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Summary Two monoclonal antibodies (Gc3.2 and Bd 2.2) against surface components of the cnidocil complex of Hydra vulgaris have been produced. In indirect immunofluorescence and in immunogold-labelling, the Gc 3.2-antibody stains the complete surface of all nematocytes, whereas other cellular surfaces are not labelled. The Bd 2.2-antibody, in contrast, produces only a small band of fluorescence on isolated cnidocils. This pattern of fluorescence and the corresponding immunogold-labelling indicate that the Bd 2.2-antibody exclusively binds to those intermembrane connectors that link the cnidocil and stereovillar cone in situ. In isolated and decnidociliated nematocytes, the tips of the stereovilli are also labelled by the Bd 2.2-antibody. Physiological experiments suggest that the Bd 2.2-antibody disturbs the reconstitution of intermembrane connectors during cnidocil regeneration. These data confirm the hypothesis that the intermembrane connectors are formed by two identical subunits located at the cnidociliar and stereovillar surfaces.  相似文献   

Human serum more strongly depressed the feeding response of Hydra (ball formation) elicited by S-methylglutathione than plasma. On the basis of the effect of several proteins released by platelets, at least five apparent components of the response (R1-R5) were suggested. Each of the platelet proteins examined specifically depressed a subset of these components. Among the platelet proteins examined, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) specifically depressed the R2 response (the concentration at which the depressing effect was 50% of the maximum [ED50] was 0.17 pM), and basic fibroblast growth factor depressed the R3 and R5 responses (ED50 0.50 aM) and the R2 response (ED50 0.55 pM). With respect to the depression of the R2 response by PDGF, addition of an anti-PDGF IgG or chemical reduction of PDGF, both of which prevent PDGF from binding to its cell surface receptor on responsive cells, eliminated the depressing effect of PDGF on the hydra response. The implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Spleen lymphocytes from mice immunized with locust native low-density lipophorin A+ (LDLp) were fused with nonproducing myeloma cells, strain Sp 2/0. Hybridomas that were isolated from the fused cells produced antibodies specific for LDLp and the high-density lipophorin Ayellow (HDLp). Monoclonal strains were generated through cloning by limiting dilution from those hybridomas synthesizing antibodies specific for apolipophorins (apoLp)-I, -II, and -III of LDLp. Additionally, a hybridoma strain that was obtained after fusion of lymphocytes from mice immunized with apoLp-III produced antibodies that bind to apoLp-III and native LDLp. Some features of LDLp and HDLp were studied using these antibodies. It could be demonstrated that apoLp-I and apoLp-II are not immunochemically identical and are exposed in the native particle of both LDLp and HDLp. It was also shown that in both lipophorins apoLp-II is less exposed than apoLp-I, whereas in LDLp apoLp-III is mainly exposed; some apoLp-III could also be detected in HDLp. Tween-20, a nonionic detergent, appears to affect the binding of anti-apoLp-I, -II, and -III to both LDLp and HDLp. The monoclonal antibodies specific for locust apolipophorins do not bind to the respective apoproteins of lipophorins from other insects.  相似文献   

Summary Detergent extracted spermatozoids of the fernPteridium aquilinum were used as mixed antigen preparations for raising monoclonal antibodies in order to obtain reagents for detecting as yet uncharacterized components of the plant cytoskeleton. Selected antibodies were studied by immunofluorescence microscopy of developing spermatids and mature spermatozoids. Some reacted directly with fixed cells, others required permeabilization treatments with cold methanol or Triton X-100. AntibodiesPas2D9 andPas6D7 bind to glycoprotein antigenic determinants that are exposed on the surface of the plasma membrane. Several antibodies interact with cytoskeletal components.Pas1D3,Pas5D8 andPas5F4 bind to the cytoskeleton of permeabilized cells including the flagella. Three react specifically with the flagellar band or associated components:Pas2G6 reacts with the whole flagellar band but shows a prominent binding to basal bodies,Pas5E2 binds exclusively to basal bodies, andPas5E7 detects mitochondria associated with the flagellar band. Cross-reactions to wheat root tip cells at different stages of the cell cycle are described inMarc andGunning (1988).Abbreviations MLS multilayered structure - MT microtubule - MAb monoclonal antibody - MAP microtubule associated protein  相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed a set of closely linked mutations on the X chromosome of Drosophila that lead to defects in gustatory behavior. The mutations map to a small region of the X chromosome between 10E1–4. Two distinct complementation groups, gustB and gustD, map to the ends of this region. These groups show complex complementation patterns with the mutations gustC and GT-1, which also map to this region. We describe the behavioral and electrophysiological properties of the mutants. These mutations affect peripheral receptor properties as well as more central processing steps in the gustatory pathway.  相似文献   

