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兰花蕉花部维管束系统的解剖学研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
兰花蕉花梗的维管束分散排列.子房基部的维管束排成两部分,外方为一轮大维管束环,中央为分散排列的小维管束区。前者的纸管束进入子房壁,后者进入子房的中轴,形成股座纸管束;及至延长都以后,股座维管束逐渐消失.子房壁上的维管束较易识别的有心皮背束、心皮背束伴束和隔膜束.三束心皮背束经延长部最终进入花柱和柱头.心皮背束指心皮背束务与其紧靠的大维管束,三枚心皮背束伴束最终分别进入三枚外轮雄蓝.三枚隔膜束中远轴面的两枚分别进入两校内轮雄蕊,而近轴面的一枚伴随着第六枚雄蓝的缺失最后进入唇瓣中央.子房壁其余的维管束进入延长部后,先向外分出一轮纸管束进入花幕,余下的中央部分排成一轮心形的线管来环.该环远轴面的维管束分为两半分别进入两枚侧生花瓣;近轴面即心形凹陷一侧初为两轮即外轮大的维管束与内轮小的维管束,后排成一轮并与近轴面的隔膜束一同进入唇瓣.兰花蕉的唇瓣既为花瓣成员,又含一枚缺失的雄蓝维管束,与姜目已报道的只来自退化雄蕊的竹芋科的兜状结构和美人蕉科、姜科、闭鞘姜科的唇瓣有明显区别.在旅人蕉科尚未有研究资料的情况下,作者根据已有资料,对姜目雄蕊维管束系统来源和结构进行比较,初步认为在姜目的系统演化上,兰花蕉科与芭蕉料更近.  相似文献   

小草蔻花部维管束系统的解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
小草蔻花梗的维管束可分成外环和中心区两部分。进入室下区后,外环维管束向外偏移,其数目由约13束增加至约40束;中心区由不规则分布的18束变为三角形排列的12束。延伸至子房室区时,外环基本不变,而原来中心我的维管束则成为3束心皮背束、3束隔膜束及5-7束小的胎座维管束。3束心皮背束外方的主支经延长中最后进入花萼、胎座维管束于延长部基部消失。及至延长部基部,3束隔膜束的内侧横向分支,并最后与部分外环的维管束及心皮背束方的细小分支在此形成一个维管束网结,而外侧的主支直接向上延伸;近轴面的隔膜束主支分裂成4支最后进入仅有的1枚功能雄蕊,无轴面的2束隔膜束主支则各分成2-3束最后进入唇。延长部的维管束网结部分延伸入花瓣、唇瓣和腺体基部,少量进入花柱。首次提出姜科植物的花萼既代表了3枚花萼片,又包含了3枚缺失的外轮雄蕊。支持姜科的唇瓣代表了两枚缺失的内轮雄蕊及两枚腺体是隔膜腺变异结构的观点。  相似文献   

红蕉花部维管束系统的解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
红蕉花单性、同株 ,雄花与雌花花梗部的维管束均可分为外环维管束、中环维管束及中央维管束区。雌花外环维管束逐渐外移 ,并分支、变小、数目增多 ,至子房室区中部时几乎贴近表皮 ;中环维管束与外环维管束形态基本相似、稍大 ,至延长部中上部时与外环维管束合成一轮 ,最后进入花被片 ,成为花被维管束系统 ;中央维管束区在花梗部时排列为六组 ,组间有一些小的维管束分布。在室下区 ,近轴面隔膜维管束组消失 ,至子房室区基部时 (室下区 )其它五组逐渐聚集成明显五束 ;而组间的小维管束向中央聚拢 ,于子房室区基部时排列成环形 ,接着进入子房室中轴成为胎座维管束 ,随后束形变小 ,且随子房室的变小而外移 ,经延长部最后进入花柱 ,与心皮背束内方的三枚分支一起成为花柱维管束系统。三束心皮背束延伸至延长部时均分裂为内、外两支 ,三枚外方的分支进入三枚外轮雄蕊。两束远轴面隔膜束进入两枚内轮雄蕊。雄花与雌花的维管束系统基本相似 ,差异主要在雄花无子房室区及中轴的胎座维管束消失。  相似文献   

