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In song learning, white-crowned sparrows ( Zonotrichia leucophrys ) begin memorizing conspecific song models at around 20 d of age. Even prior to song memorization, however, between 10 and 20 d of age, these birds respond differently to playbacks of conspecific and heterospecific songs. To investigate the acoustic cues underlying this early song discrimination, we measured the vocal responses of newly fledged young to playbacks of modified conspecific and heterospecific songs. Fledgling white-crowned sparrows responded more strongly to songs containing conspecific notes than to songs containing notes from other species. In contrast, the presence or placement of an introductory whistle, present in all white-crowned sparrow songs, did not affect response levels. A whistle has previously been shown to serve as an acoustic cue for song memorization and production in this species. Such different responses to the species-typical introductory whistle at different stages suggests that developmental changes occur in the template system underlying song learning, the factors governing song recognition, or both.  相似文献   

Vocal acquisition in songbirds and humans shows many similarities, one of which is that both involve a combination of experience and perceptual predispositions. Among languages some speech sounds are shared, while others are not. This could reflect a predisposition in young infants for learning some speech sounds over others, which combines with exposure-based learning. Similarly, in songbirds, some sounds are common across populations, while others are more specific to populations or individuals. We examine whether this is also due to perceptual preferences for certain within-species element types in naive juvenile male birds, and how such preferences interact with exposure to guide subsequent song learning. We show that young zebra finches lacking previous song exposure perceptually prefer songs with more common zebra finch song element types over songs with less common elements. Next, we demonstrate that after subsequent tutoring, birds prefer tutor songs regardless of whether these contain more common or less common elements. In adulthood, birds tutored with more common elements showed a higher song similarity to their tutor song, indicating that the early bias influenced song learning. Our findings help to understand the maintenance of similarities and the presence of differences among birds'' songs, their dialects and human languages.  相似文献   

Are young songbirds ready to learn virtually any song, or are they predisposed to learn songs of their own species? To explore this question tests were conducted on the equipotentiality of auditory song learning stimuli in the song sparrow. 23 males reared as nestlings were exposed to tape recordings of their own and other species songs in early life and subsequent song production was analyzed for imitations. Birds exposed to natural song sparrow songs, including their fathers', and equal numbers of swamp sparrow songs, strongly preferred conspecific songs. They neither favored nor eschewed paternal songs despite having had access to them for 6–10 days as nestlings. In three other experiments synthetic songs were used in which some properties were held constant and others were systematically varied. Birds were exposed to 1–4 segmented songs varying in phrase order, tempo and syllable number, each synthesized in two versions, one from conspecific and the other from heterospecific (swamp sparrow) song syllables. With one-segmented songs (alien syntax) subjects favored conspecific over heterospecific syllable songs. Heterospecific syllables were rendered more acceptable by incorporation into two-segmented trilled songs (more song sparrow-like syntax). Heterogeneous summation of phonological and syntactical cues appeared to occur. There was also evidence of interaction between phonology and syntax. When another phrase type, the note complex, was added, in three- and four-segmented songs, a preference for conspecific syllables reappeared. Heterospecific syllables may be more readily accepted as a trilled sequence than without repetition, as in a note-complex. When phrase structure within four-segmented songs was varied, birds favored patterns most like normal conspecific song. We conclude that there are innate learning preferences in the song sparrow, based on note and syllabic structure (phonology and syllabic syntax), and temporal organization of phrases (segmental syntax), differing from those of the closely related swamp sparrow, Melospiza georgiana, in which song syntax plays no role in learning preferences.  相似文献   

Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) songs are composed largely of pure-tonal sounds. This paper investigates the role that learning plays in the development of the tonal structure of song sparrow songs, as well as the role that tonal quality plays in determining the suitability of songs as models for learning. 20 birds were trained with both normal pure-tonal songs and modified songs that included harmonic overtones. The harmonic-modified songs were obtained from birds singing in a helium atmosphere, the result of which is to perturb vocal tract resonances and thus alter a song's tonal quality. Subjects learned equally well from normal and harmonic models. Birds that learned material from harmonic models reproduced some of this material with harmonic overtones, but the majority of notes learned from harmonic models were subsequently reproduced as pure-tonal copies. Thus, the tonal structure of songs does not influence young song sparrows in their selection of song models, but there is a strong tendency to reproduce songs in a pure-tonal fashion, even if learned from harmonic models.  相似文献   

The learned songs of songbirds often cluster into population-wide types. Here, we test the hypothesis that male and female receivers respond differently to songs depending on how typical of those types they are. We used computational methods to cluster a large sample of swamp sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) songs into types and to estimate the degree to which individual song exemplars are typical of these types. We then played exemplars to male and female receivers. Territorial males responded more aggressively and captive females performed more sexual displays in response to songs that are highly typical than to songs that are less typical. Previous studies have demonstrated that songbirds distinguish song types that are typical for their species, or for their population, from those that are not. Our results show that swamp sparrows also discriminate typical from less typical exemplars within learned song-type categories. In addition, our results suggest that more typical versions of song types function better, at least in male–female communication. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that syllable type typicality serves as a proxy for the assessment of song learning accuracy.  相似文献   

The behavioural signals used in mate selection are a key component in the evolution of premating isolating barriers and, subsequently, the formation of new species. The importance of mating signals has a long tradition of study in songbirds, where many species differ in their song characteristics. In oscine songbirds, individual birds usually learn their songs from a tutor. Mistakes during learning can help generate geographic dialects, akin to those within human language groups. In songbirds, dialect differences can often be substantial and there is an intuitive connection between the evolution of song amongst populations at a small scale, and the more substantive song differences between bird species and presumably used in species recognition. However, studies investigating the concordance between putative genetic and behavioural boundaries have generated mixed results. In many cases, this is possibly a function of the poor resolving power of the genetic markers employed. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Lipshutz et al. ( 2017 ) combine genomic markers with a robust behavioural assay to address the importance of song variation amongst white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) subspecies.  相似文献   

In many species of songbirds, males sometimes produce songs at distinctly lower amplitude than in normal singing. Depending on the species, these 'soft songs' may be sung in the context of female courtship, male–male aggression, or both. In song sparrows, males produce soft songs during aggressive interactions with other males, and the amount of soft song produced is the only singing behavior that can be used to reliably predict a subsequent attack by the singer. Although soft song is clearly an important signal in this species, little is known about the acoustic structure of soft song or about how that structure compares to the structure of normal 'broadcast song'. We recorded a large sample of soft songs and broadcast songs from 10 male song sparrows, and measured song amplitudes in the field while controlling the subject's distance to a calibrated microphone. We show that song sparrow males produce songs over a wide range of amplitudes, with soft songs in the range of 55–77 dB sound pressure level and broadcast songs in the range of 78–85 dB. We present evidence for two types of soft song: 'crystallized' soft songs that are broadcast repertoire song types sung at low amplitude, and 'warbled' soft songs that are not found in the broadcast repertoire. Although highly variable, warbled soft songs produced by individual birds could be grouped into song types based on spectrographic similarity. To our knowledge, a distinct repertoire of soft song types has not been previously reported for any songbird.  相似文献   

Numerous animal displays begin with introductory gestures. For example, lizards start their head-bobbing displays with introductory push-ups, and many songbirds begin their vocal displays by repeating introductory notes (INs) before producing their learned song. Among songbirds, the acoustic structure and the number of INs produced before song vary considerably between individuals in a species. While similar variation in songs between individuals is a result of learning, whether variations in INs are also due to learning remains poorly understood. Here, using natural and experimental tutoring with male zebra finches, we show that mean IN number and IN acoustic structure are learned from a tutor. Interestingly, IN properties and how well INs were learned, were not correlated with the accuracy of song imitation and only weakly correlated with some features of songs that followed. Finally, birds artificially tutored with songs lacking INs still repeated vocalizations that resembled INs, before their songs, suggesting biological predispositions in IN production. These results demonstrate that INs, just like song elements, are shaped both by learning and biological predispositions. More generally, our results suggest mechanisms for generating variation in introductory gestures between individuals while still maintaining the species-specific structure of complex displays like birdsong.  相似文献   

