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We study the evolution of age at maturity in a semelparous life history with two age classes. An individual may either breed in the first year of its life and die, or delay breeding to the second year. In this setting a mixed strategy means that a fraction of the individual''s offspring breed in the first possible breeding event, while the remaining fraction delay breeding. Current theory seems to imply that mixed strategies are not evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSs) under a steady-state population dynamical regime. We show that a two-dimensional feedback environment may allow the evolution of mixed age at maturity. Furthermore, different phenotypes need to perceive the environment differently. The biological reasoning behind these conditions is different resource usage or predation pressure between two age classes. Thus, the conventional explanations for the occurrence of mixed strategies in natural populations, environmental stochasticity or complex dynamics, are not needed. <br>  相似文献   

社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社群学习是动物的一种可塑性行为表现型式。综述了社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用,并述评了其学习机制。社群同伴对动物个体觅食地点、时间和取食方式均有影响,母体摄食的食物信息可通过胎盘和乳汁显著影响幼体的食物选择。动物通过观察学习、嗅闻学习以及味觉厌恶学习,不仅能更快找到食物资源,提高觅食效率,而且能有效降低中毒与被捕食的风险,从而提高其适合度。  相似文献   

The structured choruses produced by rhythmically signalling males in many species of acoustic animals have long-captured the imagination of evolutionary biologists. Though various hypotheses have been forwarded to explain the adaptive significance of such chorusing, none have withstood empirical scrutiny. We suggest instead that alternating and synchronous choruses represent collective epiphenomena resulting from individual males competing to jam each other''s signals. These competitions originate in psychoacoustic precedence effects wherein females only orient toward the first call of a sequence, thus selectively favouring males who produce leading calls. Given this perceptual bias, our modelling confirms that a resetting of signal rhythm by neighbours'' signals, which generates either alternation or synchrony, is evolutionarily stable provided that resetting includes a relativity adjustment for the velocity of signal transmission and selective attention toward only a subset of signalling neighbours. Signalling strategies in chorusing insects and anurans are consistent with these predicted features.  相似文献   

Fighting for food: a dynamic version of the Hawk-Dove game   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The Hawk-Dove game (Maynard Smith, 1982) has been used to analyse conflicts over resources such as food. At the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), either a proportionp* of animals always play Hawk, or each animal has a probabilityp* of playing Hawk. We modify the standard Hawk-Dove game to include a state variable,x, that represents the animal's level of energy reserves. A strategy is now a rule for choosing an action as a function ofx and time of day. We consider a non-reproductive period and adopt the criterion of minimizing mortality over this period. We find the ESS, which has the form play Hawk if reserves are belowc* (t) at timet, otherwise play Dove. This ESS is very different from the ESS in the standard Hawk-Dove game. It is a pure ESS that depends on the animal's state and on time. Furthermore, it is characterized by the strong condition that any single mutant that does not adopt the ESS suffers a reduction in fitness. The standard Hawk-Dove game assumes pay-offs that are related to fitness; our approach starts from a definition of fitness and derives the pay-offs in the process of finding the ESS. When the environment becomes worse (e.g. food becomes less reliable or energy expenditure increases) the ESS changes in such a way as to increase the proportion of animals that will play Hawk.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that animal groups can maintain coordinated behaviour and make collective decisions based on simple interaction rules. Effective collective action may be further facilitated by individual variation within groups, particularly through leader–follower polymorphisms. Recent studies have suggested that individual-level personality traits influence the degree to which individuals use social information, are attracted to conspecifics, or act as leaders/followers. However, evidence is equivocal and largely limited to laboratory studies. We use an automated data-collection system to conduct an experiment testing the relationship between personality and collective decision-making in the wild. First, we report that foraging flocks of great tits (Parus major) show strikingly synchronous behaviour. A predictive model of collective decision-making replicates patterns well, suggesting simple interaction rules are sufficient to explain the observed social behaviour. Second, within groups, individuals with more reactive personalities behave more collectively, moving to within-flock areas of higher density. By contrast, proactive individuals tend to move to and feed at spatial periphery of flocks. Finally, comparing alternative simulations of flocking with empirical data, we demonstrate that variation in personality promotes within-patch movement while maintaining group cohesion. Our results illustrate the importance of incorporating individual variability in models of social behaviour.  相似文献   