舞花姜花部维管束系统的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关岚岚  邹璞  廖景平 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2385-2392
对舞花姜(Globba racemosa)花部维管束系统进行解剖学观察分析,以探讨其缺失雄蕊的去向及其唇瓣和腺体结构的属性.结果显示:(1)舞花姜花梗部的维管束分散排列在基本组织内.(2)子房基部的维管束排成2部分,中央区为分散排列的小维管束,外方为一轮大维管束环,且外环维管束发育为子房壁维管束,心皮背束和隔膜束均起源于中心区维管束,二者的分支在延长部形成一个维管束网结;在网结之上,近轴面的两束心皮背束分支分别进入到2枚侧生退化雄蕊中并成为其主束,远轴面心皮背束的内方分支则成为唇瓣中束,三束心皮背束的其余分支均上行入萼片.(3)唯一1枚功能雄蕊接受近轴面隔膜束的内方主支作为其主束,远轴面2枚隔膜束的主支最后进入唇瓣的两侧束,三束隔膜束的外分支均发育为花瓣束.研究认为:舞花姜的唇瓣是一个三重结构,其中央维管束代表1枚外轮雄蕊,两侧维管束则分别代表2枚内轮雄蕊;舞花姜的2枚花瓣状退化雄蕊与唇瓣的中央一起构成外轮雄蕊,唯一1枚可育雄蕊和唇瓣的两侧同属内轮雄蕊.本研究结果支持姜科子房延长部形成的腺体属于子房上部心皮边缘的维管化附属物的观点.  相似文献   

姜花(Hedychium coronarium)花部维管束系统解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姜花(Hedychium coronarium Koen.)花梗横切面整体轮廓呈椭圆形,可分为表皮、基本组织和维管束。维管束在基本组织中呈内、外两部分排列。内部维管束联结成网,形成明显外移的三束心皮背束和内方与心皮背束相间的三束隔膜束。至子房室区,心皮背束继续外移,其中主支进入花萼中脉;小分支内移,与内方一轮维管束联结,后来进入唇瓣中央及2枚侧生附属物。在花萼形成的同时,远轴面的两个隔膜中各形成一个上位腺体;同时两束远轴面隔膜束向外、两侧分别形成3束大分支,外方大分支继续外移成为2枚远轴面花瓣中脉,两侧大分支与原外方内移的子房壁维管束集合成一相连的环状维管束网,后进入唇瓣两侧;近轴面隔膜束形成3枚分支,外方分支成为近轴面花瓣中脉,两侧分支进入可育雄蕊。探讨了侧生附属物和唇瓣的来源,支持子房延长部形成的腺体为隔膜蜜腺的变异结构的观点。  相似文献   

大鹤望兰花部维管束系统的解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大鹤望兰梗横切面近三角形,花梗的维管束分散公布在基本组织内。室下区的维管束大致排列三两部分,外方为一到两环维管束组成的外维管束环,中央为分散排列的中央维管束区。前者的维管束进入子房避讳,后者的维管束进入子房的中轴,形成从维管束。至延长部后,胎座维管束逐渐消失。子房壁上的维管束较易识别的有心皮背束、心成背束伴束和隔膜束。3束心皮背束经处长部最终进入花柱。3枚心皮背束伴束最终分别进入一枚12上轮雄蕊。  相似文献   

为探讨粉美人蕉(Canna glauca‘Erebus’)缺失雄蕊的去向和唇瓣的属性,对粉美人蕉花部维管束系统进行了解剖学观察分析。结果表明,粉美人蕉花梗横切面呈椭圆形,中心区的维管束聚集成6束大的维管束,形成心皮背束和隔膜束。在子房区顶部,3个隔膜束各分成3束,外方分支分别进入相应的花瓣,成为花瓣的中束。近轴面隔膜束内方的2束分支进入功能雄蕊。远轴面右侧的隔膜束内方2分支进入唇瓣,发育为唇瓣的部分维管束。远轴面左侧隔膜束内方分支进入内轮退化雄蕊。在花瓣形成时,近轴面左侧心皮背束分成2束,外侧分支进入近轴面外轮退化雄蕊,内侧分支进入功能雄蕊。近轴面右侧心皮背束外方分支进入侧生退化雄蕊。远轴面心皮背束分为2束,1束进入远轴面外轮退化雄蕊并迅速消失,另1束进入唇瓣,继续发育。从维管束来源角度证明了粉美人蕉退化雄蕊的同源异形现象。  相似文献   

鸭跖草花梗项部的维管束分布在中央的基本组织内。自花梗顶部至子永恒基部,维管束系统发生复杂的变化。6枚向外偏斜的维管束发生内外或左右分支,其中3枚维管束发生内外分支,其外侧的3个分支进入萼片成为萼片给管束系统,内侧3个分支进入3枚外轮雄蕊而成为外轮雄蕊维管束;另3枚维管束先发生内外分支,接着外侧3分支发生进一步的左右分支,各形成3-5个小分支,最后进入花瓣成为花瓣维管束系统,而内侧的分支则不再细分,最后伸入3枚内轮雄蕊,成为轮雄蕊维管束。另6枚近圆束形的维管束一直在中央向上延伸,进入子房屋区后,其中3格言 进入子房壁,成为3束心皮背束,最后3束心皮背束进入花柱成为花柱维管史,另3枚聚向中央,成为胎座维管束,胎座维管束至子房屋顶部时消失。文中对跖草及其有关类群的花部维管束系统的来源及演变进行了比较、讨论。  相似文献   