Antibodies were produced against fragments of the microtubule-binding domain and the motor domain of the dynein heavy chain from Dictyostelium discoideum to probe whole cell extracts of root meristem cells of wheat Triticum aestivum. In plant extracts, these antibodies cross-reacted with a polypeptide of high molecular weight (>500 kDa). The antibodies bound to protein A-Sepharose precipitated high molecular weight polypeptide from cell extracts. Immunofluorescence showed that the antibodies identified various aggregates inside cells, localized at the perinuclear area during interphase to early prophase, at the spindle periphery and polar area during mitosis, and in the interzonal region during phragmoplast development. Some aggregates were also co-labeled by markers for the Golgi apparatus. Thus, we found in higher plant cells a high molecular weight antigen cross-reacting with the antibodies to motor and microtubule-binding domains of dynein heavy chains. This antigen is associated with aggregates distributed in the cytoplasm in cell cycle-dependent manner. A subset of these aggregates belongs to the Golgi complex.  相似文献   


Physalia physalis, the Portuguese man of war, consumes mostly fish and fish larvae. Intracellular recordings from nematocyst‐containing cells (cnidocytes) in small pieces of Physalia tentacle were used to quantify the electrical responses to diluted and filtered fish skin mucus, 1–100 x 10‐6 M amino acids, monosaccharides, and nucleosides, and seawater, which were delivered upstream of the tissue. Seawater caused responses (one pulse only) in about 10% of the applications. Fish mucus extract elicited responses in all applications, producing 1–18 depolarizing pulses (20 mV maximum amplitude). The pulses were characteristic of post‐synaptic potentials (EPSPs). Lucifer yellow and biocytin dye injections showed that the cnidocytes were not electrically coupled. Simultaneous records from two cnidocytes following mucus applications were identical.We propose, therefore, that the chemoreceptors are not on the cnidocytes, but are probably on sensory neurons that innervate clusters of cnidocytes. A < 3,000 MW fraction of mucus elicited responses indistinguishable from whole mucus extract. Higher molecular weight fractions caused no response. The various test solutions had lower percentages of response (47–92%) and produced significantly fewer pulses than the mucus extract. We conclude that prey capture in Physalia is facilitated by chemicals present in the mucus covering their fish prey. The chemical stimuli probably sensitize the nematocysts to discharge upon mechanical stimulation.  相似文献   

A method was devised which gave consistent yields (1–2 mg/kg leaves) of potato mop-top furovirus (PMTV) particles. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were produced and some properties of 10 of them were studied. Four MAbs readily detected PMTV isolates from six countries in Northern Europe and Japan when the isolates were trapped with polyclonal antibody; and diagnostic tests based solely on MAbs (SCR 68 to coat plates and biotin- or enzyme-labelled SCR 69 to detect trapped virus) were devised. The pattern of reactions of the MAbs in ELISA and immunoblots suggested that they react with at least five different epitopes. PMTV coat protein preparations were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting. Three bands of 23.9 kd, 21.5 kd and 20.5 kd were visible in silver-stained gels and all three reacted with PMTV specific MAbs. The relative amounts of the three bands varied between different virus preparations, but the 21.5 kd band was usually the most abundant. The three bands were probably not produced by anomalous behaviour in SDS-PAGE. Moreover PMTV protein was readily degraded by trypsin treatment giving a band of 20.5 kd. Therefore the results suggest that PMTV coat protein sub-units are sensitive to degradation by plant proteases. At least two degraded forms were found when purified preparations were analysed by SDS-PAGE, and the undegraded protein was estimated to be 23.9 kd. The PMTV MAbs did not react in immunoblots with SDS-treated coat protein preparations of beet necrotic yellow vein furovirus or Indian peanut clump furovirus.  相似文献   