Animals use social information in a wide variety of contexts. Its extensive use by individuals to locate food patches has been documented in a number of species, and various mechanisms of discovery have been identified. However, less is known about whether individuals differ in their access to, and use of, social information to find food. We measured the social network of a wild population of three sympatric tit species (family Paridae) and then recorded individual discovery of novel food patches. By using recently developed methods for network-based diffusion analysis, we show that order of arrival at new food patches was predicted by social associations. Models based only on group searching did not explain this relationship. Furthermore, network position was correlated with likelihood of patch discovery, with central individuals more likely to locate and use novel foraging patches than those with limited social connections. These results demonstrate the utility of social network analysis as a method to investigate social information use, and suggest that the greater probability of receiving social information about new foraging patches confers a benefit on more socially connected individuals.  相似文献   

王娟  高泽中  蒋一婷  万冬梅 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7939-7945
肠道微生物是庞大而多样的微生物群落,通过促进营养摄取、宿主防御、免疫调节等,在维持机体健康方面起着至关重要的作用。宿主外部或内部环境的任何变化都会影响肠道微生物的组成,鸟类具有复杂的生活史和多样化的食性,飞翔生活使它们的生理活动面临更大的选择性压力,导致肠道微生物菌群的变化更加复杂。近年来,随着基因测序技术的发展以及对鸟类肠道微生物研究的日益重视,导致了鸟类肠道微生物研究呈指数增长。但目前的研究主要以家禽为主,野生鸟类肠道微生物报道则相对较少。野生鸟类肠道微生物结构变化及其维持机制等的研究仍处于起步阶段,有较大的研究空间。从植食性、肉食性、杂食性三种食性的鸟类肠道微生物组成及特点、影响因素等方面对前人的文献进行了全面梳理,以期为野生鸟类肠道微生物研究提供参考。总的来说,植食性鸟类肠道微生物多样性最低,以高丰度的变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为主;而杂食性鸟类肠道微生物多样性最高。遗传、生活史特征、人类活动、城市化、圈养行为等对鸟类肠道微生物的组成具有显著性的影响。  相似文献   

岷江上游生态补偿的博弈论   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
李镜  张丹丹  陈秀兰  曾维忠 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2792-2792~2798
为了建立合理的生态补偿机制,制定更为科学的生态补偿政策,以岷江上游退耕还林补偿为例,运用博弈论模型考察了岷江上游现有生态补偿机制,以及在补偿政策实践过程中补偿主体与补偿对象之间的决策和行为过程.结果表明:(1)长期来看,生态补偿政策的实施效果不完全在于补偿金额的大小,仅仅依靠提高对生态建设者(保护者)的补偿标准来保护环境是不明智的;(2)生态补偿年限对岷江上游地区生态补偿政策的实施效果起着重要作用,政府制定生态补偿政策时应该将补偿年限纳入政策制定范畴中,并作为重点考虑的因素;(3)岷江上游地区第三产业的发展水平及生态建设者(保护者)外出务工收入水平的高低直接影响生态建设工程实施的效果;(4)对生态补偿的重要策略是应该通过建立相应的配套措施来增加农民务工的机会.  相似文献   

刘冬平  肖文发  陆军  张正旺 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6959-6966
由于具有独特的飞行能力和极强的地理扩散能力,鸟类活动为某些传染性疾病的快速传播和扩散带来了潜在风险.自20世纪以来,以禽霍乱、禽波特淋菌病、西尼罗河热、禽流感等为代表的鸟类疾病频繁暴发,导致为数众多的野生鸟类、家禽甚至人类死亡,给社会造成巨大的经济损失.因此,有关鸟类传染性疾病的研究已引起了国内外学者的广泛关注.从鸟类传染性疾病的生态学特征、疾病对鸟类与人类社会的影响、鸟类对疾病的传播、鸟类疾病的监测、预警和防控等方面对野生鸟类的传染性疾病研究进展进行了综述.不同疾病导致的鸟类死亡量、易感物种数量、暴发频率和地理扩散等特征差异显著.20世纪以来,疾病已成为全球生物多样性的七大威胁因子之一.疾病可能造成鸟类大量死亡,从而对鸟类种群,特别是濒危鸟类种群造成严重影响.其中,人畜共患病还会导致家禽家畜甚至人类的死亡,从而对社会产生严重的影响.野生鸟类作为多种疾病传播的媒介,其移动和迁徙可能会导致疾病的传播与扩散.开展全面的监测活动和建立疾病预警体系,对于疾病的防控具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Bird feeding in residential gardens is an increasingly popular human–wildlife interaction. In Australia, the practice is discouraged by most government and nongovernment wildlife conservation agencies, although advice varies and the most common recommendation is to provide water and habitat for birds rather than supplementary food. This study compares bird abundance and diversity when residents in a Melbourne municipality provide water for birds versus food. Bird abundance was greater when food was provided compared with water, but avian assemblages did not differ.  相似文献   