用石蜡切片技术研究了圆瓣姜花(Hedychium forrestii Diels)的花部维管束系统解剖结构,探讨了同源异形的各轮花器官维管束来源和属性.结果表明,圆瓣姜花的2枚花瓣状结构为外轮雄蕊成员;唇瓣是三重结构,其中脉源十1枚外轮雄蕊维管束系统,两侧脉源于2枚内轮雄蕊维管束系统;上位腺体为隔膜蜜腺.本研究支持Thompson和Gregory关于姜科唇瓣是三重结构的观点;与其他姜科植物一样,圆瓣姜花子房延长部形成的上位腺体属于隔膜蜜腺而不是雄蕊成员.与已研究过的姜花属植物比较,姜花属花器官维管束系统的来源与走向是一致的,同源异形现象在姜花属植物花的进化中扮演极为重要的角色,可为解释花器官属性提供重要线索.  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片技术对蝎尾蕉科代表植物金嘴蝎尾蕉(Heliconia rostrata Ruiz&Pavon)的花部维管束系统进行了解剖学研究。结果表明,心皮背束在延长部的基部分裂为内外2分支,内方分支与胎座维管束汇合后进入花柱,远轴面2枚外方分支在延长部的顶部分裂为2~4束进入远轴面2枚外轮雄蕊,而近轴面1枚外方分支则进入退化结构成为其中脉;隔膜束在延长部顶部亦分裂为3~5束,最终分别进入3枚内轮雄蕊;子房壁其它维管束最终进入花被片。本研究认为金嘴蝎尾蕉花部花瓣状退化结构与另外2枚外轮雄蕊具有完全相同的维管束系统来源,应属于雄蕊成员,且支持Kress关于蝎尾蕉科是姜群的姊妹群,区别于芭蕉群其它3科的观点。  相似文献   

Observations presented here on floral vasculature in Alpinia hainanensis indicate that the labellum incorporates elements of five androecial members rather than two or three, as suggested by previous authors for Zngiberaceae flowers. The pedicel contains an outer ring and a central region of vascular bundles. Three carpellary dorsal bundles (CDs) and three alternatively arranged parietal bundles (PBs) separate from the central region successively. The remaining bundles of the central region run upwards and become the placental bundles to supply ovules. The placental bundles terminate between the top of the locular region and the base of the prolongation. The three PBs divides into about five strands respectively. Of which the outer strand enters into the petal being its midrib and the remaining strands move into the stamen adaxially being the vasculature of the functional stamen and the labellum abaxially being the lateral strands of the labellum. The three CDs divide into about five traces, of which the outer strand becomes the midrib of each sepal and the inner strand runs into the style. The remaining traces re‐unite, re‐divide again in the course up and the two adaxial sets of carpellary dorsals finally enter into the labellum being the marginal traces of it while the abaxial single strand enters into the labellum being its midrib. The two antero‐lateral glands receive small traces without lignified tube elements from the vascular plexus, which fonn in prolongation from both PBs and CDs and a few small strands in the ovary wall. There are no subulate appendages differentiated in the flower of Alpinia hainanensis. Hereby, the median of the sepals, both the marginal portions and the median of labellum, and the style have the same origin in vasculature from the CDs and so do the stamen, the lateral portions of labellum and the median of the petals from PBs. The labellum is supposed to represent three members of the outer androecial whorl by its two marginal portions and the median and two members of the inner whorl by its two lateral parts except the median.  相似文献   

The floral vascular systems are compared among all six taxa of Saururaceae, including the two species of Gymnotheca which have not been studied previously. All are zygomorphic (dorsiventrally symmetrical), not radial as sometimes reported, in conformity with dorsiventral symmetry during organogenesis. Apocarpy in the two species of Saururus (with four carpels and six free stamens) is accompanied by a vascular system of four sympodia, each of which supplies a dorsal carpellary bundle, two ventral carpellary bundles, and one or two stamen traces. The level at which the ventral bundles diverge is the major difference in vasculature between the two species. The other four taxa are all syncarpous, and share some degree of stamen adnation and/or connation. The vascular systems also show varying degrees of fusion. The two species of Gymnotheca (with four carpels and six stamens) are very similar to each other; in both, the ventral traces of adjacent carpels fuse to form a placental bundle, which supplies the ovules and then splits into a pair of ventral strands. The flowers of Houttuynia cordata (with only three carpels and three adnate stamens) are sessile. Each flower is vascularized by three sympodia; the median adaxial sympodium is longer than the other two sympodia before it diverges to supply the adaxial organs. Three placental bundles also are formed in Houttuynia, but the three bundles differ in their origin. The median abaxial placental bundle diverges at the same level as the three sympodial bundles of the flower, while the other two lateral placental bundles diverge at a higher level from the median adaxial sympodium. Anemopsis californica, with an inferior ovary of three carpels, sunken in the inflorescence axis, and six stamens adnate to the carpels, has a vascular system very similar to that of Houttuynia cordata. The modular theory of floral evolution is criticized, on the bases of the known behavior of apical meristems and properties of vascular systems. The hypothesis is supported that saururaceous plants may represent a line of angiosperms which diverged very early.  相似文献   

