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The folding pattern of the alpha-crystallin domain, a conserved protein module encoding the molecular determinants of structure and function in the small heat-shock protein superfamily, was determined in the context of the lens protein alphaA-crystallin by systematic application of site-directed spin labeling. The sequence-specific secondary structure was assigned primarily from nitroxide scanning experiments in which the solvent accessibility and mobility of a nitroxide probe were measured as a function of residue number. Seven beta-strands were identified and their orientation relative to the aqueous solvent determined, thus defining the residues lining the hydrophobic core. The pairwise packing of adjacent strands in the primary structure was deduced from patterns of proximities in nitroxide pairs with one member on the exposed surface of each strand. In addition to identifying supersecondary structures, these proximities revealed that the seven strands are arranged in two beta-sheets. The overall packing of the two sheets was determined by application of the general rules of protein structure and from proximities in nitroxide pairs designed to distinguish between known all beta-sheet folds. Our data are consistent with an immunoglobulin-like fold consisting of two aligned beta-sheets. Comparison of this folding pattern to that of the evolutionary distant alpha-crystallin domain in Methanococcus jannaschii heat-shock protein 16.5 reveals a conserved core structure with the differences sequestered at one edge of the beta-sandwich. A beta-strand deletion in alphaA-crystallin disrupts a subunit interface and allows for a different dimerization motif. Putative substrate binding regions appear to include a buried loop and a buried turn, suggesting that the chaperone function involves a disassembly of the oligomer.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to evaluate the effects on structure and function of selected substitutions within and N-terminal to the core "alpha-crystallin" domain of the small heat-shock protein (sHsp) and molecular chaperone, human alphaB-crystallin. Five alphaB-crystallin mutants containing single amino acid substitutions within the core alpha-crystallin domain displayed a modest decrease in chaperone activity in aggregation assays in vitro and in protecting cell viability of E. coli at 50 degrees C in vivo. In contrast, seven alphaB-crystallin mutants containing substitutions N-terminal to the core alpha-crystallin domain generally resembled wild-type alphaB-crystallin in chaperone activity in vitro and in vivo. Size-exclusion chromatography, ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy and limited proteolysis were used to evaluate potential structural changes in the 12 alphaB-crystallin mutants. The secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of mutants within and N-terminal to the core alpha-crystallin domain were similar to wild-type alphaB-crystallin. SDS-PAGE patterns of chymotryptic digestion were also similar in the mutant and wild-type proteins, indicating that the mutations did not introduce structural modifications that altered the exposure of proteolytic cleavage sites in alphaB-crystallin. On the basis of the similarities between the sequences of human alphaB-crystallin and the sHsp Mj HSP16.5, the only sHsp for which there exists high resolution structural information, a three-dimensional model for alphaB-crystallin was constructed. The mutations at sites within the core alpha-crystallin domain of alphaB-crystallin identify regions that may be important for the molecular chaperone functions of sHsps.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis heat shock protein 16.3 (MTB HSP 16.3) accumulates as the dominant protein in the latent stationary phase of tuberculosis infection. MTB HSP 16.3 displays several characteristics of small heat shock proteins (sHsps): its expression is increased in response to stress, it protects against protein aggregation in vitro, and it contains the core 'alpha-crystallin' domain found in all sHsps. In this study we characterized the chaperone activity of recombinant MTB HSP 16.3 in several different assays and compared the results to those obtained with recombinant human alphaB-crystallin, a well characterized member of the sHsp family. Recombinant MTB HSP 16.3 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to apparent homogeneity. Similar to alphaB-crystallin, MTB HSP16.3 suppressed citrate synthase aggregation and in the presence of 3.5 mm ATP the chaperone activity was enhanced by twofold. ATP stabilized MTB HSP 16.3 against proteolysis by chymotrypsin, and no effect was observed with ATPgammaS, a nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP. Increased expression of MTB HSP 16.3 resulted in protection against thermal killing in E. coli at 48 degrees C. While the sequence similarity between human alphaB-crystallin and MTB HSP 16.3 is only 18%, these results suggest that the functional similarities between these proteins containing the core 'alpha-crystallin' domain are much closer.  相似文献   