Flight initiation distance (FID), the distance at which individuals take flight when approached by a potential (human) predator, is a tool for understanding predator–prey interactions. Among the factors affecting FID, tests of effects of group size (i.e., number of potential prey) on FID have yielded contrasting results. Group size or flock size could either affect FID negatively (i.e., the dilution effect caused by the presence of many individuals) or positively (i.e., increased vigilance due to more eyes scanning for predators). These effects may be associated with gregarious species, because such species should be better adapted to exploiting information from other individuals in the group than nongregarious species. Sociality may explain why earlier findings on group size versus FID have yielded different conclusions. Here, we analyzed how flock size affected bird FID in eight European countries. A phylogenetic generalized least square regression model was used to investigate changes in escape behavior of bird species in relation to number of individuals in the flock, starting distance, diet, latitude, and type of habitat. Flock size of different bird species influenced how species responded to perceived threats. We found that gregarious birds reacted to a potential predator earlier (longer FID) when aggregated in large flocks. These results support a higher vigilance arising from many eyes scanning in birds, suggesting that sociality may be a key factor in the evolution of antipredator behavior both in urban and rural areas. Finally, future studies comparing FID must pay explicit attention to the number of individuals in flocks of gregarious species.  相似文献   

Ethology, the evolutionary science of behaviour, assumes that natural selection shapes behaviour and its neural substrates in humans and other animals. In this view, the nervous system of any animal comprises a suite of morphological and behavioural adaptations for solving specific information processing problems posed by the physical or social environment. Since the allocation of behaviour often reflects economic optimization of evolutionary fitness subject to physical and cognitive constraints, neurobiological studies of reward, punishment, motivation and decision making will profit from an appreciation of the information processing problems confronted by animals in their natural physical and social environments.  相似文献   

Birds of papyrus swamps have not been adequately studied in Kenya, and little is known about their ecology and habitat associations. Using fixed‐radius point counts and playbacks, we counted papyrus specialist birds and evaluated papyrus physical characteristics and levels of disturbance at a series of sample stations at three papyrus swamps of Dunga, Koguta and Kusa in the Kenyan sector of Lake Victoria. Papyrus height and density were significantly correlated across all sites but negatively correlated with levels of disturbance. Standardized point counts of swamp birds showed the papyrus gonolek Laniarius mufumbiri and Carruthers's cisticola Cisticola carruthersi to be the most abundant papyrus specialists across sites. Only Carruthers's cisticola numbers differed between sites. Overall, papyrus cover was the best predictor of the presence and abundance of all papyrus specialist birds, and significantly predicted the numbers of papyrus gonolek and white‐winged warbler Bradypterus carpalis.  相似文献   

鸟类取食中国沙棘果实的方式及其对种子的传播作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
2003年9月~2004年3月,定期观察取食中国沙棘果实的鸟类及其取食方式。共记录取食中国沙棘果实的鸟类18种,其取食果实的方式主要有:1)直接在树冠上吞食果实,有时候在吞食后将种子呕出;2)将果实从树上衔走后,在栖息处吞食或啄食;3)将果实啄落至地面,然后取食果肉和种子,留下果皮;4)啄破果皮,吸食果肉,留下果皮及种子;5)从顶端将果皮啄破后,仅取食里面的种子。不同的取食方式决定了它们对沙棘种子的传播作用不同。收集鸟粪便中的种子与完整的干果实及人工剥离果肉和内果皮的种子做萌发对比实验,结果表明,鸟类消化道过程对种子的萌发有一定影响,但萌发率仍较高。沙棘为多种鸟类提供食物,而鸟类则为沙棘传播种子,它们之间形成一种互利关系。  相似文献   

