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The two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique has been adapted for the analysis of human cerebrospinal fluid proteins. Proteins were detected by Coomassie brilliant blue stain and/or by silver stain. Highly reproducible protein patterns were obtained. We analyzed ten normal CSF specimens, thirty pathological CSF specimens and the corresponding sera. We mapped the protein patterns observed by examination of serum/CSF differences and by immunofixation. Preliminary observations on the changes in protein patterns in CSF specimens from patients with neurological disorders are reported.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies against whole rabbit epididymal fluid as well as against three purified proteins from this fluid (namely EP21, EP35 and uteroglobin) were prepared and characterized by Western immunoblot. These antibodies were used to study the association of those proteins to the spermatozoon by means of immunoelectron microscopy using a colloidal gold-labelling technique. Antibodies against whole fluid intensely stained the spermatozoon surface at the acrosomal and postacrosomal regions of the head and at the middle piece of the tail. The equatorial region and the principal piece were much less labelled. The EP21 antigen associated with the whole surface of the head and the middle piece but not with the principal piece of the tail. EP35 was distributed over the acrosomal but not the postacrosomal region. The principal piece also contained this antigen in considerable amounts. The antibody against uteroglobin did not stain the head surface but intensely labelled both the middle and principal pieces.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for two-dimensional separation of small-molecular-weight (9000–30,000), acidic (pI 4–6) proteins that allows the use of strips cut from horizontal isoelectric-focusing slab gels for the first dimension, and discontinuous gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and high concentrations of urea in the second dimension. This technique facilitates the screening of large numbers of samples and the evaluation of electrofocusing artifacts. We emphasize measures to prevent major problems encountered in the use of this technique, particularly those caused by diffusion and aggregation. We also describe an extension of the method which allows the two-dimensional comparison of many samples in a selected narrow pH zone of interest.  相似文献   

Chromatin was prepared from the citric acid nuclei of normal rat liver and Novikoff hepatoma ascites cells. After sulfuric acid extraction, the dehistonized chromatin was solubilized by digestion with deoxyribonuclease I. The proteins of normal liver and of Novikoff hepatoma chromatin fractions were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The liver pattern contained 69 components and the hepatoma pattern contained 84 components. Comparison of the two patterns revealed two dense protein spots migrating in the B region in the liver pattern that were absent from the tumor pattern and two dense protein spots migrating in the C region in the tumor pattern that were absent from the liver pattern.  相似文献   

We constructed a novel database of the proteome of DLD-1 colon cancer cells by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) of fluorescence-labeled proteins followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) analysis. The database consists of 258 functionally categorized proteins corresponding to 314 protein spots. The majority of the proteins are oxidoreductases, cytoskeletal proteins and nucleic acid binding proteins. Phosphatase treatment showed that 28% of the protein spots on the gel are phosphorylated, and mass spectrometric analysis identified 21 of them. Proteins of DLD-1 cells and of laser-microdissected colon cancer tissues showed similar distribution on 2D gels, suggesting the utility of our database for clinical proteomics.  相似文献   

The nuclear proteins of normal rat liver and Novikoff hepatoma nuclei were extracted with 0.4 N H2SO4 and subjected to two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A total of 98 protein components were found in the liver extract and 111 components in the tumor extract. A comparison of the patterns obtained revealed 11 qualitative differences and 5 quantitative differences.  相似文献   

