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The amount of time a bird allocates to incubation is likely to be limited by energetic constraints. If food is abundant, energetic constraints may be reduced and the time spent incubating (incubation attendance) may increase. Moreover, the onset of incubation in relation to clutch completion may be advanced, resulting in a higher degree of hatching asynchrony. We measured the effect of experimentally increased food availability on incubation attendance and an estimate of hatching asynchrony in the Australian reed warbler Acrocephalus australis . Supplementary food was provided every other day, from a few days before the start of egg laying until just prior to hatching. Incubation attendance was measured with temperature loggers at nests receiving supplementary food and control nests. Hatching asynchrony was inferred from mass and size differences between siblings shortly after hatching. We found that 1) food supplementation resulted in an increase in incubation attendance, when comparing both nests receiving supplementary food to control nests as well as feeding to non-feeding days in nests receiving supplementary food, and 2) food supplementation resulted in a greater hatching asynchrony, without affecting clutch size, average egg volume or the likelihood of eggs hatching. This suggests that food availability acts in a proximate way to modify the extent of incubation attendance and hatching asynchrony. We discuss the adaptive significance of increased incubation attendance and a shift in the degree of hatching asynchrony in relation to food availability.  相似文献   

Females in many bird species reportedly begin incubation prior to clutch completion, but the nature of such incubation and the degree to which it varies among females remains undescribed for almost all species. We used continuous recording of nest‐cup temperatures to document incubation effort during egg laying at 57 Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) nests in a high‐elevation Wyoming population. We then asked whether such effort predicted the degree to which eggs hatch asynchronously. Although substantial egg heating could begin abruptly late in laying (previously reported as the norm for this species) or even after clutch completion, we found that most (>90%) females began incubation gradually, engaging in a few (usually 1–8), brief (<10 min) bouts of heating on the day they laid their first or second egg. Thereafter, females varied markedly in when they increased incubation effort and by how much. The onset of nocturnal incubation also varied, with females beginning to incubate at night after laying their prepenultimate, penultimate, or last egg and not always initially incubating through the night. As an index of the total amount of heat applied to eggs during laying, we calculated the cumulative number of degrees by which nest‐cup temperatures exceeded the threshold temperature required for embryonic development. This value varied by more than 150‐fold between nests and explained >50% of the variation in hatching asynchrony. Our results thus provide strong support for the widely held, but rarely tested, assumption that parent birds can have substantial control over the degree of hatching asynchrony by varying the amount of incubation done prior to clutch completion.  相似文献   

The main mechanism to achieve hatching asynchrony (HA) for incubating birds is to start heating the eggs before clutch completion. This might be achieved through partial incubation and/or early incubation. Even in the absence of incubation behaviour during the laying phase, clutches still experience a certain degree of asynchrony. Recent studies have shown that eggs located in the centre of the nest receive more heat than peripheral ones during incubation. As eggs receiving more heat would develop faster, we hypothesized that HA should be shorter in nests where eggs were moved homogeneously along the centre–periphery space during incubation than in those nests where eggs repeatedly remained in the same locations, either centrally or peripherally. We explored the relative roles of egg repositioning and partial incubation in determining HA in wild birds by (1) removing eggs from 20 Great Tit Parus major nests on the day of laying and replacing them with fake eggs to avoid partial incubation, and returning them when full incubation began; (2) monitoring twice a day the position of each individually marked egg relative to the clutch centre during incubation, and estimating the coefficient of variation of the distances; and (3) determining HA in each nest. Preventing partial incubation reduced HA by 51% days in experimental nests. It also caused negative effects for the incubating females (lengthening the full incubation period) and positive effects for the brood (increasing fledging success). However, our hypothesis about the role of egg repositioning on HA was not supported: all the females moved the eggs with remarkable consistency, generally attaining a coefficient of variation of the distances around 33%, and it was not related to the HA experienced. We therefore conclude that partial incubation is an important factor regulating HA, and females compensate for the potential effects of differential heating by moving the eggs homogeneously within the clutch.  相似文献   