alphaA-Crystallin, a member of the small heat shock protein (sHsp) family, is a large multimeric protein composed of 30-40 identical subunits. Its quaternary structure is highly dynamic, with subunits capable of freely and rapidly exchanging between oligomers. We report here the development of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer method for measuring structural compatibility between alphaA-crystallin and other proteins. We found that Hsp27 and alphaB-crystallin readily exchanged with fluorescence-labeled alphaA-crystallin, but not with other proteins structurally unrelated to sHsps. Truncation of 19 residues from the N terminus or 10 residues from the C terminus of alphaA-crystallin did not significantly change its subunit organization or exchange rate constant. In contrast, removal of the first 56 or more residues converts alphaA-crystallin into a predominantly small multimeric form consisting of three or four subunits, with a concomitant loss of exchange activity. These findings suggest residues 20-56 are essential for the formation of large oligomers and the exchange of subunits. Similar results were obtained with truncated Hsp27 lacking the first 87 residues. We further showed that the exchange rate is independent of alphaA-crystallin concentration, suggesting subunit dissociation may be the rate-limiting step in the exchange reaction. Our findings reveal a quarternary structure of alphaA-crystallin, consisting of small multimers of alphaA-crystallin subunits in a dynamic equilibrium with the oligomeric complex.  相似文献   

Milk caseins and dental amelogenins are intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) that associate with themselves and others. Paradoxically, they are also described as hydrophobic proteins, which is difficult to reconcile with a solvent-exposed conformation. We attempt to resolve this paradox. We show that caseins and amelogenins are not hydrophobic proteins but they are more hydrophobic than most IDPs. Remarkably, uncharged residues from different regions of these mature proteins have a nearly constant average hydropathy but these regions exhibit different charged residue frequencies. A novel sequence analysis method was developed to identify hydrophobic and order-promoting regions that would favor conformational collapse. We found that such regions were uncommon; most hydrophobic and order-promoting residues were adjacent to hydrophilic or disorder-promoting residues. A further reason why caseins and amelogenins do not collapse is their high proportion of disorder-promoting proline residues. We conclude that in these proteins the hydrophobic effect is not large enough to cause conformational collapse but it can contribute, along with polar interactions, to protein-protein interactions. This behaviour is similar to the interaction of the disordered N-terminal region of small heat-shock proteins with either themselves during oligomer formation or other, unfolding, proteins during chaperone action.  相似文献   

Mammalian small heat shock proteins (sHSP) form polydisperse and dynamic oligomers that undergo equilibrium subunit exchange. Current models of their chaperone activity hypothesize that recognition and binding of protein non-native states involve changes in the oligomeric state. The equivalent thermodynamic representation is a set of three coupled equilibria that includes the sHSP oligomeric equilibrium, the substrate folding equilibrium, and the equilibrium binding between the sHSP and the substrate non-native states. To test this hypothesis and define the binding-competent oligomeric state of human Hsp27, we have perturbed the two former equilibria and quantitatively determined the consequences on binding. The substrate is a set of T4 lysozyme (T4L) mutants that bind under conditions that favor the folded state over the unfolded state by 10(2)-10(4)-fold. The concentration-dependent oligomer equilibrium of Hsp27 was perturbed by mutations that alter the relative stability of two major oligomeric states including phosphorylation-mimicking mutations that result in the dissociation to a small multimer over a wide range of concentrations. Correlation of binding isotherms with size exclusion chromatography analysis of the Hsp27 oligomer equilibrium demonstrates that the multimer is the binding-competent state. Binding occurs through two modes, each characterized by different affinity and number of binding sites, and results in T4L.Hsp27 complexes of different hydrodynamic properties. Mutants of the Hsp27 phosphorylation mimic that reverse the reduction in oligomer size also reduce the extent of T4L binding. Taken together, these results suggest a central role for the oligomeric equilibrium in regulating the chaperone activity of sHSP. The mutants identify sequence features important for modulating this equilibrium.  相似文献   

Seven members of the small heat shock protein (sHSP) family are exceptional with respect to their constitutive high abundance in muscle tissue. It has been suggested that sHSPs displaying chaperone-like properties may stabilize myofibrillar proteins during stress conditions and prevent them from loss of function. In the present study five sHSPs (alphaB-crystallin, MKBP, HSP25, HSP20, and cvHSP) were investigated with respect to similarities and differences of their expression in heart and skeletal muscle under normal and ischemic conditions. In ischemic heart and skeletal muscle these five sHSPs translocated from cytosol to the Z-/I-area of myofibrils. Myofibrillar binding of all sHSPs was very tight and resisted for the most part extraction with 1 M NaSCN or 1 M urea. MKBP and HSP20 became extracted by 1 M NaSCN to a significant extent indicating that these two sHSPs may bind partially to actin-associated proteins which were completely extracted by this treatment. Ultrastructural localization of alphaB-crystallin showed diffuse distribution of immunogold label throughout the entire I-band in skeletal muscle fibers whereas in cardiomyocytes alphaB-crystallin was preferentially located at the N-line position of the I-band. These observations indicate different myofibrillar binding sites of alphaB-crystallin in cardiomyocytes versus skeletal muscle fibers. Further differences of the properties of sHSPs could be observed regarding fiber type distribution of sHSPs. Thus sHSPs form a complex stress-response system in striated muscle tissue with some common as well as some distinct functions in different muscle types.  相似文献   