Clusterin (sulfated glycoprotein-2) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein synthesized and secreted by rat Sertoli cells. An antigenically similar form is synthesized and secreted by the epididymis. The goal of this study was to define the epididymal regions in which clusterin is present and the regions in which clusterin is secreted and interacts with developing spermatozoa. Seminiferous tubule (STF), caput, corpus, and cauda fluids were collected by micropuncture and/or microperfusion and two-dimensional Western blot analysis was performed with a polyclonal antibody directed against Sertoli cell clusterin. Clusterin was found in both STF and epididymal fluid. STF contained predominantly the clusterin heavy chain (45 kd); however, a 70 Kd heterodimer was present under nonreducing conditions. Two subunits of clusterin with lower molecular weights (41 kd, heavy chain; 32 kd, light chain) and higher isoelectric points were present in the luminal fluid of all epididymal regions. The intraluminal levels of the heavy and light chains decreased from caput to cauda. Analysis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins secreted directly into the epididymal luminal fluid revealed that clusterin was secreted by caput epithelium and not by the corpus and cauda epithelium. Western blots of membrane extracts from testicular, caput, and cauda spermatozoa revealed that testicular clusterin was associated with testicular sperm and epididymal clusterin with predominantly caput sperm. Our findings suggest that clusterin is secreted into the caput epididymal lumen, where it binds to sperm and then dissociates from sperm to be endocytosed by cells of the distal epididymal epithelium.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) is one of the most powerful separation techniques for complex protein solutions. The proteins are first separated according to their isoelectric point, driven by an electric field across a pH gradient. The pH gradient necessary for the separation according to isoelectric point (pL) is usually established by electrophoresing carrier ampholytes prior to and/or concomitantly with the sample. The second dimension is usually a separation according to molecular size. Mostly this separation is performed after complete denaturation of the proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate and 2-mercaptoethanol (SDS-PAGE). This standard method has considerable disadvantages when relatively hydrophobic membrane proteins are to be separated: cathodic drift, resulting in nonreproducible separation, and the denaturation of the protein, mostly making it impossible to detect native properties of the proteins after separation (e.g., enzymatic activity, antigenicity, intact multimers, and so on). The protocols presented here take care of most of these obstacles. However, there is probably no universal procedure that can guarantee success at first try for any mixture of membrane proteins; some experimentation will be necessary for optimization. Two procedures are each presented: a denaturing (with urea) and a nondenaturing method for IEF in immobilized pH gradient gels using Immobilines, and a denaturing (with SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol) and a nondenaturing technique (with CHAPS) for the second dimension. Essential tips and tricks are presented to keep frustrations of the newcomer at a low level.  相似文献   

The epididymis is an ideal extragonadal target site to inhibit fertility in the male. Synthesis and secretion of constituents like sialic acids, protein and glycerylphosphoryl choline by the epididymal epithelium under androgen control provide an ideal fluid environment for sperm maturation. An optimal level of sialic acid secretion by the epididymal epithelium is needed to maintain functional integrity of sperm. The existence of specific androgen receptors in the epididymis and spermatozoa are related to their ability to metabolise androgens.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from the testis and cauda epididymidis were solubilized by detergent treatment and electrophoresis on SDS polyacrylamide gels revealed that the relative amounts of 13 detergent-extractable proteins decreased during passage of spermatozoa through the epididymis, 6 increased, whilst the remainder showed little or no change. Lactoperoxidase-catalysed iodination of plasma membrane proteins showed that the components carrying most of the label in testicular spermatozoa had Mr values of 110 000, 94 000, 84 000, 55 000 and 42 000 whereas on cauda epididymal spermatozoa the Mr values were 47 000, 24 000, 17 000, 14 500 and 13 500. Substantial differences were also noted in the protein composition of rete testis fluid and cauda epididymal plasma. The results support the concept that there is a considerable reorganization of the molecular architecture of the plasma membrane of spermatozoa during maturation in the epididymis.  相似文献   