Songbirds of many species acquire their songs by imitating the songs of conspecific singers. Conclusive evidence of such imitation comes from controlled laboratory studies, but such studies do not reveal when and where songbirds learn their songs under natural conditions. To determine the timing and location of song learning in a population of prairie warblers, we compared the songs of yearling prairie warblers of known hatching location to the songs of other birds in the yearlings' natal and first breeding areas. The comparisons yielded a likely model song (and model singer) for each of the song types used by the focal yearlings. We supplemented our findings from the song comparisons with inferences drawn from an analysis of local geographic variation in songs. This analysis revealed that shared song types showed no tendency to be geographically clustered within the study area. Taken together, our data suggest that prairie warblers learn their songs during the hatch year, at locations somewhat distant (mean distance 1,437 m) from their natal site, most likely as birds wander about during the post-fledging period.  相似文献   


Nuttall's white-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli and the Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow Z. i. pugetensis intergrade through a zone of hybridization in northern California. The songs of the two differ in the sequence of syllable types and in the phonology of the complex syllables. We did a playback experiment to males of both subspecies in the field and to females of both subspecies in the laboratory to determine their response to the two subspecies songs. By making alterations of features of the songs, we also attempted to identify characteristics that account for subspecific recognition. Males of both subspecies were more responsive to their own subspecies song than to that of the other subspecies. Substitution of Puget Sound complex syllables into the Nuttall's song caused a reduction in response by male Nuttall's, but alteration of a Nuttall's song to a Puget Sound sequence of syllables had no effect. Females of both subspecies gave more sexual displays when played a song of their own subspecies than when played that of the other subspecies. Female Nuttall's gave an intermediate response when played Nuttall's songs with Puget Sound complex syllables or when played Nuttall's songs altered to a Puget Sound sequence. Puget Sound females did not discriminate between their own subspecies song and either of the altered stimulus songs separately. They did respond less to a song that combined both alterations than to their own subspecies song.  相似文献   

Based on the assumptions that birdsong indicates male quality and that quality is related to age, one might expect older birds to signal their age. That is, in addition to actual body condition, at least some song features should vary with age, presumably towards more complexity. We investigated this issue by comparing repertoire sizes of free‐ranging common nightingale males in their first breeding season with those of older males. Nightingales are a good model species as they are open‐ended learners, where song acquisition is not confined to an early sensitive period of learning. Moreover, nightingales develop an extraordinarily large song‐type repertoire (approx. 180 different song types per male), and differences in repertoire size among males are pronounced. We analysed repertoire characteristics of the nocturnal song of nine nightingales in their first breeding season and compared them with the songs of nine older males. The repertoire size of older males was on average 53% larger than that of yearlings. When analysing two song categories of nightingales, whistle and non‐whistle songs separately, we found similar results. Our findings show marked differences in repertoire size between age categories, suggesting that this song feature may reflect a male's age. We discuss those mechanisms that may constrain the development of larger repertoires in first‐year males. Whether repertoire sizes are crucial for female mate choice or in vocal interactions among conspecific males remains open to further investigations.  相似文献   

Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) songs are composed largely of pure-tone notes. Song sparrows raised in acoustic isolation (i.e. never hearing conspecific songs) tend to produce half of their notes with harmonic overtones, an atypical tonal structure, suggesting that exposure to pure tones is necessary for the development of normal tonal quality. The experiment presented here directly investigated the influence of early exposure to songs with different tonal qualities on subsequent production. Seven young song sparrow males were exposed to 16 normal, pure-tone song sparrow songs and 6 males were exposed to the same 16 song types with added harmonic overtones. Birds in both groups learned equally well, confirming an earlier finding that tonal quality does not influence selection of models during the sensitive period for song acquisition. Birds exposed exclusively to harmonic song models, however, produced over 85% of their learned notes in a pure-tone fashion, even though they had never heard pure-tone sounds. Thus, pure tones do not need to be experienced directly by song sparrows, but exposure to some features of species-typical song models appears to facilitate the reproduction of models in a pure-tone fashion.  相似文献   

Song development in oscine songbirds relies on imitation of adult singers and thus leaves developing birds vulnerable to potentially costly errors caused by imitation of inappropriate models, such as the songs of other species. In May and June 2012, we recorded the songs of a bird that made such an error: a male Prairie Warbler (Setophaga discolor) in western Massachusetts that sang songs seemingly acquired by imitating the songs of a Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla). Another song type in the bird's repertoire was a near‐normal Group A Prairie Warbler song, but the bird used this song in contexts normally reserved for Group B songs. Despite its abnormal singing behavior, the aberrant bird successfully defended a territory and attracted a mate that laid two clutches of eggs. Results of playbacks of the focal bird's heterospecific song suggested that neighboring conspecific males learned to associate the Field Sparrow‐like song with the focal male, and responded to the song as if it were a Prairie Warbler song. Our evidence suggests that the focal bird's aberrant singing evoked normal responses from potential mates and rivals. If such responses are widespread among songbirds, the general failure of heterospecific songs, once acquired, to spread through populations by cultural transmission is probably not attributable to a lack of recognition by conspecifics of the songs of heterospecific singers.  相似文献   

Song learning has evolved within several avian groups. Although its evolutionary advantage is not clear, it has been proposed that song learning may be advantageous in allowing birds to adapt their songs to the local acoustic environment. To test this hypothesis, we analysed patterns of song adjustment to noisy environments and explored their possible link to song learning. Bird vocalizations can be masked by low‐frequency noise, and birds respond to this by singing higher‐pitched songs. Most reports of this strategy involve oscines, a group of birds with learning‐based song variability, and it is doubtful whether species that lack song learning (e.g. suboscines) can adjust their songs to noisy environments. We address this question by comparing the degree of song adjustment to noise in a large sample of oscines (17 populations, 14 species) and suboscines (11 populations, 7 species), recorded in Brazil (Manaus, Brasilia and Curitiba) and Mexico City. We found a significantly stronger association between minimum song frequency and noise levels (effect size) in oscines than in suboscines, suggesting a tighter match in oscines between song transmission capacity and ambient acoustics. Suboscines may be more vulnerable to acoustic pollution than oscines and thus less capable of colonizing cities or acoustically novel habitats. Additionally, we found that species whose song frequency was more divergent between populations showed tighter noise–song frequency associations. Our results suggest that song learning and/or song plasticity allows adaptation to new habitats and that this selective advantage may be linked to the evolution of song learning and plasticity.  相似文献   

Male songbirds such as canaries produce complex learned vocalizations that are used in the context of mate attraction and territory defense. Successful mate attraction or territorial defense requires that a bird be able to recognize individuals based on their vocal performance and identify these songs in a noisy background. In order to learn more about how birds are able to solve this problem, we investigated, with a two-alternative choice procedure, the ability of adult male canaries to discriminate between conspecific song segments from two different birds and to maintain this discrimination when conspecific songs are superimposed with a variety of distractors. The results indicate that male canaries have the ability to discriminate, with a high level of accuracy song segments produced by two different conspecific birds. Song discrimination was partially maintained when the stimuli were masked by auditory distractors, but the accuracy of the discrimination progressively declined as a function of the number of masking distractors. The type of distractor used in the experiments (other conspecific songs or different types of artificial white noise) did not markedly affect the rate of deterioration of the song discrimination. These data indicate that adult male canaries have the perceptual abilities to discriminate and selectively attend to one ongoing sound that occurs simultaneously with one or more other sounds. The administration of a noradrenergic neurotoxin did not impair markedly the discrimination learning abilities although the number of subjects tested was too small to allow any firm conclusion. In these conditions, however, the noradrenergic lesion significantly increased the number failures to respond in the discrimination learning task suggesting a role, in canaries, of the noradrenergic system in some attentional processes underlying song learning and processing.  相似文献   