In birds, the adaptive significance of hatching asynchrony has been under debate for many years and the parental effects on hatching asynchrony have been largely assumed but not often tested. Some authors suggest that hatching asynchrony depends on the incubation onset and many factors have been shown to influence hatching asynchrony in different species. Our objective was to analyze the exact timing of the onset of incubation and if this affects hatching asynchrony; and, in addition, which other factors (brood patch development, incubation position, adult body condition, intra‐clutch egg dimorphism, laying date and year) affect hatching asynchrony in Magellanic penguins Spheniscus magellanicus. We first estimated the eggshell temperature at which embryo development starts, with a non‐destructive and novel method. We then recorded individual egg temperatures in 61 nests during incubation, and related them, and other breeding parameters, to hatching asynchrony. We also observed incubation positions in 307 nests. We found a significant positive relationship between hatching asynchrony and the temperature that the first‐laid egg experienced during egg laying and between hatching asynchrony and the initial brood patch area. We also found a negative relationship between hatching asynchrony and the difference in temperature between second and first‐laid eggs within a clutch, measured after the egg‐laying period was finished. We ruled out position of the eggs during incubation, adult body condition, egg volume, laying date, and study year as factors influencing hatching asynchrony. The egg temperature during laying and the difference in temperature between eggs of a clutch are determinants of hatching asynchrony in Magellanic penguins.  相似文献   

We tested three hypotheses of clutch size variation in two subspecies of the swamp sparrow (Melospiza georgiana georgiana and M. g. nigrescens). Swamp sparrows follow the pattern of other estuarine endemics, where clutch size is smaller among tidal salt marsh populations (M. g. nigrescens) than their closest inland relatives (M. g. georgiana). Our results support predation risk and temperature, but not adult survival, as explanations of this pattern in swamp sparrows. Coastal nests were twice as likely to fail as inland nests, and parental activity around the nest site was positively related to clutch size at both sites. When brood size was controlled for, coastal adults visited nests less often and females vocalized less frequently during visits than inland birds, which may decrease nest detectability to predators. Coastal parents waited longer than inland birds to feed offspring in the presence of a model nest predator, but there was no difference in their response to models of predators of adults, as would be expected if coastal birds possessed increased longevity. Additionally, coastal females laid more eggs than inland females over a single season, following a within-season bet-hedging strategy rather than reducing within-season investment. Coastal territories experienced ambient air temperatures above the physiological zero of egg development more often, and higher temperatures during laying correlated with smaller clutches and increased egg inviability among coastal birds. Similar effects were not seen among inland nests, where laying temperatures were generally below physiological zero. Both subspecies showed an increase in hatching asynchrony and a decrease in apparent incubation length under high temperatures. Coastal individuals, however, showed less hatching asynchrony overall despite higher temperatures. Both air temperatures during laying and predation risk could potentially explain reduced clutch size in not only coastal plain swamp sparrows, but also other tidal marsh endemics.  相似文献   

Incubating common eiders (Somateria mollissima) insulate their nests with down to maintain desirable heat and humidity for their eggs. Eiderdown has been collected by Icelandic farmers for centuries, and down is replaced by hay during collection. This study determined whether down collecting affected the female eiders or their hatching success. We compared the following variables between down and hay nests: incubation temperature in the nest, incubation constancy, recess frequency, recess duration, egg rotation and hatching success of the clutch. Temperature data loggers recorded nest temperatures from 3 June to 9 July 2006 in nests insulated with down (n = 12) and hay (n = 12). The mean incubation temperatures, 31.5 and 30.7°C, in down and hay nests, or the maximum and minimum temperatures, did not differ between nest types where hatching succeeded. Cooling rates in down, on average 0.34°C/min and hay nests 0.44°C/min, were similar during incubation recesses. Females left their nests 0–4 times every 24 h regardless of nest type, for a mean duration of 45 and 47.5 min in down and hay nests, respectively. The mean frequency of egg rotation, 13.9 and 15.3 times every 24 h, was similar between down and hay nests, respectively. Hatching success adjusted for clutch size was similar, 0.60 and 0.67 in down and hay nests. These findings indicate that nest down is not a critical factor for the incubating eider. Because of high effect sizes for cooling rate and hatching success, we hesitate to conclude that absolutely no effects exist. However, we conclude that delaying down collection until just before eggs hatch will minimize any possible effect of down collection on females.  相似文献   

