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L-Arginine plays a central role in the normal function of several organs including the immune system. It is metabolized in macrophages by inducible nitric oxide synthase to produce nitric oxide, important in the cytotoxic mechanisms, and by arginase I (ASE I) and arginase II (ASE II) to synthesize L-ornithine and urea, the first being the precursor for the production of polyamines needed for cell proliferation. L-Arginine availability can modulate T cell function. Human T cells stimulated and cultured in the absence of L-arginine lose the expression of the TCR zeta-chain (CD3zeta) and have an impaired proliferation and a decreased cytokine production. The aim of this work was to test whether activated macrophages could modulate extracellular levels of L-arginine and alter T cell function, and to determine which metabolic pathway was responsible for this event. The results show that macrophages stimulated with IL-4 + IL-13 up-regulate ASE I and cationic amino acid transporter 2B, causing a rapid reduction of extracellular levels of L-arginine and inducing decreased expression of CD3zeta and diminished proliferation in normal T lymphocytes. Competitive inhibitors of ASE I or the addition of excess L-arginine lead to the re-expression of CD3zeta and recovery of T cell proliferation. In contrast, inducible nitric oxide synthase or ASE II failed to significantly reduce the extracellular levels of L-arginine and modulate CD3zeta expression. These results may provide new insights into the mechanisms leading to T cell dysfunction and the down-regulation of CD3zeta in cancer and chronic infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Activators of protein kinase C induced a rapid decrease (within 15 min) in the surface expression of the T3 antigen and T-lymphocyte antigen receptor (Ti) on HPB-ALL cells, and a concomitant phosphorylation of the T3 gamma and delta polypeptides; the gamma chain was more extensively phosphorylated than the delta chain. No phosphorylation of the T3 epsilon chain and the Ti alpha and beta polypeptides was detected. Evidence was obtained that the T3 gamma chain is phosphorylated only on serine residues.  相似文献   

Aging promotes numerous intracellular changes in T cells that impact their effector function. Our data show that aging promotes an increase in the localization of STAT3 to the mitochondria (mitoSTAT3), which promotes changes in mitochondrial dynamics and function and T-cell cytokine production. Mechanistically, mitoSTAT3 increased the activity of aging T-cell mitochondria by increasing complex II. Limiting mitoSTAT3 using a mitochondria-targeted STAT3 inhibitor, Mtcur-1 lowered complex II activity, prevented age-induced changes in mitochondrial dynamics and function, and reduced Th17 inflammation. Exogenous expression of a constitutively phosphorylated form of STAT3 in T cells from young adults mimicked changes in mitochondrial dynamics and function in T cells from older adults and partially recapitulated aging-related cytokine profiles. Our data show the mechanistic link among mitoSTAT3, mitochondrial dynamics, function, and T-cell cytokine production.  相似文献   

T cells isolated from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) express low levels of CD3zeta-chain, a critical molecule involved in TCR-mediated signaling, but the involved mechanisms are not fully understood. In this study we examined caspase-3 as a candidate for cleaving CD3zeta in SLE T cells. We demonstrate that SLE T cells display increased expression and activity of caspase-3. Treatment of SLE T cells with the caspase-3 inhibitor Z-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-FMK reduced proteolysis of CD3zeta and enhanced its expression. In addition, Z-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-FMK treatment increased the association of CD3zeta with lipid rafts and simultaneously reversed the abnormal lipid raft preclustering, heightened TCR-induced calcium responses, and reduced the expression of FcRgamma-chain exclusively in SLE T cells. We conclude that caspase-3 inhibitors can normalize SLE T cell function by limiting the excessive digestion of CD3zeta-chain and suggest that such molecules can be considered in the treatment of this disease.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling is important in the growth and differentiation of many cell types and recently has been reported to play a role in T cell development in the thymus. This prompted us to investigate whether or not Shh contributes to the clonal expansion of peripheral CD4(+) T cells. In this study, we demonstrate that Shh and other components of the signaling pathway patched, smoothened, and Gli1 (glioma-associated oncogene) are expressed in peripheral CD4(+) T cells. The addition of the biologically active amino-terminal Shh peptide had no effect on resting CD4(+) T cells, but significantly enhanced proliferation of anti-CD3/28 Ab-activated CD4(+) T cells. This was not due to antiapoptotic effects, but by promoting entry of T cells into the S-G(2) proliferative phase of the cell cycle. Neutralizing anti-Shh Ab reduced T cell proliferation by inhibiting cell transition into the S-G(2) phase, suggesting that endogenously produced Shh plays a physiological role in the clonal expansion of T cells. Furthermore, we have observed a significant up-regulation of Shh and Gli1 (glioma-associated oncogene) mRNA in activated CD4(+) T cells with or without addition of exogenous Shh, which corresponds with maximal CD4(+) T cell proliferation, whereas bcl-2 was only up-regulated in activated cells in the presence of Shh. Our findings suggest that endogenously produced Shh may play a role in sustaining normal CD4(+) T cell proliferation and exogenously added Shh enhances this response.  相似文献   