Various secretory glands are observed on Asphodelus aestivus flower, a common geophyte of Mediterranean type ecosystem. The floral nectary has the form of individual slits between the gynecium carpels (septal nectary). The septal slits extend downwards to the ascidiate zone of the carpels. The nectar is secreted by the epidermal cells of the slits, which differentiate into epithelial cells. The latter contain numerous organelles, among which endoplasmic reticulum elements and golgi bodies predominate. Nectar secretion results in an expansion of the space between the septa. The nectar becomes discharged through small holes on the ovary wall. Six closely packed stamens surround the ovary and bear numerous papillae at their basis. These papillae are actually osmophores, i.e. secretory structures responsible for the manufacture, secretion and dispersion of terpenic scent. A mucilage gland (obturator) exists between the lateral ovule and the ovary septa, giving a positive reaction with Schiff’s reagent. This gland secretes a mucoproteinaceous product to nourish the pollen tube and to facilitate its penetration into the ovary.  相似文献   

The floral anatomy and morphology of 26 species from the Saxifragoideae and three from the Iteoideae are described and compared. The flowers of the Saxifragoideae are predominantly actinomorphic, partially epigynous and/or perigynous, and pentamerous, with two carpels which bear numerous ovules. There is usually some degree of independence between carpels, and the normally separate styles possess both a canal and transmitting tissue. Generally, staminodia are absent and nectariferous tissue, which is not vascularized, is present. The subfamily is characterized by large multicellular trichomes with globular, often glandular, heads. Placentation may be parietal, axile, or transitional between the two; parietal appears to be a derived condition in the subfamily. The vascular cylinder in the pedicel generally consists of several to many discrete bundles from which diverge ten compound traces at the base of the receptacle, leaving an inner cylinder of vascular strands that coalesce at a higher level into either as many ventral bundles as carpels or twice that number. In the former case, each ventral bundle consists of one-half of the vascular supply to each adjacent carpel and separates into individual ventral strands in the distal half of the ovary. The ventral bundles provide vascular traces to the ovules and, along with the dorsals, extend up the style to the stigma. Each trace diverging in a sepal plane typically supplies one or more carpel-wall bundles, a median sepal bundle, and a stamen bundle. Each petal-plane trace usually provides one or more carpel-wall bundles, a lateral trace to each adjacent sepal, a petal bundle and, in flowers with ten stamens, a stamen bundle. Dorsal carpel bundles are usually recognizable and may originate from traces in either perianth plane. While the position of Ribes remains problematical, its floral structure does not easily exclude it from the Saxifragoideae. Floral structure in the Iteoideae is remarkably similar to that in the Saxifragoideae, the main differences being a lesser degree of independence between carpels, generally narrower placentae with somewhat fewer ovules, and the presence of only unicellular, acutely pointed epidermal hairs as opposed to the relatively complex, multicellular trichomes prevalent in the Saxifragoideae.  相似文献   

The development of a malformed Baccara rose flower was comparedwith that of a normal one. A dormant apex completes most ofits vegetative differentiation before bud break. In transitionto flowering the dome-shaped apex flattens, and intense activityat its margins produces sepals, petals and stamens. Differencesin rates of cell division cause invagination of the centralpart of the receptacle. A ring-shaped non-functional nectaryis formed in the normal flower between the stamens and the carpels.This nectary is absent in the malformed flower. Instead, secondaryflorets bearing mainly carpels proliferate in this region.  相似文献   

三白草科花部发育及其系统学意义   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本研究从比较三白草科属间小花个体发育及分析花器官数量变异入手,探寻花器官在发生顺序、数目变化及排列方式等方面的演化趋势,揭示系统发育在个体发育中一定程度重现的事实及属间的进化关系。结果简述如下:首先,雄蕊和心皮发生顺序由中部优先演化到两侧优先。其次,由于远中雄蕊和心皮经历了从发育延迟、生长减缓到最终消失的历程,中部雄蕊和心皮由成对演化为单生。此外,两侧生雄蕊对由各自独立的原基发生演化到共同原基发生或减化为1枚,假银莲花属近中1枚雄蕊原基二裂成1对,蕺菜属3枚心皮发生于一环状共同原基等,都是该科花器官演化的重要事实并可归结为融合、减化和复化的结果。文章根据花器官的演化趋势及过渡类型的剖析,论述了三白草科属间的系统进化关系。  相似文献   

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