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Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
W orld F ederation for C ulture C ollections T eaching V ideo (1986).
A C olour A tlas of M icrobiology (1986). R. J. Olds.
A C olour A tlas of I nfectious D iseases 2nd edition (1987). R. T. D. Emond & H. A. K. Rowland.
D iagnostic P icture T ests in I nfectious D iseases (1987). R. T. D. Emond & H. A. K. Rowland
T he A ntimicrobial A gents A nnual (1987). Edited by P. K. Peterson & J. Verhoef.
T he B acteria. Volume 10. T he B iology of Pseudomonas (1986). Edited by J. R. Sokatch.
T he I nfluence of A ntibiotics on the H ost -P arasite R elationship II (1985). Edited by D. Adam, H. Hahn & W. Opperkuch.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article:
T he S taphylococci (1985). Edited by J. Jeljaszewicz.
G uidelines for D rinking -W ater Q uality (1985).
C olour A tlas of F ood Q uality C ontrol (1986). J. P. Sutherland, A. H. Varnam & M. G. Evans.
M icrobiology of F rozen F oods (1985). Edited by R. K. Robinson.
M icrobiology of F ermented F oods , Volumes 1 and 2 (1985). Edited by B. J. B. Wood.
M icrobial E nergetics (1985). E. A. Dawes.
G. T. M acfarlane & H. N. E nglyst . Journal of Applied Bacteriology 1986 60 , 195–201  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Recent Advances in Anaerobic Bacteriology (1987). Edited by S.P. Borriello, J.M. Hardie, B.S. Drasar, B.I. Duerden, M.J. Hudson & R.J. Lysons.
Current Topics in Medical Mycology (1988). Volume 2. Edited by M.R. McGinnis
Advances in Biotechnological Processes Vol. 6 (1986). Edited by Avshalom Mizrahi
The Health Service Use of Ethylene Oxide Sterilization. Edited by G.A.J. Ayliffe, N.F. Cripps, C.E.A. Deverill & R.H. George
Biotechnology of Waste Treatment and Exploitation (1987). Edited by John M. Sidwick & Roger S. Holdom
Animal Cell Technology, Principles and Products (1987). By M. Butler
Methods in Aquatic Bacteriology (1988). Edited by B. Austin
Homeostatic Mechanisms in Microorganisms (1988). Edited by R. Whittenbury, G.W. Gould, J.G. Banks & R.G. Board
Lecture Notes on Medical Virology (1987). By D.J. Jeffries
Urinary Tract Infections (1987). By J.R. Dalton & E.J. Bergquist
Quality Control and Assurance in Clinical Laboratories (1988). Edited by A.D. Farr
Disinfection in Veterinary and Farm Animal Practice (1987). Edited by A.H. Linton, W.B. Hugo & A.D. Russell  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviews in This Article:
Detection of Bacterial Endotoxins with the limulus amebocyte lysate Test (1987). Edited by Stanley W. Watson, Jack Levin & Thomas J. Novitsky.
Computers in Microbiology (1987). Edited by J.D. Rant, R.K.A. Feltham & W. Shepherd.
Molecular Strategies of Parasite Invasion (1987). Edited by N. Agabian, H. Goodman & N. Nogueira.
Footrot in Ruminants (1986). Edited by D.J. Stewart, J.E. Peterson, N.M. McKern & D.L.
Bacterial Protein Toxins (1986). Edited by P. Falmagne, J.E. Alouf, F.J. Fehrenbach, J. Jeljaszewicz & M. Thelestam.
Carbon Substrates in Biotechnology (1987). Edited by J.D. Stowell, A.J. Beardsmore, C.W. Keevil & J.R. Woodward.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
HACCP: A P ractical A pproach (1994). By S. Mortimore and C. Wallace.
M olecular B iology of A rchaea (1994). Edited by F. Pfeiffer, P. Palm and K.-H. Schleifer.
R otaviruses (1994). Edited by R.F. Ramig.
P ower U nseen : H ow M icrobes R ule the W orld (1994). By B. Dixon.
V iruses and C ancer (1994). Edited by A. Minson, J. Niel and M. McCrae.
W ater M icrobiology (1994). By G. Bitton.
H andbook for R hizobia : M ethods in L egume - Rhizobium T echnology (1994). By P. Somasegaran and H.J. Hoben.