CD22 is a B cell-restricted transmembrane protein that apparently controls signal transduction thresholds initiated through the B cell Ag receptor (BCR) in response to Ag. However, it is still poorly understood how the expression of CD22 is regulated in B cells after their activation. Here we show that the expression levels of CD22 in conventional B-2 cells are markedly down-regulated after cross-linking of BCR with anti-IgM mAb but are up-regulated after stimulation with LPS, anti-CD40 mAb, or IL-4. In contrast, treatment with anti-IgM mAb barely modulated the expression levels of CD22 in CD5(+) B-1 cells, consistent with a weak Ca(2+) response in anti-IgM-treated CD5(+) B-1 cells. Moreover, in CD22-deficient mice, anti-IgM treatment did not trigger enhanced Ca(2+) influx in CD5(+) B-1 cells, unlike CD22-deficient splenic B-2 cells, suggesting a relatively limited role of CD22 in BCR signaling in B-1 cells. In contrast, CD22 levels were markedly down-regulated on wild-type B-1 cells in response to LPS or unmethylated CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotides. These data indicate that the expression and function of CD22 are differentially regulated in B-1 and conventional B-2 cells, which are apparently implicated in innate and adaptive immunity, respectively.  相似文献   

The contribution of CD3gamma to the surface expression, internalization, and intracellular trafficking of the TCR/CD3 complex (TCR) has not been completely defined. However, CD3gamma is believed to be crucial for constitutive as well as for phorbol ester-induced internalization. We have explored TCR dynamics in resting and stimulated mature T lymphocytes derived from two unrelated human congenital CD3gamma-deficient (gamma(-)) individuals. In contrast to gamma(-) mutants of the human T cell line Jurkat, which were selected for their lack of membrane TCR and are therefore constitutively surface TCR negative, these natural gamma(-) T cells constitutively expressed surface TCR, mainly through biosynthesis of new chains other than CD3gamma. However, surface (but not intracellular) TCR expression in these cells was less than wild-type cells, and normal surface expression was clearly CD3gamma-dependent, as it was restored by retroviral transduction of CD3gamma. The reduced surface TCR expression was likely caused by an impaired assembly or membrane transport step during recycling, whereas constitutive internalization and degradation were apparently normal. Ab binding to the mutant TCR, but not phorbol ester treatment, caused its down-modulation from the cell surface, albeit at a slower rate than in normal controls. Kinetic confocal analysis indicated that early ligand-induced endocytosis was impaired. After its complete down-modulation, TCR re-expression was also delayed. The results suggest that CD3gamma contributes to, but is not absolutely required for, the regulation of TCR trafficking in resting and Ag-stimulated mature T lymphocytes. The results also indicate that TCR internalization is regulated differently in each case.  相似文献   