Summary Like many polyphagous herbivores, individuals of Sarasinula plebeia (Fischer) (Soleolifera: Veronicellidae) consume a variety of plant species that may differ in nutritional content. In this study we determined the ability of these slugs to compensate for such variation in diet composition. Dilution with water of an agar-based diet containing commercial guinea pig food or carrot root to obtain dry weights (dw) of 90, 70, 40 and 10% of diet fresh weight (fw), caused immature slugs to consume increasingly more fresh weight of food [as much as 4.7-(guinea pig) to 6.1-fold (carrot) more]. Dry weight consumption and body mass-relative dry weight consumption rate also increased at intermediate dilutions, buth with further dilution, dry weight intake declined despite the greater fresh weight consumption. At each dilution level, slugs fed the guinea pig diet consumed from ca. 5-to 6.4-fold more fresh weight than the carrotfed slugs. The former grew substantially, with their final biomass and body mass-relative growth rate varying curvilinearly with diet % dw. If these slugs had not fed more but instead maintained the same fresh weight consumption as slugs in the 90% dw tretments, without altering food utilization efficiencies, then their biomass gain in the 70, 40 and 10% dw treatments would have been only about 62, 43, and 21%, respectively, of the values actually attained. In contrast, carrot-fed slugs did not grow and were only able to maintain their initial biomass. For each diet, slug tissue water (% fw) was highest in the most diluted treatment but did not differ significantly among the other dilution levels. Approximate digestibility of the carrot diet was highest at intermediate dilution levels (ca. 75% of ingested food was digested and absorbed); for the guinea pig diet, this efficiency declined linearly from about 66% to 59% with increased dilution. For slugs that grew (i.e., those fed the guinea pig diet), effeciences of converting digested (29–52%) and ingested (18–33%) food to dry biomass were both curvilinearly related to diet % dw. Thus, S. plebeia, like many other herbivores, has the capacity to increase food consumption substantially inresponse to reduced dietary nutrient level, allowing the slugs to cope with variable nutrient content in their food plants.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to search for uncharacterized components of the plant cytoskeleton using monoclonal antibodies raised against spermatozoids of the fernPteridium (Marc et al. 1988). The cellular distribution of crossreacting immunoreactive material during the division cycle in wheat root tip cells was determined by immunofluorescence microscopy and compared to the fluorescence pattern obtained with antitubulin. Five antibodies are of special interest. Pas1D3 and Pas5F4 detect a diffuse cytoplasmic material, which, during mitosis, follows the distribution of microtubules (MTs) at the nuclear surface and in the preprophase band (PPB), spindle and phragmoplast. The immunoreactive material codistributes specifically with MT arrays of the mitotic apparatus and does not associate with interphase cortical MTs. Pas5D8 is relevant to the PPB and spatial control of cytokinesis. It binds in a thin layer at the cytoplasmic surface throughout the cell cycle, except when its coverage is transiently interrupted by an exclusion zone at the PPB site and later at the same site when the phragmoplast fuses with the parental cell wall.Pas2G6 reacts with a component of basal bodies and the flagellar band in thePteridium spermatozoid and recognizes irregularly shaped cytoplasmic vesicles in wheat cells. During interphase these particles form a cortical network.Pas6D7 binds to dictyosomes and dictyosome vesicles. At anaphase the vesicles accumulate at the equator and subsequently condense into the cell plate.Abbreviations MT microtubule - PPB preprophase band  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies raised in rabbits to a mixture of sodium-dodecyl-sulphate-denatured C- and allo-phycocyanin, isolated from Anabaena cylindrica, cross-react with 124-kilodalton (kDa) phytochrome from etiolated oats, in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and on Western blots. The component(s) of the anti-phycocyanin serum that cross-reacts with phytochrome appears to be specific for the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr). These antibodies can be detached from Pr by irradiation with red light, and thus show photoreversible binding. This property has been used to immunopurify the anti-phytochrome component from the antiserum using red light as the eluting agent. Competition assays and epitope-mapping studies indicate that the anti-phytochrome component may bind to a site located between 6 and 10 kDa from the amino-terminus of etiolated oat phytochrome.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - kDa kilodaton - FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-light-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-light-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