S tatistics and E xperimental D esign : A n I ntroduction for B iologists and B iochemists (1994). 3rd Edition. By G.M. Clarke
P rinciples of G ene M anipulation : A n I ntroduction to G enetic E ngineering (1994). 5th Edition. By R.W. Old and S.B. Primrose.
R espiratory I nfections : D iagnosis and M anagement (1994). Third edition. Edited by J.E. Pennington.
O bstetric and G ynecologic I nfectious D isease (1994). Edited by J.G. Pastorek II.
M olecular G enetics of B acteria (1994). 2nd Edition. By J.W. Dale.
B acterial P athogenesis : P art A: I dentification and R egulation of V irulence F actors (1994). Methods in Enzymology, Volume 235. Edited by V.L. Clark and P.M. Bavoil
B acterial P athogenesis : P art B: I nteraction of P athogenic B acteria with H ost C ells (1994). Methods in Enzymology, Volume 236. Edited by V.L. Clark and P.M. Bavoil.
M ononuclear P hagocytes : B iology of M onocytes and M acrophages (1992). Edited by R. van Furth.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
B asic B iotechnology . A S tudent's G uide (1987). Edited by P. Prave, U. Faust, W. Sittig & D.A. Sukatsch.
B acteria AS P lant P athogens (1987). By Eve Billing.
B iotechnology. A C omprehensive T reatise I n 8 V olumes .
C urrent T opics I n M icrobiology A nd I mmunology 136: T he M olecular B iology O f B acterial V irus S ystems (1988). Edited by G. Hobom & R. Rott.
G enetic B iochemistry : F rom G ene T o P rotein (1988). By J. Etienne-Decant.
I ntracellular B acteria : C urrent T opics I n M icrobiology A nd I mmunology N o.
P roceedings O f T he 8TH I nternational B iotechnology S ymposium P aris 1988 (1989). Edited by G. Durand, L. Bobichon & J. Florent. Vol.
B iological W aste T reatment (1989). Edited by A. Mizrahi.
I n V itro T echniques I n R esearch (1989). Edited by J.W. Payne.
B loodstream I nfections : L aboratory D etection A nd C linical C onsiderations (1989). By C.L. Strand & J.A. Shulman.
M etal -M icrobe I nteraction (1989). Edited by Robert K. Poole & Geoffrey M. Gadd.
B iochemistry O f A ntimicrobial A ction (1989). By T.J. Franklin & G.A. Snow.
T heory A nd A pplication O f M icrobial A ssay (1989). By W. Hewitt & S. Vincent.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
C urrent T opics IN M icrobiology AND I mmunology. Volume 124. G enetic C ontrol OF THE S usceptibility TO B acterial I nfection (1986). Edited by D. E. Briles.
P lasmids : A P ractical A pproach (1986). Edited by K. G. Hardy.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
N eutralization of A nimal V iruses (1993). By N.J. Dimmock.
Bacillus subtilis and O ther G ram -P ositive B acteria : B iochemistry , P hysiology and M olecular G enetics (1993).
C hilled F oods : A C omprehensive G uide (1992). Edited by C. Dennis and M. Stringer.
M edical M icrobiology (1992). Edited by D. Greenwood, R. Slack and J. Peutherer.
B acteriocins of L actic A cid B acteria (1993). Edited by D.G. Hoover and L.R. Steenson.
Bacillus thuringiensis , an E nvironmental B iopesticide : T heory and P ractice (1993). Edited by P.F. Entwistle, J.S. Cory, M.J. Bailey and S. Higgs.
P ediatric I nfectious D isease (1993). Edited by D. Engelhard, M.I. Marks and D. Branski.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
I ndustrial M icrobiological T esting (1987). Edited by J.W. Hopton & E.G. Hill.
D rinking W ater M icrobiology (1987). Edited by D.O. Cliver & R.A. Newman.
S urvival and D ormancy of M icroorganisms (1987). Edited by Y. Henis.
B rewing M icrobiology (1987). Edited by F.G. Priest & I. Campbell.
T he P athogenesis of B acterial I nfections (1985). Edited by G.G. Jackson & H. Thomas.
A dvances in M icrobial P hysiology Volume 28 (1986). Edited by A.M. Rose & D.W. Tempest.
A dvances in M icrobial P hysiology Volume 29 (1988). Edited by A.M. Rose & D.W. Tempest.