We have reported the existence of biochemical and conformational differences in the alphabeta T cell receptor (TCR) complex between CD4(+) and CD8(+) CD3gamma-deficient (gamma(-)) mature T cells. In the present study, we have furthered our understanding and extended the observations to primary T lymphocytes from normal (gamma(+)) individuals. Surface TCR.CD3 components from CD4(+) gamma(-) T cells, other than CD3gamma, were detectable and similar in size to CD4(+) gamma(+) controls. Their native TCR.CD3 complex was also similar to CD4(+) gamma(+) controls, except for an alphabeta(deltaepsilon)(2)zeta(2) instead of an alphabetagammaepsilondeltaepsilonzeta(2) stoichiometry. In contrast, the surface TCRalpha, TCRbeta, and CD3delta chains of CD8(+) gamma(-) T cells did not possess their usual sizes. Using confocal immunofluorescence, TCRalpha was hardly detectable in CD8(+) gamma(-) T cells. Blue native gels (BN-PAGE) demonstrated the existence of a heterogeneous population of TCR.CD3 in these cells. Using primary peripheral blood T lymphocytes from normal (gamma(+)) donors, we performed a broad epitopic scan. In contrast to all other TCR.CD3-specific monoclonal antibodies, RW2-8C8 stained CD8(+) better than it did CD4(+) T cells, and the difference was dependent on glycosylation of the TCR.CD3 complex but independent of T cell activation or differentiation. RW2-8C8 staining of CD8(+) T cells was shown to be more dependent on lipid raft integrity than that of CD4(+) T cells. Finally, immunoprecipitation studies on purified primary CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells revealed the existence of TCR glycosylation differences between the two. Collectively, these results are consistent with the existence of conformational or topological lineage-specific differences in the TCR.CD3 from CD4(+) and CD8(+) wild type T cells. The differences may be relevant for cis interactions during antigen recognition and signal transduction.  相似文献   

Phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-MR69 was used to activate human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The PHA concentration in the range of 1 to 4 micrograms/ml was optimal for lymphocyte stimulation. Cell activation occurred only in the presence of Ca ions and 5 min after it was followed by an increase in cGMP but not in cAMP. Immunomodulator, methylene bisphosphonic acid (10(-7) M and 4.10(-5) M), did not influence in culture. The cAMP and cGMP levels in PHA activated cells. Methylene bisphosphonic acid similar to 1-hydroxyenthylidene-1,1-bisphosphonic acid, aminomethylene bisphosphonic acid and phosphoneacetic acid on its addition to the culture (in the range from 10(-8) to 10(-4)M) 60 min before PHA or 24 or 48 hours after PHA administration produced no effect on the [3H]-incorporation into PHA-activated human blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Human T lymphocytes can be activated through either the antigen/MHC receptor complex T3-Ti (CD3-Ti) or the T11 (CD2) molecule to proliferate via an IL-2 dependent mechanism. To investigate the relationship of these pathways to one another, we generated and characterized Jurkat mutants which selectively express either surface CD3-Ti or CD2. Here we show that CD3-Ti- mutants fail to be stimulated by either pathway to increase phosphoinositide turnover, mobilize calcium or induce the IL-2 gene. The activation capacity of these mutants via CD2 as well as CD3-Ti can be restored following reconstitution of surface CD3-Ti expression upon appropriate DNA transfer (e.g. Ti beta subunit cDNA into Ti beta- Jurkat variants). Collectively, these results demonstrate that CD3-Ti and CD2 pathways are interdependent and that phosphoinositide turnover is linked to the CD3-Ti complex.  相似文献   

