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A. C. Hardman 《CMAJ》1962,87(22):1142-1144
This paper outlines the development of emergency health planning as a function of government. Ten provinces have the basic responsibility for the organization, preparation and operation of medical, nursing, hospital and public health services in an emergency. The Department of National Health and Welfare is responsible for the provision of advice and assistance to the provincial and municipal governments in such matters. Eight provinces have now hired full-time planning staffs to co-ordinate the health planning of the Provincial Departments of Health and Provincial Emergency Measures Organization.Four major programs have been established. The first program provides for the continuity of leadership and guidance by health authorities at the federal, provincial and municipal level. Essential records have been developed and emergency legislation prepared. This program, however, will be of little use unless health services are organized at the municipal level. In this organizational program, advice and assistance have been provided to existing hospitals and departments of health in the conduct of disaster planning. The efforts of these agencies are co-ordinated by municipal health authorities into a community disaster plan. The third program deals with information and education of the general public and the health workers. This program is designed to make the family unit self-sufficient for up to seven days and the health worker prepared to undertake his emergency role. The first three programs are directed to the organization and training of manpower; the fourth program provides the necessary supplies. From the national medical stockpile of $18,000,000, some $12,000,000 has been received, packaged for long-term storage and distributed to regional depots across the country. To ensure their ready availability in time of emergency an agreement has been reached with seven provinces for the release of hospital disaster kits.  相似文献   

In the current venture capital climate, it is easier to secure funding for late-stage, next-in-class therapeutic agents than for early-stage opportunities that have the potential to advance basic science and translational medicine. This funding paradigm is particularly problematic for the development of "dual-use" biothreat countermeasures such as antibiotics, vaccines, and antitoxins that target pathogens in novel ways and that have broad public health and biodefense applications. To address this issue, we propose the creation of the Drug Development Incentive Fund (DDIF), a novel funding mechanism that can stimulate the development of first-in-class agents that also possess the capability to guard against potential biothreats. This program would also support greater synergies between public funding and private venture investment. In a single act, this organization would secure science of national importance from disappearing, invest in projects that yield significant public health returns, advance the promises of preclinical and early phase research, revitalize biopharmaceutical investment, and create valuable innovation-economy jobs.  相似文献   

In recent years, improved biosurveillance has become a bipartisan national security priority. As has been pointed out by the National Biosurveillance Advisory Subcommittee and others, building a national biosurveillance enterprise requires having strong biosurveillance systems at the state and local levels, and additional policies are needed to strengthen their biosurveillance capabilities. Because of the foundational role that state and local health departments play in biosurveillance, we sought to determine to what extent state and local health departments have the right capabilities in place to provide the information needed to detect and manage an epidemic or public health emergency-both for state and local outbreak management and for reporting to federal agencies during national public health crises. We also sought to identify those policies or actions that would improve state and local biosurveillance and make recommendations to federal policymakers who are interested in improving national biosurveillance capabilities.  相似文献   

Disastrous events in the country and the region caused a 13.5% increase in the prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders in Serbia in the last few years, thus making them the second largest public health problem. Due to prolonged adversities, the health system has deteriorated and is facing specific challenges. However, the reform of mental health care has been initiated, with a lot of positive movements such as the preparation of a national policy for mental health care and a law for protection of mentally ill individuals. The transformation of mental health services has started, with an accent on community care, antistigma campaigns and continuing education. Based on an assessment carried out by the National Committee on Mental Health, service provision, number of professionals working in services, funding arrangements, pathways into care, user/carer involvement and other specific issues are reported.  相似文献   