Visual patterns are common in animals. A broad survey of the literature has revealed that different patterns have distinct functions. Irregular patterns (e.g., stipples) typically function in static camouflage, whereas regular patterns (e.g., stripes) have a dual function in both motion camouflage and communication. Moreover, irregular and regular patterns located on different body regions (“bimodal” patterning) can provide an effective compromise between camouflage and communication and/or enhanced concealment via both static and motion camouflage. Here, we compared the frequency of these three pattern types and traced their evolutionary history using Bayesian comparative modeling in aquatic waterfowl (Anseriformes: 118 spp.), which typically escape predators by flight, and terrestrial game birds (Galliformes: 170 spp.), which mainly use a “sit and hide” strategy to avoid predation. Given these life histories, we predicted that selection would favor regular patterning in Anseriformes and irregular or bimodal patterning in Galliformes and that pattern function complexity should increase over the course of evolution. Regular patterns were predominant in Anseriformes whereas regular and bimodal patterns were most frequent in Galliformes, suggesting that patterns with multiple functions are broadly favored by selection over patterns with a single function in static camouflage. We found that the first patterns to evolve were either regular or bimodal in Anseriformes and either irregular or regular in Galliformes. In both orders, irregular patterns could evolve into regular patterns but not the reverse. Our hypothesis of increasing complexity in pattern camouflage function was supported in Galliformes but not in Anseriformes. These results reveal a trajectory of pattern evolution linked to increasing function complexity in Galliformes although not in Anseriformes, suggesting that both ecology and function complexity can have a profound influence on pattern evolution.  相似文献   

Recent palaeontological data and novel physiological hypotheses now allow a timescaled reconstruction of the evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals. A three‐phase iterative model describing how endothermy evolved from Permian ectothermic ancestors is presented. In Phase One I propose that the elevation of endothermy – increased metabolism and body temperature (Tb) – complemented large‐body‐size homeothermy during the Permian and Triassic in response to the fitness benefits of enhanced embryo development (parental care) and the activity demands of conquering dry land. I propose that Phase Two commenced in the Late Triassic and Jurassic and was marked by extreme body‐size miniaturization, the evolution of enhanced body insulation (fur and feathers), increased brain size, thermoregulatory control, and increased ecomorphological diversity. I suggest that Phase Three occurred during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic and involved endothermic pulses associated with the evolution of muscle‐powered flapping flight in birds, terrestrial cursoriality in mammals, and climate adaptation in response to Late Cenozoic cooling in both birds and mammals. Although the triphasic model argues for an iterative evolution of endothermy in pulses throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, it is also argued that endothermy was potentially abandoned at any time that a bird or mammal did not rely upon its thermal benefits for parental care or breeding success. The abandonment would have taken the form of either hibernation or daily torpor as observed in extant endotherms. Thus torpor and hibernation are argued to be as ancient as the origins of endothermy itself, a plesiomorphic characteristic observed today in many small birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Ecological disturbance is an important factor that influences the abundance and distribution of species. Treefalls are a prominent source of disturbance in tropical forests, but robust characterization of community change after treefalls requires baseline data that are often not available. We capitalized on 25 yr of avian mark–recapture data from a lowland moist forest in central Panama to investigate the timescale of colonization and persistence of birds in a newly formed treefall gap. We compared bird species assemblages pre- and post-treefall to explore how the disturbance affected specific foraging guilds and overall assemblage structure (abundance and alpha diversity). We documented rapid colonization (i.e., within five months post-treefall) of the treefall gap by birds. Abundance and alpha diversity increased following the treefall, but both remained relatively constant in a nearby control plot. At the guild level, frugivores spiked in abundance and nectarivores (i.e., hummingbirds) increased in alpha diversity following the treefall. These results are in agreement with those of previous spatial studies of gap dynamics and suggest that certain tropical frugivores and nectarivores have a remarkable ability to rapidly find and exploit preferred resources and microhabitats embedded in a landscape matrix. Assemblage abundance and alpha diversity decreased back to pre-treefall levels within 1 and 4 yr of the treefall, respectively. Thus, even large gaps may provide only ephemeral benefits, highlighting the importance of periodic disturbance for landscape-level persistence of species that use gaps.  相似文献   

Birds show interspecific variation both in the size of the fields of individual eyes and in the ways that these fields are brought together to produce the total visual field. Variation is found in the dimensions of all main parameters: binocular region, cyclopean field and blind areas. There is a phylogenetic signal with respect to maximum width of the binocular field in that passerine species have significantly broader field widths than non-passerines; broadest fields are found among crows (Corvidae). Among non-passerines, visual fields show considerable variation within families and even within some genera. It is argued that (i) the main drivers of differences in visual fields are associated with perceptual challenges that arise through different modes of foraging, and (ii) the primary function of binocularity in birds lies in the control of bill position rather than in the control of locomotion. The informational function of binocular vision does not lie in binocularity per se (two eyes receiving slightly different information simultaneously about the same objects from which higher-order depth information is extracted), but in the contralateral projection of the visual field of each eye. Contralateral projection ensures that each eye receives information from a symmetrically expanding optic flow-field from which direction of travel and time to contact targets can be extracted, particularly with respect to the control of bill position.  相似文献   

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