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In six excised canine lungs, regional alveolar pressures (PA) were measured during small-amplitude high-frequency oscillations applied at the airway opening. Both the regional distribution of PA's and their relationship to pressure excursions at the airway opening (Pao) were assessed in terms of amplitude and phase. PA was sampled in several capsules glued to the pleural surface and communicating with alveolar gas via pleural punctures. Pao and PA were measured over the frequency (f) range 1-60 Hz, at transpulmonary pressures (PL) of 5, 10, and 25 cmH2O. The amplitude of PA excursions substantially exceeded Pao excursions at frequencies near the resonant frequency. At resonance the ratio [PA/Pao] was 1.9, 2.9, and 4.8 at PL's of 5, 10, and 25 cmH2O, respectively. Both spatial homogeneity and temporal synchrony of PA's between sampled lung regions decreased with f and increased with PL. Interregional variability of airway impedance [(Pao - PA)/Vao] and tissue impedance (PA/Vao) tended to be larger than differences due to changing PL but not as large as between-dog variability. These data define the baseline nonhomogeneity of the normal canine lung and also suggest that there may be some advantage in applying high-frequency ventilation at frequencies at least as high as lung resonant frequency.  相似文献   

The discharge of 57 slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors (PSR's) and 16 rapidly adapting receptors (RAR's) was recorded from thin vagal filaments in anesthetized dogs. The receptors were localized and separated into three groups: extrathoracic tracheal, intrathoracic tracheal, and intrapulmonary receptors. The influence of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFO) at 29 Hz on receptor discharge was analyzed by separating the response to the associated shift in functional residual capacity (FRC) from the oscillatory component of the response. PSR activity during HFO was increased from spontaneous breathing (49%) and from the static FRC shift (25%). PSR activity during the static inflation was increased 19% over spontaneous breathing. RAR activity was also increased with HFO. These results demonstrate that 1) the increased activity of PSR and RAR during HFO is due primarily to the oscillating action of the ventilator and secondarily to the shift in FRC associated with HFO, 2) the increased PSR activity during HFO may account for the observed apneic response, and 3) PSR response generally decreases with increasing distance from the tracheal opening.  相似文献   



Negative air pressure ventilation has been used to maintain adequate functional residual capacity in patients with chronic muscular disease and to decrease transpulmonary pressure and improve cardiac output during right heart surgery. High-frequency oscillation (HFO) exerts beneficial effects on gas exchange in neonates with acute respiratory failure. We examined whether continuous negative extrathoracic pressure (CNEP) combined with HFO would be effective for treating acute respiratory failure in an animal model.  相似文献   

Ventilatory response to high-frequency airway oscillation in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate respiratory control during high-frequency oscillation (HFO), ventilation was monitored in conscious humans by respiratory inductive plethysmography during application at the mouth of high-frequency pressure oscillations. Studies were conducted before and after airway and pharyngeal anesthesia. During HFO, breathing became slow and deep with an increase in tidal volume (VT) of 37% (P less than 0.01) and inspiratory duration (TI) of 34% (P less than 0.01). Timing ratio (TI/TT) increased 14% (P less than 0.05) and respiratory frequency (f) decreased 12% (P less than 0.01). Mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI) did not change during HFO. Following airway anesthesia, VT increased only 26% during HFO (P less than 0.01), whereas significant changes in TI, TI/TT, and f were not observed. Pharyngeal anesthesia failed to diminish the effect of HFO on TI, TT, or f, although the increase in VT was reduced. These results indicate that 1) HFO presented in this manner alters inspiratory timing without affecting the level of inspiratory activity, and 2) receptors in the larynx and/or lower airways may in part mediate the response.  相似文献   