The decade following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and ensuing anthrax exposures that same fall has seen significant legal reforms designed to improve biopreparedness nationally. Over the past 10 years, a transformative series of legal changes have effectively (1) rebuilt components of federal, state, and local governments to improve response efforts; (2) created an entire new legal classification known as "public health emergencies"; and (3) overhauled existing legal norms defining the roles and responsibilities of public and private actors in emergency response efforts. The back story as to how law plays an essential role in facilitating biopreparedness, however, is pocked with controversies and conflicts between law- and policymakers, public health officials, emergency managers, civil libertarians, scholars, and others. Significant legal challenges for the next decade remain. Issues related to interjurisdictional coordination; duplicative legal declarations of emergency, disaster, and public health emergency; real-time legal decision making; and liability protections for emergency responders and entities remain unresolved. This article explores the evolving tale underlying the rise and prominence of law as a pivotal tool in national biopreparedness and response efforts in the interests of preventing excess morbidity and mortality during public health emergencies.  相似文献   

The survival of the NHS lies largely in the hands of government, and this article suggests steps that it should take to deal with pressures on the NHS in terms of funding, managing efficiency, and demands. Changes to the system of funding may be unfeasible, but management could be improved by research to allow greater understanding of the local effects of national policies. Alternatively health authorities could be given more freedom to manage funds, although this would have to be accompanied by stiff sanctions for those who failed. Demand could be contained by strengthening policies to ensure that new technologies are cost effective. The government could try to reduce demands arising from increased expectations by encouraging informed public debate about priorities and influencing the availability of private health care. All these efforts should be guided by the values underpinning the NHS, which should be debated and decided collectively and confirmed in a new charter for NHS''s 50th anniversary in 1998.  相似文献   

The primary health care needs of at least 26 rural California communities are being served by nurse practitioners (NP''s) or physician''s assistants (PA''s). All of these have physician supervision and support. NP''s and PA''s have proved to be acceptable and effective. With 230 rural areas in California identified as having unmet health care needs, this type of service is likely to increase and should be supported.NP/PA clinics serve total populations or concentrate on Indians, Chicanos or the poor. Many barriers have been overcome, especially over the past four years, to allow these clinics to flourish and increase in number. The availability of nurse practitioners and physician''s assistants has increased due to support to schools and to school policies. Clinic funding has greatly improved; federal funds for general rural clinics, Indians, migrants, family planning and maternalchild health have been greatly supplemented by California state funds. Beginning in 1978, rural NP and PA services can be reimbursed by Medicare and Medi-Cal (California''s Medicaid program).Since 1975 state laws have defined PA and NP roles broadly, and these roles are more precisely defined at the local level. Although nurse practitioners and physician''s assistants generally cannot prescribe or dispense drugs (a major problem in many clinics), demonstration legislation allows special pilot projects to do both. As remaining funding and legal problems are corrected, NP''s and PA''s will serve an even greater role in rural areas.  相似文献   

刘海龙 《生物信息学》2019,26(11):64-70
美国州立公园与国家公园相比,更强调满足州内居民就近户外休闲游憩需求的功能,这使得其在美国整体公共户外休闲空间体系中占据特殊的位置。在中国第一次全面地研究了美国州立公园体系的发展、特征及与国家公园体系的关系,特别是以部分州为例研究了美国州立公园的分类、质量评估、可达性与空间分布评估等关键问题。研究认为,州立公园的意义在于既缓解了美国国家公园面临的巨大旅游游憩压力,也满足了大众户外休闲游憩的需求。这值得中国在目前构建国家公园与自然保护地体系的同时予以借鉴。最后基于中国的实际需求与挑战,探讨了在省域/区域层次加强构建地方公园、保护地和游憩地体系建设的必要性与途径。  相似文献   

Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) screening has been demonstrated to be cost-effective on a population basis and is becoming standard practice. The American Society of Human Genetics has twice published policy statements to define the essential elements of a quality screening program. The present study reviewed the impact of these policy statements on state public-health agencies with respect to regulation or provision of MSAFP screening in their jurisdictions. With a few exceptions, states have not elected to play a major role in provision or regulation of this test. There is need to address issues of funding, standards, and data collection in a collaborative effort, if policy statements on genetic services are to be translated into effective state population screening.  相似文献   