According to the ''energetic-bottleneck'' hypothesis, incubation in birds is constrained by the availability of energy. Hence, uniparental incubators are predicted to respond to a change in energy supply by adjusting, positively or negatively, the time spent warming the clutch. Energetic constraints on incubation in the great tit (Parus major) were demonstrated by heating nests, so that the night-time thermostatic component of daily energy expenditure in females was reduced by comparison with a control group. Birds in heated nests increased the time allocated to incubation during the day by 55 minutes, consistent with the predictions of the energetic-bottleneck hypothesis. Daily energy expenditure of all birds was inversely related to night-time ambient temperature, and did not differ between warmed and control birds on mild nights. When temperatures were low, however, escalation of daily costs was less for birds in heated nests. It is suggested that the balance of the energy budget may effect a proximate control on the constancy of incubation, with likely implications for reproductive success.  相似文献   

Incubating birds must balance their energetic demands with the time needed to provide care to developing embryos. Reduced care by incubating parents can result in longer incubation periods that increase predation risk and potentially influence neonate phenotype. We measured nest temperature, incubation period, and body mass dynamics of female wood ducks Aix sponsa , and used an information-theoretic approach to investigate effects of several explanatory variables on incubation period and thermal characteristics of nests. A model that included clutch size and standard deviation of nest temperature best explained the variation in incubation period. Parameter estimates indicated that incubation period increased with increases in clutch size and standard deviation of nest temperature. Next, we examined relationships between maternal effects and the standard deviation of the nest temperature. The best fitting model included initiation date of incubation. There was little support for including early incubation body mass of females, incubation constancy, and percent change in female body mass in the model. The parameter estimate showed that standard deviation of nest temperature declined as initiation date of incubation advanced. Female body mass at the start of incubation was not related to structural size suggesting that heavy females were in better physical condition than were light females. Heavy females nested earlier and lost more body mass during incubation than light females, but heavy females did not reduce variation in nest temperature to decrease the incubation period. The fact that early nesting females in good physical condition did not shorten incubation periods by keeping nest temperatures less variable could have been due to either energetic limitations or restraints. Experimental manipulations of incubation costs will be needed to distinguish between these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Intraclutch egg size variation may non‐adaptively result from nutritional/energetic constraints acting on laying females or may reflect adaptive differential investment in offspring in relation to laying/hatching order. This variation may contribute to size hierarchies among siblings already established due to hatching asynchrony, and resultant competitive asymmetries often lead to starvation of the weakest nestling within a brood. The costs in terms of chick mortality can be high. However, the extent to which this mortality is egg size‐mediated remains unclear, especially in relation to hatching asynchrony which may operate concomitantly. I assessed effects of egg size and hatching asynchrony on nestling development and survival of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), where the smaller size and later hatching of c‐eggs may represent a brood‐reduction strategy. To analyze variation in egg size, I recorded the laying order and laying date of 870 eggs in 290 three‐egg clutches over a 3‐yr period (2010–2012). I measured hatchlings and monitored growth and survival of 130 chicks from enclosed nests in 2011 and 2012. The negative effect of laying date (β = ?0.18 ± SE 0.06, P = 0.002) on c‐egg size possibly reflected the fact that late breeders were either low quality or inexperienced females. The mass, size, and condition of hatchling Herring Gulls were positively related to egg size (all P < 0.0001). C‐chicks suffered from increased mortality risk during the first 12 d, identified as the brood‐reduction period in my study population. Although intraclutch variation in egg size was not directly related to patterns of chick mortality, I found that smaller relative egg size interactively increased differences in relative body condition of nestlings, primarily brought about by the degree of hatching asynchrony during this brood‐reduction period. Thus, the value of relatively small c‐eggs in Herring Gulls may lie in reinforcing brood reduction through effects on nestling body condition. A reproductive strategy Herring Gulls might have adopted to maintain a three‐egg clutch, but that also enables them to adjust the number of chicks they rear relative to the prevailing environmental conditions and to their own condition during the nestling stage.  相似文献   