To determine the ventilatory effectiveness of high-frequency oscillation (HFO) at different sites on the body surface, we applied HFO separately to the abdomen, the rib cage, or the whole body in eight anesthetized and paralyzed dogs. Test frequencies were 5, 7, 9, and 11 Hz with tidal volume kept constant at 2.5 ml/kg. During HFO application to the abdomen, we observed significantly higher arterial O2 partial pressure (P less than 0.05) at 5, 7, and 9 Hz and lower arterial CO2 partial pressure (P less than 0.05) at 7, 9, and 11 Hz than with rib cage or whole-body HFO. There was no significant difference in blood gases between rib cage and whole-body HFO. Thus, using blood gases as an index of ventilatory effectiveness, the present study showed that HFO applied at the abdomen was the most effective of the three kinds of body surface HFO. In comparison to rib cage or whole-body application, abdominal HFO was accompanied by substantial paradoxical movement of the diaphragm and rib cage. The associated lung distortion may result in pendelluft, which in turn may be the mechanism for increased ventilatory effectiveness with abdominal application of HFO.  相似文献   

Mechanics of collateral channels during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) were assessed in eight anesthetized dogs, using a modification of Hilpert's technique. Base-line functional residual capacity was measured with a body plethysmograph, with inspiratory efforts induced by phrenic nerve stimulation. The resistance (Rcoll) and time constant (Tcoll) of collateral channels at five lung volumes were measured during HFOV and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Rcoll and Tcoll were significantly higher during HFOV (P less than 0.001); the differences did not correlate with resting lung volumes. The calculated static compliance of the wedged segment was similar during HFOV and PEEP (P greater than 0.005). Mean pressures measured in small airways during HFOV corresponded to the midline between the inflation and deflation limbs of the static pressure-volume curves, indicating similar pressure-volume characteristics of the respiratory system during HFOV and static conditions. We conclude that HFOV increases resistance to gas flow through collateral channels but that this pathway may still be important in gas exchange.  相似文献   

Eight anesthetized tracheostomized cats were placed in an 8.2-liter airtight chamber with the trachea connected to the exterior. Thirty-two combinations of high-frequency oscillations (HFO) (0.5-30 Hz; 25-100 ml) were delivered for 10 min each in random order into the chamber. Arterial blood gas tensions during oscillation were compared with control measurements made after 10 min of spontaneous breathing without oscillation when the mean arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) was 30.1 Torr. Ventilation due to spontaneous breathing (Vs) and oscillation (Vo) were derived from the chamber pressure trace and a pneumotachograph, respectively. As the oscillation frequency increased, oscillated tidal volume (Vo) decreased from a mean of 39 (0.5 Hz) to 3.3 ml (30 Hz) when 100 ml was delivered to the chamber. From 6-25 Hz, apnea occurred with Vo less than estimated respiratory dead space (VD); the minimum effective Vo/VD ratio was 0.37 +/- 0.05. Although Vo was maximal at 10 Hz at each oscillation volume, the lowest PaCO2 occurred at 2-6 Hz, and arterial PO2 rose as expected during hypocapnia. Above 10 Hz, PaCO2 was determined by Vo and was independent of frequency, whereas at lower frequencies, PaCO2 was related to Vo; below 6 Hz, PaCO2 varied inversely with the calculated alveolar ventilation. As oscillations became more effective, both PaCO2 and Vs fell progressively and were highly correlated; apnea occurred when PaCO2 was reduced by a mean of 4.5 Torr. Mean chamber pressure remained near zero up to 15 Hz, indicating functional residual capacity did not change. We conclude that externally applied HFO can readily maintain gas exchange in vivo, with Vo less than VD at frequencies over 2 Hz.  相似文献   

