energy expenditure and a skeletal muscle fiber type switch towards more oxidative fibers. At the molecular level we observe increased formation of reactive oxygen species, constitutive activation of AMP-activated protein kinase, and enhanced expression of uncoupling proteins. Our data indicate that COX6A2 is a regulator of respiratory uncoupling in muscle and we demonstrate that a novel and direct link exists between muscle respiratory chain activity and diet-induced obesity/insulin resistance.  相似文献   

目的:应用PCR-DGGE法和DNA测序分析云南籍G6PD缺乏症患者基因突变类型和特点、方法应用硝基四氮唑蓝(NBT)纸片法进行G6PD缺乏症定性筛查,G6PD/6PGD比值法验证,应用PCR—DGGE法和DNA测序分析46例云南籍G6PD缺乏症患者基因突变类型和特点。结果:46例云南籍G6PD缺乏症样本中有30例经PCR—DGGE法分析G6PDexon12发现有异常电泳条带,DNA测序证实26例(56、52%)为nt-1388G→A,4例(8.7%)nt-1376G→T.而PCR—DGGE法分析G6PDexon2未发现有异常电泳条带的样本出现。结论:(1)nt-1388G→A(56.52%)、nt-1376G→T(8.7%)是云南省主要的基因突变型也是中国人中最常见的两种突变型,揭示中华民族有着共同的起源;(2)所检样本中未发现nt95A→G。(3)应用PCR—DGGE法结合DNA测序检测G6PD缺乏症患者的基因型,阳性检出率高,方法简便、快捷、灵敏、结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

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