In birds, hatching failure is pervasive and incurs an energetic and reproductive cost to breeding individuals. The egg viability hypothesis posits that exposure to warm temperatures prior to incubation decreases viability of early laid eggs and predicts that females in warm environments minimize hatching failure by beginning incubation earlier in the laying period, laying smaller clutches, or both. However, beginning incubation prior to clutch completion may incur a cost by increasing hatching asynchrony and possibly brood reduction. We examined whether Florida scrub jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) began incubation earlier relative to clutch completion when laying larger clutches or when ambient temperatures increased, and whether variation in incubation onset influenced subsequent patterns of hatching asynchrony and brood reduction. We compared these patterns between a suburban and wildland site because site-specific differences in hatching failure match a priori predictions of the egg viability hypothesis. Females at both sites began incubation earlier relative to clutch completion when laying larger clutches and as ambient temperatures increased. Incubation onset was correlated with patterns of hatching asynchrony at both sites; however, brood reduction increased only in the suburbs, where nestling food is limiting, and only during the late nestling period. Hatching asynchrony may be an unintended consequence of beginning incubation early to minimize hatching failure of early laid eggs. Food limitation in the suburbs appears to result in increased brood reduction in large clutches that hatch asynchronously. Therefore, site-specific rates of brood reduction may be a consequence of asynchronous hatching patterns that result from parental effort to minimize hatching failure in first-laid eggs. This illustrates how anthropogenic change, such as urbanization, can lead to loss of fitness when animals use behavioral strategies intended to maximize fitness in natural landscapes.  相似文献   

The female nutrition hypothesis posits that provisioning intensity of incubating females by their mates may depend on female needs and ensure proper incubation and a corresponding high hatching and breeding success of breeding pairs. Here, we have handicapped female pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca at the beginning of incubation by clipping two primaries on each wing and filmed nests during incubation and later nestling provisioning to estimate male involvement in incubation feeding at the nest and in offspring care. Incubation feeding was more frequent at late nests. Correcting for this seasonal effect, incubation feeding was significantly affected by treatment and twice as high at experimental as at control nests. There was no effect of the experiment on female incubation attendance. The handicap did not result in any effect on hatching and breeding success, nestling growth and male or female provisioning and mass at the end of the nestling period. Males adjust their incubation feeding activity at the nest to female energetic requirements during incubation.  相似文献   

Ost M  Wickman M  Matulionis E  Steele B 《Oecologia》2008,158(2):205-216
The energetic incubation constraint hypothesis (EICH) for clutch size states that birds breeding in poor habitat may free up resources for future reproduction by laying a smaller clutch. The eider (Somateria mollissima) is considered a candidate for supporting this hypothesis. Clutch size is smaller in exposed nests, presumably because of faster heat loss and higher incubation cost, and, hence, smaller optimal clutch size. However, an alternative explanation is partial predation: the first egg(s) are left unattended and vulnerable to predation, which may disproportionately affect exposed nests, so clutch size may be underestimated. We experimentally investigated whether predation on first-laid eggs in eiders depends on nest cover. We then re-evaluated how nesting habitat affects clutch size and incubation costs based on long-term data, accounting for confounding effects between habitat and individual quality. We also experimentally assessed adult survival costs of nesting in sheltered nests. The risk of egg predation in experimental nests decreased with cover. Confounding between individual and habitat quality is unlikely, as clutch size was also smaller in open nests within individuals, and early and late breeders had similar nest cover characteristics. A trade-off between clutch and female safety may explain nest cover variation, as the risk of female capture by us, mimicking predation on adults, increased with nest cover. Nest habitat had no effect on female hatching weight or weight loss, while lower temperature during incubation had an unanticipated positive relationship with hatching weight. There were no indications of elevated costs of incubating larger clutches, while clutch size and colony size were positively correlated, a pattern not predicted by the ‘energetic incubation constraint’ hypothesis. Differential partial clutch predation thus offers the more parsimonious explanation for clutch size variation among habitats in eiders, highlighting the need for caution when analysing fecundity and associated life-history parameters when habitat-specific rates of clutch predation occur.  相似文献   