M icrobial Q uality A ssurance in P harmaceuticals C osmetics and T oiletries (1988). Edited by S.F. Bloomfield, R. Baird, R.E. Leak & R. Leech.  相似文献   

Book Review     
B iotechnology: A T extbook OF I ndustrial M icrobiology (1984). W. Crueger & A. Crueger.
I ntroduction TO M odern M ycology 2nd edition B asic M icrobiology Volume 7 (1984). J. W. Deacon.
L aboratory A nimal M edicine (1984). Edited by J. G. Fox, B. J. Cohen & F. M. Loew.
B acterial V accines (1984). Edited by R. Germanier.
M onoclonal A ntibodies: P rinciples AND P ractice P roduction AND A pplication IN C ell B iology , B iochemistry AND I mmunology (1983) J. W. Goding.
A dvances IN B iotechnological P rocesses Volume 3 (1984). Edited by A. Mizrahi & A. L. van Wezel.
C urrent D evelopment IN B iological N itrogen F ixation (1984). Edited by N. S. Subba Roa.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
I mmunology (1990). By J. Klein.
T-C ell P aradigms in P arasitic and B acterial I nfections (1990). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 155. Edited by S.H.E. Kaufmann.
T he T hird C omponent of C omplement : C hemistry and B iology (1990). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 153. Edited by J. D. Lambris.
B acterial V accines (1990). Advances in Biotechnological Processes, Volume 13. Edited by A. Mizrahi.
V iral V accines (1990). Advances in Biotechnological Processes, Volume 14. Edited by A. Mizrahi.
B acterial C apsules (1990). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 150. Edited by K. Jann & B. Jann.
H uman R etrovirology HTLV (1990). Edited by William A. Blattner.
M olecular M imicry (1989). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 145. Edited by M. B. A. Oldstone.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
L egionella : C urrent S tatus and E merging P erspectives (1993). Edited by J.M. Barbaree, R.F. Breiman and A.P. Dufour.
Pseudomonas: M olecular B iology and B iotechnology (1992). Edited by E. Galli, S. Silver and B. Witholt.
A dvances in B iochemical E ngineering / B iotechnology 45 (1992). Edited by A. Fiechter.
A dvances in M icrobial E cology (1993). Edited by K.C. Marshall.
T he B iology of H alophilic B acteria (1993). Edited by R.H. Vreeland and L.I. Hochstein.
B akterienviren (1992). By S. Klaus, D. Krüger and J. Meyer.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
R etroviruses : S trategies of R eplication (1990). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology No. 157. Edited by R. Swanstrom & P. K. Vogt.
T rafficking of B acterial T oxins (1990). By Catharine B. Saelinger.
C linical and M olecular A spects of A naerobes (1990). Edited by S.P. Borriello.
B acterial P rotein T oxins (1990). Edited by R. Rappouli, J.E. Alouf, P. Falmagne, F.J. Fehrenbach, J. Freer, R. Gross, J. Jeljaszewicz, C. Montecucco, M. Tomasi, T. Wadstrom & B. Witholt.
H elicobacter P ylori , G astritis and P eptic U lcer (1990). Edited by P. Malferheiner & H. Ditschuneit.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
P ractical D iagnosis of V iral I nfections (1992). Edited by G.J. Galasso, R.J. Whitley and T.C. Merigan.
M anual of C linical V irology (1992). By D.L. Wiedbrauk and S.L.G. Johnston.
C andidiasis : P athogenesis , D iagnosis and T reatment (2nd E dition ) (1993). Edited by G.P. Bodey.
F ungal D iseases of the L ung (2nd E dition ) (1993). Edited by G.A. Sarosi and S.F. Davies.
P robiotics : T he S cientific B asis (1992). Edited by R. Fuller.
T he S ulfate -R educing B acteria : C ontemporary P erspectives (1993). Edited by J.M. Odom and R. Singleton Jr.
D iagnosis of H uman V iruses by P olymerase C hain R eaction T echnology (1992). Edited by Y. Becker and G. Durai.
T he E cology of A quatic H yphomycetes (1992). Edited by F. Barlocher.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
B iotechnology V olume 2. G enetic F undamentals and G enetic E ngineering (1993). Edited by H.-J. Rehm and G. Reed.
C owan and S teel's M anual for the I dentification of M edical B acteria (1993). Edited by G.I. Barrow and R.K.A. Feltham.