K Paul  M K Morell    T J Andrews 《Plant physiology》1993,102(4):1129-1137
The first 20 residues at the amino terminus of the small subunit of spinach ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase form an irregular arm that makes extensive contacts with the large subunit and also with another small subunit (S. Knight, I. Andersson, and C.-I. Brändén [1990] J Mol Biol 215: 113-160). The influence of these contacts on subunit binding and, indirectly, on catalysis was investigated by constructing truncations from the amino terminus of the small subunit of the highly homologous enzyme from Synechococcus PCC 6301 expressed in Escherichia coli. Removal of the first six residues (and thus the region of contact with a neighboring small subunit) affected neither the affinity with which the small subunits bound to the large subunits nor the catalytic properties of the assembled holoenzyme. Extending the truncation to include the first 12 residues (which encroaches into a highly conserved region that interacts with the large subunit) also did not weaken intersubunit binding appreciably, but it reduced the catalytic activity of the holoenzyme nearly 5-fold. Removal of an additional single residue (i.e. removal of a total of 13 residues) weakened intersubunit binding approximately 80-fold. Paradoxically, this partially restored catalytic activity to approximately 40% of that of the wild-type holoenzyme. None of these truncations materially affected the Km values for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate or CO2. Removal of all 20 residues of the irregular arm (thereby deleting the conserved region of contact with large subunits) totally abolished the small subunit's ability to bind to large subunits to form a stable holoenzyme. However, this truncated small subunit was still synthesized by the E. coli cells. These data are interpreted in terms of the role of the amino-terminal arm of the small subunit in maintaining the structure of the holoenzyme.  相似文献   

The transmembrane (TM) subunits of retroviral envelope glycoproteins appear to direct the assembly of the glycoprotein precursor into a discrete oligomeric structure. We have examined mutant Rous sarcoma virus envelope proteins with truncations or deletions within the ectodomain of TM for their ability to oligomerize in a functional manner. Envelope proteins containing an intact surface (SU) domain and a TM domain truncated after residue 120 or 129 formed intracellular trimers in a manner similar to that of proteins that had an intact ectodomain and were efficiently secreted. Whereas independent expression of the SU domain yielded an efficiently transported molecule, proteins containing SU and 17, 29, 37, 59, 73, 88, and 105 residues of TM were defective in intracellular transport. With the exception of a protein truncated after residue 88 of TM, the truncated proteins were also defective in formation of stable trimers that could be detected on sucrose gradients. Deletion mutations within the N-terminal 120 amino acids of TM also disrupted transport to the Golgi complex, but a majority of these mutant glycoproteins were still able to assemble trimers. Deletion of residues 60 to 74 of TM caused the protein to remain monomeric, while a deletion C terminal of residue 88 that removed two cysteine residues resulted in nonspecific aggregation. Thus, it appears that amino acids throughout the N-terminal 120 residues of TM contribute to assembly of a transport-competent trimer. This region of TM contains two amino acid domains capable of forming alpha helices, separated by a potential disulfide-bonded loop. While the N-terminal helical sequence, which extends to residue 85 of TM, may be capable of mediating the formation of Env trimers if C-terminal sequences are deleted, our results show that the putative disulfide-linked loop and C-terminal alpha-helical sequence play a key role in directing the formation of a stable trimer that is competent for intracellular transport.  相似文献   