Seven monoclonal antibodies raised against tubulin from the axonemes of sea urchin sperm flagella recognize an acetylated form of alpha-tubulin present in the axoneme of a variety of organisms. The antigen was not detected among soluble, cytoplasmic alpha-tubulin isoforms from a variety of cells. The specificity of the antibodies was determined by in vitro acetylation of sea urchin and Chlamydomonas cytoplasmic tubulins in crude extracts. Of all the acetylated polypeptides in the extracts, only alpha-tubulin became antigenic. Among Chlamydomonas tubulin isoforms, the antibodies recognize only the axonemal alpha-tubulin isoform acetylated in vivo on the epsilon-amino group of lysine(s) (L'Hernault, S.W., and J.L. Rosenbaum, 1985, Biochemistry, 24:473-478). The antibodies do not recognize unmodified axonemal alpha-tubulin, unassembled alpha-tubulin present in a flagellar matrix-plus-membrane fraction, or soluble, cytoplasmic alpha-tubulin from Chlamydomonas cell bodies. The antigen was found in protein fractions that contained axonemal microtubules from a variety of sources, including cilia from sea urchin blastulae and Tetrahymena, sperm and testis from Drosophila, and human sperm. In contrast, the antigen was not detected in preparations of soluble, cytoplasmic tubulin, which would not have contained tubulin from stable microtubule arrays such as centrioles, from unfertilized sea urchin eggs, Drosophila embryos, and HeLa cells. Although the acetylated alpha-tubulin recognized by the antibodies is present in axonemes from a variety of sources and may be necessary for axoneme formation, it is not found exclusively in any one subset of morphologically distinct axonemal microtubules. The antigen was found in similar proportions in fractions from sea urchin sperm axonemes enriched for central pair or outer doublet B or outer doublet A microtubules. Therefore the acetylation of alpha-tubulin does not provide the mechanism that specifies the structure of any one class of axonemal microtubules. Preliminary evidence indicates that acetylated alpha-tubulin is not restricted to the axoneme. The antibodies described in this report may allow us to deduce the role of tubulin acetylation in the structure and function of microtubules in vivo.  相似文献   

Synopsis The wide variety of aquatic food is considered to be instrumental for the diversification in fish species. Yet their abilities and inabilities of handling food are poorly known. For these reasons the food processing and feeding repertoire of the adult carp, Cyprinus carpio, fed on a variety of food types, were analyzed by light and X-ray cinematography of the head parts and by electromyography of the head and body muscles during feeding. Nine stereotyped movement patterns (particulate intake, gulping, rinsing, spitting, selective retention of food, transport, crushing, grinding and deglutition) compose the feeding process, their sequence and frequency were adjusted to the type of food. Following quantitative morphological analysis at macroscopic, light- and electronmicroscopical level, the relations between the functioning and architecture of the feeding apparatus were established. The structure and dimensions of the mouth opening, the protrusible upper jaw, the slit-shaped pharyngeal cavity, the palatal and postlingual organ, the branchial sieve, the pharyngeal masticatory apparatus and the distribution of taste buds, mucous cells and muscle fibers along the oropharyngeal surface were the directive structural characters used for estimating the abilities in food processing. The specializations for utilizing food items and its limitations, derived from structural and functional data, are compared with diet data found in the literature in order to evaluate the relative position of the carp in competition for food in the aquatic environment. It is established that the ‘omnivorous’ carp is specialized in effective handling of several categories of aquatic food, even when these are mixed with non-food (bottom invertebrates <4% SL in diameter) since the palatal organ enables the carp to separate food from non-food. This includes very hard-skinned food items, processed with the powerful pharyngeal jaws of the fish, and to a lesser extent zooplankton (>250 μm). The carp is at the same time very limited in processing long and struggling prey (e.g. fish) as well as vegetable matter, due to the lack of oral teeth and the specialized morphology of its pharyngeal chewing apparatus. These feeding abilities agree with diet data from literature. The reported herbivorism of carp illustrates its opportunism in feeding behaviour. Specialization in feeding is discussed and the necessity to take into account the total series of post-capture feeding actions for a more complete view on trophic specialization. Food intake and the intra-oral food processing of carp are bound to the structures of its sensory, central processing and effector apparatus and to the plasticity in their functioning. These together determine its feeding efficiency in exploiting the available aquatic food resources. Next to ethological and ecological studies functional morphology is another important tool to explain the trophic interactions of fish.  相似文献   

