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Owing to the exponential growth of genome databases, phylogenetic trees are now widely used to test a variety of evolutionary hypotheses. Nevertheless, computation time burden limits the application of methods such as maximum likelihood nonparametric bootstrap to assess reliability of evolutionary trees. As an alternative, the much faster Bayesian inference of phylogeny, which expresses branch support as posterior probabilities, has been introduced. However, marked discrepancies exist between nonparametric bootstrap proportions and Bayesian posterior probabilities, leading to difficulties in the interpretation of sometimes strongly conflicting results. As an attempt to reconcile these two indices of node reliability, we apply the nonparametric bootstrap resampling procedure to the Bayesian approach. The correlation between posterior probabilities, bootstrap maximum likelihood percentages, and bootstrapped posterior probabilities was studied for eight highly diverse empirical data sets and were also investigated using experimental simulation. Our results show that the relation between posterior probabilities and bootstrapped maximum likelihood percentages is highly variable but that very strong correlations always exist when Bayesian node support is estimated on bootstrapped character matrices. Moreover, simulations corroborate empirical observations in suggesting that, being more conservative, the bootstrap approach might be less prone to strongly supporting a false phylogenetic hypothesis. Thus, apparent conflicts in topology recovered by the Bayesian approach were reduced after bootstrapping. Both posterior probabilities and bootstrap supports are of great interest to phylogeny as potential upper and lower bounds of node reliability, but they are surely not interchangeable and cannot be directly compared.  相似文献   

A common problem in molecular phylogenetics is choosing a model of DNA substitution that does a good job of explaining the DNA sequence alignment without introducing superfluous parameters. A number of methods have been used to choose among a small set of candidate substitution models, such as the likelihood ratio test, the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), and Bayes factors. Current implementations of any of these criteria suffer from the limitation that only a small set of models are examined, or that the test does not allow easy comparison of non-nested models. In this article, we expand the pool of candidate substitution models to include all possible time-reversible models. This set includes seven models that have already been described. We show how Bayes factors can be calculated for these models using reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo, and apply the method to 16 DNA sequence alignments. For each data set, we compare the model with the best Bayes factor to the best models chosen using AIC and BIC. We find that the best model under any of these criteria is not necessarily the most complicated one; models with an intermediate number of substitution types typically do best. Moreover, almost all of the models that are chosen as best do not constrain a transition rate to be the same as a transversion rate, suggesting that it is the transition/transversion rate bias that plays the largest role in determining which models are selected. Importantly, the reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm described here allows estimation of phylogeny (and other phylogenetic model parameters) to be performed while accounting for uncertainty in the model of DNA substitution.  相似文献   

Finite mixture models can provide the insights about behavioral patterns as a source of heterogeneity of the various dynamics of time course gene expression data by reducing the high dimensionality and making clear the major components of the underlying structure of the data in terms of the unobservable latent variables. The latent structure of the dynamic transition process of gene expression changes over time can be represented by Markov processes. This paper addresses key problems in the analysis of large gene expression data sets that describe systemic temporal response cascades and dynamic changes to therapeutic doses in multiple tissues, such as liver, skeletal muscle, and kidney from the same animals. Bayesian Finite Markov Mixture Model with a Dirichlet Prior is developed for the identifications of differentially expressed time related genes and dynamic clusters. Deviance information criterion is applied to determine the number of components for model comparisons and selections. The proposed Bayesian models are applied to multiple tissue polygenetic temporal gene expression data and compared to a Bayesian model‐based clustering method, named CAGED. Results show that our proposed Bayesian Finite Markov Mixture model can well capture the dynamic changes and patterns for irregular complex temporal data (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Markov chain models are frequently used for studying event histories that include transitions between several states. An empirical transition matrix for nonhomogeneous Markov chains has previously been developed, including a detailed statistical theory based on counting processes and martingales. In this article, we show how to estimate transition probabilities dependent on covariates. This technique may, e.g., be used for making estimates of individual prognosis in epidemiological or clinical studies. The covariates are included through nonparametric additive models on the transition intensities of the Markov chain. The additive model allows for estimation of covariate-dependent transition intensities, and again a detailed theory exists based on counting processes. The martingale setting now allows for a very natural combination of the empirical transition matrix and the additive model, resulting in estimates that can be expressed as stochastic integrals, and hence their properties are easily evaluated. Two medical examples will be given. In the first example, we study how the lung cancer mortality of uranium miners depends on smoking and radon exposure. In the second example, we study how the probability of being in response depends on patient group and prophylactic treatment for leukemia patients who have had a bone marrow transplantation. A program in R and S-PLUS that can carry out the analyses described here has been developed and is freely available on the Internet.  相似文献   

本文讨论了有限MapkoB链可跳的条件,并用矩阵乘法的运算证明了这些条件.  相似文献   

Blackwell  P. G. 《Biometrika》2003,90(3):613-627

Adaptive sampling for Bayesian variable selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nott  David J.; Kohn  Robert 《Biometrika》2005,92(4):747-763