The subunit molecular mass of α-crystallin, like many small heat-shock proteins (sHsps), is around 20 kDa although the protein exists as a large aggregate of average mass around 800 kDa. Despite this large size, a well-resolved 1H NMR spectrum is observed for α-crystallin which arises from short, polar, highly-flexible and solvent-exposed C-terminal extensions in each of the subunits, αA- and αB-crystallin. These extensions are not involved in interactions with other proteins (e.g. β- and γ-crystallins) under non-chaperone conditions. As determined by NMR studies on mutants of αA-crystallin with alterations in its C-terminal extension, the extensions have an important role in acting as solubilising agents for the relatively-hydrophobic α-crystallin molecule and the high-molecular-weight (HMW) complex that forms during the chaperone action. The related sHsp, Hsp25, also exhibits a flexible C-terminal extension. Under chaperone conditions, and in the HMW complex isolated from old lenses, the C-terminal extension of the αA-crystallin subunit maintains its flexibility whereas the αB-crystallin subunit loses, at least partially, its flexibility, implying that it is involved in interaction with the ‘substrate’ protein. The conformation of ‘substrate’ proteins when they interact with α-crystallin has been probed by 1H NMR spectroscopy and it is concluded that α-crystallin interacts with ‘substrate’ proteins that are in a disordered molten globule state, but only when this state is on its way to large-scale aggregation and precipitation. By monitoring the 1H and 31P NMR spectra of α-crystallin in the presence of increasing concentations of urea, it is proposed that α-crystallin adopts a two-domain structure with the larger C-terminal domain unfolding first in the presence of denaturant. All these data have been combined into a model for the quaternary structure of α-crystallin. The model has two layers each of approximately 40 subunits arranged in an annulus or toroid. A large central cavity is present whose entrance is ringed by the flexible C-terminal extensions. A large hydrophobic region in the aggregate is exposed to solution and is available for interaction with ‘substrate’ proteins during the chaperone action.  相似文献   

We propose three-dimensional models corresponding to the C-terminal domain of human alphaA- and alphaB-crystallins by using the comparative modeling program Modeler and the more closely related crystal structure of the small heat-shock protein (sHSP) belonging to the eukaryotic species from wheat HSP16.9 as template structure. The sequence alignments differ slightly from alignments that were used previously to construct alpha-crystallin models based on homology and the crystal structure of the more distantly related small heat-shock protein from archaeal species; Methanococcus jannaschii Mj HSP16.5, the only related structure then available as a template. The alpha-crystallin models based on HSP16.9 show better 3-D profile scores and reflect the relative shifts in the beta-strands corresponding to the beta-sandwich associated with the core C-terminal domain that is common to small heat-shock proteins and the alpha-crystallins. The loop between the equivalent beta5-beta7 strands corresponds to a region of seven amino acid residues deletion in alpha-crystallins and defines the new set of amino acid residues likely to be associated with a dimer interface. The models may be useful to examine sites of mutations that are known to affect chaperone-like activity and provide the structural basis for dimerization in alpha-crystallins.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are necessary for several cellular functions and in stress tolerance. Most sHsps are oligomers; intersubunit interactions leading to changes in oligomeric structure and exposure of specific regions may modulate their functioning. Many sHsps, including alpha A- and alpha B-crystallin, contain a well conserved SRLFDQFFG sequence motif in the N-terminal region. Sequence-based prediction shows that it exhibits helical propensity with amphipathic character, suggesting that it plays a critical role in the structure and function of alpha-crystallins. In order to investigate the role of this motif in the structure and function of sHsps, we have made constructs deleting this sequence from alpha A- and alpha B-crystallin, overexpressed, purified, and studied these engineered proteins. Circular dichroism spectroscopic studies show changes in tertiary and secondary structure on deletion of the sequence. Glycerol density gradient centrifugation and dynamic light scattering studies show that the multimeric size of the mutant proteins is significantly reduced, indicating a role for this motif in higher order organization of the subunits. Both deletion mutants exhibit similar oligomeric size and increased chaperone-like activity. Urea-induced denaturation study shows that the SRLFDQFFG sequence contributes significantly to the structural stability. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies show that the rate of exchange of the subunits in the alpha Adel-crystallin oligomer is higher compared with that in the alpha A-crystallin oligomer, suggesting that this region contributes to the oligomer dynamics in addition to the higher order assembly and structural stability. Thus, our study shows that the SRLFDQFFG sequence is one of the critical motifs in structure-function regulation of alpha A- and alpha B-crystallin.  相似文献   

alpha-Crystallin, a major lens protein of approximately 800 kDa with subunits of approximately 20 kDa has previously been shown to act as a chaperone protecting other proteins from stress-induced aggregation. Here it is demonstrated that alpha-crystallin can bind to partially denatured enzymes at 42-43 degrees C and prevent their irreversible aggregation, but cannot prevent loss of enzyme activity. However, the alpha-crystallin-bound enzymes regain activity on interaction with other chaperones. The data indicate that the re-activated enzymes are no longer associated with the alpha-crystallin, and ATP is required for re-activation. When inactive luciferase bound to alpha-crystallin was treated with reticulocyte lysate, a rich source of chaperones, up to 60% of the original luciferase activity could be recovered. Somewhat less re-activation was observed when the alpha-crystallin-bound enzyme was treated with heat-shock protein (HSP)70, HSP40, HSP60 and an ATP-generating system. Similar results were also obtained with citrate synthase. The overall results suggest that alpha-crystallin acts to stabilize denaturing proteins so that they can later be re-activated by other chaperones.  相似文献   