Malaria has always been an important public health problem in Brazil. The early history of Brazilian malaria and its control was powered by colonisation by Europeans and the forced relocation of Africans as slaves. Internal migration brought malaria to many regions in Brazil where, given suitableAnopheles mosquito vectors, it thrived. Almost from the start, officials recognised the problem malaria presented to economic development, but early control efforts were hampered by still developing public health control and ignorance of the underlying biology and ecology of malaria. Multiple regional and national malaria control efforts have been attempted with varying success. At present, the Amazon Basin accounts for 99% of Brazil’s reported malaria cases with regional increases in incidence often associated with large scale public works or migration. Here, we provide an exhaustive summary of primary literature in English, Spanish and Portuguese regarding Brazilian malaria control. Our goal was not to interpret the history of Brazilian malaria control from a particular political or theoretical perspective, but rather to provide a straightforward, chronological narrative of the events that have transpired in Brazil over the past 200 years and identify common themes.  相似文献   

The existence of laws and policies in Australia that affect wetland protection and rehabilitation has been ascertained. There is a diverse range of environmental legislation, primarily at the state level, that potentially affects wetlands. There are environmental planning instruments made under legislation in New South Wales and Western Australia, which are specifically directed to the protection of wetlands. These are legislative-backed mechanisms providing legal protection to wetlands. Whilst there is no national policy on wetlands, a draft Commonwealth policy has been circulated and is expected to be released in final form in February 1997. New South Wales is the only state with a current wetlands policy, whilst some other states have draft policies. These policies do refer to wetland rehabilitation. The present federal government indicated it wished to finalize a national wetlands policy in the lead up to its election in March 1996. This is not likely to happen soon and any national policy will probably be an implementation framework for the policies of individual governments. It is suggested that a commonwealth policy, whilst useful in providing consistency in commonwealth government decision making affecting wetlands, does not go far enough. Given that only one state in Australia has a wetland policy, it may take the formulation of a national policy to get the remaining states and territories in Australia to finalize their own policies.  相似文献   

The 2009 H1N1 pandemic stimulated a nationwide response that included a mass vaccination effort coordinated at the federal, state, and local levels. This article examines a sampling of state and local efforts during the pandemic in order to better prepare for future public health emergencies involving mass distribution, dispensing, and administration of medical countermeasures. In this analysis, the authors interviewed national, state, and local leaders to gain a better understanding of the accomplishments and challenges of H1N1 vaccination programs during the 2009-10 influenza season. State and local health departments distributed and administered H1N1 vaccine using a combination of public and private efforts. Challenges encountered during the vaccination campaign included the supply of and demand for vaccine, prioritization strategies, and local logistics. To improve the response capabilities to deal with infectious disease emergencies, the authors recommend investing in technologies that will assure a more timely availability of the needed quantities of vaccine, developing local public health capacity and relationships with healthcare providers, and enhancing federal support of state and local activities. The authors support in principle the CDC recommendation to vaccinate annually all Americans over 6 months of age against seasonal influenza to establish a standard of practice on which to expand the ability to vaccinate during a pandemic. However, expanding seasonal influenza vaccination efforts will be an expensive and long-term investment that will need to be weighed against anticipated benefits and other public health needs. Such investments in public health infrastructure could be important for building capacity and practice for distributing, dispensing, and administering countermeasures in response to a future pandemic or biological weapons attack.  相似文献   

Newborn screening programs collectively administer the largest genetic testing initiative in the United States. The redress of grievances is an important mechanism for consumers to provide input into clinical and public health programs. In this study, we evaluated mechanisms for addressing consumer grievances in newborn screening programs. To do this, we surveyed all 50 state plus the District of Columbia newborn screening programs by questionnaire regarding protocols for receipt and redress of problems reported by parents of newborns and ascertained the existence and nature of complaints and how complaints were documented and addressed. Pertinent state and federal legislation and regulation were also reviewed. Six of 49 newborn screening programs reported having formal policies for handling consumer grievances. Four states reported having pertinent legislation or regulation. Thirty-eight of 49 states reported having received complaints from 1993 to 1995. Thirteen of 49 newborn screening programs reported that they actively seek feedback from consumers. Consumer grievances ranged from minor complaints to potentially life-threatening concerns. In general, complaints are managed on an ad hoc basis; formal policies are typically lacking. As newborn screening programs affect a vast number of Americans, a proactive and comprehensive approach, including solicitation of consumer feedback, could benefit both newborn screening programs and the public served by them.  相似文献   