We measured changes in the feeding rate and food absorption efficiency of two suspension feeding bivalves, cross-trasplanted between habitats with special emphasis on their capacity for differential absorption of biochemical components from their food supply. Mulinia edulis were moved from the intertidal zone to the subtidal zone, and Mytilus chilensis from the subtidal to the intertidal zone for a period of 7 days, and then compared with animal that had not been transplanted. Experimentally prepared diets similar to those available in the two different environments were offered to the bivalves, and their rates of feeding and differential uptake of biochemical components were determined and statistically compared. The two species did not achieve complete acclimation of their feeding behaviour during the transplant period since the highest ingestion rates for biochemical components occurred under dietary conditions that reflected their habitats of origin. Absorption efficiency showed greater acclimation than the other physiological parameters measured, indicating the capacity of these species to modulate their enzymatic-digestive activity depending on food composition. We conclude that both Mytilus and Mulinia have a certain degree of physiological plasticity in their feeding behaviour and assimilatory balance of biochemical components, being greater in Mytilus. When both species encounter ambient food conditions characteristic of their normal habitats, they show maximum values of food absorption, while under conditions where their typical diets are exchanged (Mytilus in intertidal and Mulinia in subtidal), the energy absorbed declines in each, but in ways very different between the two species. Thus, Mytilus exposed to high concentrations of low quality seston reduced the energy absorbed by 31.7% compared to its normal habitat, while Mulinia exposed to low concentrations of high-quality food reduced their energy absorption by 64%.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal mouse hybridoma antibodies, designated 2AI, 4AI, and 5AI, specific for human plasma apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) were characterized. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) each of the antibodies reacted with purified apoA-I and with A-I in normal human serum. Immunoblotting of apoA-I subjected to isoelectric focusing revealed that the three antibodies reacted with all the charge isomorphs of apoA-I and with proapoA-I. Using a solid phase competitive displacement assay, the antigenic determinant for antibody 5AI could be localized to cyanogen bromide fragment 3 of apoA-I (residues 113-148), while the epitope for antibody 4AI resided in cyanogen bromide fragment 4. Dot blot experiments and data obtained by the competitive displacement assay revealed that antibody 2AI reacts with high affinity with CNBr fragment 2 but that it also reacts with lower affinity with fragments 1 and 4. The antibody 5AI did not bind to a genetic variant of apoA-I (Glu----136 Lys), demonstrating that the substitution of a single amino acid in human apoA-I can cause the loss of an antigenic determinant.  相似文献   

The frontal ganglion (FrG) in insects contributes to the modulation of feeding behavior via the regulation of foregut contraction and other neural networks. Profiling the peptides of the FrG is important to understand endocrine regulation of feeding behavior in insects. High-resolution spiral matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) identified an ion peak, corresponding to calcitonin-like diuretic hormone 31 (CT/DH) in the FrG of silkworm Bombyx mori larvae. RT-PCR confirmed that CT/DH is expressed in the FrG, as are other peptide hormones, including allatoregulatory peptides. A feeding latency assay using synthetic CT/DH revealed that it increases the time to the initiation of feeding in a dose-dependent manner. These data indicate that CT/DH is a candidate regulatory peptide that modulates the feeding behavior of B. mori.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a new orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, called MB67, which is predominantly expressed in liver. MB67 binds and transactivates the retinoic acid response elements that control expression of the retinoic acid receptor beta 2 and alcohol dehydrogenase 3 genes, both of which consist of a direct repeat hexamers related to the consensus AGGTCA, separated by 5 bp. MB67 binds these elements as a heterodimer with the 9-cis-retinoic acid receptor, RXR. However, MB67 does not bind or activate other retinoic acid response elements with alternative hexamer arrangements or any of several other wild-type and synthetic hormone response elements examined. The transactivation of retinoic acid response elements by MB67 is weaker than that conferred by the retinoic acid receptors but does not require the presence of all-trans retinoic acid, 9-cis-retinoic acid, or any exogenously added ligand. We propose that MB67 plays an important role in the complex network of proteins that govern response to retinoic acid and its metabolites.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic aggregation, the rapid translocation of cytoplasm and subcellular components to the site of pathogen penetration, is one of the earliest reactions of plant cells against attack by microorganisms. We have investigated cytoplasmic aggregation during Arabidopsis-oomycete interactions. Infection by non-pathogenic Phytophthora sojae was prevented in the plant epidermal cell layer, whereas Peronospora parasitica isolates Cala2 (avirulent) and Noks1 (virulent) could both penetrate into the mesophyll cell layer. Epidermal cell responses to penetration by these oomycetes were examined cytologically with a range of transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)-tagged cell components. These included plants containing GFP-TUA6 for visualizing microtubules, GFP-hTalin for actin microfilaments, GFP-tm-KKXX for endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and STtmd-GFP for the Golgi apparatus. In all interactions, actin microfilaments were actively re-arranged and formed large bundles in cytoplasmic strands focused on the penetration site. Aggregation of ER membrane and accumulation of Golgi bodies at the infection site were observed, suggesting that production and secretion of plant materials were activated around the penetration site. Microtubules did not become focused on the penetration site. No difference was evident between the responses of epidermal cells in the non-host, incompatible and compatible interactions. This result indicates that the induction of cytoplasmic aggregation in Arabidopsis epidermal cells was neither suppressed by the virulent strain of Peronospora, nor effective in stopping infection.  相似文献   

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