Ueki S  Nakamura M  Komori T  Arata T 《Biochemistry》2005,44(1):411-416
Calcium-induced structural transition in the amino-terminal domain of troponin C (TnC) triggers skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction. The salient feature of this structural transition is the movement of the B and C helices, which is termed the "opening" of the N-domain. This movement exposes a hydrophobic region, allowing interaction with the regulatory domain of troponin I (TnI) as can be seen in the crystal structure of the troponin ternary complex [Takeda, S., Yamashita, A., Maeda, K., and Maeda, Y. (2003) Nature 424, 35-41]. In contrast to skeletal TnC, Ca(2+)-binding site I (an EF-hand motif that consists of an A helix-loop-B helix motif) is inactive in cardiac TnC. The question arising from comparisons with skeletal TnC is how both helices move according to Ca(2+) binding or interact with TnI in cardiac TnC. In this study, we examined the Ca(2+)-induced movement of the B and C helices relative to the D helix in a cardiac TnC monomer state and TnC-TnI binary complex by means of site-directed spin labeling electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Doubly spin-labeled TnC mutants were prepared, and the spin-spin distances were estimated by analyzing dipolar interactions with the Fourier deconvolution method. An interspin distance of 18.4 A was estimated for mutants spin labeled at G42C on the B helix and C84 on the D helix in a Mg(2+)-saturated monomer state. The interspin distance between Q58C on the C helix and C84 on the D helix was estimated to be 18.3 A under the same conditions. Distance changes were observed by the addition of Ca(2+) ions and the formation of a complex with TnI. Our data indicated that the C helix moved away from the D helix in a distinct Ca(2+)-dependent manner, while the B helix did not. A movement of the B helix by interaction with TnI was observed. Both Ca(2+) and TnI were also shown to be essential for the full opening of the N-domain in cardiac TnC.  相似文献   

P H Krone  A Snow  A Ali  J J Pasternak  J J Heikkila 《Gene》1992,110(2):159-166
We have isolated several unique Xenopus laevis hsp30 (encoding heat-shock protein 30) genomic clones, one of which contains two complete hsp30 genes (hsp30C and hsp30D), as well as the promoter and N-terminal coding region of a third gene (hsp30E). Nucleotide sequence and restriction enzyme analysis revealed that this gene cluster is different from a cluster isolated previously. The hsp30C and hsp30D genes encode proteins of approx. 24 kDa. In all, the hsp30 gene family contains a minimum of seven genes. The strand exchange and breakage of the duplication events which generated this gene family appear to have occurred within tracts of DNA which potentially can assume a Z-DNA conformation. Comparing the amino acid (aa) sequences of each known Hsp30 protein with bovine alpha-crystallin revealed a high degree of shared conservation of aa that constitute the major structural feature(s) of alpha-crystallin.  相似文献   

ESR spectra and scanning electron micrographs of human erythrocytes spin labeled with the conventional stearic acid nitroxide substituted at the 5-position have been obtained over a range of label-to-lipid ratios. While morphological changes as previously reported (Bieri, V. G., Wallach, D. F. H. and Lin, P. S. (1974) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 71, 4797-4801) are reproduced, it is shown that at label-to-lipid ratios of 1:10 or less the basic ESR spectrum is not significantly affected. At low label concentrations the spin labeling technique is a viable one and can be used to investigate membrane properties.  相似文献   