Gaute Bø Grønstøl 《Ibis》2003,145(2):203-211
In this study bigamous female Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus received significantly less incubation relief from their males than monogamous females. On average, monogamous males spent 34.3% of their time incubating and bigamous males 29.9%. Bigamous males divided their effort between their nests, incubating on average 9.4% on primary nests and 20.5% on secondary nests. Bigamous females compensated for the lack of male relief. Primary females incubated for 71.8% of their time, secondary females for 64.2%, while monogamous females spent 52.7% of their time incubating. As a result, there was no significant difference in total nest attentiveness among nests of different status. Primary and secondary females received equivalent incubation relief from the male. Bigamous males increased their contribution to incubation significantly as the season progressed. A bigamous male's distribution of incubation relief between his females was unrelated to female body mass, or to the degree of asynchrony between primary and secondary females in arrival and laying. Incubation time was significantly, negatively, correlated with total nest attentiveness. Monogamous females spent most time, secondary females spent an intermediate time, and primary females spent the least time on maintenance behaviour (foraging, comfort behaviour, inactivity). No significant differences were found in hatching success among females of different mating status. However, the ratio of unhatched to hatched eggs (i.e. the eggs that remained in the nest at the time of hatching) differed significantly: secondary females hatched a smaller proportion of their eggs than monogamous and primary females.  相似文献   

Incubation is an important component of avian parental care and slight changes in incubation temperature can affect offspring phenotype. Although many extrinsic and intrinsic factors may generate variation in incubation temperature, they remain underexplored under natural conditions. Using a robust data set encompassing 55 nests, 22 816 behavioral observations, and > 1 million paired ambient and egg temperatures, we describe the relationships among abiotic factors, female incubation behavior, incubation temperature, and incubation period for tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. We report a large amount of individual variation in incubation behaviors and average incubation temperatures for our study population. The average on‐bout incubation temperature was 34.1°C, with daily egg temperatures ranging from 18.0–39.2°C. Females modulated the number of times they left the nest and the amount of time they stayed off the nest according to interactions between precipitation and temperature patterns. Models generated from our observations predicted that the number of female off‐bouts was the lowest under warm and dry conditions while more off‐bouts were taken under cold and dry or warm and wet conditions. During cold and dry conditions, females stayed off their nest ~4 times longer than under warm and dry conditions. However, this pattern was reversed under periods of rainfall; females tended to take shorter off‐bouts when it was rainy and cold compared to longer off‐bouts during warmer rain events. Furthermore, variation in female behavior was associated with differences in overall incubation temperature such that females that maintained greater incubation constancy produced higher incubation temperatures at a given ambient temperature than those that displayed lower incubation constancy. Our results provide perspective on the timing of breeding, as some of the advantages of breeding early may be countered by cooler, early season temperatures and precipitation that cause reproducing females to favor self‐maintenance at a potential cost to optimal incubation temperatures for offspring development.  相似文献   

Investment in one life-history stage can have delayed effects on subsequent life-history stages within a single reproductive bout. We experimentally heated tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nests during incubation to test for effects on parental and nestling conditions. Females incubating in heated boxes maintained higher body condition and fed nestlings at higher rates. We cross-fostered nestlings and found that young nestlings (4-7 days old) incubated in heated nests had higher body condition and body mass, regardless of treatment status of their rearing parent. However, older nestlings which were fed by heated females maintained higher condition and body mass regardless of treatment status of their incubating parent. These results indicate that investment in one life-history stage can have multiple pathways of carry-over effects on future life-history stages.  相似文献   