We have investigated the chemokine receptor expression and migratory behavior of a new subset of nickel-specific skin-homing regulatory CD4(+) T cells (Th(IL-10)) releasing high levels of IL-10, low IFN-gamma, and undetectable IL-4. These cells inhibit in a IL-10-dependent manner the capacity of dendritic cells to activate nickel-specific Tc1 and Th1 lymphocytes. RNase protection assay and FACS analysis revealed the expression of a vast repertoire of chemokine receptors on resting Th(IL-10), including the Th1-associated CXCR3 and CCR5, and the Th2-associated CCR3, CCR4, and CCR8, the latter at higher levels compared with Th2 cells. The most active chemokines for resting Th(IL-10), in terms of calcium mobilization and in vitro migration, were in order of potency: CCL2 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, CCR2 ligand), CCL4 (macrophage-inflammatory protein-1beta, CCR5 ligand), CCL3 (macrophage-inflammatory protein-1alpha, CCR1/5 ligand), CCL17 (thymus and activation-regulated chemokine, CCR4 ligand), CCL1 (I-309, CCR8 ligand), CXCL12 (stromal-derived factor-1, CXCR4), and CCL11 (eotaxin, CCR3 ligand). Consistent with receptor expression down-regulation, activated Th(IL-10) exhibited a reduced or absent response to most chemokines, but retained a significant migratory capacity to I-309, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and thymus and activation-regulated chemokine. I-309, which was ineffective on Th1 lymphocytes, attracted more efficiently Th(IL-10) than Th2 cells. I-309 and CCR8 mRNAs were not detected in unaffected skin and were up-regulated at the skin site of nickel-allergic reaction, with an earlier expression kinetics compared with IL-10 and IL-4. Results indicate that skin-homing regulatory Th(IL-10) lymphocytes coexpress functional Th1- and Th2-associated chemokine receptors, and that CCR8/I-309-driven recruitment of both resting and activated Th(IL-10) cells may be critically involved in the regulation of Th1-mediated skin allergic disorders.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infects approximately half the human population. The outcomes of the infection range from gastritis to gastric cancer and appear to be associated with the immunity to H. pylori. Patients developing nonatrophic gastritis present a Th1 response without developing protective immunity, suggesting that this bacterium may have mechanisms to evade the immune response of the host. Several H. pylori proteins can impair macrophage and T cell function in vitro through mechanisms that are poorly understood. We tested the effect of H. pylori extracts and live H. pylori on Jurkat cells and freshly isolated human normal T lymphocytes to identify possible mechanisms by which the bacteria might impair T cell function. Jurkat cells or activated T lymphocytes cultured with an H. pylori sonicate had a reduced proliferation that was not caused by T cell apoptosis or impairment in the early T cell signaling events. Instead, both the H. pylori sonicate and live H. pylori induced a decreased expression of the CD3zeta-chain of the TCR. Coculture of live H. pylori with T cells demonstrated that the wild-type strain, but not the arginase mutant rocF(-), depleted L-arginine and caused a decrease in CD3zeta expression. Furthermore, arginase inhibitors reversed these events. These results suggest that H. pylori arginase is not only important for urea production, but may also impair T cell function during infection.  相似文献   

Although human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected subjects without AIDS have a high frequency of HIV-specific CD8 T lymphocytes, cellular immunity is unable to control infection. Freshly isolated lymphocytes often do not lyse HIV-infected targets in 4-h cytotoxicity assays. A large fraction of circulating CD8 T cells from HIV-infected donors down-modulate CD3zeta, the signaling component of the T-cell receptor complex, which is reexpressed in vitro coincident with the return of cytotoxic function. To investigate further the link between CD3zeta down-modulation and possible CD8 T-cell functional defects, we used flow cytometry to characterize further the properties of the CD3zeta-down-modulated subset. HIV-specific CD8 T cells, identified by tetramer staining, are CD3zeta(-). CD8 T cells with down-modulated CD3zeta also do not express the key costimulatory receptor CD28 and have the cell surface phenotype of activated or memory T cells (HLA-DR(+) CD62L(-)). After T-cell activation, CD3zeta-down-modulated cells express the activation marker CD69 but not the high-affinity interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor alpha-chain CD25 and produce gamma interferon but not IL-2. Therefore HIV-specific CD8 T cells have down-modulated key signaling molecules for T-cell activation and costimulation and require exogenous cytokine stimulation. The typical impairment of HIV-specific CD4 T helper cells, which would normally provide specific CD8 T-cell stimulation, means that in vivo CTL function in vivo is compromised in most HIV-infected individuals. In AIDS patients, the functional defect is more severe, since CD3zeta is not reexpressed even after IL-2 exposure.  相似文献   

Patent lymphatic filariasis is characterized by profound Ag-specific T cell hyporesponsiveness with impaired IFN-gamma and IL-2 production. Because T cells have been shown to express a number of TLR and to respond to TLR ligands, we hypothesized that diminished T cell TLR function could partially account for the T cell hyporesponsiveness in filariasis. T cells expressed TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9, and the baseline expression of TLR1, TLR2, and TLR4, but not TLR9 was significantly lower in T cells of the filarial-infected individuals compared with the uninfected individuals (both endemic and nonendemic). TLR function was significantly diminished in the T cells of filarial-infected individuals based on decreased T cell activation/cytokine production in response to TLR ligands. Thus, diminished expression and function of T cell TLR is a novel mechanism underlying T cell immune tolerance in lymphatic filariasis.  相似文献   

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