We expressed the small subunit of smooth muscle myosin light chain phosphatase (MPs) in Escherichia coli, and have studied its molecular properties as well as its interaction with the targeting subunit (MPt). MPs (M(r) = 18,500) has an anomalously low electrophoretic mobility, running with an apparent M(r) of approximately 21,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. CD spectroscopy shows that it is approximately 45% alpha-helix and undergoes a cooperative temperature-induced unfolding with a transition midpoint of 73 degrees C. Limited proteolysis rapidly degrades MPs to a stable C-terminal fragment (M(r) = 10,000) that retains most of the helical content. Rotary shadowing electron microscopy reveals that it is an elongated protein with two domains. Sedimentation velocity measurements show that recombinant MPt (M(r) = 107,000), intact MPs, and the 10-kDa MPs fragment are all dimeric, and that MPs and MPt form a complex with a molar mass consistent with a 1:1 heterodimer. Sequence analysis predicts that regions in the C-terminal portions of both MPs and MPt have high probabilities for coiled coil formation. A synthetic peptide from a region of MPs encompassing residues 77-116 was found to be 100% alpha-helical, dimeric, and formed a complex with MPt with a molecular mass corresponding to a heterodimer. Based on these results, we propose that MPs is an elongated molecule with an N-terminal head and a C-terminal stalk domain. It dimerizes via a coiled coil interaction in the stalk domain, and interacts with MPt via heterodimeric coiled coil formation. Since other proteins with known regulatory function toward MP also have predicted coiled coil regions, our results suggest that these regulatory proteins target MP via the same coiled coil strand exchange mechanism with MPt.  相似文献   

Side chain mobility, accessibility, and backbone motion were studied by site-directed spin labeling of sequential cysteine mutants of the G strand in tear lipocalins (TL). A nitroxide scan between residues 98 and 105 revealed the alternating periodicity of mobility and accessibility to NiEDDA and oxygen, characteristic of a beta-strand. Residue 99 was the most inaccessible to NiEDDA and oxygen. EPR spectra with the fast relaxing agent, K(3)Fe(CN)(6), exhibited two nitroxide populations for most residues. The motionally constrained population was relatively less accessible to K(3)Fe(CN)(6) because of dynamic tertiary contact, probably with side chain residues of adjacent strands. With increasing concentrations of sucrose, the spectral contribution of the immobile component was greater, indicating a larger population with tertiary contact. Increased concentrations of sucrose also resulted in a restriction of mobility of spin-labeled fatty acids which were bound within the TL cavity. The data suggest that sucrose enhanced ligand affinity by slowing the backbone motion of the lipocalin. The correlation time of an MTSL derivative (I) attached to F99C resulted in the lack of side chain motion and therefore reflects the overall rotation of the TL complex. The correlation time of F99C in tears (13.5 ns) was the same as that in buffer and indicates that TL exists as a dimer under native conditions. TL-spin-labeled ligand complexes have a shorter correlation time than the protein alone, indicating that the fatty acids are not rigidly anchored in the cavity, but move within the pocket. This segmental motion of the ligand was modulated by protein backbone fluctuations. Accessibility studies with oxygen and NiEDDA were performed to determine the orientation and depth of a series of fatty acid derivatives in the cavity of TL. Fatty acids are oriented with the hydrocarbon tail buried in the cavity and the carboxyl group oriented toward the mouth. In general, the mobility of the nitroxide varied according to position such that nitroxides near the mouth had greater mobility than those located deep in the cavity. Nitroxides positioned up to 16 carbon units from the hydrocarbon tail of the ligand are motionally restricted and inaccessible, indicating the cavity extends to at least this depth. EPR spectra obtained with and without sucrose showed that the intracavitary position of lauric acid in TL is similar to that in beta-lactoglobulin. However, unlike beta-lactoglobulin, TL binds 16-doxyl stearic acid, suggesting less steric hindrance and greater promiscuity for TL.  相似文献   

The macrophage scavenger receptor (MSR) is a trimeric membrane protein which binds to modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and has been indicated in the development of atherosclerosis. It has recently been demonstrated that the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of MSR has an important role in the efficient internalization and cell-surface expression of the receptor. This study shows that the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain in bovine was constructed using a peptide architecture technique in which the peptide chain was bundled at their C-terminus to yield a trimeric form and that this did not form an ordered structure. Furthermore, the binding proteins to the cytoplasmic domain of MSR were determined for the first time using a peptide affinity column. Sequence analyses of the specific binding proteins in bovine revealed that heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), adenocylhomocysteinase, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were included. GST-pull-down assay and immunoprecipitation analyses on HSP90, HSP70, and GAPDH showed that all these proteins could bind to the cytoplasmic domain of MSR in vitro and in vivo. These proteins interact with the cytoplasmic domain directly and may have an effect on the functions of MSR such as internalization, cell-surface expression, and signal transduction.  相似文献   

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