While understanding heat exchange between incubating adults and their eggs is central to the study of avian incubation energetics, current theory based on thermal measurements from dummy eggs reveals little about the mechanisms of this heat exchange or behavioural implications for the incubating bird. For example, we know little about how birds distribute their eggs based on temperature differences among egg positions within the nest cup. We studied the great tit Parus major, a species with a large clutch size, to investigate surface cooling rates of individual eggs within the nest cup across a range of ambient temperatures in a field situation. Using state‐of‐the‐art portable infrared imaging and digital photography we tested for associations between egg surface temperature (and rate of cooling) and a combination of egg specific (mass, shape, laying order, position within clutch) and incubation specific (clutch size, ambient temperature, day of incubation) variables. Egg surface temperature and cooling rates were related to the position of the eggs within the nest cup, with outer eggs being initially colder and cooling quicker than central eggs. Between foraging bouts, females moved outer eggs significantly more than centrally positioned eggs. Our results demonstrate that females are capable of responding to individual egg temperature by moving eggs around the nest cup, and that the energy cost to the female may increase as incubation proceeds. In addition, our results showing that smaller clutches experience lower initial incubation temperatures and cool quicker than larger clutches warrant further attention for optimal clutch size theory and studies of energetic constraints during incubation. Finally, researchers using dummy eggs to record egg temperature have ignored important elements of contact‐incubation, namely the complexity of how eggs cool and how females respond to these changes.  相似文献   

Oscar Vedder 《Oecologia》2012,170(3):619-628
In seasonally reproducing organisms, timing reproduction to match food availability is key to individual fitness. Ambient temperature functions as an important cue for the timing of the food peak in temperate-zone birds. After laying start, individual birds may still improve synchrony between offspring hatching and food availability by adjusting the onset of incubation to most up-to-date cues about the development of the food source. However, it is unknown whether individuals respond to changes in temperature after the onset of laying, and whether individuals adjust incubation onset independent of clutch size. Here, I show in free-living blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) that experimental heating of nestboxes in the laying phase resulted in increased duration of nocturnal incubation bouts prior to clutch completion, leading to earlier hatching of eggs and increased hatching asynchrony. Experimental heating did not affect the number of laying gaps, egg volume and clutch size, nor were any carry-over effects on offspring detected. These results are best explained as a response to increased temperature acting as a cue for an advanced food-peak, rather than a relief of energetic constraints, because improved energetic conditions would not favour more hatching asynchrony. Other benefits cannot be excluded, since increased laying-phase incubation under warmer conditions may also help maintain egg viability. This study is the first to show that temperature has a causal effect on the time between clutch completion and hatching of the first offspring, indicating that behavioural adjustment to climate change can continue after laying start.  相似文献   