September 11 and the subsequent anthrax attacks marked the beginning of significant investment by the federal government to develop a national public health emergency response capability. Recognizing the importance of the public health sector's contribution to the burgeoning homeland security enterprise, this investment was intended to convey a "dual benefit" by strengthening the overall public health infrastructure while building preparedness capabilities. In many instances, federal funds were used successfully for preparedness activities. For example, electronic health information networks, a Strategic National Stockpile, and increased interagency cooperation have all contributed to creating a more robust and prepared enterprise. Additionally, the knowledge of rarely seen or forgotten pathogens has been regenerated through newly established public health learning consortia, which, too, have strengthened relationships between the practice and academic communities. Balancing traditional public health roles with new preparedness responsibilities heightened public health's visibility, but it also presented significant complexities, including expanded lines of reporting and unremitting inflows of new guidance documents. Currently, a rapidly diminishing public health infrastructure at the state and local levels as a result of federal budget cuts and a poor economy serve as significant barriers to sustaining these nascent federal public health preparedness efforts. Sustaining these improvements will require enhanced coordination, collaboration, and planning across the homeland security enterprise; an infusion of innovation and leadership; and sustained transformative investment for governmental public health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has defined knowledge translation (KT) as a dynamic and iterative process that includes the synthesis, dissemination, exchange, and ethically-sound application of knowledge to improve the health of Canadians, provide more effective health services and products, and strengthen the healthcare system. CIHR, the national health research funding agency in Canada, has undertaken to advance this concept through direct research funding opportunities in KT. Because CIHR is recognized within Canada and internationally for leading and funding the advancement of KT science and practice, it is essential and timely to evaluate this intervention, and specifically, these funding opportunities. DESIGN: The study will employ a novel method of participatory, utilization-focused evaluation inspired by the principles of integrated KT. It will use a mixed methods approach, drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data, and will elicit participation from CIHR funded researchers, knowledge users, KT experts, as well as other health research funding agencies. Lines of inquiry will include an international environmental scan, document/data reviews, in-depth interviews, targeted surveys, case studies, and an expert review panel. The study will investigate how efficiently and effectively the CIHR model of KT funding programs operates, what immediate outcomes these funding mechanisms have produced, and what impact these programs have had on the broader state of health research, health research uptake, and health improvement. DISCUSSION: The protocol and results of this evaluation will be of interest to those engaged in the theory, practice, and evaluation of KT. The dissemination of the study protocol and results to both practitioners and theorists will help to fill a gap in knowledge in three areas: the role of a public research funding agency in facilitating KT, the outcomes and impacts KT funding interventions, and how KT can best be evaluated.  相似文献   

The use of non‐native invertebrate biological control agents (IBCAs) in Europe is not covered by a Directive equivalent to that which regulates biocontrol with microorganisms or the genetic modification of crop plants. Regulation is at the discretion of individual member states and largely derived from national legislation on pesticides, plant health or environmental protection. There is no EU country with regulation of IBCAs that requires information on the microbial symbiont content of candidate species, and in the absence of horizontal transfer under natural conditions, this policy is unlikely to change. Although there have been few reported negative effects linked to the import and release of IBCAs, a number of countries have introduced or revised their regulatory frameworks in recent years. This article reviews major developments in the regulation and environmental risk assessment (ERA) of IBCAs in Europe over the last 10 years including: the fragmented pattern of regulation between countries, variation in information requirements for release licences, format and methods of ERA for different taxonomic groups of IBCAs, use and updating of the European Plant Protection Organisation Positive List, sources of expert advice on ERA data, communication between IBCA regulators, and options for the provision of international leadership to coordinate regulatory and ERA‐related issues with IBCA‐based biocontrol in Europe.  相似文献   