Mean pressures within the lungs and lung volume, respectively, are clinically important parameters. During ventilation by way of high-frequency oscillation (HFO), these parameters have been shown to be strongly frequency dependent. To identify mechanisms leading to mean pressure formation during HFO, findings of the theory of stationary flow were extended to oscillatory flow by a quasi-stationary approach. To confirm the theoretical findings, in-vitro experiments on HFO-models were performed. Flow separation was found to be an important mechanism in the formation of mean pressure. Flow separation causes a significant flow resistance, which may be distinctly different for in- and outflow. During oscillatory flow, a mean pressure difference thus results. This mechanism is of particular importance in bifurcations, which are present in the HFO-circuit as well as in the airways. With the direction-dependent flow separation, a general mechanism was found, which accounts for differing mean pressure values within the lungs with different HFO-circuits. This mechanism also contributes to interregionally different mean pressure values within the lungs.  相似文献   

A new system for ventilating with high-frequency oscillation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1) A control objective regarding the blood pressure oscillation is to decrease the heart rate. 2) The transfusion of a small amount of blood at the bottom of a cycle in the oscillation is usually useful as a control plan for the blood pressure oscillation. 3) A partial occlusion of the abdominal aorta is effective in arresting the oscillation, but the oscillation starts again after releasing the abdominal aorta from the partial occlusion.  相似文献   

To study the phenomenon of lung hyperinflation (LHI), i.e., an increase in lung volume without a concomitant rise in airway pressure, we measured lung volume changes in isolated dog lungs during high-frequency oscillation (HFO) with air, He, and SF6 and with mean tracheal pressure controlled at 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 cmH2O. The tidal volume and frequency used were 1.5 ml/kg body wt and 20 Hz, respectively. LHI was observed during HFO in all cases except for a few trials with He. The degree of LHI was inversely related to mean tracheal pressure and varied directly with gas density. Maximum expiratory flow rate (Vmax) was measured during forced expiration induced by a vacuum source (-150 cmH2O) at the trachea. Vmax was consistently higher than the peak oscillatory flow rate (Vosc) during HFO, demonstrating that overall expiratory flow limitation did not cause LHI in isolated dog lungs. Asymmetry of inspiratory and expiratory impedances seems to be one cause of LHI, although other factors are involved.  相似文献   

High-frequency oscillation (HFO) has been used clinically to ventilate infants with respiratory distress. However, there are problems in monitoring the effects on the respiratory system and in particular in measuring the volumes delivered; this is important information in terms of safety and mechanisms of action of HFO. We have validated two sizes of respiratory jacket for measuring oscillatory volume changes of 0.25–5 ml at frequencies of 2–25 Hz, the volume delivered from a purpose-built oscillator having first been validated. Different combinations of volume and frequencies were then oscillated into each jacket, while it was being worn by a well preterm baby. Studies were performed with each jacket on five babies with weights between 0.82 and 1.86 kg. The results showed that at any given frequency there was a linear relationship between the pressure oscillations measured from a side port of the jacket and the delivered volume. Both jackets showed the same pattern of frequency response, overreading at < 10 Hz and underreading at 10–25 Hz. When appropriately calibrated, the respiratory jacket can be used as a non-invasive method of measuring volumes delivered by HFO.  相似文献   

Negative pressure applied to the upper airway has an excitatory effect on the activity of upper airway muscles and an inhibitory effect on thoracic inspiratory muscles. The role of lung volume feedback in this response was investigated in 10 anesthetized spontaneously breathing adult rabbits. To alter lung volume feedback, the lower airway was exposed to SO2 (250 ppm for 15 min), thereby blocking slowly adapting receptors (SARs). Negative pressure pulses (5, 10, and 20 cmH2O, 300-ms duration) were applied to the functionally isolated upper airway before and after SAR blockade. Tracheal airflow and electromyogram (EMG) of the genioglossus and alae nasi were recorded. Peak EMG, peak inspiratory flow, tidal volume, and respiratory timing of control breaths (3 breaths immediately preceding test) and test breaths were determined. Analysis of variance was used to determine the significance of the effects. Negative pressure pulses increased peak EMG of genioglossus and alae nasi and inspiratory duration and decreased peak inspiratory flow. These effects were larger after SAR blockade. We conclude that a decrease in volume feedback from the lung augments the response to upper airway pressure change.  相似文献   

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