1. The review aims to provide a simple conceptual framework on which to place recent studies of hatching asynchrony in altricial birds and to assess the evidence used in support of specific hypotheses. 2. Hatching asynchrony arises bsecause parents start incubation before laying is complete, but the precision of parental control is largely unknown. 3. Hypothesses concerning the functional significance of hatching asynchrony fall into four broad types. Hatching asynchrony might: (i) arise because of selection on the timing of events during the nesting period; (ii) facilitate the adaptive reduction in brood size; (iii) increase the energetic efficiency of raising the brood, or (iv) result from environmental or phylogenetic constraints. 4. The incubation pattern could function to minimize the losses of eggs, nestlings or adults to predators (or climatic sources of mortality), particularly in species which cannot actively defend their nest. The best evidence comes from comparative studies of hatching asynchrony. Early incubation might also be favoured if the food supply declines sharply through the breeding season, although the evidence is weak and indirect, or if there is a risk of brood parasitism. In species in which only the female incubates, early incubation could ‘force’ the male to invest more in the nestlings, but this idea remains to be tested. Males may be constrained by the risk of cuckoldry to delay incubation until laying is complete. 5. Hatching asynchrony could be adaptive by enabling the efficient reduction of brood size if food proves short after hatching (primarily because of a shortage of food in the environment or possibly because of a large proportion of ‘expensive’ nestlings in the brood in species which are sexually dimorphic). Observational evidence is often consistent with this hypothesis but few experimental studies provide adequate tests. Brood reduction could be adaptive in species (primarily eagles and pelecaniformes) which lay an extra egg to act as insurance against hatching failure, and again hatching asynchrony might facilitate brood reduction, although there are few experimental tests on such species. Hatching asynchrony might also enable sex ratio manipulation through selective brood reduction, although there is as yet no clear supportive evidence. 6. Ins species in which young have a marked peak in energy demand during the period of parental care, hatching asynchrony can reduce the peak demand of the brood, which might allow the parents to raise more healthy young. In many species such savings are likely to be small or absent. There is some behavioural evidence that hatching asynchrony can reduce fighting amongst nestlings and therefore lead to the more efficient use of energy by the brood. In general this effect seems small and the only energetic study found no difference in the energy requirements of synchronous and asynchronous broods. Other possible energetic advantages to hatching asynchrony have not been tested. 7. Environmental conditions during laying can influence both egg size and laying interval in aerial insectivores, and might directly influence incubation in this and other groups. Thus some variation in hatching asynchrony and the relative size of siblings is probably non-adaptive. The variability of incubation pattern within and across species suggests that hatching asynchrony is not under strong phylogenetic constraint. 8. The hypotheses about the adaptive significance of hatching asynchrony are complementary rather than mutually exclusive: within a species, several selective pressures could influence the optimal incubation pattern, and the relative importance of selective pressures will differ among species. Furthermore one should expect that the incubation pattern and parent–offspring interactions will be coadapted to maximize brood productivity.  相似文献   

孵化水热环境对渔异色蛇孵化卵和孵出幼体的影响   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
渔异色蛇卵孵化时能从环境中吸收水分导致质量增加,卵质量的增加与初始卵质量和孵化基质湿度有关。较大幅度的孵化基质湿度变化对孵化期、孵化成功率、胚胎动用孵内物质和能量、孵出幼体的性比、大小和质量无显著影响。孵化期随温度升高而缩短,并显示极强的窝间差异。温度对孵出幼体的性别无影响,但显著影响孵化成功率、胚胎对卵内物质和能量的动用、幼体的大小和质量、躯干和剩余卵黄的质量。孵出幼体总长的两性差异不显著,但雌体体长大于雄体而尾长小于雄体。32℃不适于孵化渔异色蛇卵,该温度下孵出的幼体躯干发育不良,剩余孵黄较多,尾部均呈畸形,孵化过程中能量转化率较低。24℃和26℃中孵出的幼体躯干发育良好,孵化过程中能量转化率较高,各项被测定的幼体特征指标均极相似。  相似文献   

Parental investment and environmental conditions determine reproductive success in wild‐ranging animals. Parental effort during incubation, and consequently factors driving it, has profound consequences for reproductive success in birds. The female nutrition hypothesis states that high male feeding enables the incubating female to spend more time on eggs, which can lead to higher hatching success. Moreover, both male and female parental investment during incubation might be signalled by plumage colouration. To test these hypotheses, we investigated relationships between male and female incubation behaviour and carotenoid and melanin‐based plumage colouration, territory quality and ambient temperature in the Great Tit Parus major. We also studied the effect of female incubation behaviour on hatching success. Intensity of male incubation feeding increased with lower temperatures and was higher in territories with more food supply, but only in poor years with low overall food supply. Female nest attentiveness increased with lower temperatures. Plumage colouration did not predict incubation behaviour of either parent. Thus, incubation behaviour of both parents was related mainly to environmental conditions. Moreover, there was no relationship between male incubation feeding, female nest attentiveness and hatching success. Consequently, our data were not consistent with the female nutrition hypothesis.  相似文献   

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