van der Wilt GJ 《Bioethics》1994,8(4):329-349
In The Netherlands, the public funding of a number of health care services is controversial. What can we learn from this about the moral concerns that underlie these judgements? And, if there is anything to learn, can we use this improved understanding to scrutinise the adequacy of particular decisions concerning the public funding of health care services? In the present paper, I will analyse three cases: corrective surgey, In Vitro Fertilisation and liver transplantation. I will summarise the arguments that have been used to support or to challenge the public funding of these services. I will then assess the merits of Daniels’fair equality of opportunity account of justice in health care. Can this account improve our understanding of the moral concerns underlying our judgements about the public funding of these services? Can it serve to scrutinise the adequacy of particular decisions that are made concerning the public funding of health care services? My answer to both questions will be a qualified yes. Daniels’account can provide guidance, but not because we can deductively infer from it what is right and what is wrong. Instead, I will argue for a more casuistic use of the concept of fair equality of opportunity.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to expand prior analyses by presenting current state-level estimates of the costs of obesity in total and separately for Medicare and Medicaid. Quantifying current Medicare and Medicaid expenditures attributable to obesity is important because high public sector costs of obesity have been a primary motivation for publicly funded obesity prevention efforts at the state level. We also present estimates of the obesity-attributable fraction (OAF) of total, Medicare, and Medicaid expenditures and the percentage of total obesity costs within each state that is funded by the public sector. We used the 2006 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, nationally representative data that include information on obesity and medical expenditures, to generate an equation that predicts annual medical expenditures as a function of obesity status. We used the 2006 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, state representative data, and the equation generated from the national model to predict state (and payer within state) expenditures and the fraction of expenditures attributable to obesity for each state. Across states, annual medical expenditures would be between 6.7 and 10.7% lower in the absence of obesity. Between 22% (Virginia) and 55% (Rhode Island) of the state-level costs of obesity are financed by the public sector via Medicare and Medicaid. The high costs of obesity at the state level emphasize the need to prevent and control obesity as a way to manage state medical costs.  相似文献   

In Mexico, public health services have provided universal access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) since 2004. For individuals receiving HIV care in public healthcare facilities, the data are limited regarding CD4 T-lymphocyte counts (CD4e) at the time of entry into care. Relevant population-based estimates of CD4e are needed to inform strategies to maximize the impact of Mexico’s national ART program, and may be applicable to other countries implementing universal HIV treatment programs. For this study, we retrospectively analyzed the CD4e of persons living with HIV and receiving care at state public health facilities from 2007 to 2014, comparing CD4e by demographic characteristics and the marginalization index of the state where treatment was provided, and assessing trends in CD4e over time. Our sample included 66,947 individuals who entered into HIV care between 2007 and 2014, of whom 79% were male. During the study period, the male-to-female ratio increased from 3.0 to 4.3, reflecting the country''s HIV epidemic; the median age at entry decreased from 34 years to 32 years. Overall, 48.6% of individuals entered care with a CD4≤200 cells/μl, ranging from 42.2% in states with a very low marginalization index to 52.8% in states with a high marginalization index, and from 38.9% among individuals aged 18–29 to 56.5% among those older than 50. The adjusted geometric mean (95% confidence interval) CD4e increased among males from 135 (131,142) cells/μl in 2007 to 148 (143,155) cells/μl in 2014 (p-value<0.0001); no change was observed among women, with a geometric mean of 178 (171,186) and 171 (165,183) in 2007 and 2014, respectively. There have been important gains in access to HIV care and treatment; however, late entry into care remains an important barrier in achieving optimal outcomes of ART in Mexico. The geographic, socioeconomic, and demographic differences observed reflect important inequities in timely access to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services, and highlight the need to develop contextual and culturally appropriate prevention and HIV testing strategies and linkage programs.  相似文献   

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