Bacillus thuringiensis , AN E nvironmental B iopesticide : T heory and P ractice (1993). Edited by P.F. Entwistle, J.S. Cory, M.J. Bailey and S. Higgs.
T rends in M icrobiology : V irulence , I nfection and P athogenesis (1993).
N etworking in B rucellosis R esearch (1991). Edited by J.F. Frank.
Serpula lacrymans : F undamental B iology and C ontrol S trategies (1991). Edited by D.H. Jennings and A.F. Bravery.
M onitoring G enetically M anipulated M icroorganisms in the E nvironment (1993). Edited by C. Edwards.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
S upplement T o I ndex B ergeyana (1981). Edited by N.E. Gibbons, K.B. Pattee & J.G. Holt.
L aboratory P rocedures I n C linical M icrobiology (1981). Edited by J.A. Washington.
D enitrification (1981). W.J. Payne.
B acterial P lasmids (A spects of M icrobiology N o . 4) (1981). K. Hardy.
E nvironmental M icrobiology (1981). W.D. Grant & P.E. Long.
H andbuch der B acteriellen I nfektionen bei T ieren . B and III (1981). Edited by H. Blobel & T. Schliesser.
B acterial T oxins and C ell M embranes (1978). Edited by N. Jeljaszewicz & T. Wadstrom.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A nti -T uberculous D rugs . H andbook of E xperimental P harmacology , Volume 84 (1988). Edited by K. Bartmann.
B acterial E ndotoxins : P athophysiological E ffects , C linical S ignificance and P harmacological C ontrol (1988). Edited by J. Levin, H.R. Buller, J.W. ten Cate, S.J.H. van Deventer & A. Sturk.
A L aboratory M anual for L egionella (1988). Edited by T.G. Harrison & A.G. Taylor.
M arine M icrobiology (1988). By B. Austin.
B acterial E nergy T ransduction (1988). Edited by C. Anthony.
S ingle C ell O il (1988). Edited by R.S. Moreton.
D iagnostic T echniques in M edical P arasitology (1988). By S.L. Fleck & A.H. Moody.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
C oncepts in V iral P athogenesis III (1989). Edited by A.L. Notkins & M.B.A. Old-stone.
A C olour A tlas of M eat I nspection (1990). By J. Infante Gil & J. Costa Durao.
P romiscuous P lasmids of G ram -N egative B acteria (1989). Edited by Christopher M. Thomas.
S hort P rotocols in M olecular B iology (1989). Edited by F.M. Ausubel et al.
G enetics of B acterial D iversity (1989). Edited by D.A. Hopwood & K.F. Chater.
Y east G enetics . A M anual of M ethods (1989). By J.F.T. Spencer, D.M. Spencer & I.J. Burce.
M etals and M icro -O rganisms (1989). By M.N. Hughes & R.K. Poole.
S eed -B orne D isease and S eed H ealth T esting of R ice (1989). By P. C. Agarwal, C.N. Mortensen & S.B. Mathur.  相似文献   

M aintenance OF M icroorganisms . A M anual OF L aboratory M ethods (1984). Edited by B. E. Kirsop & J. J. S. Snell.
P rogress IN C linical AND B iological R esearch , V olume 181, G ermfree R esearch : M icroflora C ontrol AND ITS A pplication TO THE B iomedical S ciences (1985). Edited by B. S. Wostmann, J. R. Pleasants, M. Pollard
S pecial P ublications OF THE S ociety FOR G eneral M icrobiology , N umber 15, C omputer -A ssisted B acterial S ystematics (1985). Edited by M. Goodfellow, D. Jones & F. G. Priest.
R epairable L esions IN M icroorganisms (1984). Edited by A. Hurst & A. Nasim.
T he V irulence OF E scherichia C oli . R eviews AND M ethods (1985). Edited by M. Sussman.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
STOMATAL PHYSIOLOGY . Edited by P. G. J arvis AND T. A. M ansfield
MATHEMATICS AND PLANT PHYSIOLOGY . Edited by D. A. R ose and D. A. C harles -E dwards
BIOSYNTHESIS OF ISOPRENOID COMPOUNDS, VOLUME 1 . Edited by J. W. P ortkr and S. L. S purgeon
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF PLANT ROOTS . Edited by R. B rouwhr , O. G apaiuková , J. K olek & B. C. L oughman
THE CELL CYCLE (Society for Experimental Biology, Seminar Series No. 10). Edited by P. C. L. J ohn  相似文献   

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