The protein content of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from actively sensitised Brown Norway (BN) rats challenged with allergen (ovalbumin, OA) and from na?ve Brown Norway rats challenged with endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) was analyzed and compared to healthy controls treated with vehicle only. BALF proteins were analyzed by one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and identified by peptide mass fingerprinting matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) or nanoliquid chromatography-tandem MS (nanoLC-MS/MS) after in-gel trypsin digestion of selected 2-D gel spots. Our study shows that the BALF protein profile is significantly different in animals after allergen (OA) or endotoxin (LPS) challenge as compared to controls, concerning the content of proteins derived from plasma or produced locally in the lung. In both challenges the following proteins presented patterns which differed qualitatively compared to control: T-kininogen I and II, alpha-1-antitrypsin, calgranulin A, fetuin A and B, and haptoglobin. Other proteins were diminished in both challenges, such as Clara cell 10 kDa secretory protein (CC10) and pulmonary surfactant associated protein B (SP-B); c-reactive protein increased in the OA-challenge and decreased in the LPS-challenge, and pulmonary surfactant associated protein A (SP-A) was decreased in the OA-challenge and was not significantly changed in the LPS-challenge. The identified proteins could be important not only for the diagnosis but have also interesting implications for medical treatment of lung inflammatory conditions. Furthermore, even if based on a limited number of animals, our results are of interest for the identification of lung protein markers and a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of lung diseases.  相似文献   

Secretory granules and plasma membranes were isolated from rat parotid cells and characterized enzymatically and by electron microscopy. The proteins of the secretory granule membranes, the secretory granules and the plasma membranes were characterized by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and visualized by silver staining. The granule membrane contains 166 polypeptides of which only 26 are also present in the granule contents. The membrane proteins have isoelectric points between 4.75 and 6.45 and apparent molecular weights of 17 000 to 190 000 Daltons. The granule content proteins are surprisingly complex and contain 122 polypeptides with molecular weights of 11 000 to 138 000 and isoelectric points of 4.8 to 6.55. Thirteen of these peptides are present as major species. The plasma membrane contains 172 polypeptide species with molecular weights from 17 000 to 200 000 Daltons and isoelectric points of 5.0 to 6.8. Thirty-five of the plasma membrane proteins are also present in the secretory granule membranes indicating that the two membranes have some enzymatic or structural properties in common. Thus, secretory granule membranes and plasma membranes from parotid cells have a more complex polypeptide composition than has previously been shown for membranes of this type. The systems developed are suitable for the analysis of regulatory events such as protein phosphorylation, proteolytic processing, and other types of post-translational modifications that may be important to the secretory mechanism.  相似文献   

1. Enzyme activities (units/g wet wt.) were determined in the caput and cauda epididymidis and in epididymal spermatozoa of the rat. 2. The activity of most enzymes in the cauda was between 50 and 100% of that in the caput, except that ATP citrate lyase was barely detectable in the cauda. 3. Spermatozoa, unlike epididymal tissue, contained sorbitol dehydrogenase but lacked ATP citrate lyase. NADP+-malate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, carnitine acetyltransferase and citrate synthase were 5 to 400 times as active in spermatozoa as in epididymal tissue. 4. 2-Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase was the least active member of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in all tissues and most closely matched the measured flux through the cycle. 5. The concentrations of hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and carnitine palmitoyltransferase were equivalent to the more active enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, indicating the capacity for extensive lipid oxidation, and the presence of 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase suggests that these tissues can also oxidize ketone bodies. 6. Transfer of reducing equivalents from cytoplasm to mitochondrion is unlikely to occur by means of the glycerol phosphate cycle because mitochondrial glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase is relatively inactive in epididymal tissue, whereas the cytoplasmic enzyme has little activity in spermatozoa, but transfer may be accomplished by the malate-aspartate shuttle. 7. Transfer of acetyl units from mitochondrion to cytoplasm could be effected by the pyruvate-malate cycle in the caput of androgen-maintained rats, but not in the other tissues because of the low activity of ATP citrate lyase. Acetyl unit transfer could take place via acetylcarnitine, mediated by carnitine acetyltransferase. 8. Castration resulted in a decrease in the concentration of nearly all enzymes, although subsequent administration of testosterone restored concentrations to values similar to those in animals maintained by endogenous androgen. The extent to which enzyme concentration was changed by an alteration in androgen status was highly variable, but was most marked in the case of pyruvate carboxylase.  相似文献   