In this paper, a new systematic sampling scheme with Markovian behaviour which yields positive first order inclusion probabilities for all units and positive second order inclusion probabilities for all pairs of units is introduced. The suggested method has been compared with sample random sampling, stratified random sampling, linear systematic sampling and systematic sampling with two random starts for the populations exhibiting exponential trend, autocorrelatedness and randomness. Throughout the discussion, the sample size is assumed to be even and the population size is a multiple of the sample size. The suggested method works well for estimating a finite population total for the population exhibiting exponential trend.  相似文献   

Wu D  Rosner GL  Broemeling L 《Biometrics》2005,61(4):1056-1063
This article extends previous probability models for periodic breast cancer screening examinations. The specific aim is to provide statistical inference for age dependence of sensitivity and the transition probability from the disease free to the preclinical state. The setting is a periodic screening program in which a cohort of initially asymptomatic women undergo a sequence of breast cancer screening exams. We use age as a covariate in the estimation of screening sensitivity and the transition probability simultaneously, both from a frequentist point of view and within a Bayesian framework. We apply our method to the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York study of female breast cancer and give age-dependent sensitivity and transition probability density estimates. The inferential methodology we develop is also applicable when analyzing studies of modalities for early detection of other types of progressive chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Zhai J  Morris RW 《Biometrics》2005,61(1):141-150
Estrous cycling data contain sequences of characters (e.g., DPEMD). Each sequence represents an animal's estrous cycle, with each character indicating the daily estrous cycle stage. Changes in the estrous cycle pattern, which is determined by estrous stage lengths, can provide information on adverse events. Stage lengths are not directly observable. However interval censored lengths for all but the first and the last stages in a sequence can be extracted from the data. We propose a Markov chain model to approximate the estrous cycling process. The transition probabilities from one stage to another can be derived by conditioning on stage lengths. Assuming Weibull distribution for stage lengths, with the second Weibull parameter depending upon treatment effects and animal-specific random effects, regression models on censored stage lengths are fitted. A Bayesian approach is used for inference on dose effects. The analysis is implemented with MCMC method in WinBUGS. An estrous cycling data set from a National Toxicology Program study is analyzed as an example.  相似文献   

Kozumi H 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1002-1006
This paper considers the discrete survival data from a Bayesian point of view. A sequence of the baseline hazard functions, which plays an important role in the discrete hazard function, is modeled with a hidden Markov chain. It is explained how the resultant model is implemented via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The model is illustrated by an application of real data.  相似文献   

Summary We propose a Bayesian chi‐squared model diagnostic for analysis of data subject to censoring. The test statistic has the form of Pearson's chi‐squared test statistic and is easy to calculate from standard output of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. The key innovation of this diagnostic is that it is based only on observed failure times. Because it does not rely on the imputation of failure times for observations that have been censored, we show that under heavy censoring it can have higher power for detecting model departures than a comparable test based on the complete data. In a simulation study, we show that tests based on this diagnostic exhibit comparable power and better nominal Type I error rates than a commonly used alternative test proposed by Akritas (1988, Journal of the American Statistical Association 83, 222–230). An important advantage of the proposed diagnostic is that it can be applied to a broad class of censored data models, including generalized linear models and other models with nonidentically distributed and nonadditive error structures. We illustrate the proposed model diagnostic for testing the adequacy of two parametric survival models for Space Shuttle main engine failures.  相似文献   

Neural networks are considered by many to be very promising tools for classification and prediction. The flexibility of the neural network models often result in over-fit. Shrinking the parameters using a penalized likelihood is often used in order to overcome such over-fit. In this paper we extend the approach proposed by FARAGGI and SIMON (1995a) to modeling censored survival data using the input-output relationship associated with a single hidden layer feed-forward neural network. Instead of estimating the neural network parameters using the method of maximum likelihood, we place normal prior distributions on the parameters and make inferences based on derived posterior distributions of the parameters. This Bayesian formulation will result in shrinking the parameters of the neural network model and will reduce the over-fit compared with the maximum likelihood estimators. We illustrate our proposed method on a simulated and a real example.  相似文献   

Recent Bayesian methods for the analysis of infectious disease outbreak data using stochastic epidemic models are reviewed. These methods rely on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Both temporal and non-temporal data are considered. The methods are illustrated with a number of examples featuring different models and datasets.  相似文献   

汤在祥  王学枫  吴雯雯  徐辰武 《遗传》2006,28(9):1117-1122
贝叶斯学派是不同于经典数理统计的一个重要学派, 其发展的贝叶斯统计方法在现代科学的许多领域已有着广泛的应用。探讨了贝叶斯统计在遗传连锁分析中的应用, 包括遗传重组率的贝叶斯估计、遗传连锁的贝叶斯因子检验和基于马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗理论的遗传连锁图谱构建。用编制的SAS/IML程序进行了模拟研究和实例分析, 验证了贝叶斯方法在遗传连锁分析中的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

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