Some of nature’s most complex behaviors, such as human speech and oscine bird song, are acquired through imitative learning. Accurate imitative learning tends to preserve patterns of behavior across generations, thus limiting the scope of cultural evolution. Less well studied are the routes by which cultural novelties arise during development, beyond simple copy error. In this study we assess, in a species of songbird, the relationship in song learning between two potentially conflicting learning goals: accuracy in copying and maximization of vocal performance. In our study species, the swamp sparrow (Melospiza georgiana), vocal performance can be defined for a given song type and frequency range by the rate of note repetition (‘trill rate’), with faster trills being more difficult to sing. We trained young swamp sparrows with song models with experimentally modified trill rates and characterized both the accuracy and performance levels of copies. Our main finding is that birds elevated the trill rates of low‐performance models, but at the expense of imitative accuracy. By contrast, birds reproduced normal and high‐performance models with typically high accuracy in structure and timing. Developmental mechanisms that enable songbirds to balance imitative accuracy and vocal performance are likely favored by sexual selection and may help explain some current patterns of variation in birdsong. Such mechanisms may also explain how behaviors that are learned by imitation can nevertheless respond to selection for high‐performance levels in their expression.  相似文献   

We examined ‘late’ song learning in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), i.e., song learning that occurs after the first few months, or classical sensitive period, of the natal summer. Fledgling juveniles were brought into the laboratory at 2–3 mo of age and exposed to computer‐simulated song tutors in three different time periods: late in the natal summer, the autumn, and the next spring. As expected, the birds’ final repertoires consisted mostly of songs heard in the field, but 30% of the birds’ songs were influenced by songs heard in the laboratory (selective retention) and another 8% were learned de novo in the laboratory. Parallel results were obtained for a second group of birds who received laboratory tutoring only in the spring. In fact, the results suggested that autumn tutoring may even be inhibitory. We conclude that the songs a young song sparrow hears in his first spring may be critical to his final repertoire development, indicating that the song learning process in song sparrows is longer and more flexible than previously supposed.  相似文献   

In songbirds, territorial songs are key regulators of sexual selection and are learned from conspecifics. The cultural transmission of songs leads to divergence in song characteristics within populations, which can ultimately lead to speciation. Many songbirds also migrate, and individual differences in migratory behaviours can influence population genetic structure and local song differentiation. Blackcaps, Sylvia atricapilla, exhibit versatile territorial songs and show diversity in migration behaviours. They therefore comprise a good model for investigating the relationships between migratory patterns, song variation, and genetic diversity. We studied a migratory population (two groups near Paris) and a sedentary population (three groups in Corsica). All of the birds were ringed and blood sampled to investigate genetic relatedness using 17 microsatellite loci. A detailed song analysis showed that this species has a complex repertoire (> 100 syllables), which required the development of a semi‐supervised method to classify different categories of syllables and compare sequences of syllables. Our analysis showed no genetic structuring among populations: individuals belonging to the same group were not genetically closer than those from different groups. However, we found a strong wingsize difference between sedentary and migratory populations. We also showed that geographical variations in songs rely at least on both syllable and sequence content. Unexpectedly, despite a higher turnover of individuals, migratory groups share as many syllables and sequences as sedentary groups, which raises interesting issues on song learning and the maintenance of dialects in migratory birds.  相似文献   

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