Principle cells from 120 elutriations were used to improve procedures for culturing cells from the proximal or distal caput epididymidis. The criteria evaluated were metabolism of testosterone (T) to 5 alpha-reduced metabolites and cellular morphology after 6 days of culture. Isolated principal cells (greater than 90% viability) were cultured at 34 degrees C within a floating collagen matrix. Inclusion of transferrin or retinol in the culture medium increased the production of 5 alpha-reduced metabolites. Aggregation of principal cells before entrapment in the collagen matrix resulted in higher production of 5 alpha-reduced metabolites and more cells with a normal find structure than entrapment of dispersed cells in the matrix. Aggregated cells tended to form sheets or clusters, frequently arranged around a central lumen, with junctional complexes between adjacent cells. Cell polarity and morphologic features distinguishing principal cells from the proximal caput and distal caput epididymidis were retained. An average of 91% of the cells in aggregates were morphologically normal on Day 6 of culture in contrast to 5% for the single cells. Utilizing the improved culture procedure, we tested the hypothesis that ovine rete testis fluid (RTF) contains macromolecules which would aid in maintenance of a high rate of T metabolism. Principal cells were cultured in medium supplemented with 0 or 10% RTF, 10% ultrafiltrate of RTF (less than 10,000 daltons), or 10% newborn calf serum (NCS). Conversion of [3H]T to 5 alpha-reduced metabolites by cells from the proximal caput was twice that in cells from the distal caput on Day 6 of culture. Inclusion in the culture medium of 10% RTF or 10% NCS, but not 10% ultrafiltrate of RTF, increased (P less than 0.05) the production of 5 alpha-reduced metabolites by cells from both regions. We conclude that macromolecules in RTF or NCS are beneficial to maintenance of the ability to metabolize T by cultured principal cells, especially those from the proximal caput.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins on the plasma membrane of testicular and cauda epididymidal spermatozoa have been labeled with galactose oxidase/NaB [3H]4 and sodium metaperiodate/NaB[3H]4, followed by analysis on SDS polyacrylamide gels. The major glycoprotein labeling on testicular spermatozoa has a molecular weight 110,000 whereas on cauda epididymidal spermatozoa greater than 90% of the radio-label is incorporated into proteins of molecular weight 32,000. These 32,000-mol wt X proteins are homologous with proteins of similar molecular weight purified from the epididymal secretion and which have been shown previously to be synthesized in the caput epididymidis under hormonal control. Immunofluorescence revealed that the 32,000-mol wt proteins are present on the flagellum of mature but not immature spermatozoa and that they have a patchy distribution suggesting that they are mobile within the plane of the membrane. The membrane-bound 32,000-mol wt proteins possess hydrophobic domains as revealed by charge-shift electrophoresis and they also label with a lipophilic photoaffinity probe suggesting that they are in contact with the lipid bilayer. The evidence indicates that there is a considerable reorganization of the molecular structure of the plasma membrane of spermatozoa during maturation in the epididymis and that some of the changes are brought about by a direct interaction with epididymal secretory proteins.  相似文献   

During the epididymal transit, mammalian spermatozoa acquire new surface proteins necessary for male gamete function. We have previously shown that membranous vesicles, called epididymosomes, interact with spermatozoa allowing the transfer of some proteins to sperm surface within the epididymal lumen. The protein composition of those vesicles has been investigated to document the mechanisms of protein transfer from epididymosomes to spermatozoa. Electrophoretic analysis revealed that protein composition is different from the epididymal soluble compartment as well as from similar vesicles present in the semen. Protein association with epididymosome is very strong as revealed by resistance to extraction with detergent. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight as well as immunodetection techniques have been used to identify some proteins associated to epididymosomes and spermatozoa. An aldose reductase known for its 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and the cytokine (macrophage migration inhibitory factor) have been identified. These two proteins have been immunolocalized in principal cells of the epididymal epithelium, a more intense signal being detected in the distal epididymal segment as well as in the vas deferens. Database search revealed that these two proteins are characterized by the lack of a signal peptide. These results are discussed with regard to a possible apocrine mode of secretion of these proteins acquired by spermatozoa during the epididymal transit.  相似文献   

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